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Gun Rights vs. Gun Control

There have been various arguments and discussions on whether people should have the

right to bear arms or if the government should step in and put limitations – such as gun control.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is the main factor that citizens use to

support their right to bear arms, however in this day and age with mass shootings becoming more

common than before it does strike up the question as to “Should we have more limitations”. This

paper examines the discussion of Gun Rights vs. Gun Control.

According to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States it reads “A

well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to

keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Due to the language used for the Second

Amendment, there have been many debates over the Amendments intended scope. Scholars,

government officials/law makers have tiresomely discussed and argued behind the

statement“…the right of the people to keep and bear arms”. Some believe that that statement

individually gives citizens the constitutional right to bear arms. Others believe that the statement

“a well regulated militia” was intended to prohibit congress from taking away a states right to

self defense.

For those that argue for gun rights, the main topics that they argue is about being able to

exercise their freedom. The individual right to carry arms is seen very symbolic for freedom.

Another argument for having gun rights is to use for personal protection, for their homes,

familes, and businesses. Another argument is that guns aren’t the main issue, it’s the beholder of

the gun. Focusing more on helping those with Mental issues rather than focusing on the gun.

Those that argue for gun control their main arguments are that more and more gun

violence crimes are happening and in order to control the narrative, they must control and add

more restrictions. Another reasoning for gun controls is that even though there are certain criteria

to purchase a fire arm, not many people go through the extensive background check as well as

screening to obtain the fire arm.

Both sides have valid points, however I personally am a bit neutral, however I would say

I am more pro-gun rights than gun control. I do believe in gun control, however to a certain

extent. I believe that all U.S. citizens should be able to carry as long as they take some type of

course that’ll show them the proper techniques. I don’t believe guns are bad, I believe that it is

all on the person that decides to use it for ill purposes. Statistics show in the past more people

died from car crashes than they did from gun related crimes. Does that make the cars bad? No, so

why do we look so negatively at owning guns.

The sources of information that I have used in order to find my information for this paper

were all articles online. Based off of experience and my own personal knowledge, I do know to

lookout for Credibility, Accuracy, Reasonableness, and to look for their support. Personally, I

believe the best sources come from Newspapers, popular magazines, professional/trade

publications, scholarly/academic journals, books, and websites. I say those because all of those

sources try to get the most accurate information and study for their audiences. Information could

be verified through study and research. Published authors, scholars, etc. all have to ensure their

information is correct prior to sharing it or else it will go against them and their future work and

making them and their information less credible.

As far as discarded information, I feel like information that is strictly opinion based

instead of being more factual should be discarded. I understand freedom of speech, but now a

days there are more “fake news” than actual news because the “facts” are all opinion based. If we

looked at the statistics and the facts it would show most of these “fake news” information as


I didn’t have much assumptions as far as this topic is concerned. I feel like everything has

been pretty straight forward as far as positions on the topic whether you’re for gun rights or gun

control, and the reasoning behind it. So if I have made any assumption on them, I think it would

be more of an invalid assumption just based off of where people stand on the gun control and

their main concern for it. Yes, I do need to research and educate myself more on the topic, I

would love to know more about the issue and be able to know more of my “rights” as far as gun

laws go. I do believe in being able to protect yourself as well as your family against those that

may try to intrude or break into your home to either steal your possessions or even hurt you or

your loved ones.

I’ve come to the final conclusion that with this very controversial topic, it is important to

be able to bear arms to protect yourself, your family, and your property as long as you’ve

educated yourself on the laws of carrying as well as on how to use a firearm. Like I’ve

mentioned before, it is not the gun that kills, it is the person that is in control of the gun. Yes, I

believe there is more than one possible conclusion, however it is more depending on the person

and their stance on the situation.

This course has actually given me some perspective on this topic because I feel like I

don’t pay attention much to the current issues and so having to research as well as look at both

sides of the argument helps me be more aware and mindful on the different beliefs people have

and it allows me to be more open and understanding to both sides of the argument. Yes I do have

my own opinion now on the issue, however I still respect others and their opinions and am

opened to hearing their arguments.



Tauriq Moosa (2013) Two important arguments from Both ‘sides’ of the gun debate. Online



Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitutional Law: Principles and Policies 26-28 (2006).

Second Amendment ; Online URL:

Connect US ( 2015); 14 main pros and cons of the right to bear arms. Online URL:

Richard Rowe, Here is why we need gun control. Online URL:


Illinois Library; Select the best information source. Online URL:

Robert Harris (2018) Evaluatinf Internet Research Sources. Online URL:

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