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Brainstorming technique: Innovative Quality Management Tool for Library

Conference Paper · June 2018

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Kalayan Nilappa Kumbhar

Badrinarayan Barwale Mahavidyalaya, Jalna


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Brainstorming technique: Innovative Quality
Management Tool for Library
Mr. Kumbhar K. N.
Badrinarayan Barwale Mahavidyalaya,
Aurangabad Road, Jalna 431203

Brainstorming is creative idea generation technique. It

is also a problem solving technique. This technique provides
free environment to present individual ideas, without
attracting criticism from any one. Every generated idea is
recorded and considered as solution to a problem.
Purpose of this article is to review the experimental
literature on brainstorming. The term Brainstorming will be
defined and summarized. This paper deals with light of
Obsornes brainstorming rules, process, flowchart of
brainstorming, benefits, need in library etc. We explore about
how to organize and run effective brainstorming session in
library. It will also assist in research to solve problem in
every stream.

Key words: Brainstorming, Creative ideas, Innovative ideas, Library

Albert Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge

1. Introduction:
Management is art and it is part of day-to-day life. Library has used
various management techniques and tools for daily administration. Modern
era has raised different critical and difficult problems and has some
techniques to solve them, such as six sigma, brainstorming, TQM, MBO,
SWOT, and STEP etc., brainstorming is effective technique for creative
potential in order to generate ideas. Better-organized brainstorming also
helps problem solving.
Brainstorming is problem-solving technique. It shows collective
creative power of group of people. It is group productivity. This is used to find
out large number of ideas in shorter time to solve the problem. This is
accepted as one of the tool in quality management. It is useful to generate a
large number of ideas about a problem. Brainstorming provides an
environment free of criticism for creative and free exploration of options and
ideas to solve problem.

Library and information science has used management techniques and
tools to solve their problems raised by critical situations and technological
changes therefore librarians need to find out a solution. It deals with
leadership, psychology, financial management, staffing, security etc. Number
of studies can be conducted to solve the problems in Library.

2. Definition of Brainstorming:
The brainstorming has variety of popular meanings. Some times it is
called a casual discussion for new ideas. Some people believe that the term
brainstorming is universal treatment of creative problem solving technique.
According to Alex Obsorn – Brainstorming is a tool for maximizing a
group’s creativity in problem solving. It is a conference technique by which a
group attempts to find a solution for a specific problem by amassing all the
ideas spontaneously from its members.
According to Webster’s new World College Dictionary “Brainstorming is the
unrestrained offering of ideas or suggestions by all members of a committee,
conference, etc. in an effort to find a solution to a problem, generate fresh ideas, etc.
Agnes Michael (Ed.)

Human being live in a group or organization. Brainstorming is group

activity. It is a process of problem solving and getting solution, remedies on
problem by collecting ideas from group.

Alternatives to 'Brainstorm'
Excitable state, exhilaration, elevation, intoxication, abandon, thrill,
transport, ecstasy, fever, whirl, warmth, ferment, stew, turbulence,
boisterousness, outburst, outbreak, explosion, commotion, hysterics,
madness, rage, rampage.

3. History of Brainstorming:
The term Brainstorming is used and popularized by Alex Faickney Obsorn
in 1953 through the book Applied Imagination. In this book Obsorn presented
the Brainstorming method and effective rules for brainstorming session. When
he was jobless, he worked as press reporter, he also wrote book but
publisher rejected his book because of old ideas. Publisher told him his book
was not new, lacking in creative ideas. Later Osborn started his own
advertisement company to provide new creative ideas. Osborn organized
studies of group discussions to solve problems in 1939. He was frustrated by
employees’ inability to develop creative ideas. He began mass group thinking
sessions and discovered significant improvement in the ideas produced by
Many experiential studies have been conducted regarding group idea
generation. Some studies have ignored a few basic issues framed by inventor
of the tool.

