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Causes of and Responsibilities for an Excessive Amount

of Leaking Cracks in a Massive Concrete Mat Foundation

Juraj Bilcik, Ph.D. 1; Robert Sonnenschein, Ph.D. 2; and Ivan Holly, Ph.D. 3

Abstract: Integral watertight concrete structures can be an effective and durable solution for underground facilities. The paper presents an
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evaluation of the major causes of and responsibilities for wide through cracks in a large mat foundation. A large number of leaking cracks with
a width of up to 0.8 mm were observed in the mat foundation. Considering the importance of water leaking through the cracks in terms of the
serviceability and durability of watertight concrete structures, emphasis is placed on the effect of early-age temperature rise in mat foundation.
Mitigation strategies to prevent the formation and propagation of early-age through cracks are discussed. The concrete technology methods
are aimed at reducing the concrete temperature by using low-heat generating concrete. In general, when assessing the risk of early-age
cracking, drying and autogenous shrinkage may be ignored. The role of cement type, concrete cover and reinforcement to limit the width
of cracks was analyzed. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001130. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Watertight concrete; Mat foundation; Thermal contraction; Leaking cracks; Reinforcement.

Introduction whereas wider cracks may represent a permanent problem

(Bjøntegaard 2011).
Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world There are many applications of concrete in which watertightness
because of its beauty, strength and durability, among its other ben- plays an important role in the performance of a structure. The term
efits. The volume instability of concrete is, however, an unfavorable watertightness refers to the ability of concrete to withstand hydro-
property and is particularly active during the hardening phase. This static pressure. Concrete must be impermeable for nearly every in-
may cause contraction of the concrete structure and cracks in the dustrial and residential below-ground application. Such structures
cement matrix. In the case of through cracks in underground facili- have to be waterproof or watertight to prevent damage due to the
ties, the crack widths are limited by the serviceability requirements ingress and egress of water. A completely waterproof structure can
determined by the design engineer. Volume instability and cracking be obtained by applying an external waterproofing system either as
tendencies are magnified in massive structures due to temperature a coating, liner, or other surface-applied system. An integral water-
and moisture variations. This type of cracking is often denoted as tight concrete structure (WCS) that renders the concrete watertight
early-age cracking (typically up to 7 days). Shrinkage is normally can be an effective alternative. The latter method is controlled
not considered in this context because, in this relatively short term, by the presence of cracks resulting from either direct loading or
the drying shrinkage will be small (Pane and Hansen 2008), and restrained imposed deformations (indirect loading).
normal concrete has negligible autogenous shrinkage (Holt 2001). In most cases it is neither necessary nor economical to avoid
The main focus here is on the behavior of materials that result in cracks. In these cases, crack widths are primarily limited for water
stresses in hardening concrete structures due to thermal effects and tightness, durability, or aesthetic reasons (Sule 2003). Although
external restraints from adjoining structural parts. When cracking such cracks do not typically impact structural integrity, they accel-
occurs, the result of any external restraint is often through cracks erate deterioration, reduce the serviceability of structures, and
of variable widths, which permeate the entire thickness of the struc- may be significant in environmental impact assessments by acting
ture. The formation of cracks can lead to leaking and unsightly as paths of ingress for ions and/or moisture. This paper analyzes the
conditions when water can penetrate the cracks (ACI 2004). Fine effect of the amount of reinforcement on crack width. König and
cracks may be clogged over time due to self-healing mechanisms, Tue (1996), Schlicke and Tue (2015), Beeby and Scott (2005), and
others have dealt with the problem of minimum reinforcement for
1 crack width control in restrained concrete members.
Professor, Dept. of Concrete Structures and Bridges, Faculty of Civil
Engineering, Slovak Univ. of Technology, Radlinskeho 11, 810 05 The occurrence of thermal cracking is one of the clear limit
Bratislava, Slovakia (corresponding author). ORCID: states to be assessed in performance-based design (Maekawa
/0000-0003-3052-9784. E-mail: et al. 1999). This paper identifies the causes of and responsibilities
2 for early-age thermal cracking in a massive concrete mat
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Concrete Structures and
Bridges, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak Univ. of Technology, foundation.
Radlinskeho 11, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail: robert.sonnenschein@
Graduate Assistant, Dept. of Concrete Structures and Bridges, Faculty
of Civil Engineering, Slovak Univ. of Technology, Radlinskeho 11, 810 05
Watertight Concrete Structures
Bratislava, Slovakia. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 6, 2017; approved on
Watertight concrete structures have been established, for many
August 22, 2017; published online on December 16, 2017. Discussion decades, especially in Central Europe. In addition to watertight
period open until May 16, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted concrete, the WCS includes the planning, design, and all operations
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Performance to be undertaken on-site during construction. A WCS has the fol-
of Constructed Facilities, © ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828. lowing advantages:

© ASCE 04017134-1 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134

• A reduction in the number of procedures (no need for insulation increase in the penetrability of concrete by orders of magnitude.
and its protection); For the serviceability limit state of WCS, the maximum crack width
• Any leaks are easy to locate and repair; and is between 0.05 and 0.2 mm, depending on the hydraulic gradient
• The lifespan of the concrete is much longer than that expected of (CEN 2006). These narrow cracks may close due to autogenous
bitumen or plastic liners. healing (Edvardsen 1999; Forth and Martin 2014; Kovler and
Fig. 1 shows the scheme of the design and construction of the Bentur 2009).
structural elements of a WCS—the mat foundation and the walls—
for two exposure and performance classes according to the German
guideline (GCSC 2003). Case Study of Watertight Mat Foundation
In terms of the formation and propagation of through cracks,
there are three design models of a WCS (GCSC 2003): It is quite unusual to find a WCS in which there is a design
• Without through cracks; deficiency in the structural capacity to carry direct actions. Only
• With through cracks of limited widths (enabling self-healing approximately 20% of cracks in mass concrete are induced by di-
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of cracks), achieved through the design and detailing of the rect loading (Shi et al. 2014). The others may develop in restrained
reinforcement; and concrete elements by volume changes related to thermal or mois-
• With through cracks without crack width control, which are sub- ture contractions. Subsequent unacceptable leakage through the
sequently sealed. mat foundation can occur (Fig. 2).
Cracking is an inherent part of reinforced concrete and, if prop- In the design of structures with serviceability and durability is-
erly controlled, will not be detrimental to the performance of a sues, designers often use the provisions of ACI 318-11 (ACI 2011)
structure (CEN 2004; Kozikowski and Suprenant 2015). The basis rather than the more applicable ACI 350-06 (ACI 2006). Using the
of the design of reinforced concrete is the fact that concrete has ACI 318 provisions alone will not produce a liquid-tight structure
no significant tensile strength and that sufficient reinforcement is (Hanskat 2008).
provided to control crack widths. With a crack width below Current design procedures use reinforced steel not only to carry
0.1 mm, the penetrability is not much greater than that of a matrix. the tensile forces but also to obtain both an adequate distribution of
An increase in the crack width from 0.1 to 0.3 mm results in an cracks and a reasonable limit on crack widths (ACI 2007a).

Geotechnical 1. Class Temporary accumulation of leakage water

Exposure class
survey - water Ground, inundation and stratum water
pressure under pressure

Analysis of Design level of 2. Class Soil moisture

groundwater groundwater - humidity Non accumulating leakage water

Groundwater No chemical XA1 XA2 XA3 Concrete with high resistance

classification attack to water penetration

Requirements for Wet areas on walls Performance Environmental exposure classes

serviceability admissible/inadmissible class

Member thickness Without separation cracks

Sealing Control
Structure Separation cracks, limited width joints and according to
Base 250 mm
Cracks + measures for sealing cracks EN 13670
Wall 240 mm

Fig. 1. Schema of the design and construction of a watertight concrete structure (adapted from Ebeling 2004)

Fig. 2. (a) Groundwater leakage through a crack in a mat foundation; (b) overview of a flooded underground garage (images by Juraj Bilcik)

© ASCE 04017134-2 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134

castings of the adjacent sequences. In the relatively short term, dry-
ing shrinkage is small. Therefore, when assessing the risk of early-
age cracking, the drying shrinkage can be ignored (Bamforth 2007).
This is why expansion and contraction joints were not installed.

