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Text 1 The toll road connection will give the public an

ANNOUNCEMENT alternativeaccess to ease congestion on Jl. Sawangan and
In accordance with the international security Jl. Margonda in Depok, which is the only major route to
regulations, the following items are never allowed to be Jakarta from Depok.
taken onto a plane by passengers, either in their carry-on “The Antasari-Depok toll road is an important project as it is
bags or in their checked luggage; weapons, including part of the ring and radial road system in Jakarta,” Public
knives, guns; explosives, including dynamite and fireworks. Works Ministry Director General of Highways DjokoMurjanto
The following items may be placed in checked said during the launch.
luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools, including (Taken from The Jakarta Post, May 9, 2014, p. 13)
hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches; sports equipment 5. Why did the Antasari – Depok toll road important?
such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis and ski poles. When A. It connected Antasari – Depok – Bogor
you pass through the security line, all bags will go through B. It gave an alternative acces to ease congestion
our X-ray machines and some bags will be manually C. It was as part of the ring road system in Jakarta
checked by personnel; as well. Thank you for your D. It supported the capital city’s expansion
cooperation. Have a safe and pleasan flight. E. It was a major route to Jakarta from Depok

1. What is the text about? 6. “. . .Antasari – Depok – Bogor toll road kicked offon
A. Weapon and explosive Thursday . . . “ What is the closest meaning of the
B. Item brought on carry – on bags underlined word?
C. Welcoming foreign passengers A. Finished
D. International airport security regulations B. Started
E. X-ray machines in airport C. Happened
D. Opened
2. “When you pass through the security line, all bags will E. Closed
go through our X-ray machines. . .” what is the similar
meaning of the underlined word?
A. All bags will be sent to the X-ray machines Text 6
B. All bags will be moved to the X-ray machines
C. All bags will be checked by X-ray machines One afternoon a month ago, I was very hungry. As
D. All bags will be packed next to X-ray machines I didn’t cook anything to eat lunch, I decided to go to a café
E. All bags will be washed by X-ray machines about a hundred meters from my boarding house.
I changed my trousers and shirt then left for the
Text 2 café by myself because my roommate hadn’t come yet from
Celine Dion was born in Quebec, Canada, March 30, the school. As soon as I got to the café, I ordered the meal
1968. She is well-known as a Canadian pop singer. She with fresh vegetable soup that seemed very delicious in the
began her debut as a profesional singer in 1981. That time hot day, and also a glass of tea. When they were served, I
she sang a French song. ate up eagerly the meal and soup and drank the tea. I was
Celine released her first English song album in satisfied and it was the time to pay. I grabbed my trousers
1990. It made her becoming a very popular singer during pocket and I was shocked. My hands didn’t feel there was
90s. The very famous song she sang was “My Heart Will Go any wallet there. I felt so embarrassed that I didn’t dare to
On”. That was released in 1999 as Titanic movie see the faces of the customers. My body stayed still on the
soundtrack. chair and began sweating.
Celine got many awards. In 1996, she got “Medals I tried to control myself in front of the people. I
of Arts and Letters” from France Government. In 2004, she collected my courage to come to the cashier to say
got Chophard Diamond from World Music Award as the something. Feeling uneasy, I told her that I left my wallet in
most wanted singer in the world. In 2007, Sony BMG the other trousers at the boarding house and promised to
announced that Celine Dion’s album was sold out for 200 take it and come back soon. Some customers looked at me.
millions of copies. I thought I must hide my face. She nodded and said it was
not a matter.
3. When did she get award from France Government? Finally, I ran to the house and got back with the money.
A. 2007 I gave it to her and came out of the café. What a relief! It
B. 2004 should not happen again to me
C. 1999
D. 1996 7. From the text we know that. . . .
E. 1981 A. The writer got an exciting experience
B. The writer feel relief with his experience
4. What did she sing to begin her debut? C. The writer was clumsy
A. My heart will go on D. The writer was careless
B. Pop music E. The cashier was angry
C. French song
D. English song 8. Why did the writer feel embarassed?
E. Sony BMG song A. Because he ran to the house and bring some money
B. Because he ordered the meal with fresh vegetable
Text 3 soup
The construction of the Jakarta metropolitan area’s C. Because he tried to control hisself in front of people
new 21-kilometer-long Antasari – Depok – Bogor toll road D. Because he grabbed his trousers pocket and he was
kicked off on Thursday as the government boosted efforts shocked
to support the capital city’s expansion. E. Because he didn’t find his wallet when he’ll pay the