4. Difference between Mind mapping and Brainstorming:
Mind mapping is also a group discussion tool to explain the ideas.
Mind mapping is used to work out the relationship between their ideas or
points by drawing. It shows relationship between ideas.
According by Tony Buzan “ Mind mapping is a method of visually
representing ideas and of aiding the brainstorming "free association"
process. A visual method of mapping information to stimulate the
generated ideas and analysis of it. "A method of accessing intelligence,
allowing rapid expansion and exploration of an idea in note form." (Tony
Brainstorming is a group creativity technique generates large
number of ideas for solution of problem in text/note form. These ideas
analyzed by facilitator and used to solve problem. Mind mapping
generates visualized structure and classified ideas as a form of problem
solving or decision making. That is basic difference between brainstorming
and mind mapping.

5. Types of Brainstorming:
There are two types of brainstorming. It should be selected based on its
advantages and disadvantages for maximum benefits.
6.1. Structured brainstorming: Members of group will sit in a circle. The
leader facilitates the brainstorming. The facilitator will write their ideas
in a rotational form on the board. This exercise will be carried out in
particular order till each person contributes an idea. If a member is not
ready with his/her idea it can passed, latter he or she may provide idea
or pass again.
6.2. Unstructured brainstorming: Members of group can sit in a circle or
in a classroom in any form of arrangement. There is no order of
response. The facilitator will motivate everyone to provide his/her idea.

6. Organizing Brainstorming either as individuals or groups:

1. Individual brainstorming tends to produce a wider range of ideas than
group brainstorming, but tends not to develop the ideas as effectively,
perhaps as individuals on their own run up against problems they
cannot solve. Individuals are free to explore ideas in their own time
without any fear of criticism, and without being dominated by other
group members.
2. Group brainstorming develops ideas more deeply and effectively, as
when difficulties in the development of an idea by one person are
reached, another person's creativity and experience can be used to
break them down. Group brainstorming tends to produce fewer ideas
(as time is spent developing ideas in depth) and can lead to the
suppression of creative of quiet people by loud and uncreative ones

7. Osborns method of Brainstorming:
Osborn mentioned four general rules of brainstorming to increase the
overall creativity of the group.
7.1. Focus on quality: This means maximum quantity breeds quality. If
the large number of ideas are generated it helps to produce an effective
solution. It generates ideas for solution of problem.
7.2. Don t criticize: Don’t criticize produced ideas. Hold the criticism or
evaluation on generated ideas by group members. It is important to feel
free to generate more ideas by members. If ideas are evaluated or
criticized then members will not present ideas freely. They feel shy to ask
something new.
7.3. Welcome unusual ideas: Record all ideas, unusual ideas are also
welcome. It can help to generate more ideas. Unusual ideas can assist to
create better ideas to another member of group.
7.4. Improve ideas: Good ideas may be combined and generate single
better idea and put it for further discussion or solution.

8. Problem solving process:

When problem is identified then brainstorming can used to solve or find
out solution of raised problem. Following steps are involved in problem
solving process.
8.1. Problem identification
8.2. Problem definition
8.3. Problem analysis
8.4. Identifying causes
8.5. Find out the root causes
8.6. Data analysis
8.7. Solution generation
8.8. Identifying resistances
8.9. Plan for solution implementation
8.10. Implementation
8.11. Observation
8.12. Standardization

9. Steps of Brainstorming:
Every step is important in brainstorming process, ignorance of step will
meet incomplete result or disadvantage. Skipping out the steps in
brainstorming session can be expensive mistake and time spending. If all
steps are carried out properly, it is very powerful to find better solution.
1. Select the group: facilitator must select the members not less than 5 or
more than 20.
2. Specify the objectives: Facilitator should build objectives and define why
he wants to brainstorm. He will find out about all members interested and
happy for selected central question. Allow people to make noise, shout,
laugh, and enjoy.
3. Define the roles- facilitator must decide the role of leader, recorder etc.

