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Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P.

Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019

a. Natural System
i. Physical System
- Physical system is tangible entities that may be static or
dynamic in nature. Abstract system is conceptual or non-
physical. The abstract is conceptualization of physical

- in Astronomy, it is a group of celestial bodies
that are associated as a result of natural laws. It is a
small number of stars which orbit each other, bound
by gravitational attraction. A large number of stars
bound by gravitation is generally called a star
cluster but, broadly speaking, they are also star systems

- The geologic system is a conceptual
arrangement of rock formations around the world
meshed together into a single, unbroken record of
Earth's past.


-in biology, it is a peer-reviewed open-access

scientific journal concerning system biology at the
molecular level, including genomics, proteomics,
merabolomics, microbial system, the integration of cell
signaling and regulatory networks and systematic

ii. Living System

- Living systems are open, self-organizing systems that
have the special characteristics of life and interact with
their environment. This takes place by means of information
and material-energy exchanges.
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
- Living systems can be as simple as a single cell or
as complex as a supranational organization (such as the
European Economic Community). Regardless of their
complexity, they each depend upon the same essential
twenty subsystems (or processes) in order to survive and to
continue the propagation of their species or types beyond
a single generation.


 Reproducer- the subsystem which carries out the

instructions in the genetic information or charter
of a system and mobilizes matter and energy to
produce one or more similar systems.
 Boundary- the subsystem at the perimeter of a
system that holds together the components
which make up the system, protects them from
environmental stresses, and excludes or permits
entry to various sorts of matter-energy and

 Ingestor- the subsystem which brings matter-

energy across the system boundary from the

 Distributor- the subsystem which carries inputs

from outside the system, or outputs from its
subsystems around the system to each

 Converter- the subsystem which changes certain

inputs to the system into forms more useful for the
special processes of that particular system.

 Producer- the subsystem which forms stable

associations that endure for significant periods
among matter-energy inputs to the system or
outputs from its converter, the material
synthesized being for growth, damage repair, or
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
replacement of components of the system, or for
providing energy for moving or constituting the
system’s outputs of products or information
markers to its supra system.

 Matter-energy storage- the subsystem which

places matter or energy at some location in the
system, retains it over time, and retrieves it.

 Extruder- the subsystem which transmits matter-

energy out of the system in the forms of products
or wastes.

 Motor- The subsystem which moves the system or

parts of it in relation to part or all of its
environment or moves components of its
environment in relation to each other.

 Supporter- the subsystem which maintains the

proper spatial relationships among components
of the system, so that they can interact without
weighting each other down or crowding each

 Input transducer- the sensory subsystem which

brings markers bearing information into the
system, changing them to other matter-energy
forms suitable for transmission within it.

 Internal transducer- the sensory subsystem which

receives, from subsystems or components within
the system, markers bearing information about
significant alterations in those subsystems or
components, changing them to other matter-
energy forms of a sort which can be transmitted
within it.

 Channel and net- the subsystem composed of a

single route in physical space or multiple
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
interconnected routes over which markers
bearing information are transmitted to all parts of
the system.

 Timer- the clock, set by information from the input

transducer about states of the environment,
which uses information about processes in the
system to measure the passage of time, and
transmits to the decider signals that facilitate
coordination of the system’s processes in time.

 Decoder- the subsystem which alters the code of

information input to it through the input
transducer or internal transducer into a “private”
code that can be used internally by the system.

 Associator- the subsystem which carries out the

first stage of the learning process, forming
enduring associations among items of
information in the system.

 Memory- the subsystem which carries out the

second stage of the learning process, storing
information in the system for different periods of
time, and then retrieving it.

 Decider- the executive subsystem which receives

information inputs from all other subsystems and
transmits to them outputs for guidance,
coordination, and control of the system.

 Encoder- the subsystem which alters the code of

information input to it from other information
processing subsystems, from a “private” code
used internally by the system into a “public”
code which can be interpreted by other systems
in its environment.
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
 Output transducer- the subsystem which puts out
markers bearing information from the system,
changing markers within the system into other
matter-energy forms which can be transmitted
over channels in the system’s environment.

b. Man Made System

i. Social System
- a group of people, or other organisms, joining
together to perform tasks and establish
- the patterned series of interrelationships existing
between individuals, groups, and institutions
and forming a coherent whole
- organizations of laws, doctrines, customs, and so
ii. Collection of Ideas
- process of creating ideas ; creation of ideas


- process of creating ideas ; creation of ideas

- a frequently used system of library book classifica
tion and arrangement with ten main subject class


- is a diet plan first developed in the 1960s that

encourages weight loss by making healthy food
and lifestyle choices.
- The Weight Watchers plan is based upon the
idea that dieting is only one part of a healthy
lifestyle. The program stresses the importance of
overall mental and physical health and well-
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019

iii. Transportation System

- a fundamental part of logistics and planning
whenever vehicles are used to move people or
items from one location to another.
- The purpose of a transportation system is to
coordinate the movement of people, goods and
vehicles in order to utilize routes most efficiently

iv. Communication System

- A communications system is a collection of
communications equipment that is integrated
into a coherent system.
- These allow different people to stay in touch
over a geographical system.

