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| Tones a Ee te, ae ee MESSAGE TO THE STUDENTS 1 1 1 1 ' . a i Peruvian young people, Welcome to the Private University I “TELESUP”, which springs up with the objective of giving I you all chances so that you can turn your talent into a source I of wisdom, development and satisfaction for you and our 1 nation. I We offer you degrees which has a good position in the labor, 1 national and international market. 1 We want you grow and enjoy learning in our classrooms. ' Thinking about it, we have designed your Private University ! “TELESUP”. The future university campus streches out an ! 33 000 thousand meters area in Ancon. ' Nowadays our seat is located in the centre of town with a big ' and comfortable infrastructure. It has the most modern ' Physic, Biology, Chemist, language and Computer I Laboratory. There is a specialized library with all that you f need during your studies. I A nice cafeteria and an entertainment area are for you from I the beginning of your classes. I The authorities on the subject and the Teaching Staff have 1 been choosen between the most select of the university and 1 intellectual world of our country. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 We wait for you José Luna Galvez Doctor of Education A. Starter: Look at the boys and girls in the picture. What are they saying? ‘Stand up and say your name for the class. Hello, My name’s Larry. !?'m Ma lo Hi! I'm Mark. everybody! I'm Karin. My name’s = my name is P'm=Tam Student’s Book 1 LANGUAGE CENTEL ” 2. CONVERSATION: INTRODUCING PECPLE Listen and Practice: Audio 1 "ai)) Anne: Good morning, Roger. Roger: Good moming, Ame. Arine, this is Peter Beck Peter: Nice to meet you, Anne. Anne: Nice to meet you, too. FORMAL GREETINGS AM (morning hours): Good Morning! PM (afternoon hours): Good afternoon! PM (evening hours): Good evening! M (evening hours): When do we use formal or informal greetings and leave-takings? Complete the sentences 1. We say ‘...... ..” to greet a person in the evening. 2. We say ‘good morning’ to greet a person in the .. 3. We say ‘goodbye’ in the morning, afternoon or but we say * only at night B. Pair Work: Introduce your partner. ESS en SS aan Student’s Book 2 TELESUD LANGUAGE CENTER Jefferson Farfan (Jeffri) polls D £ First name Last name Nickname: C. Pair Work: Ask your partners about their names, Then make a list of your partners’ name. Follow the example. You: What's your name? Your Friend: My name is > Greet or say goodbye, accordingly. 1, Greet your partner now. Greet your teacher now. Greet your brother/sister at (4.00 pm ) Greet your father in the morning. Greet your mother in the afternoon, Say good bye to your teacher at ( 7.00 pm ) rays Say good bye to your partner after class. Student’s Book 3 TELESUD EANGUAGE CENTER 4) (9: THEALPHADET Listen and practice: Audio 2 | 11. FOLLOW UP G. Write the number of the question next to the correct answer. Then practice with your partner. 1 Is Michael a student? ___a. Yes, she is, 2.- Are Toshi and Yoko neighbors? __b. No, we aren’t, 3. Is Mrs. Carter a secretary? ___¢. Yes, heis. 4 Are you in my English class? 4. No, they aren’. 5. Are you and your family in apartment #2? e. Yes, Lam, ” INTERACT HH. Group work: point to students. Ask their names. Follow the example You: Are you Sandra? Your partner: Yes, 1am or No, lamnot Student’s Book a CENTEL Listen and repeat: Audio 4 Wy) 123 43678910 111213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 ie Say the numbers 1 — 20 round the class. J. Read and listen to the telephone numbers. Read them aloud. Audio 5 700900315 00.1 212 799 7050 || oh double seven double o} =) five six three five - five nine double oh three one five : double oh- one — vo one two ~ seven double nine — seven oh five oh + K. Listen and write the numbers you hear. Practice them, Audio 6 0) ) L. Ask and answer the questions with other students. Write a list. hat’s your name? Phillip Gibson |: What's your phone number? 2 It’s 4082351 1: What’s your address? It's 608 Willow Avenue.