Leaking Cracks in Mat Foundation

Large cracks are usually objectionable in many structures. In gen-
eral, such cracking may be a cause for concern in a WCS, mainly
from the viewpoint of its serviceability. Fig. 4 shows the position
and orientation of leaking cracks in the final cracking stage of the
mat foundation.
From Fig. 4 it is clear that, among other reasons, the atmos-
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pheric temperature during the casting had a significant impact

on the frequency of cracks: disproportionately fewer cracks oc-
curred in sections cast in the colder months (Sections 1 and 2) than
in the summer (Sections 4 and 5). The crack widths measured on
the concrete surface ranged between 0.2 and 0.8 mm. Table 1 shows
Fig. 3. Construction of the mat foundation with a horizontal spacer the temperatures during the concreting and the length of the leaking
frame (image courtesy of Anton Vyskoc) cracks. The total length of the leaking cracks in the mat foundation
was 26,818.6 m. The large number of cracks in Sequence 2/7,
which was constructed under favorable conditions, was related
Description of Structure Investigated to the increased water content of 187 kg=m3 detected, which is
This study investigated an apartment and shopping complex 17 kg (10%) more than specified in ASCT (2002).
consisting of a five-story building over a three-level underground
parking structure, which is supported on a watertight reinforced Analysis of Causes of Cracking
substructure established on a mat foundation. The watertightness The subcontractor ordered an analysis of the causes of and respon-
of the underground floors is provided by a reinforced concrete sibilities for the large number of leaking cracks based on the
diaphragm wall and a mat foundation, often referred to as a white data acquired from the technical documentation and the results
concrete box (Fig. 3). The monolithic mat foundation has a plan of laboratory tests on concrete samples taken during construction
dimension of approximately 390 × 105 m, and the thickness varies monitoring.
from 1.0 to 1.5 m. The bottom of the mat extends to depths ranging The causes of the recorded cracks were identified as the effects
from approximately 14.3 to 14.8 m below grade and from 9.0 to of restrained imposed deformations. They were divided into two
9.5 m below the groundwater level at the site. The ratio of the basic types.
groundwater level to the mat foundation’s thickness (hydraulic gra- Type 1 cracks emerge from the adjacent edges of concrete se-
dient) is less than 10; therefore the limiting value, wmax , for the quences of the mat foundation in a mostly perpendicular direction
calculated crack width, wk , was 0.2 mm (GCSC 2003; CEN 2006). to the construction joints. In the end spans of the mat foundation,
The whole complex is divided into five sections; the largest sec- the cracks are perpendicular to the contact with the diaphragm
tion, Section 2 (Fig. 4), measures roughly 102 × 98 m. The bottom walls (e.g., cracks in Sequences 2/2, 2/5, and 2/9), and in the inner
surface of the mat foundation is relatively indented by elevator pits spans they are perpendicular to the contact with the previously con-
and underground walls under the basement columns. To reduce the structed sequences (e.g., cracks in Sequences 1/7, 2/7, and 3/6).
effects of early-age volume changes, the mat foundation was di- Fig. 5 shows the crack pattern in Sequence 1/7 constrained by
vided into 40 concrete casting sequences with an average plan area the previously constructed diaphragm walls and Sequences 1/3
of 1,000 m2 . The project required at least 7 days between the and 1/4.

Fig. 4. Distribution of leaking cracks in the mat foundation sections and sequences (image courtesy of SkyBau)

© ASCE 04017134-3 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134

Table 1. Concrete Sequences of the Mat Foundation Section 1
Section/ Date of concrete Length of 3 4 5
sequence placement Temperature (°C) cracks (m)
1/1 January 28 5 340.7
1/3 February 4 5 97.3
1/2 February 11 12 181.6
1/4 February 18 3 278.3 A
1/5 February 22 10 492.4 Top= -13.300
1/7 February 25 2 201.5 Bottom= -14.300 1/7
2/1 March 1 7 437.7
1/6 March 4 7 465.3
2/2 March 7 10 266.3
2/5 March 11 11 358.3
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2/3 March 15 12 418.9

