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How to take the Foreign

Service Officer exam

The exam, they say, is the most grueling government exam because the DFA is the most elite office
in government. Out of 628 examinees in 2011, only 9 passed

For those planning to take the Foreign Service Officer exam (FSOE):

“Define realpolitik and describe how this principle is evident in the strategies of Otto Von Bismarck
and Camillo di Cavour.”

This is one of the questions in the world history portion of the FSOE written test.

I’ve heard people say that the FSOE is the most grueling government exam because the Department
of Foreign Affairs is, they say, the most elite office in the government. Some even dare say that the
exam is more difficult than the bar. I really wouldn’t know but one thing’s for sure: the mortality rate is
definitely higher in the FSOE. Out of 628 examinees in 2011, only 9 passed. That's 1.4%. I heard
there was even a year when no one passed.

I'm one of the lucky 9 who made it. And so to help future examinees prepare for the FSOE, I thought
of writing down and sharing my experience. This is my own small way to thank and show appreciation
for the people who supported me and helped me make it through.

The exam is difficult because it’s the type of exam which you can’t really study for. The scope covers
everything under the sun, and, actually, none of the topics I studied for was asked. The exam proctor
told my batch that the best time to review for the FSOE is in college, which is a little bit too late by
now, right?

So the best tip I can give is simply to make reading a habit. Try committing yourself to read for at
least 30 minutes every day and you’ll have a pretty strong fighting chance. What to read? The local
news, Inquirer and Star editorials, The Economist, the International Herald Tribune, you get the idea.

Aside from reading, discuss what you’ve read with friends so you’ll develop a deeper appreciation for
the material. If your friend isn’t familiar with what you’re talking about, explain it in simple terms. The
best way to learn something is to teach it, right? Discussing with friends will also help you practice
making an argument based on what you’ve read which is essential, particularly in the written test. Tip:
these topics come out every year – ASEAN, PH-China relations (e.g., PH’s claim on the West PH
Sea), and current programs of the government. Sure points!

To prepare, I camped in coffee shops to read up on world history. I read "A History of the World" by
Perry, Davis, Harris, Von Laue, and Warren. It is the textbook I used in high school history class. (You
probably used this too.) I also read briefing papers submitted by DFA to the Presidential Management
Staff (PMS) – this is where I work, by the way. To break the monotony of reading, I went to museums
– National Museum, Ayala Museum, BenCab Museum in Baguio – and watched movies and
documentaries with a historical backdrop like The Downfall (Der Untergang), The Counterfeiters (Die
Fälscher), Bagong Buwan, etc.

1. Qualifying Test. (At Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, 8 am to 12 nn.)

This exam is pretty much like a college entrance exam. It covers basic high school knowledge (logic,
grammar, math) but the time limit is so tight that it seems the test was not designed to be completed.
You’ll just have one minute to answer each question so budget your time well. In my case, I
shotgunned about 30 questions! (Take your pick – C is the key or A is the way.) Skim through the
whole exam and answer the easy questions first. For the reading comprehension section, read the
questions first so you’ll know what to look for when you read the selection. I think you know these
People say this exam is a more sophisticated version of the Civil Service Exam (CSE) which, I heard,
is a no-brainer. But, of course, don’t underestimate it! I used the CSE reviewers sold in National
Bookstore and MSA reviewers I borrowed from a friend. Familiarize yourself with the test types to
save time in answering them. Just keep on answering the reviewers and you’ll be fine. Also, be sure
to sleep early the night before. This can make or break you.

2. Preliminary Interview (At DFA, 20 minutes.)

Three panelists will conduct the interview. Best tip: be honest. The examiners won’t check whether
you know the GDP growth rate for the first semester 2012 or the population of Brunei so no need to
review that much on facts and figures. They’ll most likely ask you to explain what you do in your
current job or what you think a Foreign Service Officer does. Cliché, but you just really have to be
yourself. If you don’t know the answer, say so! Don’t pretend you know everything because they won’t
expect that you do. When they sense that you’re giving them crap, they’ll pick on you even more. Be
direct and precise with your answers. What’s important is that you can explain yourself and prove
your point in a clear and organized manner. Be confident but not cocky.

