Combative Sports

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ARNIS (Philippines) 6.

Any act of pushing – by hand, head, body, legs, arm,

stick, and other similar movements.
Arnis was developed by the indigenous populations of the 7. A hold to an opponent’s stick. However, the hold or grab
Philippines, who used an assorted range of weaponry for done within split second may be allowed, provided it is
combat and self-defense. Encompassing both simple impact immediately followed by an attempt to score a point or
and edged weapons, Arnis traditionally involved rattan, disarm.
swords, daggers, and spears. 8. A player who steps on the line or goes out of the playing
Two Forms of Arnis area.
9. Hitting a player at the back area (from the back of the
1. Anyo (performance-based) is judged on the basis of head up to the buttocks) is a foul, unless the opponent
the overall choreography of the performances, intentionally turns his back.
including the gracefulness, strength, and force 10. Delaying the game for more than 10 seconds.
employed. 11. Non-combativeness for 10 seconds.
2. Leban (combative) tests participants’ agility and 12. Multiple strikes or thrusts (3 or more) to one body point.
reactions, as competitions are judged based on the 13. Upon the command to stop (hinto) or separate
number of strikes inflicted. Most Leban competition (hiwalay), any player who attacks shall be given a foul.
excludes body contacts, such as grappling, blocks and If the attack falls at the same time with the command, it
disarming an opponent using hands or feet. There are is not considered a foul.
some exceptions where full contact is permitted. 14. Non-performance of artistic styles for more than 3
Basic Skills of Arnis
Twelve Target Points / Basic Strikes
1. Forehand strike
2. Backhand strike 1. Left Temple
3. Thrusts 2. Right Temple
4. Downward strike 3. Left Arm
4. Right Arm
Code of Ethics
5. Thrust to the stomach
1. Arnis is an event that aims to bond and develop 6. Left Chest
friendship and brotherhood. 7. Right Chest
2. It is never a sport to hurt and defeat the opponent but 8. Left Foot
to improve the skills of the players. 9. Right Foot
3. It aims to develop the mind, the physique, and the 10. Left Eye
character of the player. 11. Right Eye
4. It is played to develop the social aspect that will lead to 12. Top of the Head
the close bonding of all practitioners.
WUSHU (China)
5. All the practitioners respect each other. They salute
each other when they meet, and from a meeting before Came from Chinese word, Wu which means martial and shu
they depart. The juniors must salute first and maintain which means art. Kung Fu and Wushu were once
the position until the seniors answer their salute. considered as same thing. However, these days Wushu is
6. The juniors do not have the right to challenge to fight more considered to be more of an exhibition and full contact
the seniors, unless in the program set by their sport.
association to fulfill an objective.
7. All the practitioners continue to move on as there is Two Types of Wushu
room for improvement or advancement. 1. Taolu (performance-based) involve seamlessly
8. Each practitioner must share with other beginners or connected set of hand, leg, sweep, jump, stances, and
practitioners the advancement attained. footwork choreographed and styled according to the
9. Practitioners must desire to strengthen the Arnis family principles of attack and defense.
he belongs to by sharing love, knowledge, and 2. Sanshou (combative) where participants wrestle with
understanding. each other using Wushu moves.
10. Practitioners must remember that Arnis is not a means
to fight people but to bond with them for life Objective
Wushu is played for a particular length of time in the
Fouls presence of a team of judges and referees. The judges
observe the performance for the entire time. They assign
1. Thrusts to body point (head area) and thrusts in close score for an individual or a team based on:
quarter (approx. 30 inches or less)
2. Strike or thrust to the groin. 1. Time taken
3. Blocking with the use of the arm. 2. Errors committed
4. Pulling, clinching, spitting, giving remarks and other 3. Smoothness of movements
actions inimical to the rules and regulations and code 4. Synchronization and coordination (team)
of sportsmanship. 5. Keeping good balance
5. Striking or thrusting using both hands. 6. Rules followed or broken
7. Other important measurements of marking.
The player or team who scores the highest is declared as a Wushu Basic Moves
Wushu is the sport of demonstrating graceful movements
International Wushu Federation (IWUF) is the regulating of that require flexibility, strength, perfect leaps, twists, and
Wushu. It is an international sport organization established flips.
in Beijing, China on October 3, 1990, with the aim to promote
competitive Wushu. The federation actively work on getting 1. Ma Bu – The Horse Stance is a basic stance used for
Wushu to become a demonstration game since 1992. Since almost all Wushu routines. It provides balance that
its introduction to World Championship in 1991, the require you to execute more complicated moves. To
popularity and demand of this game by different nations begin, stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than
grew exponentially. your shoulders. Lower your knees into a sitting position,
as if you are straddling a horse. Keep your upper body
Major dominating countries include: posture straight yet not tense.
