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English III

Activity 2 - Unit 1 and 2: Writing Assignment

Presented by:

Leidy Marlen Barrera


Wilmar Bernardo Hurtado

Code: 74.451835

Lizeth Fernanda Manchego Farfán

Code: 1051590417

Edna Elizabeth Pineda

Code: 23946016

Presented to:

José Leonardo Rosas Chaparro


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

October, 2019
Part 1

Send 10 sentences using the modal verbs of obligation and advice regarding your
role as UNAD student.

Leidy Barrera:

1. I must respect my tutor and classmates.

2. I must respect the netiquette rules.
3. I must not copy other Works; my Works must be my own.
4. I should not share exam questions developed in the course.
5. I can’t allow anyone to take my place to develop activities in the course.
6. I should present the course activities before the last three days.
7. I could not lend my name and password because they are not transferable.
8. I need to know when is the web conference.
9. You better finish doing the English job.
10. I would soon my contributions to the forum, if I didn’t have a job.

Lizeth Manchego:

1. I must follow the netiquette rules in the collaborative forum.

2. I must make my contributions 3 days before the close of the activity.
3. I must choose a role whenever an activity begins.
4. I must not copy and paste texts from the internet.
5. I must give feedback to the contributions of my colleagues.
6. I must not pass the answers of the evaluations or contributions of my work.
7. I can't download jobs from the internet and pass them on as mine.
8. I must not share my username and password with my colleagues.
9. I must work in a team.
10. I must send my contributions and work beforehand.
Edna Pineda:

1. Rights and duties should facilitate the development of significant

autonomous learning processes.
2. I have to talk about the tutors and colleagues I am addressing.
3. I have to participate in the collaboration forum before four days before the
end of the course.
4. UNAD students must comply with regulations.
5. The set of institutional guidelines can lead to good comprehensive training.
6. I need to study to take the English exam.
7. The student must know the statutes, regulations and other internal rules of
the university.
8. The norm or better the normative means of the UNAD have been
established for a good integral formation of the virtual courses.
9. I must not write in capital letters; since this means he is screaming.
10. As Unadista students you have to apply academic consultations.

Wilmar Hurtado

1 Apply the university standars

2. Respect the tutors and classmates

3. Follow the established guidelines

4. To collaborate with collabotative works

5. Access to videoconferences.

6. Develop theproposed activites.

7. Access to scheduled practices.

8. Respect the name of the university

9. Collaborate in cultural activities.

10.Contribute with days prior the development of works.

Part 2

Send 10 sentences using past progressive taking into account what you were
doing and you were not recently.

Leidy Barrera:

Affirmative sentences

1. I was in Sogamoso the past month visiting my parents.

2. Yesterday I was doing the course activities differential equations.

3. Last weekend I was in the park playing with my children.

4. My husband and I were dancing on the night of last Saturday.

5. I was watching a movie last week.

Negative sentences

1. I was not in the restaurant eating seafood.

2. I was not in the school of my son the last week.

3. My family and I were not in the stadium watching the game.

4. I was not writing in the environmental ethics class last semester.

5. I was not walking in the streets of Cartagena.

Wilmar Hurtado:

Five things i was doing.

1. I was walking through the park.

2. I was eating hamburger.
3. I was stuying in the garden.
4. I was washing the car with my family.
5. I was working in the company
Five things i wasn’t doing

1. I was not on the beach

2. I was not in college.
3. I was not in the street
4. I was not exercising.
5. I was not talking on the cell phone.

Lizeth Manchego:

Five things you were doing recently:

1. I was working today.

2. I was eating cake.
3. I was playing with my pet.
4. I was skating in the park.
5. I was visiting my grandparents.

Five things you were not:

1. I was not on vacation.

2. I was not reading a book.
3. I was not playing football
4. I was not eating hamburger
5. I was not studying at the university.

Edna Pineda:

1. He was in the supermarket buying fruits for juice.

2. They yesterday were eating sandwiches with coffee.
3. I was playing with my cousin.
4. My sister was preparing lunch.
5. The young people were exercising in the gym
1. I was not in my house
2. Andres was not with us/we
3. Erika was not understanding the subject.
4. She was not running she was walking
5. Hey were not visiting their father in the city of London they were here.