12. What is not considered as the impacts of bullying that
9. “I gave it to her and came out of the café.” The closest might be suffered?
meaning of the underlined word is… A. The victims of bullying will probably show the
A. Left nature of violence
B. Threw B. A variety of mental problems may be carried away
C. Entered until the victim grows to be an adult.
D. Missed C. There is the incline in the spirit of learning and
E. Walked academic achievement to the victims
D. There would be physical health complaints, as
10. These statements are not true according to the text, headache, abdominal pain and muscle strain
except. . . . E. In a heavy case, bullying can be the trigger of a
A. The writer decided to go to a café about ten meters fatal act, as suicide.
from his boarding house. 13. “. . . .we have to stop it due to hazardous impacts. . .”
B. The writer ordered the meal with fresh vegetable (last paragraph). What is the closest meaning of
soup in the hot day, and also a glass of water. underlined word?
C. The writer told the cashier that he left his wallet in A. Horrible
the other trousers at the boarding house and B. Worse
promised to take it C. Scary
D. The customers felt so embarrassed that they didn’t D. Risky
dare to see the faces of the cashier. E. Giant
E. The customers ran to the house and got back with
the money. 14. What can be influenced by bullying on children?
A. Their physical health and headache
Text 7 B. Their mental health and behaviour
C. Their environment
Bullying is the use of violence, threat, or force to D. Their friends and parents
intimidate others. This behaviour can be a habit and involve E. Their physical and mental health
an imbalance of social and physical power. This behaviour
can include verbal abuse or threats, physical violence or Text 10
force and can be directed repeatedly against a certain
victim. It maybe based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, RanupaniLake is one of the many lakes in Kabupaten
or ability. Lumajang in East Java province. It is an amazing tourist
It is a very serious problem and dangerous for our place to visit. The location of RanupaniLake is in
social environment. We have to stop every single act of Kecamatan Senduro. It is about 50 km from Lumajang
bullying because it has many impacts that could be town to Ranupani village by car/ motorcycle transport.
threatening each involved part of society, not only for the The lake is surrounded by steep forest slopes and
bullied children, but also the children who bully, children mountains. The highest peak of RanupaniLake is 1,950
who watch a bullying, even for the school with the issue of m above sea level. The length of the lake is 0,5 km and
bullying. Bullying can bring bad influence on children’s the width is 1 km. It is a volcanic lake. The temperature
physical and mental health. In a heavy case, bullying can be around the lake is very cold. Besides the lake you can
the trigger of a fatal act, as suicide. also find animals such as monkeys and birds.
There are several problems that might be suffered RanupaniLake is really beautiful with a spectacular
by children as the victim of bullying. First is a variety of scenery.
mental problems like depression, anxiety and sleeping
trouble; this problem may be carried away until the victim 15. What does the text mainly talk about?
grows to be an adult. The act of bullying will be so difficult A. Amazing tourist resorts in Lumajang,
to forget by the victims. Second, there would be physical B. RanupaniLake in Lumajang.
health complaints, as headache, abdominal pain and muscle C. Volcanic lakes in Lumajang,
strain. Third, there is insecurity right in the school D. Steep forest slopes in Lumajang.
environment. Fourth, there is the decline in the spirit of E. Waterfalls in Lumajang.
learning and academic achievement. Fifth, in the quite rare
case, the victims of bullying will probably show the nature
16. The main idea of the text is that ...
of violence.Not only to the victims, could the impacts of
A. Ranupanilake is a beautiful tourist resort
bullying also affect the doer of bullying.
B. The location of Ranupanilake is difficult to reach
It is obvious that bullying is very horrible and we have
C. Ranupanilake is the only lake in sumatra
to stop it due to hazardous impacts such as physical and
D. Tourists from southeast asia visit this beautiful lake
mental health problem, the quality decline in achievement
E. The animals are more attractive than the lake itself
or work, having bad image, possibility or tendency to be
engaged in crime, misusing of alcohol and drugs, until
17. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
suicide. Those impacts are not only for the victim, but also
A. The lake is 2 km long,
for the doer, the witness of this act, and the place where
B. RanupaniLake is not a volcanic lake.
bullying happens.
C. RanupaniLake is 4.5 km away from Senduro.
D. There are steep forest slopes
11. What is the topic of the text?
E. Birds are the only animals that can be found in
A. The impacts of bullying
B. The victims of bullying
C. Several problems of bullying
D. Bullying is the use of violence
E. Bullying is very horrible