2. Gong Bu – The Bow Stance. Stand in a forward lunge
1. China position, with one foot in front of another in a straight
2. Vietnam line. Turn your back foot out slightly, with toes pointing
3. Malaysia outwards. Let both your heels be on the ground. Lower
4. United States of America yourself by bending the front leg for about 90°. Extend
5. Italy your back leg. Pull your upper body straight and tall and
Countries that topped the medal list are: look straight ahead.
3. Xie Bu – The Rest Stance. Cross your right foot over
1. China your left foot. Sit comfortably on your left knee, ensuring
2. Hong Kong that there is no space between both legs. Keep good
3. Russia balance to avoid fall over. As you lower your body, lift
4. Iran your left heel off the ground. Turn your heed towards
5. Singapore the left while keeping the upper body pulled straight and
6. Vietnam your chin upright. Place your fists on the hips. Ensure
your elbows are tucked in, and the wrists face upwards.
Equipment in Wushu
4. Ce Chuai Tui – Side Kick. Stand upright with your
1. Head Guard is used to protect the head form the hands by your waist and your wrists facing upwards.
opponent’s attack. For safety purposes, sanshou Make fists and tuck your elbows close to your body.
players need to wear them. Place one foot slightly behind the other, bend a little to
2. Teeth Guard is used to protect a fighter’s teeth from gain some preparatory momentum. Using this force,
blows. Sanshou players wear them. kick the leg that is at the back up sideways. The kick
3. Chest Guard is used for security purposes. It is the should be as high as you can go.
most important equipment since the blow from an 5. Tan Tui – Sharp Kick. Stand upright and extent your
opponent mainly land on chest area. right arm in front of your chest. Flex your hand at the
4. Boxing Gloves are regular boxing gloves used in wrist such that the fingers are facing upwards. Clench
attack and defense. Sanshou players wear them. your left hand in a fist. With the left elbow tucked
5. Shin Pad is used for training purposes. By practicing inwards and wrist facing upwards, place the left hand at
on this equipment, a person can improve his power, your hips. Put your left foot ahead as a step and raise
potential and muscles in his elbows and thigh. your right knee in front of you to reach your hip. In one
6. Cup Protector is an athletic supporter to shield the powerful move, kick the lower right leg up to straighten
players against severe injuries to the groin area. it. Keep entire right leg parallel to the ground. During
7. Kick bag is made out of leather and nylon and is filled the kick, move your arms too.
with sawdust or cotton cut piece clothes. Its diameter is
Wushu Hall of Fame
10 ft, where kick and punch can combine at a time.
8. Punching Pad is made up of leather and nylon and is Jet Li was born in Beijing, China on April 26, 1963. He
filled with soft sponge. It is made in such a way that it started training at the age of two. As a member of the Beijing
can be a five-finger grip. It should also be flat so that Wushu Team, he received Wushu training and won 15 gold
the power of punch can improve accordingly while medals and 1 silver medal in Chinese Wushu
punching. Championships.
9. Wushu Swords are sometimes tied with a tassel or
beautiful silk cloth at the end which sways gracefully Despite his young age, he competed against adults. He was
when moved. Famous swords include: asked by USA former President Richard Nixon to be his
 Daoshu – broad sword personal body guard. He is also a famous film maker and
 Straight sword
 Taiji sword Taekwondo (Korea)
 Mongun
 Memdao It is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean martial
 Gunshu arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a
 Qianshu discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life
through training the body and mind. It has become a global
sport that has gained an international reputation and stands 12. Siseon Look / Focus
among the official games in the Olympics. 13. Guryeong-e By the count
Tae means foot, leg or to step on; Kwon means fist or fight 14. Guryeong eobs-i Without count
and Do means way or discipline. 15. Bal bakkwo Switch feet
16. Hansen Dismissed
Components of the Theory of Power

1. Reaction Force is the principle that as the striking limb

is brought forward, the other parts of the body should
be brought backward in order to provide more power to Boxing is a fist fighting sport between two matched
the striking limb. Example is if the right leg is brought combatants wearing padded gloves. A boxer’s primary is to
forward in a roundhouse kick, the right arm is brought land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the
backward to provide the reaction force. opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest.
