Read The Text Below To Answer The Questions Number 1 To 4 !: ND RD

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Read the text below to answer the questions number 1 to 4 !

Last Month I flew to Bali. Two days before, I went to my office in Surabaya and bought
my ticket. Then, very early on Sunday morning. I went to the office again with my luggage and
got into the bus with the other passengers.
The bus took us to the airport. There, people took our luggage and put in the aeroplane
and then, after about twenty minutes,we got in too. I was little afraid at first because it was my
first flight. Then, a kind lady brought some drinks and food on a tray and spoke to me, and
soon I was quite happy again.

1.From the text we know that the writer went to Bali by.....................
a.bus c. car
b.ship d. Plane

2.Who do you think the people who put the luggage in the aeroplane?
a.the captain c. the porters
b.the passengers d. the kind lady

3.The following aren’t the writer’s feeling at first when he took the plane, except...............
a. he was really glad. c. He was frightened
b.he was delighted d. he was overjoyed

4. What is the lady, in the 2nd paragraph 3rd line ?

a. the porter c. The steward of the passengers d. The stewardess

5. ........................, may I have your attention, please? Said Mrs. Lilis in the classroom
a. Anyone c.Students
b.Everybody d. Mr. Salabi

6. Attention please! Are we ................ready to learn English?

a. are c. is
b. am d. all

7. Molly : Do you understand of what she said?

George : Yes, she ......that we should speak English in our English class.
a. say c. says
b. Saying d. said

8. Teacher : What do you think if we decorate our class to celebrate our independent day?
Students : ......................................
a. I agree with him c. That is a good idea
b. I have no idea d. I don’t think so

9. Teacher : Ferdi, please look at me! Would you stop annoying your friend please?
Are you ............ to learn?
a. all c. happy
b. ready d. feel

Read the text below to answer the questions number 10 to 13 !

The Bambang family, Mr. and Mrs.Bambang, Andi and Ida went to Probolinggo Train
Station to meet uncle Dedi last Sunday.
First, they got up at five o’clock in the morning. Then, they travelled to the train station.
Mr. Bambang drove the car. He went very fast, because he didn’t want to be late. They got to
the train station early and had some coffe while they waited.

Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018
After uncle Dedi’s train arrived at six o’clock,they watched the passengers getting off it.
at last they knew that uncle Dedi came out from the train. Then Mr.and Mrs.Bambang waited
for uncle Dedi in the waiting room. After a moment, they met uncle Dedi. He shook hands with
them all and they talk together.
After that uncle Dedi gave Andi some english books and some gift. Andi was very glad
at that time. Finally they went home together. Andi said,”What a happy day it is!!!”

10. Why did Andi get up at five on Sunday?Because.............

a. he wanted to meet uncle Dedi at his house
b. because he wanted to go to school near the train station
c. he wanted to fetch uncle Dedi at the train station
d. he wanted to visit uncle Dedi at his house

11. What did The bambang family do while they waited for the train?
a. looked at some pictures c. had some coffee
b. watched the train d. bought some tickets

12. Andi was very glad at that time. The antonym of the underlined phrase is ............
a. happy c. sad
b. pleased d.delighted

13. What does Andi mean when he says that ” What a happy day it was!”
a. he disliked meeting his uncle c. He hates that day
b.he really enjoyed that day d. He was unhappy that day

14. Dewi, Rona and Fira are at the best Department Store in this town. They watch some fine
blouses displayed there.
Dewi : ………………………………..?
Fira : I prefer the pink one to the yellow one. What do you think?
Rona : Yeah, it is well matched with your trousers.
a. What do you want to buy?
b. Where did you want to go?
c. Could I accompany you?
d. Which blouses do you like best?

15. Nita : would you like to accompany me watch a movie at Tunjungan Plaza II?
Talia : ………………..How can we get there?

a.I’d love to c. I am afraid I can’t

b.I’m sorry,I can’t d. No, thanks

Roger : Roger’s speaking,”Would you like to go out this Saturday night?”

