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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3

Process/methodology Used to Develop the Work Required...................................................... 3

Description of Elements Included in the Process ...................................................................... 4

Construct an overall rich picture and root definition of the scenario ........................................ 7

High-Level Plan to Develop this System ................................................................................... 9

Techniques ............................................................................................................................... 10

Possible Future Use of Process/Methodology and Techniques ............................................... 11

Reflection ................................................................................................................................. 11

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 12

Reference ................................................................................................................................. 13


System development is the process which focuses on the prospects of defining, regulating,
designing a new software that would be helpful in initiation of a new project. It is the process
wherein improvisation can be undertaken in the due course of time. It helps in creating a
framework for development proceedings with regard to the implementation of the proceedings
in the management. Virtual platform is being discussed in this regime which should include
factors related to technology development, installation of the proceedings in the task at hand.
It also helps in creating a database which would help in maintaining data. The current scenario
is based on the virtual software development for university students to perform various
activities on virtual platform, to be developed by a Wellington based small software company.

Process/methodology Used to Develop the Work Required

System development methodology is the system wherein framework is being made which helps
in carrying out the activities in the elongated manner. It is the structure that has to be followed
by the organization in the due course of time. In this assignment we would be discussing
regarding a particular project wherein soft system technology would be used.

From the scenario given, it could be analysed that the small software company needs to develop
the MUVE second life program for the university students to enrol in a virtual campus
environment. Generally, there are 6 major types of Software Developing Life Cycles (SDLCs),
which are v-shaped model, spiral method, waterfall model, Evolutionary prototype model,
Agile development and iterative method. The spiral model could have been considered to be
best for the given scenario, since this process allowed for small interphases development and
risk management. However, the major disadvantage of high time and cost forbids the use of
this methodology. The traditional Waterfall model is not at al suitable for this project, even
though it is comparatively inexpensive and simple to implement, since this project requires
multitasking and dynamic scenario development, with room for flexibility to incorporate
changes according to the requirement of the clients. Therefore, the Agile methodology is found
to be appropriate for the current project, due to the high involvement of the customers or
stakeholders and room for high modifications and decreased resource usage times resulting in
cost efficacy of the SDLC.

As far as the virtual concept implementation is concerned there are multiple steps which are to
be incurred that would help in initiating the proceedings in the systematic manner. In case of
agile methodology meeting along with documentation and one to one communication has to be
undertaken by the management. It is the point wherein communication would be undertaken
among the officials in the initiation and the team work would be discussed in the detailed
manner. It highlights the platform wherein regular activities would be reviewed thereby future
prospects would be discussed in the detailed manner.

From the scenario it can be derived that agile methodology would be suitable as it would help
in carrying out the activity in a systematic. Moreover, it being cost effective and time
consuming and the involvement of the stake holders along with the consumers makes it more
convenient in its usage.

Soft system technology helps in identification of the problems that is at stake thereby pros and
cons related to the problem along with the alternatives is being identified. Intellectuality is
being maintained in the due course of time. Interrelationship that is prevalent in the problem
has to be identified thereby solutions should be enabled accordingly. In this respect perceptions
should be analysed from different analyses (Joore & Brezet, 2015). Persuasion should be
undertaken by the organization in the due course of time. It directly affects the customers,
transformation medium, owner, constraints related to the environment, global approach. One
of the important aspects that have to be maintained is the inclusion of efficacy in the due course
of time. It is one of the determining factors that have to be taken into account time and again.
In order to ascertain a virtual platform in an isolated place requirement related to the same
should be configured thereby implementation should be undertaken. All these features are quite
achievable through the use of Agile methodology.

Description of Elements Included in the Process

Soft System Methodology is the system which helps in understanding a particular problem that
is prevailing thereby coming up with the appropriate measures in the due course of time.
Complexity prevails in the organizational forum. It can be taken care by application of
appropriate measures (Lee, 2016). Soft System Methodology provides the framework which
helps resolving the problem that is at stake. Soft System Methodology operates in two mode
manner. It includes real time activities and system that involves that involves detailed analysis

of the situation. The software to be developed, will be providing a virtual 3d environment for
the exploring of the learning possibilities as well as a virtual social life for the university
students. The entire project can be divided into four main stages, namely- requirement analysis,
design, pilot or testing and implementation. However, among the four mentioned stages, the
design stage or phrase consists of the four major elements on which the MUVE program needs
to be developed, which are data, architecture, components and interface.

The rationale for considering the data design in the methodology part is due to the
understanding of the variable types or the local data objects that must be structured onto the
component level. The architecture type will be useful in evaluating the application domains,
required pattern and analysis model of the entire MUVE project. The interface design element
will be vital in understanding the transfer speed of the information and the ways in which the
information or data is communicated among the various system components. Rather it will be
useful to describe the ergonomic, technical and aesthetic rudiments of the user interface. Like
the implementation of the “kiwi” based ambience will reflect the diversified cultural aspect of
the students’ population of New Zealand. It is through this stage that the user will be able to
understand and interact with the software elements. The component level design comprises of
the internal specifications of the software components, defining the algorithmic process details
and local data objects that operates to provide a user-friendly interface.

