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Training Assignments ATJB

Purpose of Assignments .................................................................................................... 2

Require 001: Business need.............................................................................................. 2
Require 002: Working requirement .................................................................................... 2
Require 003: Product architecture ..................................................................................... 2
Require 004: Technology .................................................................................................. 3
Require 004: Data Base Table .......................................................................................... 3
Assignment 1 ...................................................................................................................... 4
HTML & CSS ..................................................................................................................... 4
Assignment 02 .................................................................................................................... 6
JavaScript, Ajax................................................................................................................. 6
Assignment 03 .................................................................................................................... 7
Servlet & JSP .................................................................................................................... 7
Assignments 04 ................................................................................................................ 10
MVC & JSP Model ........................................................................................................... 10

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Training Assignments ATJB

Purpose of Assignments
Create a Web application bases on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Servlet, JSP to manage
Human Resource (HR Management System). This assignment will cover all part of Java
Advance. Use case Diagram as below here:

Require 001: Business need

Create a Web application bases on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Servlet, JSP, JDBC to
manage a Personal Information.

Require 002: Working requirement

Working environment: Eclipse IDE, MySQL DB Server, TomCat 6 or later, internet
connection, jar libs

Delivery: Source code, deployment and testing, reviewing evident packaged in a compress

Require 003: Product architecture

The product is implemented using MVC Pattern base on Servlet, JSP.

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Training Assignments ATJB

Require 004: Technology

The product implements one or more technology:


- JavaScript & Ajax
- Servlet & JSP
- MVC & JSP Model

Require 004: Data Base Table

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Training Assignments ATJB

Assignment 1

- Understand and practise with HTML and CSS

Problem Description:

Create a Java Dynamic web Project

Using HTML and CSS to create 3 html pages (Person.html, Search.html, Help.html) in
“WebContent” folder

- Using tags:

o Image: insert image in banner (image name: customLogo.jpg, width: 915


o Textarea: create a text field “Description” with attributes: cols ="30"


o Body, table, tr, td

- Using input tag with type:

o Text: to create First name, Last name, Telephone, Email with width:

o Select: create Gender selection with 3 values: Male, Female, Other

o Checkbox: Create Hobbies check box with 6 options: Swimming, Cooking,

Shopping, Sport, Dance, Sing

o Radio: Create “You are in” field with 5 options: Europe, Africa, Australia,
Asia, America. Only select unique value.

o Button: create “Register” button with attribute value is: Register.

- Using CSS:

Create a .css file with name: java_tech_css.css to define CSS

o Font-family: Arial

o Font-size: 11px. With “Visitor information” field has font-color: green, font-
weight: h3

o Font-color: black

o Text – align: left

o Border, width, height, text

o Margin

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Training Assignments ATJB

“Person screen”:

Search Screen page

Using html, css to create a html page as figure bellowing here:

Estimated time: 3 hours

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Training Assignments ATJB

Assignment 02
JavaScript, Ajax

- Use Java Script and Ajax to manipulate information on HTML pages.

Problem Description:


- On Person.html file, you use JS to write a method for validation data when
you click Register button

Field Mandatory Max

First name Y 20 -First name must be characters and not contain

Last name Y 20 -Last name must be characters and not contain


Telephone N 11 Must be number

Email N 50 Must be [a..Z][0..9]@[a..Z].

You are in Y

Hobbies N

Description N 200


- Using Javascript to submit Register button. After submit Register button, the
page redirect to Search.html page.

- Using Alert in JS to show message when some fields are invalid


- Click “Help to register” link, using Ajax to display content help.html file

Estimated time: 3 hours

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Training Assignments ATJB

Assignment 03
Servlet & JSP

Problem Description:

Use Project of Assignment 01 and Assignment 02

Convert 3 html files above to .jsp

Use Case:

uc Person Management

Create Person

Search Person

Amend Person


Use JDBC to connect Data Base


- Insert: allows creating one a more Personal Information from Person page.
Personal Information will be stored in “Personal” table in DataBase

- Search:

o Input “First name” and click Search button. The Result will be listed in
grid table.

- Amend (Edit/Delete): From Search Screen, input “first name” then click
“Search” button and list result. Choose an item (by clicking First name link)
from list to Amend. Amend screen as below:

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Training Assignments ATJB


- Using Java Code Insteads of Using JavaScript to validate data on Register or

Edit Screen.

Using Tomcat server to deploy and run project

Person screen:

Amend screen:

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Training Assignments ATJB

- User modifies information and click “Save” button to edit.

- If User want to delete this person, click “Delete” button

- Click “Cancel” button to return Search screen.

“Search” screen:

Estimated time: 3 hours

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Training Assignments ATJB

Assignments 04
MVC & JSP Model

Using JSP Model 2

Problem Description:

1. Use Case

2. Requirement

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Training Assignments ATJB

Create a menu consists of

- Create Department

- List Department

“Create Department” Screen:

When use click on link “Create Department” link from menu, the Create Department Screen
as below here:

- User input information

- Click “Save” button to save

- If user clicks Cancel button, system redirects to List Department Screen.

“List Department” Screen

When user clicks on link “List Department”, the Screen as blow here:

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Training Assignments ATJB

To Edit or Delete a Department, user chooses an item by choosing radio button on the left
then click on Amend button. After click on “Amend” button, the system will redirect to Edit
Department Screen.

“Edit Department” Screen

- User can change Department’s information and click “Save” button if he/she
wants to Save

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Training Assignments ATJB

- User can Delete the Department by clicking on Delete button

- When press “Cancel” button, system will return to List Department Screen.

Estimated time: 3 hours


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