Elene : I’d love to, but I can’t
Roger : Well, how about Friday night? Would you like to go out then?
Elene : That sounds interesting. Pick me up at 06.30 pm

16. The underlined sentence is the expression of….

a. how to refuse the invitation c. how to ask for permission
b. how to accept the invitation d. how to admit the fact

17. “I’m glad to, but I can’t” the bold typed is the expression of…
a. how to refuse the invitation c. how to ask for permission
b. how to accept the invitation d. how to admit the fact

Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018
18. Mr. Adnan says: “It is not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly. But,
I’m happy that many of you can do it well. Adi for example he still makes some mistakes,
but he can write quickly, read the story loudly, he also can remember many words.
According to Mr. Adnan, Adi can do lots of things except …
a. read story c able to remember many words
b. write very fast d. can speak English fluently

19. Gita : Will You attend the OSIS meeting tomorrow?

Rahmat : I probably a bit late but I promise to come to the ocasion.
In the statement above Rahmat ........ come to the OSIS meeting.
a. will not come c. will come
b. cannot come d. won’t come

20. Usman : can you play the guitar

Joni : Sorry, ................. . I need to learn how to play it.
a. Yes, I can c. May be
b. Yes, I think so d. I can’t

21. Arman : can you come to my party?

John : ......... It’s fun.
a. sorry c. No I can
b. It’s up to you d. certainly

22. Teacher : Can you clean the whiteboard please?

Student : ...........
a. sorry c. Yes, Ma’am
b. Yes, thank d. No thanks

23. Student : knock.. knock ...knock .. Excuse me, Sir.

Teacher : Oh, somebody is knocking the door. Would you come in, please!
Student : ...................
a. please c. Sorry
b. Thank you d. You are welcome

24. Ahmad : Would you Please accompany me to see the principal

George : Sorry, I’m a bit shy to see him.
What is the synonym of Principal
a. teachers c. The chairman of the class
b. A teacher d. the headmaster

Read the text below to answer the questions number 25 to 30 !

Last week I was sick and I went to see a doctor. I waited for the doctor to finish his
examination. He was a heart specialist. He is an excellent doctor and his examinations are
accurate. He listened to my heartbeat and checked my blood pressure and temperature. He
also looked at my eyes and throat.
When he completed his examination he advised me to lose some weight, get plenty of
sleep and eat nutritious food. After giving me advice he wrote a prescription.
I felt better after I spoke to the doctor. Then I went home and my husband went to the
drugstore to buy the medicine. It was the first time I see a specialist doctor.

25.What did the doctor advise the writer? add some weight c. to have nutritious food reduce time of sleeping d. to take the medicine from him

26.Which is not the activity of the doctor to examine the writer?

a.checking the body temperature c. listening to the heaartbeat
b.looking at the throat d. pressuring the blood..

Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018
27. Is the writer a man?
a.Yes,he is c. No,he is not
b.Yes, he does d.No, he does not

28. ...........get plenty of sleep and eat nutritious food. The underlined word has the similar
meaning with................
a.fruit c.drink
b.meal d.cake
29. Which statement is not true about the doctor?
a.he studied heart deeply c. he is an excellent doctor
b. he never advises his patients d. he always examines his patients accurately

30.”..........heart trouble was not a minor illness. The italic word means...............
a.sickness c. bussiness
b.bitterness d.loneliness

Read the dialog to answer the question no 31 !

Ina : how about going to Gili Ketapang Island?
Adi :well,I don’t think so. I am afraid that the boat will sink.