To give you a better sense of how the interview is, here’s a list of what they asked me:

a. What do you do in the Presidential Management Staff?

b. What can you contribute to the DFA? How?

c. What can be done to ensure a professional merit-based DFA? (I talked about President Aquino’s
appointment of about 20 career ambassadors.)

For those planning to take the Foreign Service Officer exam (FSOE):

“Define realpolitik and describe how this principle is evident in the strategies of Otto Von Bismarck
and Camillo di Cavour.”

This is one of the questions in the world history portion of the FSOE written test.

I’ve heard people say that the FSOE is the most grueling government exam because the Department
of Foreign Affairs is, they say, the most elite office in the government. Some even dare say that the
exam is more difficult than the bar. I really wouldn’t know but one thing’s for sure: the mortality rate is
definitely higher in the FSOE. Out of 628 examinees in 2011, only 9 passed. That's 1.4%. I heard
there was even a year when no one passed.

I'm one of the lucky 9 who made it. And so to help future examinees prepare for the FSOE, I thought
of writing down and sharing my experience. This is my own small way to thank and show appreciation
for the people who supported me and helped me make it through.

The exam is difficult because it’s the type of exam which you can’t really study for. The scope covers
everything under the sun, and, actually, none of the topics I studied for was asked. The exam proctor
told my batch that the best time to review for the FSOE is in college, which is a little bit too late by
now, right?

So the best tip I can give is simply to make reading a habit. Try committing yourself to read for at
least 30 minutes every day and you’ll have a pretty strong fighting chance. What to read? The local
news, Inquirer and Star editorials, The Economist, the International Herald Tribune, you get the idea.

Aside from reading, discuss what you’ve read with friends so you’ll develop a deeper appreciation for
the material. If your friend isn’t familiar with what you’re talking about, explain it in simple terms. The
best way to learn something is to teach it, right? Discussing with friends will also help you practice
making an argument based on what you’ve read which is essential, particularly in the written test. Tip:
these topics come out every year – ASEAN, PH-China relations (e.g., PH’s claim on the West PH
Sea), and current programs of the government. Sure points!

To prepare, I camped in coffee shops to read up on world history. I read "A History of the World" by
Perry, Davis, Harris, Von Laue, and Warren. It is the textbook I used in high school history class. (You
probably used this too.) I also read briefing papers submitted by DFA to the Presidential Management
Staff (PMS) – this is where I work, by the way. To break the monotony of reading, I went to museums
– National Museum, Ayala Museum, BenCab Museum in Baguio – and watched movies and
documentaries with a historical backdrop like The Downfall (Der Untergang), The Counterfeiters (Die
Fälscher), Bagong Buwan, etc.

1. Qualifying Test. (At Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, 8 am to 12 nn.)

This exam is pretty much like a college entrance exam. It covers basic high school knowledge (logic,
grammar, math) but the time limit is so tight that it seems the test was not designed to be completed.
You’ll just have one minute to answer each question so budget your time well. In my case, I
shotgunned about 30 questions! (Take your pick – C is the key or A is the way.) Skim through the
whole exam and answer the easy questions first. For the reading comprehension section, read the
questions first so you’ll know what to look for when you read the selection. I think you know these

People say this exam is a more sophisticated version of the Civil Service Exam (CSE) which, I heard,
is a no-brainer. But, of course, don’t underestimate it! I used the CSE reviewers sold in National
Bookstore and MSA reviewers I borrowed from a friend. Familiarize yourself with the test types to
save time in answering them. Just keep on answering the reviewers and you’ll be fine. Also, be sure
to sleep early the night before. This can make or break you.

2. Preliminary Interview (At DFA, 20 minutes.)

Three panelists will conduct the interview. Best tip: be honest. The examiners won’t check whether
you know the GDP growth rate for the first semester 2012 or the population of Brunei so no need to
review that much on facts and figures. They’ll most likely ask you to explain what you do in your
current job or what you think a Foreign Service Officer does. Cliché, but you just really have to be
yourself. If you don’t know the answer, say so! Don’t pretend you know everything because they won’t
expect that you do. When they sense that you’re giving them crap, they’ll pick on you even more. Be
direct and precise with your answers. What’s important is that you can explain yourself and prove
your point in a clear and organized manner. Be confident but not cocky.

