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Prepared by
Prof. Naman M. Dave
Assistant Professor,
Mechanical Engg. Dept.
Gandhinagar Institute of Technology.
Please do not blindly follow
the presentation files only, refer
it just as reference material.
More concentration should
on class room work and text
book-reference books.
• In an almost pure form, known as Ingot or Wrought Iron, Iron has limited
applications like roofing, ducts, drainage culverts and as a base enamel in
refrigerator cabinets, stoves, washing machines, etc.
• In an alloyed form, Carbon is mixed with Iron to form alloys. Alloys of the
Iron-Carbon system are known as Ferrous Alloys. They include Plain Carbon
Steels, Alloy Steels and Cast Iron.
Carbon % Form of material

Below 0.08 Ingot or Wrought Iron

0.08 to 2.1% PCS or CS.

0.08 to 2.1% + some other Alloy Steel.

elements (like Cr, V, Mo, etc.
2.1 to 6.67% CI.

Above 6.67% Pig Iron

• The metal Iron is a primary constituent of some of the most important

engineering alloys and hence it is important to study the Iron-Carbon Diagram.
• Iron – Carbon Diagram is also known as Iron – Carbon Phase Diagram or Iron
– Carbon Equilibrium diagram or Iron – Iron Carbide diagram or Fe-Fe3C
diagram. Prof. Naman M. Dave
 Polymorphism is a physical phenomenon where a material may have
more than one crystal structure i.e. its crystal structure may change
with change in temperature or external pressure or both.
 If the change in structure is reversible, then the polymorphic change
is known as allotropy.
 One familiar example is found in carbon: graphite is the stable
polymorph at ambient conditions, whereas diamond is formed at
extremely high pressures.
 The best known example for allotropy is iron.

When iron crystallizes at 1539 C it is B.C.C. (δ-iron), at 1404 C the structure changes to
F.C.C. (γ-iron or austenite), and at 910 C it again becomes B.C.C. (α-iron or ferrite).

Prof. Naman M. Dave


1404 a = 2.87 AO

a = 3.63 AO

a = 2.93 AO

Prof. Naman M. Dave


• Austenite γ
• Ferrite α
• Pearlite
• Cementite
• Ledeburite

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Eutectic Reaction in
Iron Carbon

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Peritectic Reaction
Eutectoid Reaction
Iron Carbon
Imp. Points /
1. Draw a box
2. Mark %C on X &
temp on Y
3. Draw 3 hori.
lines & vert.lines
& draw diagram
4. Mark 3 Imp.
Reaction pts.
5. Mark 5 pure
6. Mark 5 Imp Solidus
7. Mark 7 Mixed
8. Mark 8 Imp.
9. Mark 8 imp
10. Mark 9 Imp.
C% & different
types of
ferrous alloys
Micro-str. of various phases of Fe-C dig
Ferrite (Light) + Cementite (Dark) Austenite + Cementite
or or
a+Fe3C γ +Fe3C
or or
Pearlite Ledeburite

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Micro-str. of various phases
Solid Phases
Phases in Fe–Fe3C Phase Diagram
 α-ferrite - solid solution of C in BCC Fe
• Stable form of iron at room temperature.
• The maximum solubility of C is 0.022 wt%
• Transforms to FCC γ-austenite at 912 °C
Average properties: 40,000 psi TS, 40 % elong. in 2 inch, < RC 0 or < RB 90 hardness.

 γ-austenite - solid solution of C in FCC Fe

• The maximum solubility of C is 2.14 wt %.
• Transforms to BCC δ-ferrite at 1395 °C
• Is not stable below the eutectoid temperature (727 °C) unless cooled rapidly
Average properties: 150,000 psi TS, 10 % elong. in 2 inch, RC 40 hardness, high toughness.

 δ-ferrite solid solution of C in BCC Fe

• The same structure as a-ferrite
• Stable only at high T, above 1394 °C
• Melts at 1538 °C

 Fe3C (iron carbide or cementite)

• This intermetallic compound is metastable, it remains as a compound
indefinitely at room T, but decomposes (very slowly, within several years) into α-Fe
and C (graphite) at 650 - 700°C
Prof. Naman M. Dave
3.4 Micro-str. of various phases of Fe-C dig.

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Amount of ferrite & perlite

0.008 0.8

a By Applying Lever f
Tie-Line at the room temp.

0.80  0.40 0.40 0.40  0.008 0.392

f ferrite    50.5% f pearlite    49.5%
0.80  0.008 0.792 0.80  0.008 0.792
Prof. Naman M. Dave
3.4 Micro-str. of various phases of Fe-C dig.

Prof. Naman M. Dave

(1) Cooling of 0.38% C (Hypo-eutectoid) Steel

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Microstructure of Hypoeutectoid steel (II)

Hypoeutectoid alloys
contain proeutectoid
ferrite (formed above
the eutectoid
temperature) plus the
eutectoid perlite that
contain eutectoid
ferrite and cementite.
(2) Cooling of 0.8% C (Eutectoid) Steel

Prof. Naman M. Dave

(3) Cooling of 1.4% C (Hyper-eutectoid) Steel

Prof. Naman M. Dave

Microstructure of hypereutectoid steel (II)

Hypereutectoid alloys contain

proeutectoid cementite
(formed above the eutectoid
temperature) plus perlite that
contain eutectoid ferrite and
Micro-Str. Of Plain Carbon Steels
3.4 Micro-str. of various phases of Fe-C dig.
Medium Carbon Steel (0.3-0.6%C)

High Carbon Steel (0.6-1.4%C)

Prof. Naman M. Dave

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