Organisation of Work: Marks

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Syllabus Topic: Motion [LAB #01]

Title: Projectile Motion

Skill: Observation/Recording/Reporting (O/R/R)

Aim: To investigate the motion of a particle of mass ‘m’ projected with a horizontal speed v o from a height ho.
1. Organisation of work 2
(a) Sub-headings in logical order 1
(b) Subject matter under appropriate sub-headings 1

2. Diagram 2
(a) Adequate size and completely labelled 1
(b) Neat 1

3. Report of method adopted 4

(a) Logical sequence of steps 1
(b) Concise and clear (no irrelevant data) 1
(c) Grammar and Spelling 2
Correct 2
Only 1 or 2 errors 1
Many errors 0

4. Recording of readings 6
(a) Neatly tabulated results 1
(c) Headings labelled with quantity/symbol/unit 2
(d) Appropriate number of significant figures 1
(e) Data organized in ascending/descending order 1
(f) Adequate number of readings 1

5. Graph construction 9
(a) Labels: Title of graph with axes labelled with quantity and unit 1
(one mark deducted for each omission)

(b) Axes: Correct quantities plotted on axes 1

(c) Scales: Suitable scale for each axis (1 each) 2

(Linear, adequate size, convenient)

(d) Plot: Accurate plotting of all readings 3

all points correct 3
one incorrect 2
two is incorrect 1
three or more incorrect 0

(e) Line:

i. fine circled points or sharp crosses and thin lines 1

ii. line of best fit (straight line) 1

Total 23

NB: 1 mark will be subtracted for each missing heading/sub-heading.

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