To give you a better sense of how the interview is, here’s a list of what they asked me:

a. What do you do in the Presidential Management Staff?

b. What can you contribute to the DFA? How?

c. What can be done to ensure a professional merit-based DFA? (I talked about President Aquino’s
appointment of about 20 career ambassadors.)

4. Psychological Test (Philippine Mental Health Association, 8 am to 3 pm)

I don’t think you can actually prepare for this. You’ll be asked to answer a battery of psychological
tests like identifying patterns, sentence completion and “draw a person” which I’m pretty sure you’ve
encountered previously. In the last section, they will ask you to write down a narration which
highlights high and low points in your life then you’ll have a one-on-one discussion with a shrink about

Though this test might seem trivial, don’t mess this up. In my batch, 50% (12 out of 24 examinees)
got axed after this test. Answer carefully and thoroughly, especially during the one-on-one discussion.
When you discuss your autobiography, underscore experiences, conversations or anecdotes which
make you believe that you’re psychologically equipped to handle the life of an FSO.

5. Oral Test (At DFA and Diamond Hotel, one and half days)

Day 1 was for the 20-minute panel interview (after which you’re free to go). The panel of about 10
people was composed of members of the academe, senior ambassadors, and the heads of the Board
of Foreign Service Examiners. Before the interview, DFA will send you a personal data questionnaire
but with questions on your greatest achievement, your weaknesses, etc. Review your answers
because the panelists will ask you about them. It would be embarrassing if you forget what you

This panel interview is a more intimidating version of the preliminary interview. They will challenge
and disprove your points to see if you can defend yourself. Don’t be arrogant when answering them.
Maintain your cool and remain level-headed even if they challenge your personal opinions. Like in the
preliminary interview, they can ask you anything. I heard they even asked an examinee whether he
was gay or not (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay).

To give you a better sense of how the interview is, here’s a list of what they asked me:

a. Will you really join the DFA if you pass the FSOE? Will your boss allow you?

b. Do you have a girlfriend?

c. How come the President does not seem to know about the existing National Security Plan? He
referred to creating one in the speech he delivered last month. Please explain.

d. (Referring to the questionnaire) You mentioned here that you consider traveling as an
achievement. Please expound.

e. What do you think about the President’s appointment of Domingo Lee as ambassador to China?

f. Name one challenge to ASEAN economic integration.

As for the attire, I played it safe by wearing a white office barong. I heard that examinees should stay
away from pointy shoes because they look too casual. For the ladies, business attire is safe. The
formal dinner is a different story – I wore a coat and tie and the ladies wore a formal dress.

Day 2 was for the debate/group dynamics and the formal dinner at Diamond Hotel. The proctor
divided our group into the affirmative and negative sides for the debate. Our batch was cordial and
polite during the debate but apparently, the panel was looking for a real debate. In their words, they
wanted to see fireworks. Don’t be afraid to contradict and attack each other’s points; it’s a debate
after all.

During the formal dinner, the panel will check if you know how to use your silver. Just google this and
you’ll be fine. Also, chat up the panelist who will be seated beside you. You’ll get by with the usual
dinner banter.

At the end of the dinner, the (in)famous impromptu speech segment will begin. You’ll be given one
minute to read and prepare for the topic of your speech. Afterwards, the host will call you to deliver a
3-minute speech. I was lucky because I was familiar with the topic I got: “You are the ambassador of
the PH to Japan and you are about to address the business community in Tokyo regarding issues
surrounding JPEPA.”

You’ll have the liberty to say anything but be conscious about the persona you are taking and your
audience. Here’s what I did: I began the speech with a greeting in Japanese and then I talked about
how strong PH-Japan relations were. I cited that Japan is the PH’s largest bilateral aid donor and
narrated the successful State Visit of President Aquino in 2011. I addressed the issue head-on and
said that the ongoing review of JPEPA will be done in a few months’ time and that I was confident
that its results will lead to an improvement of JPEPA and PH-Japan relations in general. Of course, to
close, I said thank you to the audience for taking time to listen to my short speech.

When you finish, you’ll finally be able relax and enjoy the champagne served for the final toast.

Good Luck!

Rafael Ignacio is a Director in the Presidential Management Staff. He passed the Foreign Service
Officers Exam in June 2012 and will take his cadetship in 2014.

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