2. Concentration is the principle of bringing as many It is sometimes referred to as pugilism, from Latin word pugil,
muscles as possible to bear on a strike, concentrating meaning a boxer.
the area of impact into as small an area as possible.
3. Breath Control is the idea that during a strike one Things that help determine which fighter won a round
should exhale, with the exhalation concluding at the include:
moment of impact.
1. Hard and Clean Punches. To the untrained eye, it can
4. Mass is the principle of bringing as much of the body to
appear as if a boxer is landing a lot of shots, when in
bear on a strike as possible. Using the turning kick as
fact, most are being blocked or aren’t landing flush. A
an example, the idea would be to rotate the hip as well
judge needs to look for hard shots that land clean.
as the leg during the kick in order to take advantage of
2. Effective Aggression. Being aggressive gives the
the hips additional mass in terms of providing power to
impression of dominance, but unless the boxer is
the kick.
landing shots and not constantly getting countered, it is
5. Equilibrium is the idea of maintaining a correct center-
not exactly effective. Judges look for effective
of-balance throughout a technique.
aggression, where the aggressor consistently lands his
6. Speed deemed to be more important than mass in
punches and avoids those from his opponent.
terms of providing power.
3. Ring Generalship. The fighter who controls the action
Philosophy and enforces his will and style.
4. Defense. How well is a boxer slipping, parrying and
Different styles of Taekwondo adopt different philosophical blocking punches. Good defense is important.
underpinnings. Many of these underpinnings however refer
back of the Five Commandments of Hwarang as a historical The scoring system used in professional boxing is called the
referent. As an example, is Choi Hong Hi’s Five Tenets of 10-Point Must System.
1. Judges score on a 10-point scale. Most rounds will end
1. Courtesy – Yeui 10-9, with the more dominant boxer receiving 10 points,
2. Integrity – Yeomchi the other receiving 9.
3. Perseverance – Innae 2. If a boxer is knocked down, he loses a point. If he is
4. Indomitable Spirit – Baekjeolbulgul knocked down twice, he loses two points. If both
5. Self-control – Geukgi fighters are knocked down, the knock downs cancel
each other out.
These tenets are further articulated in a Taekwondo Oath 3. While uncommon, if a fighter completely dominates a
round but doesn’t score a knockdown, a judge can still
1. I shall observe the tenets of Taekwondo.
score that round 10-8.
2. I shall respect the instructor and seniors.
4. If a judge deems the round completely even, both
3. I shall never misuse Taekwondo.
fighters receive 10 points.
4. I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
5. When the referee sees fit, he can take away a point or
5. I shall build a more peaceful world.
two for an intentional foul. He can do the same for an
Basic Commands unintentional one, but that usually occurs after at least
a warning.