- Toronto Ok, see you take care. Student's Book TELES! INCLAGE CENTER A. What other objects are there in your class? B. Match the words and pictures an electronic orgahiz f book. C. Listen and repeat. Audio 7 =) Student*s Book Peter :Happy birthday, Tina! Here you are. Tina :Oh,Thank you Peter. Peter :You're welcome, Open it, please Tina :Whatisit? Tell me. Peter :It'sa_ Tina: Ob! It’s great! Thanks a lot. A, an: The: i @ es It's am apple The watermelon is delicious. It’s a banana The bananas are delicious Student’s Book 10 ‘SUP LANGUAGE Answer the question for each picture 2 What is it? Jt'ya@morange a is it? 3 ; ‘What is it? What is it? E, PAIRWORK Go to page 9 and ask your partner about the objects. Follow the example: N wie > ? \ { It’s an orange. \ ¢ And how do you spell that? \ F. Look at the plural words ‘Two oranges ‘Two newspapers F. Say the plurals of the other words in page 9 “G.Listen 10 the numbers from 1 10 100. Audio 9 =) Student’s Book 1 Perey is Niles Acca Seca NMg@ ee og dig eee) Hel i a ‘ ; sa i laric | | See vat saa Tea BRR tye CRC Student’s Book 2 ‘SUD LANGUAGE CENTEE What's his name? What's her name? e is Michael. Her name is Nicole. POSSESSIVES IN ENGLISH Adjective Personal Pronouns Example | i My This is my umbrella. You Your This is your book. “He His These are his keys. She Her These are her glasses. It Its ts capital city is Lima, We Our This is our classroom. They Their She is their teacher. With nouns, add -‘s: My father My father’s —? This is my father’s car Maria Maria’s Are you Maria’s brother? Note:‘s has two meanings: T'm Maria’s brother (= I'm her brother) Maria’s at home (= Maria is at home). Student’s Book 13 H. — Write the words in the correct place Brother — father — daughter — wife — aunt— gr other - girlfriend boyfriend _| husband | son 1e__| grandfather | ls end __| ___| mother | | sister | | ind Myelin is Ask and answer questions about Gregory's family. {Who's Brenda? a [ Student’s Book 4 ELESUD LANGUAGE CENTER €PRAMMAP POINT: Demonstrative adjectives 0 * This and that are used with singular or uncountable nouns. These and those are used with plural nouns. Singular Plural Male/female This These Male/female That Those This student is intelligent. singular ‘These students are intelligent. pharal ‘That book is interesting. singular Those books are interesting. plural * This/ these refer to people and things that are near you (near the place where you are now or near the present time) * That / those refer to people and things that are not near you. This is my book. near That is your car. far These are my friends. near ‘Those are their relatives. far J Complete these conversations and practice with your partner Ae LC isthis? Az What... 2 It’sadictionary B: i A: B: What are these? ‘They're books A this your pen? A your peneil? B: No, it’s not. B: Yes, A: these your books? AL your erasers? B: No, they B: No, — Student's Book SUP LANGUAGE CENTER Listen and practice: Audio 17 hj), Rebs eh. K. — Complete these sentences with the prepositions of place: in - on - under - next to - behind - in front of { umbrella is ft? “The notebooks are ¢ the wastebasket, i dictionary. L. Where's the remote control? Listen and practice: Audio 12 “D |F |P |i |B a |S (8 T a F(R it © 8 |x | y |r [a @ {— |N |t [1 [NW [A [P [R a [Nt @ jE [R [mM [A |N |¥ JA |5 u yD IT c {E ik |p jo jt [a [N |p ste B [zZ (|c (WH |1 |N [A 7@ (8 T [a |s a [tr [N |@ [y [P fe |r ju R |v Je F [RJA [N |e [Ee 7 [Ee |S | a [U \N TE PS fF $ L T x [E TY 1t [x T 1 v ie N [a [Dd [A fo | | a |[s [Ww c[N fe |B IR Tc U |N [T E |D [kK [1 [nN /M Africa South frica Asia Australasia A Europe North America = C___ __,ULL_ South America A. Practice Book 18 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER c. Complete each Word in the nationalities column with one of the endings in the box. Then complete the official languages column. Tn’ ian’ ese"ench ish Kk Countries 1 Argentina 2 Australia 3 Brazil 4 Canada 5 China 6 France 7 Germany 8 Greece 9 India 10 Ireland 11 Italy 12 Japan 13 Portugal 14 Poland 15 Russia 16 South Africa 17 Spain 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 United States Practice Book nationalities official languages Argentin Spanish Austral Brazil Canad Chin Fr. Gem Gree a Ind Ir Tal Japan. Portugu_ Pol Russ. South Afric Span Turk Brit Americ. 