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What is an Allergy?

An allergy may be defined as sensitivity to something, a stimulus. We are all sensitive

to many things in our environment.
These sensitivities act as guides and protectors.
For example, we are all normally sensitive to light, heat, sound, taste, smell and
touch. These sensitivities are normal and beneficial to our well being.
If we get dust into our eyes our normal reaction is to blink and tear to help remove the
foreign matter.
If we breathe in a little gas or fumes we may sneeze.
The body is rejecting the noxious materials.
If we eat some unsuitable food we may vomit or have diarrhoea.
This is another reaction by the body to quickly and thoroughly remove offending
If we touch a red hot stove it is our natural reaction to jerk our hand away quickly.
All of these reactions are called allergy.
They are normal involuntary, protective devises used to keep harmful substances
away from the body.
We should all be allergic to the harmful substances in our environment.
We should not however, be oversensitive to the less harmful and non-harmful
substances and materials in our environment.
When this occurs we call it an allergic complaint.
We should not continue to sneeze day and night when there is pollen in the air.
We should not break out in skin rashes and dermatitis from using soap.
Nor should we experience headaches, nausea or diarrhoea from eating wholesome
When the body reacts in this manner it is in a supersensitive state and will react to
even the smallest amount of stimulus from the environment.
It has reached and exceeded the point of tolerance where the integrity or well being of
the body has been challenged.
To protect itself - its reactions are vigorous - often over an extended period of time -
reoccurring frequently and particularly on exposure to, or consumption of, substances
which are often of a protein constituent such as pollen, dust, milk, eggs, cheese and
Of course there will be many other substances which will trigger the reaction as well.
What causes this reaction in some and not others?
The human body can be compared to a water tank.
Instead of being filled with water, we are filled with blood and lymph.
If the fluids of our bodies contain harmful, extraneous substances/poisons, it will only
be able to tolerate stimulation from the environment to a certain point, or threshold
before it reacts.
Everyone’s threshold will vary according to the amount of extraneous substance
within their system.
We all carry with in our bodies poisonous materials waiting to be eliminated.
The body deals with these small amounts of poison by continual elimination through
the normal channels.
But, like the water tank which overflows with the addition of just one more drop of
water when it is full, so too the human organism that is filled to tolerance with
poisonous materials which the body is unable to eliminate, needs only a tiny amount
of stimulus added to it and it “overflows” by way of allergic reaction.
The substances creating the reaction are called Allergens i.e. dust or food.
The allergens are not the primary cause of the allergic complaint but rather they are
the stimulants or irritants which provoke a reaction to warn and rid the body of
harmful substances which can no longer be tolerated.
The body has reached its threshold.
The reaction which may be experienced as sneezing, coughing, rashes, headache and
vomiting are symptoms or processes which help purify the body by throwing off the
poisons from within. They are part of the cure.
Now, we must look at the true cause of the allergic complaint.
This is a poisoned condition of the blood, lymph and tissues of the body known as
Toxaemia is caused by retention of waste matter in the system which has not been
eliminated through the normal channels because the body was enervated - which is a
lack of nerve force.
Enervation occurs through faults in our lifestyle where we have broken the laws of
For example, (and. this is just one of the hundreds of ways that we may enervate our
system) if we eat unsuitable foods such as white sugar, white flour, vinegar, soda pop,
refined cereals, meat, processed snack food etc, we place a heavy burden on our body
to rid it of such highly toxic substances.
The body registers unsuitable food as poisons and will utilize much nerve force in
trying to expel the poisons through the natural channels of elimination.
Over a time if we persist in eating unsuitable foods the body will become enervated, it
will not have enough nerve force to carry on the processes of elimination and the
poisons will be retained within the blood, lymph and tissues creating the condition
known as Toxaemia. Toxaemia is the basic cause of all allergic complaints.
The allergens (food, dust, pollen) are the triggers which stimulate the oversensitive
body to throw off by vicarious elimination some of its toxic waste.
They are not the basic cause, they are the irritants which serve to warn us by the
symptoms that they produce (sneezing, diarrhoea, etc.) of a high degree of
Toxaemia within the body.
We now know what an allergy is and what the basic cause is but how do we prevent
and treat the allergic complaint?
We begin by removing the cause.
It will do no good to treat the symptoms.
We remove the cause by examining our life-style - our living habits.
We must not create a toxic environment within our bodies.
We must adopt a life-style which is in harmony with the natural biological
requirements needed to sustain high level health.
• We must eat suitable foods.
• We need to drink pure water,
• We need to expose our bodies to sunlight and contact with the earth.
• We need to exercise everyday.
• We need to have adequate rest and periods of relaxation, and
• We must cultivate a positive mental attitude.
• We must not include any substances and influences that poison our bodies.
• We must remove any of these influences which cause toxaemia and live in
accordance with the biological requirements of the body.
It is only when the cause of the allergic complaint is removed and the requirements of
the organism are provided that a cure for the complaint will be able to take place.
The body always seeks to normalize itself and will maintain normalization if we
provide the correct environment for it to do so.
In extreme cases of allergic complaint a fast may be undertaken to conserve energy
and so assist the healing process within the sick person.
This, of course would be done under the supervision of a competent Naturopath.
An allergic complaint is over-sensitivity to something in our environment - a
stimulus. This is known as an allergen, it may be any of hundreds of substances. The
allergen is not the cause of the Allergic complaint. The cause is a condition known as
Toxaemia, which is a poisoned bloodstream, lymph and tissues of the body.
We must remove the cause of toxaemia to relieve the allergic complaint. We remove
the cause by adopting a lifestyle in accordance with the natural laws needed to sustain
high level health. These are; suitable foods, air water, sunshine, exercise, rest,
relaxation and a positive mental outlook. The body will heal itself when we create the
proper environment.

Published and Edited by:

K. D. & C. A. HINTON
Naturopaths / Health Educators
© Copyright, 2015


The opinions expressed in this article are based on the naturopathic philosophy of
health and do not coincide with currently accepted medical theories on health and
healing. The publisher does not claim that any advice given represents a “cure” for
If the reader has any doubts regarding his or her health, it is the responsibility of that
individual to consult a competent health practitioner.

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