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The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang is the name that scientists use for the most
common theory of the universe, from the very early stages to the
present day.
The universe began as a very hot, small, and dense superforce (the mix
of the four fundamental forces),
with no stars, atoms, form, or structure (called a "singularity").

Four facts about the Big Bang The picture at the top of the page is an actual
 The Big Bang happened everywhere at photograph of the left over radiation from the
once. ... Big Bang 13.77 Billion years ago This
 The Big Bang may not describe the phenomenon is called Cosmic Microwave
actual beginning of everything. ... Background and shows the universe as it was
 The Big Bang theory explains where all about 340000 years after forming
the hydrogen and helium in the universe
came from. ...
 One of the first people to think
scientifically about the origin of the
universe was a Catholic priest.

The name "Big Bang "was thought up by a man

called Fred Hoyle Who thought the theory was
wrong and had an alternative !!

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