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Name: Ilagan, Lineses, Group 3

Maderazo, Mercado
POST-LAB Section: Q1A2 Schedule: M
3 Properties of Hydrocarbons
Instructor: Sir Edu Gonzales Date 03/11/19

NO. 3
Pre-lab Questions

Ethane Toluene Propene

A. Hydrocarbon
An organic compound made of nothing more than carbons and hydrogens.
B. Alkane
Any of the series of saturated hydrocarbons including methane, ethane, propane
and higher members.
C. Alkene
Any of the series of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a double bond including
ethylene and propylene.
D. Alkyne
Any of the series of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing a triple bond acetylene.
E. Aromatic hydrocarbon
A hydrocarbon with sigma bonds and delocalized pi electrons between carbon
atoms forming a circle.
F. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
A hydrocarbon compound containing carbon and hydrogen joined together in
straight chains, branched chains, or non-aromatic rings.
G. Alkyl group
An alkane missing one hydrogen.
I. Introduction
Hydrocarbon refers to an organic compound made of nothing more than carbons
and hydrogens. It is known that it is possible for double or triple bonds to form between
carbon atoms and even for structures, such as rings, to form. It is divided into four
kinds – saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Saturated hydrocarbons have as
many hydrogen atoms as possible attached to every carbon. For carbons on the end
of a molecular chain, three can be attached. On the other hand, for carbons in the
middle of a chain or a ring, two can be attached. For a carbon atom all by itself, four
hydrogen atoms can be attached. Saturated hydrocarbons have only single bonds
between adjacent carbon atoms. While Unsaturated hydrocarbons have double
and/or triple bonds between some of the carbon atoms. In addition, Aliphatic
hydrocarbons are compounds of hydrogen and carbon that do not contain benzene
rings. We'll discuss compounds with benzene rings later in this lesson. Aliphatic
hydrocarbons tend to be flammable. Aliphatic hydrocarbons are subdivided into four
types - alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and alkenynes.

Alkanes refers to organic compounds that consist entirely of single-bonded carbon

and hydrogen atoms and lack any other functional groups. Alkanes can be subdivided
into the following three groups: the linear straight-chain alkanes, branched alkanes,
and cycloalkanes. Alkenes, also known as olefins, are organic compounds that consist
of carbon and hydrogen atoms with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in their
chemical structure. For additional information, Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Alkynes are hydrocarbons containing carbon-carbon triple bond. They exhibit neither
geometric nor optical isomerism. Lastly, Alkenynes are acyclic branched or
unbranched hydrocarbons having one carbon–carbon double bond and one carbon–
carbon triple bond.
II. Objectives
 To study some physical properties of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
 To study some chemical properties of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons

III. Materials
12 test tubes, 13 corks, evaporating dish, 5 ml pipet, pH paper or blue litmus paper,
watch glass, 250 ml beaker, dropper, aspirator, test tube rack, wood splint

IV. Reagents
Pentane, 1-pentene, ethyne, toluene, methanol, distilled water, 5% bromine-
cyclohexane, 0.51 KMnO4, calcium carbide
V. Procedure

Test for the odor of hexane,

1-pentene, and toluene by
fanning the fumes from the
from the corresponding
reagent bottles
VI. Data and Results
A. Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons

Compound Odor Ignition Test Solubility in

Tested water
Methanol N/A flammable soluble

Pentane Gasoline-like Flammable, yellow insoluble

1-pentene Gasoline-like Flammable, yellow insoluble
Toluene Like a paint- Yellow flame, insoluble
thinner smoke and soot
Table 1

B. Solubility of hydrocarbons in each other

Test Tube 1 – forms a solution
Test Tube 2 – forms a milky white solution
Test Tube 3 – forms a solution

C. Reactivity of Bromine with Hydrocarbons

 Why was Br2 dissolved in cyclohexane and not in water?
Cyclohexane is not soluble in water due to cyclohexane being non-
polar and water being a polar compound. Cyclohexane is thus soluble to
non-polar compounds or elements like Br2
 Which hydrocarbon reacted immediately with the bromine solution? Write
the equation for the reaction.
Alkenes are faster to react since they can easily polarize bromine
molecule by inducing a dipole.
2C5H10 + 5Br2 = 10CBr2 + 10H2
D. Bromine Substitution Reaction with Alkanes
 What was observed in the test tube shielded from sunlight?
No reaction.
 What was observed in the test tube exposed to sunlight?
Has slower but visible reaction.
 Write the equation showing the substitution of one bromine atom for
hydrogen on the end of hexane.