In case of methodology that has been undertaken it is important to note that applicability is
possible through proper and quality management (Lee, 2016). In case of methodology detailed
analysis should be undertaken by the appropriate officials. The methodology acts as the
roadmap for the students. Getting access to the social network along with a website would help
in developing oneself in the due course of time. There is an Association that has been assigned
with the responsibility to initiate the proceedings. Methodology would act as the framework in
getting along with the activity. All the components that have been stated would help in
providing the platform for user friendly interface. In the current scenario stages that have been
stated should act in a synchronised manner. Applicability of agile methodology would be
appropriate for the project as it is cost effective in nature. Design lays the foundation for the
future prospects of the activity. As far as the testing phase is concerned it would help in
understanding the pitfall along with the advantages that would be helpful in the initiation of
the task. Once test is successful it would set into activity accordingly.

A certain plan structure would be prepared that would help in the initiation of the proceedings.
The functioning would be transparent in nature. At the initial stage kick off meeting would be
undertaken. Time box events would be prepared that would provide the time frame in the
initiation of the proceedings. Some of the impediments would be input that would be discussed
in the meeting. It is a demonstration which would be helpful in this case it would be getting
access to the website, communicating through the means of social media. In order to reform
there would be a reformative meeting that would be helpful in carrying out the project. In the
due course of time if the same is successful it would help in initiating the proceeding in the
long run. It would be helpful for the past, present and the future students in getting access to
the same in the significant manner.

At the initial stage detailed discussion is to be undertaken among the specialists thereby pros
and cons should be identified likewise measures should be undertaken and promulgated in the
long run. It depends on the agility of the personnel that has been entrusted with the
responsibility in initiating the proceedings in the long run.

A supportive and cordial environment should be created which would enable in initiating the
task in the swift manner. Time frame has to be determined for the completion of the task.
Review management is of primary concern and should be undertaken in the due course of time.
It is the responsibility on the part of the officials in the initiation of the task accordingly. All
the elements that have been used in the project development methodology acts as the important
factor in the initiation of the proceedings in the long run. Data collection helps in effective
research thereby survey is being undertaken (Abrahamsson et al., 2017). In case of research of
profound nature, it is important to note that the activities should be undertaken in the systematic
manner rather that up for halt. It is possible when management helps in the initiation of the
proceedings in the effective manner. Accountability is one of the major determinants in this
regard. It would help in initiation of the task in a smooth manner.

Construct an overall rich picture and root definition of the scenario

In order to ascertain that the activity is being undertaken in the smooth manner overall preview
has to be undertaken that would help in initiating the proceedings in the significant manner.
Virtual environment is the environment that helps in building the platform wherein
development can be seen in the due course of time. It helps in maintaining equality and equity
in the functioning (Beckett, 2015). It is an effort on the part of the students’ association in
providing the atmosphere wherein students from the past, present and the future context can
succumb to the application of interactive university learning modules.

Figure: Rich Picture


It states regarding the framework that should be followed during the course of the project. It
helps in the initiation of the proceedings in the cost effective (Pred, 2017). Detailed diagram
regarding the deliverables has been provided. It would help in understanding the prospects and
the benefits one can avail through the initiation of the virtual world. It is one of the important
aspects and helps in understanding the activities that are to be undertaken by the management
in the implementation. It is the responsibility to review the tasks that are at hand thereby
solutions should be undertaken in order to mitigate the losses that are at stake. Rich picture the
framework by which task would be undertaken by the management. It is important to note that
when framework has been prepared it would help in carrying out the activities in the systematic

The project is divided into a number of processes that are to be undertaken in the due course
of time. There is inclusion of multiple activities in the due course of time. Management control
and efficiency is one of the important paradigms in the present context. Deliverables are to be
prepared that would help in proper and effective implementation of the proceedings in the long
run. It acts as the support system in the initiation of the proceedings in the due course of time.
Users, auditors along with the management officials is entrusted with the responsibility in the
initiation of the proceedings in the long run. Furthermore the

High-Level Plan to Develop this System

After any project is being undertaken, it has to go through a certain phase in order to come out
with fruitful results. There has to be certain purposed in the initiation of a particular task (Flora,
2017). When any assignment is being undertaken foremost task is the initiation of the task by
proper and detailed analysis of the same. It is e responsibility on the part of the officials in the
initiation of the task in the most effective manner. Determination of the problem that is at stake
is of utmost priority. Moreover, present and the past records are to be determined thereby
reason for inefficiency has to be identified. Focus should be towards the ascertainment of
alternative solution in the due course of time.