19 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER A. Complete the following conversations like the example What's his name? His name's Bob Whete’s he from? He's from Australia. What's her name? Her name's Marie Where's, from? from France. What's, name? ame’s Fernando Where's he from? He’s from Colombia. Practice Book - What's name? __name’s Nadia Where's from? She's from Russia. What's her name? z Su Li from She's from China, ‘ name? ne’s Marco Where's from? He's Italy. TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER B. Complete the conversation Jack: 1s this your newspaper? Marta: Yes, it is. Here Jack: Oh, but it isn't in English. Marta: It's in Spanish. Spanish is my _ language. Jack: Are you Spanish? Mart , T'm not. I'm from Mexico. Jack: Oh, so you're Mexican. That's 8. GRAMMAR AL Put the words in the correct order. 1, from/aren’V/They/Rt x Italy?/is/she/from 3. from/nov/I'm/France. s the/you/United/States?/Are/from .. a we/Are/24?/room/in 6. isn’t/from/Thailand./He ... B. Choose the correct answer, (are, is OR am). 1 they Scottish? 21 not Polish. 3. We teachers 4. you a student? 5. They____not from Italy. 5. ____she Italian’? Practice Book a TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER READING Introductions (Ata party) Peter: Hello. Jane: Hi! Peter: My name is Peter. What's your name? Jane: My name is Jane. Nice to meet you. Peter: It’s a pleasure. This is a great party! Jane: Yes, it is. Where are you from? Peter: I'm from Amsterdam. Jane: Amsterdam? Really, are you German? Peter: No, I'm not German. I'm Dutch. Jane: Oh, you're Dutch. Sorry about that, ‘That's OK. Where are you from? 'm from London, but I'm not British, Peter: So where are you from’? Jane: Well, my parents are from Spain, so I'm Spanish, too. Peter: That's very interesting. Spain is a beautiful country. Jane: Thank you. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Peter i . British from London German Spanish Dutch British 4, Jane is 2. Jane is from British Spanish British German London Spain 5. People who are German: 3. Jane's parents are. are from Amsterdam, aren't from Amsterdam. live in Amsterdam Practice Book TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER 0. WRITING A. Fillin the spaces and answer the questions. Brazil Italy Puerto Rico South America China Asia Example Where is Sao Paulo? It’s in Brazil. 1. Where ___ The Himalayan Mountains? 2. Where Rome? 3. Where Hong Kong? 4. Where___ The Mount Aconcagua? 5. Where San Juan? B. Correct the sentences. 1. Brazil is in Europe. Br ‘Lin Europe. It's in South America. 2. The US president is Engli 3. Shakira is Argentinian. 4. Budapest is in Germany. 5. The Jonas Brothers are from France. Practice Book 2 THELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER C. Write the name of each country in the American and European map. Then make sentences. > Canada is in North America. DPractice Book 24 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER 4 WHAT COLOR Is IT: i's i. WARMUD > Label the pictures Srey? To Borg TEILESUP LANGUAGE CENTER B. Complete the words. 1 Mike's at work. He’s wearing a sa and Judith isn’t at work today. She’s wearing anda Elena’s in the office. She’s wearing a anda . and a It’s very cold today. Erie’s wearing a a Julia’s at a party. She’s wearing a C. Complete the crossword 6. something you wear on your legs that are usually blue something you wear on your fect something you wear on top of your other clothes when you go out something you wear on your hands when it’s cold something you wear round your neck when it’s cold something you wear on your legs something you wear on your head when it’s cold TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER D. What clothes don’t belong? Circle the things. ZeompN ut 6 Cee __shirt _T-shirt __boots _ swimsuit __ shorts __ shorts __scarf __ sneakers _tie __suit _sweater __cap __ jacket _jeans _gloves __ shorts __belt __high heels __pants __T-shirt __swimsuit __sneakers _shorts __boots 2. VOCABULARY A. Look the picture and write questions and answers Sarah ‘5 Example: Paul What's Paul wearing? He's wearing a shirt, pants and shoes. 