2/4 March 21 5 808.2
2/6 March 24 5 397.3 C
2/9 March 28 13 310.4
2/8 April 1 16 553.4
2/7 April 13 18 2,177.9
3/1 April 16 20 1,021.0 D
3/2 April 19 15 648.5
3/3 April 23 20 1,123.5
3/5 April 27 23 1,738.8
3/6 May 1 17 3,808.4
3/9 May 7 17 567.7 Fig. 5. Cracks in Sequence 1/7 are mostly perpendicular to the contact
3/8 May 12 18 427.9 with diaphragm walls and Sequences 1/3 and 1/4 (image courtesy of
3/7 May 14 13–24 1,414.6 SkyBau)
5/1 May 28 17–24 391.1
5/3 May 31 10–16 233.0
5/2 June 4 17–25 427.3
5/4 June 6 18–25 165.6
3/4 June 10 25 728.8
5/5 June 11 18–30 1,150.5
5/7 June 14 18–31 214.6
5/6 June 15 19–31 293.1
5/8 June 17 14–28 337.9
4/1 June 19 18–31 594.3
5/9 June 26 14–24 385.1
4/5 June 29 15–25 559.4
4/3 July 8 17–29 862.8
4/6 July 11 12–28 562.9
4/4 July 13 17–28 597.2
4/2 July 15 18–30 779.1
Note: Data were generated from Fig. 4.

Type 2 cracks are mostly parallel to the edge of a cranked bed

joint, e.g., an elevator pit (Fig. 6), and to the sudden changes in the
thickness of the mat foundation.
Sequence 2/4 was only constrained by the diaphragm wall and
elevator pit. The adjoining sequences of the mat were not yet made.
The underground water was seeping through the cracks several
months after the shutdown of the pumping wells. This means that Fig. 6. Cracks in Sequence 2/4 are parallel to the elevator pit edges
these cracks had a greater width than the permissible crack width (image courtesy of SkyBau)
for self-healing.
Construction, technological, and execution measures should be
implemented to reduce the temperature deformations and restraints
in order to prevent the formation of through cracks in structural and hence increase the possibility of cracking. If this criterion
elements. In order to quantify the effect of different parameters cannot be met, then any change in the thickness of a mat foundation
on the excessive number of leaking cracks, the required reinforce- on its bottom surface should have an inclination of approximately
ment area As acts as a common denominator. The following text 30° (ASCT 2002), and more reinforcement should be placed in
explains the causes of and responsibilities for errors and significant these parts to limit the width of the local cracks.
errors in more detail. The mat foundation had some individual elevator pits (Fig. 6).
In order to avoid excessive constraints in a mat, a construction with
Construction Measures a sliding layer below the pit and a soft elastic intermediate layer
It is important to avoid sudden changes on a mat foundation’s bot- should be arranged laterally to reduce the horizontal deformation
tom surface because they can cause a concentration of any stresses restraints (Fig. 7).

© ASCE 04017134-4 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134



Heat of hydration [J/g]






24 48 72 96 120 144 168
Time [h]

CEM I 42.5 R CEM I 42.5 R C3A free CEM I 42.5 N C3A free
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Fig. 7. Panels in vertical or inclined positions on each side of the CEM I 42.5 N C3A free + pfa CEM III/B 32.5 N
elevator pit reduce constraints in a mat foundation (adapted from
Lohmeyer and Ebeling 2009) Fig. 8. Heat of hydration of selected portland cements and a GGBS