E. Potassium Permanganate Test for Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

 Which hydrocarbons reacted with KMnO4?
KMnO4 reacts with alkenes such as 1-pentene and with aromatic
compounds such as toluene.
 Did toluene reacted with KMnO4?
Toluene is unsaturated so it reacts with KMnO4
 How can potassium permanganate test be used to distinguish between
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons?
Purple potassium permanganate solution can be used to distinguish
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons when the hydrocarbons float on
top of aqueous solution of permanganate. When the test tubes are shaken,
unsaturated hydrocarbons decolorize the potassium permanganate while
no reaction happens if the hydrocarbon is saturated.
F. Preparation of Ethyne and Test for Flammability
 What gas was produced in the reaction between calcium carbide and
Calcium carbide reacts with water to generate acetylene gas
 Write the balanced equation for the reaction
CaC2 + H2O = Ca(OH)2 + C2H2
CaC2 + 2H2O = Ca(OH)2 + C2H2

VII. Discussion of Results

A. Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons
In terms of odor, most hydrocarbons smell like gasoline which is
understandable since most of hydrocarbon products are petroleum and other
gases. Methanol is linked to the hydroxyl group and is not advisable to be smelled
or inhaled since it is highly toxic. Methanol can be harmful if swallowed, absorbed
through the skin, or inhaled.
In the performed ignition test, all of the
hydrocarbons appeared to be flammable.
Flammability is another property of hydrocarbons.
They react with oxygen in the atmosphere to
produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy in
what are known as combustion reactions.
Hydrocarbons burns with yellow flame but there is
a distinction in burning aromatic hydrocarbons.

In aromatic hydrocarbons, the ratio for carbon-

hydrogen is high. They burn with sooty yellow flame
because of the presence of high carbon content.
Soots are caused by incomplete combustion.

Soot forms in burning toluene

which is an aromatic hydrocarbon
Since hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen, all hydrocarbons are
nonpolar. This means that all hydrocarbons will be insoluble to water. When water is
mixed with a nonpolar substance, there are no significant attractive forces between
them. When a nonpolar substance is mixed with water, the water molecules tend to
cluster together and exclude the nonpolar substance. If the substances were both
liquids like what was in the experiment, the result would be two layers of liquid, with
more dense liquid on the bottom. Hydrocarbons are less dense than water so they will
float on top of water.
. General rule is that “like dissolves like” and this means that polar solvents can
only dissolve polar solutes and nonpolar solvents can only dissolve nonpolar solutes.
Water is a polar solvent and hydrocarbons are nonpolar so hydrocarbons are insoluble
in water. In the illustration below, it can clearly be seen that pentane, 1-pentene, and
toluene are insoluble in water since the hydrocarbons floats in the water.
B. Solubility of hydrocarbons in each other
In test tube 1 is a mixture of hexane
and 1-pentene, in test tube 2 is a mixture of
hexane and toluene while test tube 3 is a
mixture of pentene and toluene. The
concept of this is the same as “like dissolves
like”. Since hydrocarbons are non-polar,
when they are mixed together, non-polar
solvents can dissolve non-polar solutes.

C. Reactivity of Bromine to Hydrocarbons

Why was Br2 dissolved in cyclohexane and not in water?
Cyclohexane is not soluble in water due to cyclohexane being non-polar
and water being a polar compound. Cyclohexane is thus soluble to non-polar
compounds or elements like Br2. As what the general rules is “like dissolves like”
is also applied to this part of the experiment. Br2 is non-polar and water is polar
while cyclohexane is also non-polar similar to Br2. They are alike which makes it
possible for them to dissolve and form a solution.

Which hydrocarbon reacted immediately with the bromine solution? Write the
equation for the reaction.
Alkenes are faster to react since they can easily polarize bromine molecule
by inducing a dipole so 1-pentene reacted immediately. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
react rapidly with bromine in a solution of carbon tetrachloride or cyclohexane. The
reaction is the addition of the elements of bromine to the carbons of the multiple
bonds. The bromine solution is red and the product that has the bromine atoms
attached to carbon is colorless. Thus, a reaction has taken place when there is a
loss of color from the bromine solution and a colorless solution remains. Since
alkanes have only single C—C bonds present, no reaction with bromine is
observed, the red color of the reagent would persist when added. Aromatic
compounds resist addition reactions because of their possession of a closed loop
of electrons.

C5H10 + Br2 = CBr2 + H2

2C5H10 + 5Br2 = 10CBr2 + 10H2

D. Bromine Substitution Reaction with Alkanes

In a substitution reaction, one atom is swapped with another atom. Alkanes
like hexane undergo a substitution reaction with halogens in the presence of light.
That is why no reaction why observed in the test tube shielded from light. In the
illustration below is an example of a substitution reaction because one of the
hydrogen atoms at the end of the hexane is replaced by a bromine atom.