18. Rearrange these jumbled senteces below to an 5. As a consequence, it damages the beauty of the
appropriate paragraph! city, creates water and air contamination gas and
1. We can see rubbish or wreckage the broken part of causes disease.
destroyed thing in many places. 6. The polluted dust in air will make it hard for people
2. Polluted water and air are smelly: Besides giving a to breathe and can irritate the eyes.
bad smell, polluted water, rivers, and drains are not 7. Contamination gas is harmful to public health.
nice to see.
3. Cleanliness is not only related to bathing, brushing
teeth, wearing clean clothes, and washing hands A. 3 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 4 – 1
before dining but also participating in preventing B. 7 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 2
the contamination gas. C. 3 – 7 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2
4. But not all people especially those who live in cities D. 7 – 3 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 5
care about it. E. 3 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 1

Text 11

Earthquake brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims. Actually there are three
kinds of earthquake. These kinds of earthquake are commonly base on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes
happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion.

A tectonic earthquake is most common one. This kind of earthquake (19)... while earth's crust rocks break because of the
geological strength created by moving of the earth's plates.

Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava,
which dries quickly; when it dries (20)... it blocks the top of the volcano.

This make no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the
pressure. (21)... the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic
earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano.

19. A. Happen
B. Happens
C. Happened
D. Happening
E. Will happen

20. A. Slowly
B. Gradually
C. Quickly
D. Interestingly
E. Silently

21. A. Because
B. But
C. So
D. Although
E. Since

Text 14

Contamination gas means impurity or foulness and some time it has the meaning of being polluted. We often see
contamination gas of surface water, contamination gas of ground water, We also(22) ... that air contamination gas can harm
our lungs.

For centuries, noise has been a nuisance. (23)... and physicians have gathered evidence (24)... the effects of exessive noise.
Beside a temporary or permanent loss in hearing acuity(sharpness), constant exposure to loud noise can cause nervousness
and fatigue

22. A. Understand
B. Realize
C. Feel
D. See
E. Show

23. A. Scientist
B. Expert
C. University’s Professor
D. Naturalist
E. The government

24. A. Explain
B. State
C. Mention
D. Showing
E. Tell

Text 15

The Warta Lumajang, a leading English- language daily newspaper, requires a qualified reporter. The following
qualifications are required :

1. Indonesian citizen 5. Not more than 26 years old

2. university degree 6. pleasing personality, highly motivated and dynamic
3. willing to take a series of tests 7. Able to operate a computer
4. Good understanding of English, TOEFL score at least 550
Please send an application letter in English, a copy of current curriculum vitae, a photocopy of identification motor
vehicle, a photocopy of diploma, a photocopy of TOEFL score, a sample of writing in English, and a recent passport sized
photograph to

Human Resources Manager

The Warta Lumajang
S. Parman Street 23 Lumajang
Application should reach us before January 12th, 2016.

25. Under what heading is this text likely found?

A. Housing
B. Education
C. Furniture
D. Job vacancy
E. Travel agency

26. The Warta Lumajang is looking for a person who is qualified in ….

A. Teaching English
B. Making a series of tests
C. Being a human resource manager
D. Writing news report
E. Leading a daily newspaper


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