These construction measures were not mentioned in the project

documents; therefore they were not included in the construction of as well as the potential temperature rise/fall in concrete elements.
the mat foundation. Fig. 8 presents measurement of the heat of hydration of selected
No project of this sort is entirely free of certain limitations. portland cements and a GGBS cement according to EN 196-8
Some of the limitations which were unavoidable included changes (CEN 2010). The samples tested were cement pastes with a
to the mat foundation’s bottom surface. If the position of the water:cement ratio of 0.4 by mass. Temperature is controlled in
changes is known, then more reinforcement should be placed at concrete by selecting cementitious materials that generate the least
those locations. The amount of this reinforcement was estimated heat of hydration. The best results have been achieved with the
on the basis of the empirical data to be 5% of all the reinforcement. GGBS cement CEM III/B 32.5 N–LH according to EN 197-1
(CEN 2012).
Technological Measures In mass concrete, the control of the concrete temperature and the
Various technological measures are available to reduce the risk of heat generated by the hydration of cement is extremely important.
early-age thermal cracking of concrete. The main problem associ- The on-site temperature of the concrete is determined by the envi-
ated with mass concrete pours is the heat of hydration. The hydra- ronmental conditions on site and by the heat of hydration of the
tion of cement is an exothermic reaction of individual cement cementitious material. When on-site conditions are kept constant,
components with water (primarily C3 A and C3 S) (Seruga and the heat generation governs the cracking process.
Zych 2015). The resulting generation of heat can cause an exces- During setting and hardening, the concrete is heated by the hy-
sive increase in temperature (Table 2). Early-age cracking occurs dration of the cement. The heating of concrete depends on the
when a tensile strain, arising from either restrained thermal contrac- amount of cement C, heat of hydration of the cement H w , and
tions or a temperature differential within a concrete section, ex- the specific thermal capacity of concrete cc (≅ 2.5 J=mm3 · K).
ceeds the actual tensile strain capacity of the concrete (Bamforth The theoretical increase in the concrete’s temperature can be cal-
2007; Carino and Clifton 1995; Mihashi and Leite 2004). culated from (Lohmeyer and Ebeling 2009)
The cement content should be minimized below the specified
requirements in order to attain a low peak temperature. The heat ΔT theor ¼ C · Hw =cc
production is often controlled by portland cement with a low heat
generation (e.g., C3 A free) or by replacing 65–85% of portland
Table 2 lists the theoretical increase in the temperature of con-
cement with ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) and/
crete for different types of cement.
or 15–25% Class F fly ash (Mindess et al. 2003). The heat of hy-
dration of cement is usually determined in accordance with U.S.
Standard ASTM C 1702-17 (ASTM 2017) or European Standard
EN 196-8 (CEN 2010). These test methods specify the apparatus
Required area of reinforcement As

and procedure for determining the total heat of hydration of hy- 160 162.2
[cm2] on both surfaces

draulic cementitious materials at test ages of up to 7 days by iso- 140

thermal conduction calorimetry. Heat of hydration measurements 124.8 121.6
are important for the assessment of the cement hydration rates, 100
80 95.2
67.6 350
52.1 270
Table 2. Theoretical Increases in the Temperature of Concrete ΔT theor (K)
Amount of cement 0
Heat of hydration
(kg=m3 ) CEM I 42.5 R CEM I 42.5 R CEM III 42.5 N
at 5 days C3A free
Type of cement (J=g) 270 320 350 Type of cement
CEM I 42.5 R 360 38.8 46.0 50.4
CEM I 42.5 R C3 A-free 270 29.6 34.5 37.8 Fig. 9. Required reinforcement area for different amounts and types of
CEM III 42.5 N 150 16.2 19.2 21.0 cement