4. Explain the rules: facilitator should explain the rules to every one before
discussion begins. Every one must be clear about question.
5. Start the discussion: begin to start discussion rounds, they should take
some rounds and produce ideas.
6. Record the ideas: Ideas must be recorded and arranged.
7. Encourage the Ideas: wait for ideas, don’t hurry, participants must get
sufficient time to think and present better idea. Facilitator should
encourage the members to present ideas and appreciate all ideas.
8. Do end on the wild ideas.
10. Flow Chart of brainstorming session:



Arrangement of Problem

Start Differentiate problem

Define Differentiate problem

Explain background

Selection of member

Control on participated members Send tips towards background

Participation list/compile ideas

Determine solution/ findout solution

Facilitator should identify the problem, define and arrange it organize the
brainstorming session, start brainstorming with explanation of background and
problem related views, select members to discuss, control on them and find out

Image of Brainstorming session organized in Boston University for

future strategic plan of library (2011-2015)

11. Advantages of brainstorming: (Merits)

Brainstorming is useful technique to solve problem. Its benefits are as follows:
11.1 Encourage creativity: brainstorming generate a lot of ideas, It
encourages creativity of organization. It expands members thinking to
produce maximum ideas on problem. It can give number of options.
Ideas are formed collectively not individually.
11.2 Production of large number of ideas: group discussion is organized;
facilitator motivates to offer to produce maximum ideas in less time
from participant members. It helps to record maximum ideas.
11.3 Involvement of all group members; It is important to produce each
participants own idea on particular problem, it dose not criticize or
evaluates so it encourages member to produce idea
11.4 Sense of ownership: Group members are actively participating in
brainstorming process. It creates ownership sense to discussion and
produce ideas related problem.

11.5 Provide input to other tools: brainstorming results are also used in
other tools, databases, standardization etc. Generated ideas can be
used elsewhere.
11.6 You don't have to be a highly qualified expert or highly paid consultant
to use it
11.7 Easy to prepare, implement, understand - it's not a complicated
11.8 Save Time and money: Brainstorming is inexpensive. It does not need
a lot of materials. (only paper and pens are needed). It save the time.
11.9 It is fun and exciting.

12. Need of Brainstorming:

12.1. Solve the problem
12.2. Advertisement
12.3. Process Management
12.4. Project Management
12.5. Create organization
12.6. Planning of Management
12.7. Advocate Professional

13. Use of brainstorming in Library:

Brainstorming is used to solve problem. Some important usages in library are
as follows:
13.1.1. Improve organization- Improvement of Library as organization.
13.1.2. Human Resource Management – Defines responsibility, improve
skills, effective communication,
13.1.3. Financial resources management- To develop or find out financial
resources, which is needed day to day expenses.
13.1.4. Collection Development- to find out the readers interest and develop
collection strategy.
13.1.5. Organize research and development- to finding of output regarding
research problem.
13.1.6. Implementation of useful and potential technologies/ techniques:
application of computer in library, digitization, reprography, RFID etc.
13.1.7. Physical development of Library: Extension of library building,
furniture, rearrangement of furniture etc. (Reuse the catalogue
cabinets because of various libraries are introduced OPAC.)
13.1.8. Improvement of Library services: implementation of different
programmes: such as SDI, Digital library, service, electronic
document delivery service, etc
13.1.9. Make policies of libraries- Inter Library Loan, Circulation, Purchasing
etc policies.
13.1.10. Marketing strategies and methods- Marketing of library services such
as document delivery, reprographic, translation, publication services

13.1.11. Decision taking- it is fundamental principal of management to take
decision before taking action or introducing something new.
13.1.12. Problems in technological services- solve the problems raised by
technological changes, up gradation in hardware or software, barriers
in usage etc.

Library professionals should use brainstorming to find out solution,

creative development and solve the problems, which are barriers to
knowledge dissemination.
14. Summary:
Some people criticize to involve brainstorming is waste of time and
entertainment of executive. Creativity is not born its own. Brainstorm was
used more than 60 years ago in the effort to help group generate ideas.
Osborn’s aim was not merely the generation of ideas, but to encourage
everyone to better apply their imagination to challenges and opportunities.
Einstein also gives importance of imagination. Brainstorming is useful to solve
managerial problems raised by improvement and variations of technological
changes. It also helps in research to find out solution. Indeed brainstorming is
a creative problem solving tool to use every one for solving their problem.
1. Wadge, Kailas Nagnathrao. (30-31 Aug. 2010). Brainstorming: an
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4. Hyde, Timothy (2008). Better Brainstorming: Achieveing the impossible.
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5. Buwa, G.A. (Mar-May, 2007). Brainstorming. Dnyangangotri. Nashik.
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7. Isaksen, Scott G. (1998). A Review of Brainstroming Research: Six Critical
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