First Quarter EXAM ES

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First Quarter



1. According to the big bang theory, singularity is an area with a very high temperature and density, which compressed matter
with its intense gravitational pressure, this is somehow like the core of a region in spacetime, what do you call this region?
A. Super Nova C. Blackhole
B. Nebula D. Galaxy
2. Rose tries to explain to her classmates a process in the Big Bang theory that leads to the creation of the first lightest
elements, what do you think is the process that rose tries to explain?
A. Nucleosynthesis c. Big bang contraction
B. Expansion d. The big crunch
3. According to the Encounter Theory, terrestrial Planets were formed because the materials that was drawn out from the
passing star were less dense compare to the sun. How will you assess this statement?
A. The statement is true C. information is not enough
B. The statement is false D. I have not read the theory!
4. It is believed that the solar system has been formed around 4.6 billion years ago, and the evidence suggests that the
members of the solar system have a uniform age. What can you infer from this statement?
A. The solar system and the earth were formed at about the same time
B. The solar system and the earth were formed one after another with uniform interruption
C. The solar system and the earth were formed one after another with interruption
D. The solar system and the earth were formed from a super nova
5. Jack is a conservative, he often refuses to the idea of change in many forms, if we introduce to Jack the theories about the
origin of the Universe what theory do you think will Jack probably believe?
A. The Big Bang Theory C. Oscillating Universe Theory
B. Steady State Theory D. The Big Crunch
6. Which of the following is TRUE about the Terrestrial and Jovian Planets?
A. They are composed the same elements
C. They revolve on the same star
B. They have the same densities
D. They rotate in the same orientation
7. The following are the different characteristics of the Earth that are responsible for the proliferation of life EXCEPT.
A. The Atmosphere C. The Hydrosphere
B. Soil and Vegetation D. You and me! Et Al. (The Biosphere)
8. How can the presence carbon dioxide make Earth habitable?
A. CO2 is being used by plants in photosynthesis and produce O2 as by-product
B. CO2 contributes to greenhouse effect which covers the earth from harmful sun rays
C. CO2 is consumed by humans and animals to live
D. CO2 increases the se surface temperature
9. Among the earth’s four subsystems, where do you think you belong?
A. Geosphere C. Atmosphere
B. Hydrosphere D. Biosphere
10. If 78.1% of the earth’s atmosphere is nitrogen, 20.9% is oxygen and 0.9% is argon, what consists of the 0.01% of the Earth’s
A. CO2 C. other gasses
B. H2O D. CO
11. Princess Thea was asked by her teacher to elaborate what is a mineral, and according to her a mineral is a naturally
occurring organic solid material that has a fixed structure and a definite chemical composition. Why do you think Princess
Thea’s explanation is considered wrong?
A. Minerals are not naturally occurring C. Minerals are not solid
B. Minerals are inorganic D. Minerals doesn’t have definite chemical composition
12. Ramon is classifying the different types of minerals based on the color of their powdered form, what physical property of
the minerals is being used by Ramon to classify these minerals?
A. Streak C. Specific Gravity
B. Luster D. Hardness
13. Which of the following is true about Clastic Sedimentary rock?
A. made up of sediments from preexisting rocks
B. made up of dead plants and animals
C. made from chemical precipitates
D. made from foliated metamorphic rocks
14. Rocks are classified according to how they are formed. Which of the following is NOT true about rock formation?
A. Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling or solidification of magma or lava.
B. Metamorphic rocks are formed by preexisting rocks that are exposed to extreme heat and pressure
C. Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are transported, deposited and lithified
D. Clastic rock are formed due to sudden cooling of earth’s magma
15. Ana is trying to identify the type of the rock that she had found at her backyard, it is coarse grained and has some sort of
very tiny crystals on its surface, what do you think is the type of Ana’s rock?
A. Igneous Extrusive rock c. Clastic Sedimentary rock
B. Igneous Intrusive rock d. Non-clastic Sedimentary rock
16. The following are the common minerals that are being in the appliances in our households EXCEPT:
A. Copper c. Silicon
B. Silver d. Plutonium
17. Which of the following is NOT a use of minerals?
A. Backup for currencies c. used on electronics
B. Used as gemstones d. used as major food source
18. In Mineral processing what type of analysis should be used to excite the element in the sample to emit a certain spectrum?
A. Mineralogical analysis c. Analysis
B. Chemical analysis d. Physical Analysis
19. Mining is the primary method of mineral extraction. Which of the following is NOT a way to lessen the waste and effects of
mining in the environment?
A. Reforestation c. promoting responsible mining
B. Slope stabilization d. promoting small scale mining
20. Stopping all the mining activities in the country to preserve the environment can negatively affect the whole country most
likely in what way?
A. There would be a shortage of the supply of the minerals needed in various products and industries.
B. There would be a price hike of smartphones and fuel supplies
C. There would be war between countries for territories.
D. There would be food scarcity in the whole nation
21. Which of the following should a mining company do right after all the minerals have been mined?
A. Dispose the remaining waste in the near water source
B. Leave immediately the area
C. Initiate reforestation
D. Burn all the mining paraphernalia
22. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Liquified Petroleum Gas c. kerosene
B. Alcohol d. Gasoline
23. Marine Plants and Animals: Crude Oil, ____________________: Natural Gas
A. Marine Microscopic Plants and Animals c. Marine microscopic Plants
B. Marine Microscopic animals d. Marine bacteria
24. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Halite c. Bituminous
B. Peat d. Anthracite
25. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and infinite resources because of the extensive process of their formation. How will assess
this statement?
A. The statement is always true c. The statement is sometimes true
B. The statement is always false d. The statement is sometimes false
26. Dependency on fossil fuels may cause problems in the long run if the supply is inadequate. Which of the following will not
likely happen?