31. The underlined sentence is the expression of ..............................

a. invitation c.disagreement
b.agreement d.certainty

32. Lily : how about going to the movie,Fids?

Hany : ........................What time should I pick you up?
a. I am sorry I can’t c. I’love to,but ...
b. That’s wonderfull idea d. I’m afraid I can’t

33. Putri : Where …… go last holiday?

Indah : I went to my uncle’s house in the country side
a. were c. was
b. did d. do

34. Amelia : Why didn’t you… my party last night?

Dita : Oh, I’m really sorry Mel. Last night I must take my mother to a doctor.
a. come c. comes
b. coming d. came

35. Roy : …… drink a glass of milk every morning?

Dika : Yes, of course. I always drink it. It’s my favorite one.
a. is c. does
b. are d. do

36. Yuyun : ……….your father in the office on Monday?

Nura : yes, he is. My father is a civil servant
a. does c. is
b. do d. are

Read the text below to answer the questions number 37 to 40 !

Hi! My name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition
in Probolinggo. I live in Maron. I was very happy to meet Intan and Sevia on early August
2017. I’m very comfortable speaking English with you.

Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018
I have one question for Mr. Robert as a native speaker, when I can invite Mr. Robert to our
school in SMP 4 Probolinggo.

Dian Wahyu Dinata

Maron, Probolinggo

37. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Probolinggo?

a. Intan and Sevia c. Dian’s friends
b. Dian Wahyu Dinata d. Dian’s teacher

38. When did Dian met Intan and Sevia?

a. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition
b. When Dian invited Mr. Robert
c. On early August 2017
d. When Intan and Sevia came

39. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter above?

a. Intan and Sevia have one question for Kang Guru
b. Intan and Sevia live in Maron
c. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition
d. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata

40. Who is Mr. Robert

a. Intan and Sevia’s teacher c. a native speaker
b. Dian’s Father d. english competition jury

41. The following are the “ formal request” except.....................

a.would you mind opening the door, please?
b.would you mind buying me a kilo of apple?
c.Is it ok if I sleep in your bedroom?
d. I wonder if I could copy your file?

42. Dica : I can’t stand such this cold weather?

Dede: but I don’t feel cold.
Dica : ....................................?
Dede : sure,no problem. Here it is.
a.Can I use your pillow? c.would you mind taking me to a doctor?
b.I wonder if I could drink your milk? d.May I borrow your Jacket?

43. Siska : Han, my father can’t pick me up. ...............................................................?

Luluk: I’d be glad to, but you are too fat. I can’t pedal my bike.
a.May I have a ride,Luk? c.Would you mind driving me home?
b.How about going home together? d.Do you mind if I take you home?

44. Dina : ......................................our new teacher?

Ary : I think she is a very good teacher. She’s so patient and friendly to everyone.
a.Have you seen c. May I have
b. Do you like d. What do you think about

45. Galih : Is this T-shirt match with my trousers?

Fajar : Well,....................................How about this one?
a.I’m not sure c.that’s good
b. Yes,it is d.I think so

Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018
46. Sandra : I’m thinking of going to mount Bromo next week.
Dewi : ..............................................................................
It’s rainy season. You won’t be able to enjoy it.It rains a lot over there.
a.that’s fantastic idea! c.I don’t think that’s a good idea
b.I agree with you d.that’s great idea!

47 .Aris : Have you ever been to Lombok? ........................................?

Sara : It is a wonderful island and it gets some beautiful beaches there.
a.Do you want to go there? c.Does it have beautiful beaches?
b.What do you think of it? d.Will you be there next month?

48. Jeany : What should I do for the English test today?

Faisal :................................................................
a.Make a little note,then hard,then
b.cheat your friends the test carefully

49. X ; ouch, I cut my finger. It’s very pain.

Y ; You should put “betadine “ on it.
X ; ........................... are right,thanks are clever
b. No,thanks d.Are you kidding?

50. Tina : Here’s the money for you

Ida : I can’t take this, sorry
From the dialog above, What does the bold sentence mean ...
a. Tina offers something to Ida c. Ida accepts something from Tina
b. Tina gives a help to Ida d. Ida refuses help from Tina


Ulangan Tengah Semester Ganjil / Bahasa Inggris / 2017-2018

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