v. Manufacturing System
- A manufacturing system can be defined as the
arrangement and operation of machines, tools,
material, people and information to produce a
value-added physical, informational or service
product whose success and cost is characterized
by measurable parameters.

vi. Financial System

- accounting, inventory, general ledger, stock
brokerage, and the like

- in carrying out the system functions and storing
the systems information manually, sometimes it
may be cheaper to continue it. If the systems
under consideration requires only a limited
functionality, it is not true that computer are
faster and cheaper than the old way.
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
- Automated system might not considered
convenient by everyone. Some might say that it
would make too much noise, consume too much
energy, consume to much space in the room, or
it may not necessary.

- In an automated system, the sensitive and
confidential data may not considered
sufficiently secured. Of course user may want
he ability to keep the data protected and safe.

- Some believe that the computerized system
would cost less except that there is no
personnel who can maintain the system to its

- Some or probably might think that the
automated systems can cause to lose their jobs
or make make their too boring.

c. Automated Systems
- man-made systems that interact with or are
controlled by one or more computers

 Computer hardware
- CPUs, disks, terminals, printers, magnetic tape
drives, and so on.
 Computer software
- systems programs such as operating systems,
database systems, and telecommunication
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
control programs, plus application programs that
carry out the functions that the user wants.
 People
- those who operate the system, those who
provide its inputs and consume its outputs, and
those who provide manual processing activities
in a system.
 Data
- the information that the system remembers over
a period of time.
 Procedures (rules)
- formal policies and instructions for operating the

i. On-line systems
- An on-line system is one which accepts input directly from the
area where it is created. It is also a system in which the output,
or results of computation, are returned directly to where they
are required. This usually means that the computer system has
a hardware architecture


 data are entered into the computer system and received

from the computer system remotely
 its stored data are usually organized so that individual
pieces of data (such as an individual airline reservation
record or an individual personnel record) can be retrieved
and/or modified
o (1) quickly
o (2) without necessarily accessing any other piece of
data in the system
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
ii. Real-time systems
- A real-time system is considered by many to be a variant of an
on-line system; indeed, many people use the terms
- A real-time computer system may be defined as one which
controls an environment by receiving data, processing them,
and returning the results sufficiently quickly to affect the
environment at that time.

 Many processing activities that are taking place
 Assignment of different priorities to different processing
tasks — some need to be serviced immediately, while
others can be delayed for reasonable periods of time
 Interruption of one processing task before it is finished in
order to begin servicing another, higher-priority task
 Extensive communication between tasks, especially since
many of the tasks are working on different aspects of an
overall process like controlling a manufacturing process
 Simultaneous access to common data, both in memory
and on secondary storage, thus requiring elaborate
“hand-shaking” and “semaphore” procedures to ensure
that common data do not become corrupted;
 Dynamic use of and allocation of RAM memory in the
computer system, since it is often uneconomical (even in
today’s world of cheap memory) to assign enough fixed
memory to handle high-volume peak situations

iii. Decision-support systems and strategic planning systems

- These systems, also known as transaction-processing systems,
include such familiar examples as payroll systems, order entry
systems, accounting systems, and manufacturing systems
- Operational systems continue to wobble along, many
organizations are focusing their attention on a new kind of
Assignment #1 15-07749- Mary Jane P. Togño
Title: Types of Systems Infotech321A-JJa Systems Analysis & Design
Due Date: November 24, 2018 2nd Sem SY 2018-2019
system: decision-support. As the term implies, these computer
systems do not make decisions on their own, but instead help
managers and other professional “knowledge workers” in an
organization make intelligent, informed decisions about various
aspects of the operation. Typically, the decision-support systems
are passive in the sense that they do not operate on a regular
basis: instead, they are used on an ad hoc basis, whenever
- Strategic planning systems are used by senior management to
evaluate and analyze the mission of the organization. Rather
than providing advice about an isolated business decision, these
systems provide broader, more general advice about the nature
of the marketplace, the preferences of the customers, the
behavior of competition, and so on. This is usually within the
province of the Strategic Planning Department, or the Long
Range Planning Department, though it may be a more informal
activity carried out by one or two senior managers.

iv. Knowledge-based systems

- Knowledge-based systems contain large amounts of varied
knowledge which they bring to bear on a given task
- These systems are associated with the field of artificial intelligence,
defined in the following way by Elaine Rich (Rich, 1984)

“ The goal of computer scientists working in the field of

artificial intelligence is to produce programs that imitate human
performance in a wide variety of “intelligent” tasks. For some
expert systems, that goal is close to being attained; for others,
although we do not yet know how to construct programs that
perform well on their own, we can begin to build programs that
significantly assist people in their performance of a task.”

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