Part 3

Write your own text about how you imagine yourself in ten years and send it in the

Leidy Barrera:

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

I am Leidy Barrera I am 31 years old. I was born in Sogamoso- Boyacá but for work
reasons I currently live in Bogota. I am married and I have two children. I am
environmental technician and I am studying environmental engineering in the UNAD
University. I work from Monday to Friday.

Paragraph 2: Your working life.

In ten years I will work in my own soil restoration company. The company will carry
out de analysis before, during and after the treatment. The treatment will be from
organic origin, making compost with different components, depending on the needs
of the soil that will be restored.

Paragraph 3: Your loved life.

In ten years I will live with my family in a confortable house, with a great garden and
a swimming pool so that my children and nephews cool off on sunny days. We will
have a dog. We will spend a lot of time with the family. We will travel a lot in different
places. It will be a great life.
Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.
My husband and I like to practice the mountain bike. So in ten years I hope to
continue practicing this sport with my husband and my children. Also, I will practice
climbing. Since, it is a sport that I love, because in addition to exercising I might visit
beautiful places and feel like I own the world.

Wilmar Hurtado:

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

Paragraph 2: Your working life.

In ten years I can speak English, I will not give up in the company where I work,
which is a company where steel is manufactured, and I could financially help my
mother with the effort I am making.

Paragraph 3: Your loved life.

I would like to go hand in hand with my lady to the altar, eat at home in a romantic
restaurant, I must get used to seeing my big children and fulfil their dreams, that is
what I must carry out in the future, it is each one must be guided, we can begin to
change the world to leave a future for new generations.

Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.

In the sports part, I have to exercise more, I have the will to do sports routines that
adapt to my work, we should all be in an optimal physical condition acoording to the
age at which we are. That is why it is an obligation in 10 years to be physically well.

Lizeth Manchego:

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

My name is Lizeth Fernanda Manchego Farfán, I am 22 years old, I currently live in

the Municipality of Firavitoba. I am studying 10 semester of the Environmental
Engineering program in the city of Sogamoso.
Paragraph 2: Your working life.

In 10 years I will be working as a great professional. I would like to work for and for
the people where I was born, to contribute my knowledge with the ability to identify,
diagnose, predict and propose alternative solutions to the needs of the municipality
and demands related to environmental issues and the scope of the objectives of
sustainable development. As a professional I want to propose practical and creative
solutions aimed at the prevention and mitigation of environmental problems through
the application of science and technology for the harmonious achievement of
sustainable development.

Paragraph 3: Your loved life.

In 10 years I hope to be able to start a family, live in the town that raises me, since
it is very quiet, people are very friendly and charming. I would like to build my house
near my family and practice my profession.

Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.

In 10 years I would like to promote sport for the whole community, especially for
children and young people. From a very young age I liked to practice skating, but
after I suffered an accident I stopped doing it, but I wish that in my town they will
encourage children and young people to practice this sport, it is very healthy and

Edna Pineda:

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself.

Cordial greetings to the Tutor and Classmates my name is Edna Elizbeth Pineda
Ramirez; I was born in the Municipality of Aquitaine Boyacá and I live in the city of
Sogamoso Boyacá, I study environmental engineering at the UNAD of the Cead of
the same city.
Paragraph 2: Your working life.

In 10 years I will work as an independent environmental engineer with the ability to

administer and evaluate natural resource management systems. I will determine the
environmental and social indicators to assess the environmental impacts. I will
propose prevention, mitigation and compensation plans for their effects; I will
recognize the elements and levels that cause environmental pollution and propose
alternatives for their treatment.

Paragraph 3: Your loved life.

In 10 years I would like to live with my family in a large country house on the outskirts
of the city of Sogamoso with many fruit trees, medicinal plants with a garden of many
colors and a beautiful pool for the family to have fun and share moments very happy.

Paragraph 4: Your sporting life.

I like to ride a bicycle. In 10 years I would like to continue touring with my friends the
towns of the department of Boyacá; since this is my favorite sport since I was little. I
would like to be a person who collaborates with sporting events in particular to be
able to help children and young people to be passionate about this sport.

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