1, Sarah, 2.William 3.Martha a Practice Book a TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER B. What things in your classroom are these colors? Write sentences. Yellow brown, Light blue black dark blue ‘Orange’ red white * pink green 1, My English book is black and blue. 2. Karen’s sharpener is pink 3. - 4, a 5. _—_ 6. 1. 8 9 10. C. Write questions and answers. Follow the example, Example: Oranges: What color are oranges? They're orange. 1. milk: 2. tomatoes: _ 3. coffee: ; 4 anes: - 5. sea: . Practice Book TELESUP LAN€UAGE CENTER D. What color are the things in the pictures? Complete the crossword. r “Hr E. Answer these questions. 1. What color are your eyes? 2. What color is your favorite T-shirt? 3. What color is your coat? F. True or False? If the sentence is false, write the correct color. 1 Elephants are pink. 2° Bananas are red. 3 Grass is orange 4 The sky is blue. 5 The seais red. 6 Chocolate is brown. Practice Book 29 TELESUD LANGUAGE CENTER RN, G. Look at the pictures for clues and put these weather words into the correct gaps: hot, raining, windy, sun, sunny, blowing, cloud, rain, wind, cloudy, rainy, shining, cold. + Thesunis. today. + Itis today. + The weather is great today. It's nice and today, - today. + Itis + The weather is. today. today + The temperature is very wun 5 below freezing. 4. today. ss s-vseit Moscow. = The weather in winter is... Practice Book TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER H. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Cloudy cold feeey hot Snowing sunny windy L ‘Complete the sentences with words from H. 1 Ie’ = It's so . a ~- 2, a eet 2 It’s... 3 It’s 4 Its Dractice Book 3 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER J. Complete the crossword across *: 7- The white part F | eT i St = pown + i BB T-itis,, | 2>Aseason ‘The water must 5 | De ww 3 I —— | | s | . 9=Aseason, 11-Itis a | W2-Ktis. || teetets 1 Practice Book ae TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER Quiz (Basic I) Use the appropriate verb to be in each sentence. a it cloudy today? b. They from Japan. ¢. The notebooks ___next to the pencils. a. _____she your teacher? e Tright? £1 not from the United States g.____ those your keys? h. Your wallet on the table. i. What these clothes like? j. That's David's friend. His name ___ John. Use the appropriate possessive for each sentence. a, What's your name? name is Michael b. What color is your classroom? classroom is blue. ¢. What's her brother's name? name is Steven. d. What's your friend's name? name is Katherine. ‘e. What's David and Michael's telephone number? telephone number is 8465-3217 Where is your book? book is in my bag Practice Book 33 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER I ee, Use the correct word in each sentence. a, Korea is Asia. b. Marta isn't Brazilian, She's _ Mexico, ¢. Her newspaper is ___ Spanish d. The book isin front __the television. e. The chair is next the sofa f Your name is the board. g. Mycreditcardsare ___my wallet h. Are you my math class? i, Jennifer's comb is ____ the table. j. What is the weather like your city? Write the number for each object. 6. keys b. boots c. briefcase iq. pencil | d, calculator ir. shirt e. comb [s. shoes f. tic _ umbrella g. wallet wastebasket _ Practice Book 34 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER Write (T) for a TRUE sentence and (F) for a FALSE. i = a. The chair is behind the umbrella.( ) — d. The comb is next to the wallet.( ) b. The key is in the handbag.()_e. The glasses are under the newspaper. ( ) 7 —> ¢. The table is in front a the ‘umbrella g f. The newspaper is on the briefease.() PUNTAJE CALIFICACION 90-104 = Excellent !!! 80-89 = Very Good !!! 