© ASCE 04017134-5 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134

Fig. 9 shows the effect of the type of cement (CEM I 42.5 R and Reinforcement to Control Cracks
CEM I 42.5 R C3 A-free) and the cement content (270 and The use of reinforcement will not prevent cracking, but it can con-
350 kg=m3 ) on the required area of reinforcement As on both trol the width and spacing of the cracks.
surfaces of the mat foundation. The minimum reinforcement to control cracks due to restrained
The recommended technological measures are summarized as imposed deformations is calculated such that the reinforcement is
follows: able to transfer the tension without yielding. It follows, therefore,
• Maximum concrete strength class C25/30 (after 56 or 90 days); that the stronger the concrete, the greater the amount of reinforce-
• Cement content ≤ 320 kg=m3 ; ment that will be required to achieve controlled cracking (MPA
• Low-heat cement ≤ 270 J=g after 7 days according to EN 197-1 2015).
(CEN 2012); If a minimum area of steel consistent with As;min is used, the
• Temperature of fresh concrete approximately 15°C; and stress in the steel after cracking would be expected to be close
• Water:cement ratio ≤ 0.6 and water ≤ 170 L=m3 (ASCT 2002). to the yield stress, f yk ¼ 500 MPa. It is not normal practice to de-
The compressive strength of concrete is denoted by concrete sign reinforcement to operate at this high level of stress, because
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strength classes which relate to the characteristic (5%) cylinder this would lead to wide cracks. Such cracking may indicate that the
strength fck or the cube strength f ck;cube in accordance with EN reinforcement normal to the crack has yielded (ACI 2007b).
206 (CEN 2015). Ready-mixed concrete marked as spring and In watertight structures, it is expected that the provided area of
summer is designed with a 28-day class C30/37 strength. Labora- steel As should be significantly higher than As;min . Serviceability
tory tests showed that some concrete mixes had strength class C40/ requirements for watertight concrete structures may require nar-
50 (i.e., two classes higher than the designed class and three classes rower crack widths, such as 0.2 mm (Edvardsen 1999; ACI 2004).
higher than the recommended class). No measures were taken to For the project discussed, the required and installed reinforce-
stop the delivery of an inappropriate concrete. ment of ∅16-mm bars at 140-mm centers (As ¼ 28.7 cm2 on both
surfaces) was determined according to the Austrian guideline
Execution Measures (ASCT 2002). As stated previously, several construction, techno-
Execution measures for the reduction of restraints are one of the logical, and execution measures did not meet the requirements of
most economical methods to mitigate the risk of early-age thermal the guideline (concrete strength class, C3 A-free cement, and so
cracking. Options include planning the pour sizes and construction on). Fig. 10 compares the required area of steel As for controlled
sequence, the inclusion of construction joints, heat insulating mea- cracking for different concrete strength classes according to EN
sures, and measures for cooling the concrete before and after its 1992-1-1 (CEN 2004), Model Code 2010 (fib 2012), and ACI
placement (Bamforth 2007). 224.2R-92 (ACI 2004). The calculations for early-age cracking
Minimizing the temperature of the concrete during placement is (5 days after casting) yielded the following results: maximum
one of the most efficient ways to reduce thermal stresses and crack- crack width of 0.2 mm, bars with diameter of 25 mm, cement class
ing. Generally, the lower the temperature of the concrete when it N-normal hardening, concrete cover of 35 mm, and thickness of
passes from a plastic condition to an elastic state upon hardening, mat foundation of 1.0 m.
the lower the tendency toward cracking. In massive structures,
each 6 K reduction of the placement temperature will lower the
maximum temperature of the hardened concrete by approximately
Required area of reinforcement As

3 K (Mehta and Monteiro 2006). Because the ready-mixed concrete

was not cooled, the temperature differential within the concrete 130
[cm2] on both surfaces

sequence induced extensive cracking, mainly in the summer. The
120 115.5
occurrence of cracks is also influenced by curing. The Austrian 111.5
guideline (ASCT 2002) recommends a minimum curing period 110 107.2
of 7 days. The subcontractor was able to prove a 3-day curing time. 97.7 C30/37
In the project, a conventional 7-day summer curing by colored pol- 92.4
ythene sheets was prescribed to reduce the evaporation of water
from the concrete. Shortening the curing time to 3 days may result 80
35 40 50 55 60 70
in surface or bend cracks from shrinkage or temperature gradients. Concrete cover [mm]
The formation of through cracks is unlikely.
Fig. 11. Effect of concrete cover on the required area of reinforcement
As for C30/37
120 118.2
Required area of reinforcement As

115 116.9
[cm2] on both surfaces

104.5 109.9
105 3% Constructional measures
100 100.9 Model Code 2010
97.3 8 % Higher concrete strength
95 98.4 ACI 224.2R
90 91.0 92.4 EN 1992-1-1 20 % Larger concrete cover
85 86.0
27 % Type of cement
C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50
Concrete strength class [MPa] 42 % Design of reinforcement

