Ouestion Bank: Unit 1 It's Nice To Meet You

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Ouestion bank

Unit 1 It's nice to meet you.

Hi. How are you today?
Are you [classmate's name]? What's your name?
What's your first name again?
How do you spell your first/last name? Is that [spell name incorrectly]?
What's your telephone number? Can you repeat that?
What's my name?

Unit 2 What's this?

(Note: Bring a variety of singular and plural objects from Unit 2 to class.)
(Indicate singular object.) What's this (called in English)? How do you spell that?
(Indicate plural object.) What are these (called in English)? How do you spell that?

Where is the [singular object]? Where are the [plural objects]?

Is this your [singular object]? Where is your [same singular object]?
Are these your [plural objects]? Where are your [same plural objects]?
Ask me about my things. (or Ask [classmate] about hislher things.)

Unit 3 Where are you from?

(Note: Bring pictures offamous people to class.)
Are you from [incorrect city/country]? Where are you from?
What's [country/city] like?
What's your first language?
How old are you?
Describe your personality. Are you shy/friendly/talkative/quiet?
Describe your appearance. Are you talllshortiheavy/thin?
(Indicate classmate or picture of person.) Who's that? Is he/she [nationality]?
Where is he/she from?
(indicate classmate or picture of person.) How old is he/she? What's he/she like?
Ask me about my country/city. (or Ask [classmate] about hislher city/country.)

Unit 4 I'm not wearing boots!

(Note: Bring a variety of singular and plural objects from Units 1 - 4 to class.)
What are your favorite colors?
What color is my [clothing item]? (or What color is [classmate's] [clothing item]?)
What color are my [clothing items]? (or What color are [classmates'] [clothing items]?)
Tell me about your clothes. Are you wearing [clothing item(s)]?
Tell me about [classmate's] clothes. Is he/she wearing [clothing item(s)]?
(Indicate singular object.) Is this [object] yours? Whose [object] is this?
(Indicate plural objects.) Are these [objects] yours? Whose [objects] are they?
What are the seasons in your/our country? What is your favorite season?
What's the weather like today?

it 5 What are you doing?
( ote: Bring pictures of clocks with different times and pictures of people doing different
things to class.)
(Indicate a clock.) What time is it?
(Indicate a clock.) Ask me about the time.
(Indicate 'a person.) Is he/she [verbhng?
(Indicate a person.) What's he/she doing? WherelWhy is he/she [verb]ing?
(Indicate people.) Are they [verbhng?
(Indicate people.) What are,they doing? WherelWhy are they [verb ]ing?
Who's [verb]ing? Where's he/she [verb]ing? (or Where are they [verb]ing?)
(Indicate people.) Ask me about these people. (or Ask [classmate] about these people.)

Unit 6 My sister works downtown.

Tell me about your family. Do you have brothers or sisters? What are their names?
Do you live with your family? Where do you live?
What time do you get up on weekdays/weekends?
Do you go to school/work by bus? How do you get to school/work?
Do your parents work? Do they walk to work? How do they get to work?
When d,ges your [family member] get up? eat breakfast? go to work? have dinner?
Tell me about your weekly routine.
Ask me about my family. (or Ask [classmate] about his/her family.)
Ask me about my weekly routine. (or Ask [classmate] about hislher weekly routine.)

Unit 7 Does it have a view?

(Note: Bring pictures ofrooms or homes to class.)
Do you live in a house/an apartment? What's it like?
What rooms does it have? Does it have a yard/an elevatorla lobby/a view?
Tell me about Y0ur [room]. What furniture do you have? What furniture do you need?
(Indicate picture.) Tell me about this room/home.
Tell me about your dream home.
Ask me about my house/apartment. (or Ask [classmate] about hislher house/apartment.)

Unit 8 What do you do?

Do you have ajob? Where do you work? What do you do , exactly?
Tell me about your job. Is it interesting/dangerous/stressful?
How do you like your job?
What time do you start/finish work? What do you do after work?
Do your parents work? Where do they work? What do they do?
How do they like it? (or How does he/she like it?)
Where does a [name of job] work? What does a [name of job] do?
Who has a difficult/an exciting/a stressful job? Why?
Ask me about my job. (or Ask [classmate] about hislher job.)


Question bank- T-1 95

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