70-79 = Fair 69 or less = Need to Review Units Practice Book 33 TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER EXTRA ACTIVITIES Complete the crossword 7 7] F] F 3 Ly 6 7 7 8 eth is A - ++ a2 | as L ACROSS DOWN S ninety 1 ninety four 8 sixty two 2 seventy eight 9 fifty three 3 eighty eight 11 ninety three 4 seventy four 13 fifty one 6 sixty 15 forty one 7 fifty nine 17 twenty 10 sixty six 18 forty eight 11 twenty two 19 eighty 12 thirty or 20 thirty two 14 twenty four 21 eighty nine 16 seventy seven 22 forty seven 23 thirty five Practice Book 36 TELESUD LANGUAGE CENTER Where are the things? Practice Book a TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER John Lennon - Woman Woman 1 can hardly express My mixed emotions at my thoughtlessness After all I'm forever in your debt And woman I will try to express My inner feelings and thankfulness For showing me the meaning of success Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Woman I know you understand The little child inside of the man Please remember my life is in your hands And woman hold me close to your heart However distant don't keep us apart After all it is written in the stars Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Ooh, well, well Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Well Woman please let me explain I never meant to cause you sorrow or pain So let me tell you again and again and again Love you, yeah, yeah Now and forever Tove you, yeah, yeah Now and forever Love you, yeah, yeah Now and forever Tlove you, yeah, yeah John Lennon - Mujer Mujer, dificilmente puedo expresar Mis emociones mezcladas y mi pensamiento [Después de todo, te estaré por siempre en deuda lY mujer, intentaré expresar [Mis sentimientos internos y mi agradecimiento Por mostrarme el significado del éxito lOoh, bien, bien Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo lOoh, bien, bien Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Mujer, sé que entiendes EI pequefio nifio dentro de un hombre Por favor recuerda mi vida esté en tus manos 'Y mujer mantenme junto a tu corazén, Sin embargo la distancia no nos mantiene separados Después de todo esta escrito en las estrellas lOoh, bien, bien Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo lOoh, bien, bien Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Bien Mujer por favor déjame explicar [Nunca quise causarte pena o dolor Pues déjame una y otra y una y otra vez decirte [Te amo, si, si Ahora y por siempre [Te amo, si, si [Ahora y por siempre ire amo, si, si |Ahora y por siempre [Te amo, si, si RO Practice Book 3s TELESUP LANGUAGE CENTER MY HEART WILL GO ON Celine Dion - My heart will go on Every night feel you, That is how I know you go on. n my dreams I see you, Far across the distance and spaces between us You have come to show you go on. Near, far, wherever you are, believe that the heart does go on. Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on. Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime, And never let go till we're gone. Love was when I loved you, one true time I hold to, In my life we'll always go on. Near, far, wherever you ar. I believe that the heart doe (why does the heart go on) Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart nd my heart will go on and on. You're here, there's nothing to fear, And I know that my heart will go on. Welll stay forever this way. ‘You are safe in my heart, And my heart will go on and on, Practice Book Celine Dion - Mi coraz6n seguiré adelante [Todas las noches en mis suefos te veo, te siento, Asi es como sé que continiias adelante Lejos por la distancia y espacios entre nosotros Has venido a mostrar que sigues. a, lejos, dondequiera que est [Yo creo que el corazén continia, Una vez mas, abres la puerta HY estas aqui en mi corazén, HY mi corazén continuard sin [El amor puede tocarnos una vez y durar toda la vida, Yn ‘a dejes que se vaya hasta que nosotros nos hayamos ido. [El amor estaba cuando yo te amaba, un tiempo real al que yo retengo, En mi vida nosotros siempre seguiremos adelante. |Cerca, lejos, dondequiera que estés, Io creo que el corazén sigue adelante |(por qué el corazén continta?) [Una vez mas, abres la puesta LY estas aqui en mi corazén, Hy mi corazén continuara sin parar. lEstis aqui, no hay nada que temer, LY yo sé que mi coraz6n continuari. Nosotros nos quedaremos de esta manera por siempre Tu estas seguro en mi corazon, JY mi corazén continuard sin parar. 39

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