Business Finance

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Cris Andrei S.

Marayan 11/28/19
Business Finance
Prof. Edita C. Bayona
I was fascinated and grateful that I attended the seminar. I always had an interest in investing,

actually I am planning to invest once I graduated and is already earning. It is always my plan to

set aside a portion of what I am earning monthly to use it for my investment in a bank (Time

Deposit, Savings Deposit). So that my money would earn. But it turns out I was wrong. At what

part am I wrong? Actually, most of it. I learned that if I really want to invest and if I really want to

earn money I should invest right now. As a student there are many options that suits my

allowance. I learned that if I don’t want to regret in the future do it now. So, the next time my

allowance will be given to me I will start investing. The next thing that I learned is that Time

Deposits and Saving Deposits doesn’t really give you much returns compared to other type of

investments. Yes, these are the least risky investment because they are one of the most

conservative investment. But since there is not much risk involved the return is not really that all

so worth it. Just as to what the computations had showed us. What really had caught my attention

on the seminar was the Pru life UK “Insuravest” which is a single-pay life insurance product that

has both protection and investment components. With its potential for high returns. Imagine an

investment that does not give you high returns or savings but an insurance for yourself and your

future. And this kind of investment is so good that even your children will benefit from it even when

you are gone (sounds funny but very practical indeed). It is like hitting two birds with one stone. I

am really grateful that the seminar had enlightened us something that we can’t learn from some

books. It was very useful especially to us who were really interested, and to us accounting

students. We are pretty sure that we will be able to apply and share what we had learned from

the seminar. The legacy that the CBFS had brought us is something that we will treasure and

make use of in the real world. Thank you so much!

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