E. Potassium Permanganate Test for Unsaturated Hydrocarbons

KMnO4 only reacts with hydrocarbons that
are unsaturated. Unsaturated hydrocarbons have
double or even triple bonds between the carbon
atoms. This makes unsaturated hydrocarbons
even more reactive than saturated hydrocarbons,
as well as have fewer hydrogen atoms bonded to
the carbon atoms than saturated hydrocarbons
have. That is why in the experiment conducted,
only 1-pentene which is an alkene and toluene which is an aromatic hydrocarbon,
reacted with KMnO4.
Dilute or alkaline solutions of KMnO4 oxidize unsaturated compounds.
Alkanes are generally unreactive since they are saturated hydrocarbons. Purple
potassium permanganate solution can be used to distinguish saturated and
unsaturated hydrocarbons when the hydrocarbons float on top of the aqueous
solution of permanganate. When the test tubes are shaken, unsaturated
hydrocarbons decolorize the potassium permanganate while no reaction happens
if the hydrocarbon is saturated. Evidence that a reaction has occurred is observed
by the loss of the purple color of KMnO4 and the formation of the brown precipitate
manganese dioxide, MnO2.

G. Preparation of Ethyne and Test for Flammability

Calcium carbide is not volatile and is not soluble in any known solvent, and
breaks down on contact with water. When calcium carbide is placed in a beaker
and was added a few drops of water, a reaction occurs that produces a gas called
acetylene gas. Acetylene gas or ethyne is a colorless gas with a faint garlic-like
odor and it easily ignites and burns with a sooty flame. An important reaction of
acetylene is its combustion and it is relatively acidic.

Below is the balanced equation for the reaction of calcium carbide with
CaC2 + H2O = Ca(OH)2 + C2H2
CaC2 + 2H2O = Ca(OH)2 + C2H2

Questions to Answer:
1. Explain the physical properties of alkanes and alkynes in terms of their structures.
Since hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen, all hydrocarbons
are nonpolar. This means that all hydrocarbons will be insoluble in water. When
water is mixed with a nonpolar substance, there are no significant attractive forces
between them. However, water molecules are very attracted to each other since
they can hydrogen bond to each other. Therefore, when a nonpolar substance is
mixed with water, the water molecules tend to cluster together and exclude the
nonpolar substance. If the substances were both liquids, the result would be two
layers of liquid, with the denser liquid on the bottom. Hydrocarbons are less dense
than water, so they will float on top of water. Hydrocarbons, in general, are volatile.
This means that they have a significant vapor pressure at room temperature so
they tend to evaporate easily. The rate of evaporation for nonpolar substances is
related to the molar mass of the substance. Heavier molecules will evaporate more
slowly, since they have stronger intermolecular attractive forces and therefore are
more difficult to separate.
2. Enumerate some important sources of alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes.
Sources of alkanes are petroleum, natural gas, destructive distillation of
wood and coal and anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. On the other hand,
alkenes can actually be obtained from alkanes by the process of cracking. Alkenes
can also be obtained by cracking natural gas. This method is obtained if the natural
gas contains appreciable amounts of ethane, propane and butane. Alkenes can
also be prepared form alkyl halides and from alcohols. While in alkynes, small
amounts can be found in crude oil and natural gas. However, alkynes found in
nature in plants and in some animals, possess physiological functions. Alkynes
also can be prepared chemically.

3. Explain the differences in reactions of the different hydrocarbons with bromine.

All hydrocarbons can be halogenated under certain conditions. Alkanes are
very unreactive, but they can be brominated or chlorinated in the presence of
ultraviolet light. This is a substitution reaction in which a hydrogen is removed from
the alkane and a halogen like bromine takes its place. The halogen atom can
substitute at any site on the molecule. Furthermore, the halogenated products can
react further to give di-substituted or tri-substituted products and so on. This
reaction is therefore not at all selective, and mixtures of many products will result.
Alkenes and alkynes are much more reactive than alkanes. They will react readily
with bromine, and ultraviolet light is not needed for the reaction. This reaction is an
addition reaction wherein the halogen atoms will add at the site of the double bond
only. Therefore, this reactive is selective and only one product will result. Aromatic
compounds are not very reactive. They will not react with bromine under normal
conditions. If the aromatic compound has an alkyl substituent, however, the alkyl
group can be halogenated in the presence of UV light.
VIII. Conclusion
Aliphatic hydrocarbons include alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Alkanes are
saturated hydrocarbons that contain only carbon-carbon single bonds. Alkenes are
unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond.
Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon
triple bond. Hydrocarbons contain only hydrogen and carbon. It this experiment it
is successful to differentiate alkanes, alkenes alkynes and aromatic hydrocarbons
through their properties such as solubility as the unsaturated and saturated
hydrocarbons distinguished by using solubility test. The immiscibility and miscibility
of the hydro carbons in the different solvent used in the experiment can be
observed by looking at the reaction happening or by the physical appearance in
the test tube. It can be also known by identifying the polarity of the hydrocarbons
and solvents given.

IX. Reference

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