Once the analysis has been undertaken it is the responsibility to chalk out a decisive plan that
would help in the progress in the functioning in the long run. It is possible after critical analysis
of the happenings that is prevailing around (Isaias & Issa, 2015).

When the functioning is being undertaken retrospective approach should be undertaken by the
management that would help in the initiation of the proceedings. It is important to note that the
activities can be assessed by having access to the findings in the similar fashion. The next stage
is the implementation of the proceedings that is at stake. It is important to note that it is possible
through detailed study in the due course of time. Every prospect should be checked in the
detailed manner thereby proceedings should be undertaken accordingly. It is one of the
important stages as future projections depends on the successful completion of the task at hand
(Wolpert et al., 2015).

Virtual platform would in getting access to the information regarding any information.
Learning can be incurred in the open space and is not isolated in nature. The final stage is the
operation stage. It includes improvisation thereby understanding the situation that prevailed
before its applicability and the one that is prevalent after its inclusion. It helps in determining
the future prospects, pitfalls if any should be identified thereby necessary changes would be
undertaken to improve the proceedings. Looking at the applicability of the software, it is to be
noted that the entire software will be cloud based, to provided access for students from
anywhere without the hassles of maintaining a separate server for the university campus. Rather
the implementation of cloud-based software development will be also beneficial for the
company, because both the graphic designers and programmer lives outside Wellington and
therefore the cloud-based system development will provide the versatility to co-ordinate among
project tasks without meeting on specific dates, thus leading to cost efficacy and time efficiency
of the software development.


The elements that have been discussed can be matched with the proceedings of the assignment.
At the first instance objectives are the elements. They can be discussed along with the
objectives of the assignment (Komai et al., 2016). They act as the pillar in the proceedings of
the work that is being undertaken in assignment. In case of virtual set up in an isolated zone it
is important to establish the fact objectives would be crucial in this aspect and would help in
initiating the proceedings of the assignment. Installation of the project is a tedious task so
provisions should be mentioned in the objectives which would help in carrying out the task

The next important aspect is data collection which can be related with the data that has been
collected in the proceedings of the ongoing of the assignment (Kuhrmann et al., 2017). It is
important to note that proper and effective data analysis helps in understanding the present and
the historic position thereby alterations can be undertaken. It is considered one of the decisive
elements in the methodology process.

Reviewing the developed modules is the next analysis which can be related with the potential
risks that may be on the floors. In fact, one of the important ascots is execution of the roadmap
that has been prepared in the meeting of the organization. Roadmap helps in understanding the
scenario and helps in guiding the future transactions that are at stake in the organization
(Tukker et al., 2017).

Once all the elements have been discussed in the detailed it is the reporting plan that has to be
prepared that would help in presenting the report card for the task at hand. It is the responsibility
on the part of the officials in the initiation of the task in the detailed prospect.

Possible Future Use of Process/Methodology and Techniques

When any task is being taken into account responsibility lies on the part of the researcher in
initiating the task (Kotlarsky et al., 2015). It would help in proper and effective progress of the
project thereby developments can be seen in the similar manner. In order to establish future
growth, it is important to note that detailed record of the happenings should be recorded in the
minutes thereby making scope for improvisation.


From the detailed analysis it can be ascertained that there are four steps that have been
identified starting from Requirement analysis. the agile methodology has been used, which
have educated me regarding flexibilities in project management and software development and
listening to changes requirement form clients’ end. It helps in dividing the task into small
segments which helps in carrying out the activities in the simplest manner. Moreover, execution
of the methodology is cost effective thereby leads to effective time management. The next step
is the design that helps in building framework in initiation of the activity. System architecture
has been designed that ascertains the module of the project.

System architecture provides the framework whether the activity should be operated in cloud
server or local server. Moreover, there are certain components that are present in the design
which includes software components, algorithm process and direct links along with security.
All these components have been identified that would help in carrying out analysis in the
detailed manner. Interface is the next stage which includes the framework within which the
activity is to be undertaken. From the research I have learned that it would be helpful in the
future context. Herein portal has been prepared that would help in interacting with the users.
Next method is testing phase wherein the software would be tested along with the initiation of
the users and if any deficiency should be identified thereby suggestions if any should have
addressed. It is normally undertaken in front of the users thereby their experience is being
shared which would help in understanding the rectification that is to be undertaken accordingly.
Once testing is being undertaken it would help in implementing the same. From the project, I
have identified that software deployment is succeeded with the future modification process
which we have certainly taken care of.


From the above analysis it can be ascertained that in the projection of the proceedings in the
virtual platform proceedings should be analysed in the detailed manner thereby it should be
implemented accordingly. Review management should be undertaken by the management that
would help in identifying the flaws and immediate solution would be undertaken. It would help
in progressive initiation of the assignment.


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