Korean English
1. Charyeot Attention Result is determined by scorecards.
2. Junbi Ready
1. Unanimous Decision. All the three judges had the
3. Sijak Begin
4. Geuman Stop / Finish same fighter scoring more points.
5. Gyeonglye Bow 2. Split Decision. Two of the three judges had the same
6. Gyesok Resume / Continue fighter scoring more points, while the other judge had
7. Baro Return to ready the other boxer scoring more points.
8. Swieo Relax / At ease 3. Majority Decision. Two of the three judges had the
9. Hyusik Rest / Take a break same fighter scoring more points, while the other judge
10. Dwilodol-a Turn around /About face ruled the contest a draw.
11. Gihap Yell 4. Draw can occur when either two of the judges rule the
contest a draw, or it can happen when one judge scores
the bout for one fighter, another judge scores it for the 6. Red Belt symbolizes the red-hot strength of the sun, in
other fighter, and the third judge rules it a draw. a way that a growing plant must stretch its way slowly
toward the sun. Students with red belts learn to be
Current Filipino Boxers cautious of their practice, as red is also a sign of
1. Nonito Donaire danger. A student with red belt is learning to become
2. DonnieNietes dangerous in his knowledge and skills.
3. Johnriel Casimero 7. Purple Belt represents the colors of dawn; worn by a
4. Marlon Tapales student who is transitioning into the advanced stage of
5. Manny Pacquiao study.
6. Jerwin Ancajas 8. Brown Belt is a representation of the ripening of the
7. Mark Magsayo seed during maturing and harvesting process. It is
awarded to advances students who are beginning to
Karatedo (China) realize the fruits of their beginner studies and whose
techniques have begun to mature.
The word karate is a combination of two kanji (Chinese
9. Black Belt symbolizes darkness beyond the sun. A
character) where kara means empty and te means hand,
person who has been awarded a black belt seek to gain
thus karate means empty hand. Do on the other hand means
a deeper and further understanding of the physical and
way or path, thus implies karatedo as a total way of life that
mental teachings of karate. They begin to pass on their
goes well beyond the self-defense applications.
knowledge to help others and advance in their own belt
As legend has it, the evolution of Karate began as early as rank.
the 6th century A.D. when Bodhidharma arrived in Shaolin-si
Karate Kumite matches take place on a matted square of
(small forest temple), China from India and taught Zen
8x8m with an additional 1m on all sides called safety area.
Buddhism. He also introduced a systematized set of
exercises which allegedly marked the beginning of the Once the referee and judges have taken their places,
Shaolin style of temple boxing. Bodhidharma’s teaching later competitors should exchange bows. The fight starts when
became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. the referee shouts Shobu Hajime. Both fighters should
attempt scoring techniques through punches, kicks and
The concept of Do has been prevalent since at least the days
of the Okinawan Scholar Teijunsoku, born in 1663, as his
passage from a poem he wrote suggests: Yuku – one point; Waza-ari – two points; Ippon – three points
No matter how you may excel in the art of te, The judges will then indicate their opinion by means of a
And in your scholastic endeavors, signal and if a score is to be awarded, the referee identifies
Nothing is more important than your behavior the contents and the area that they attacked and then
And your humanity as observed in daily life. awards the relevant score. He then restarts the bout by
shouting Tsuzukete Hajime.
The object of Karate is to defeat one’s opponent by utilizing
punches, kicks and throws to score points. At the end of a  If one competitor establishes a clear lead of 8 points
Karate Kumite, the competitor with the most points is during the match, then the referee calls a halt to the
declared the winner, or before the end if they reach an eight- bout and declares them the winner.
point lead over their opponent.  If no competitor establishes a clear lead of 8 points
during the fight, then the fighter who has the most
The Karate gi is an extremely durable two-piece white
points is declared the winner.
canvas outfit worn during karate training and classes to add
 In the event of the point being level, the referee and the
resistance and weight to the karateka.
judges will decide who is the winner of the bout.
Color belts  Fights can end earlier if one competitor is knocked
down and is not in a position to carry on, or if one fighter
1. White Belt symbolizes a birth or beginning of a is disqualified.
person’s will to acquire the skills of karate; worn by
those who are just beginning their study. Mixed Martial Arts is a full-contact combat sport that allows
2. Yellow Belt signifies the first beams of sunlight that both striking and grappling, both standing and, on the
give a seedling new growth and new life; worn by ground, using techniques from other combat sports and
beginner who has learned to practice the basic moves martial arts such as boxing, wrestling, judo, jujitsu, karate,
of karate. and Muay Thai. Victory is normally gained through knock-
3. Green Belt is a representation of growth; worn by out, submission (one fighter concedes victory to the other by
intermediate students who are learning to strengthen tapping the mat or his opponent with his hand), or stoppage
and refine their skills. by the referee, the fight doctor, or a competitor's cornerman.
4. Blue Belt represents the sky and the light it provides all
growing things; worn by students who begin to learn
additional knowledge of the martial art that allows their
minds and bodies to continue to grow and develop.
5. Orange Belt represents the growing strength of the
sun; worn by beginners who has mastered the 10 self-
defense moves.

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