Fig. 10. Required reinforcement area in a mat foundation for different Fig. 12. Quantification of the causes of the excessive amount of leak-
concrete strength classes ing cracks

© ASCE 04017134-6 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2018, 32(2): 04017134

Structural designer Concrete plant Subcontractor General contractor

Constructional measures Higher concrete Larger concrete Approval of the

strength cover concrete composition

Concrete specification Type and amount Concrete curing Low control and
of cement coordination level

Design of reinforcement

Insignificant error Error Significant error

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Fig. 13. Errors responsible for the large number of leaking cracks

Although fewer cracks were observed on the sections concreted Many studies have investigated early-age tensile properties to
in cold weather (January–March), the crack widths in all sections predict cracking, yet many WCS are still leaking. Although many
were greater than 0.2 mm. Thus the winter conditions had a positive papers have addressed the prevention of early-age cracking, rela-
impact on the number of cracks, but the reinforcement amount tively few have been concerned with experiences from failures.
was not able to limit the crack widths to 0.2 mm. When taking into Based on the numerous cracks and the results of investigation of
account the designed area of the reinforcement, the calculated the technical documentation and tests, the following conclusions
early-age thermal crack width wk ¼ 0.84 mm. This corresponds can be made:
closely to the maximum measured value of 0.8 mm. In order to 1. Temperature changes are the main cause of the formation of
limit the crack width to wmax ¼ 0.2 mm, the required area of early-age cracks in massive mat foundations. In general, when
reinforcement should be at least 92.4 cm2 (C30/37 in Fig. 10), assessing the risk of early-age cracking, drying and autogenous
e.g., ∅25=100 mm (98.1 cm2 ). shrinkage may be ignored.
Any reinforcement should be placed as close to the surface as is 2. Instead of using a large amount of reinforcement, it is recom-
consistent with the cover requirements. It was determined that in- mended to reduce the strength and the heat of hydration by re-
stead of the designed concrete cover of 35 mm, the cover was sig- considering the mixture proportions of the massive concrete.
nificantly higher (from 55 to 70 mm). An excessively large concrete The application of portland cement with ground granulated
cover leads to wider cracks. According to EN 1992-1-1 (Section blast-furnace slag can significantly reduce the heat generation
7.3.4), the value of the concrete cover is predominant for the in concrete, and simultaneously reduce the tensile strength of
maximum spacing of cracks, sr;max , and is therefore an important concrete by the formation of early-age cracks.
parameter for calculating the width of cracks. Fig. 11 shows the 3. Minimizing the temperature of fresh concrete during placement
effect of the increased concrete cover from 35 to 70 mm on the is also an efficient way to minimize thermal stresses and
required area of reinforcement As on both surfaces of the mat cracking.
foundation. 4. When higher-strength concrete is used, the amount of reinforce-
Fig. 12 summarizes the underlying causes of the leaking cracks. ment that will be required to achieve the specified crack widths
The quantification process was based on the difference between needs to be increased. The calculations in ACI 224.2R-92 (ACI
the provided and required reinforcement area in order to limit 2004) are more sensitive to an increase in the concrete’s strength
the crack width to 0.2 mm. than are the corresponding CEN and fib standards.
Fig. 13 shows the determination of the project stakeholders’ 5. The quantification of errors showed that the type and amount of
responsibility for a large number of leaking cracks. cement, design of reinforcement, and concrete cover are signif-
The aforementioned errors indicate that most of the crack- icant parameters for the formation of early-age cracks in the in-
control procedures should be considered during the design vestigated mat foundation.
phase. It is the responsibility of the designer to develop effective 6. The leaking cracks in the project discussed were successfully
designs and clear, specific provisions in the project specifications sealed by injecting a polyurethane resin.
(ACI 2001).
A single-component polyurethane injection resin was used to
seal leaking cracks. Injection packers were inserted into holes Acknowledgments
drilled at 45° through the cracks in the concrete mat foundation.
This work was supported by the research project VEGA No. 1/
The injected polyurethane fills the crack through the entire thick-
0583/15 “Analysis of the Reliability Risks in the Design and
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