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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 2 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect
on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video,
complete this analysis and upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent
celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column write a claim that
you can make about teaching and a FEAP that you may have demonstrated in this moment.
You may add additional rows as needed:
Time Celebration/Struggle/Question: Claim about teaching and FEAP

This connects to FEAP 2h

Throughout the whole lesson I used the FM for the DHH
because I am aware of the
students and had the interpreters
students’ needs within the
work with each DHH student
classroom. I was able to
when they would transition to
accommodate by utilizing both
the FM and interpreters to help
the DHH students.

0:57-2:02 I incorporated the school’s This connects with FEAP 2c

CHAMPS rules. I was able to because I am holding the
customize it to fit with lesson. I students to certain standards
used the CHAMPS to set the and behaviors. By going over
student’s expectations. I also the math norms, I am setting
went over the math norms. I also the language for how students
went over the math objective. should talk and interact with
one another. I reviewed the
math objective so the students
can keep in mind the purpose
of the lesson. The students
should be thinking about the
objective throughout the

3:38 I was reinforcing a This connects to MAE 4310—

tool/technique the students we had discussed and read
should be using when they are about the various techniques
counting objects. At first, the students can do in math to help
students were not understanding them understand and solve a
what I was saying; “What are problem. For kindergarten,
some tools we can use while we crossing-off items as they are
are counting? (I was making counting is a great tool to keep
movements with my hand to help them from miscounting.
jog their memory)” The students
just responded by saying
counting. Then I said, “We know
we are counting with numbers.
But what can we physically do as
we are counting to help us? So, I
know I’m not going to count the
same pumpkin twice.” As I was
saying this, it made the children
think and more hands were being
raised. Then one of the students
said crossing-off.

7:09 I acknowledged the students who This connects to EDE 4504 and
were listening and following my FEAP 2a because I am
directions. This helped get other reinforcing the behaviors and
students on task. I continued this directions. By praising/ calling
technique throughout the lesson. out the students who are
following directions, others
“I see (blank) has their hand up,
who are off task are hinted at
they are showing me that they
what they should be doing. I am
are ready.”
acknowledging the positive
“Thank you (blank) for putting behavior instead of calling out
you hand up, I know you have the negative behavior.
your name written down.”

15:27 As the students started their first This connects to FEAP 3g

(out of four) table rotations, I because I need to apply better
noticed they got a little confused. varied instructional strategies
Although, I labeled the table for the students to understand.
names on their answer sheets, Although the students are
the students were still going to grouped by table colors, it can
different tables. I labeled the be confusing for them to know
tables by their table names which where to write their answers
were colors (orange, red, blue, on the paper. Next time I can
and purple). I made the words use images for each table and
the color of the table too. So next have the image on the answer
time, I could use an image for sheet.
each table to help the students’

30:17 The students moved to the rug This connects to FEAP 2g

for whole group discussion. because while we were using
Before going over what the the PowerPoint (which
students recorded at each table, I displayed the images that were
went over the vocabulary I at each table) students were
wanted to hear the students use. reviewing their math content.
Because they are going to The students were comparing
compare their answers to the the number of pumpkin and
number 10. Throughout the candy corns to the number 10
discussion, I had the students put (greater than, less than, or
a thumbs up if they agreed with equal to). As this was
the answer or a thumbs down if happening students were
they had a different answer communicating through non-
verbal gestures to show
whether they got the same
information or not.

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