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The earliest known metatherian is sinodephys szalayi, which lived in China

around 125 million ago. The divergence of metatheria from Eutheria occurred in
Asia. No later than 125 million years ago, texa & aisa in north America about 120-
100 million ago, 1st proposed by Thomax Henery Huxel in 1880.


 It includes about five upper & four lower incisores, a canine, three premolars
& four molars.

 Skeletal & anterior dentition, such as wrist & ankle apomorphies.


 Dual vaginal canals, ureters join reproductive tract to form urogential sinus.

 Cerebral cortex of marsupials in smaller & develops more slowly.

 Behavior is less diverse.


 Monotremes – Egg laying mammals like the platypus & Echidna.

 Metatheria – Marsupials, which includes American order.

 Eutherians – Placental mammals consisting of twenty on order divided into 4


Geeta Pragyan Subhadarshini

Roll No. – BS 18 - 067
Agreement To Sale

This deed of agreement to sale, development and receipt advance is made on

this ___________ day of__________________ 2019.


The 1st party→ Mrs. Trupti Panda aged about__________ years W/o Mr. B. K.
Panda of village __________________P.O.________________ P.S_____________
Dist. _____________ and Mrs. Dipiti Choudhary aged about __________years
W/o_______________________ village ______________P.O.________________
P.S_____________ Dist. _____________. Aadhar No. of Mrs. Trupti Panda is
___________________ and Aadhar No. of Dipti Choudhary is_________________.


Mr. Narendra Pradhan aged about__________ years W/o Mr. B. K. Panda of village
________________P.O.______________ P.S_____________ Dist.
_____________. Aadhar No. _______________________.

Whereas the 1st party wants to sale their below schedule property to 2 nd party. The
said property is situated at Bhubaneswar since last some years. The 1 st party is with
peaceful possession over the same without any dispute and litigation.
And whereas, for personal reason and legal necessities the both parties are agreed
to execute this agreement with following terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions :-

1. The 1st party received an advance amount of Rs 30,000,00/- (Rupees thirty
lacs only) in shape of cash as today and Rs 10,000,00/- (Rupees ten lacs
only) in shape of cheque as PDC after six months from 2 nd party. The cheque
amount will be clear on date ____________________.

1st party agreed to sale their land and fixed the amount Rs 4,30,000/-
(Rupees four lacs thirty thousands only) per Guntha and as per the rate the
total amount will be calculated and considered.
The 1st party will produce their original documents like Patta, ROR,
Sale deed etc. to 2nd party at the time of registration without fail.

2. That the 1st party shall not claim or demand more money than the consider
amount to 2nd party in any manner whatsoever at any point of time as fixed

3. That the 1st party shall not sale, gift or enter into any agreement in respect of
the schedule property mentioned below wit anybody other than 2 nd party.

4. The 1st party declare that the below scheduled property is free from all sorts of
litigation and encumbrances.

5. Now the 2nd party can develop the said property, develop roads and internal
roads, can receive advance amount from customers do measurement this
land, do party boundaries partly and can do any type of development works.

6. When the 2nd party will take registration of the said property from 1st party, 2nd
party should have to clear the value of the said registered land. It may be
party or the sole property, as wising of the 2nd party.

7. That the 1st party agreed and believed to 2nd party and received the above
said advanced amount and 1st party has given a period of 6 months from
today to 2nd party to start giving rest payment and start the registration.

8. That the property is low land and now it is raining and now the period is
continuing for cultivation. But 2nd party is dynamically ready to develop the
property and as soon as possible do arrange customers to sale the below
mentioned property.

9. That if any dispute will arise in correction with this agreement that will be
adjudicated in the court of Law within Bhubaneswar jurisdiction only.


Period of Interruption
(Other than
Name of Whether any Effective
on on
Name of the the School No. & Date of Date of Permi- Whether Vigilance/Crimina date of Inter
Sl. Post category Pay Rema-
Contract where Engagement 1st tted Unauthor- performance l case or case of regular is on Senio
No Qualification Held at the scale rks
Teacher working at order Joining Abse- ised is satisfactory misconduct is after six -rity
time of
Present nce absence pending years
No. of No. of days

Gobaba- Class- 17304 dated 05 May be

Abdul Yes No 05 October 9300-
1. Fazil-E-Urdu sta High ical 03 October October Nil Nil No - process-
Razique (Satisfactory) (Gen) 2019 34800
School Urdu 2013 2013 ed soon

Date : Signature with Seal

Monitoring And Supervision Format (0 to 5 years)
Birth Nutrition status Nutrition status
Name of Name Name Name DoB Sex Caste
Name of the Name of the Name of the weight Previous Month Current Month
the of the of the of the
Child Father Mother
District Project G.P AWC (DD/MM/YY) (M/F) (in Kg) (SC/ST/OC) MUAC Weight MUAC Weight

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