A. Farming industry will struggle C. Transportation fare would be more expensive
B. Production cost will increase D. Importing and exporting of goods will be cheaper
27. Geothermal energy is one of the natural resources utilized to generate power. This form of energy usually thrives in
volcanic areas such as the Pacific Ring of Fire and Iceland. Why is it so?
A. Because cities should be near a volcano
B. Because there should be a presence of ground water
C. Because there should be a presence of ground water near a volcano
D. Because cities geothermal powerplants should be in a volcano
28. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the generation of electricity from a Geothermal powerplant?
A. Groundwater reaches the areas near volcanoes. The solid rocks above these volcanoes heat the groundwater.
B. People reach the heated groundwater by drilling wells through the ground. Steam may be directly extracted from
the well. If only heated water is available, the pressure is decreased to convert water into steam.
C. The steam and water harvested from these wells are separated. The steam is released back to the reservoirs for the
regeneration of water.
D. The steam is condensed into water and returned to atmosphere and other parts of the ocean for water cycle
29. What type of Geothermal Power plant will you use if pure steam is not available from a geothermal reservoir?
A. Dry Steam C. Binary
B. Flash Steam D. Gas Chamber
30. Which of the three type of Geothermal powerplant is the best and most efficient?
A. Dry Steam because it has a smaller number of parts to power
B. Flash Steam because it has a separator
C. Binary because it only harvests the heat from the water
D. Each of them is made for specific geographical setting of a geothermal reservoir
31. Which of the following is NOT an ideal source of hydroelectric energy?
A. Lake c. Waterfalls
B. Large flowing rivers d. Flats flowing mountain streams
32. When do you use a Diversion type of Hydroelectric powerplant?
A. When the water source is too large c. When the water source does not have a straight path
B. When the water source is polluted d. When the water source current is too fast
33. Which of the different types of Hydropower plants can be used when you want to conserve or reuse water?
A. Pumped storage c. Diversion
B. Impoundment d. Electric Dam
34. How can Hydroelectric power plants can have a negative effect?
A. Building of Dams can contribute to greenhouse effect
B. Building Hydroelectric powerplants can pollute the water resources
C. Building Hydroelectric powerplants can cause force relocation of communities
D. Building dams can cause psychological dysfunctions
35. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. fossil fuels are non – renewable sources of energy
B. petroleum, coal, and natural gas are types of fossil fuels which can be used in producing electricity;
C. geothermal and hydroelectric energy are non-renewable and limited sources of energy;
D. hydroelectric energy is the energy produced from the movement of water.
36. Which of the following is an example of the concept of Energy efficiency?
A. Turning of the Computer when you’re not using it
B. Bringing your own power bank
C. Unplugging of unused appliances
D. The use of LED monitors instead of IPS LCD’s
37. Which of the following is NOT an example of the concept of Energy Conservation?
A. Using all light bulbs to light up the room
B. Not using of your smartphone during the class
C. Charging your cellphone only once a day
D. Using electric fan only at night
38. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Geothermal power plant c. Windmill power pants
B. Solar farms d. Natural Gas power plants
39. Around 71% of earth’s surface is covered with water but why we are still facing water crisis?
A. Because of soil erosion that covers the water resources
B. Because only less than 2.5% of all the water on earth is fresh water which not all is accessible
C. Because we consume most of the fishes from the water sources and leave it barren
D. Because of the greenhouse effect that increases the temperature and sea level
40. With the limited amount of water that can be used by humans and animals, which of the following statements you should
not do?
A. Always Check Faucets and Pipes for Leaks
B. When Washing Dishes by Hand, Don’t Leave the Water Running
C. Take Shorter Showers if you can
D. Wash your laundry every day if possible
41. Which of the following is NOT a type of water resources?
A. Laguna de Bay Lake c. Bakas River
B. Anggat River d. Septic tank
42. 30.1% of the fresh water on the planet is ground water, which of the following is not likely to be the use of ground water?
A. Some of the ground water a are used in Geothermal Power Plants
B. Source of water of a deep well
C. Can be a geothermal reservoir
D. Can be used in hydroelectric powerplant
43. Humans are mostly involved in the degradation of the water resources, why do you think so?
A. Because we consume water
B. Because most of our daily activities is dependent on the water supply from the water resources
C. Because we don’t like water
D. Because our activities are not concerned with the water supply
44. Badong has a 10 hectare farmland which he plant different types of crops all throughout the whole year, but he has a
problem on the part of his land that is a slope near the river, he is anxious that it is prone to erosion and will affect the crops
near the slope, what soil conservation method Badong may do to address this issue?
A. Strip farming c. Crop rotation
B. Contour farming d. mulching
45.What type of soil conservation method is shown in the image?

A. Strip farming c. Crop rotation

B. Contour farming d. mulching
46. This type of soil conservation method is mostly done by farmers to maximize the use of their farmland by planting different
types of crops through the year depending on the season of the year.
A. Strip farming c. Crop rotation
B. Contour farming d. mulching
47. Terracing is done to enable farmers to plant in the slopes of mountains, but what could be the negative effect of this type
of soil conservation method?
A. Deforestation c. air contamination
B. Water pollution d. Carbon emissions
48. Which does NOT belong to the group?
A. Reforestation c. Cover Cropping
B. Proper waste Disposal d. Crop Protection or Mulching
49. Like the water resources what is the major cause of the rapid decline of the soil quality?
A. Air pollution c. Factories and Urbanization
B. Farming d. Harmful Human activities
50. Soil conservation methods are aimed to conserve the form and quality of the soil, but what could be the possible negative
effects of these methods
A. It can harm the Ecosystem c. It can harm the plants
B. It can harm the animals d. It can harm humans

Prepared By: Rocelio S. Garcia

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