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P/N: MA2182
Revision 8b (for use with Rev 1B Motherboards)
October 11, 2005

Revision 8b i 11/10/2005
Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.

7000 Fisher Road S.E.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2H 0W3
Phone: (403) 252-8470
Fax: (403) 255-6287
World Wide Web:

Table of Contents
MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTY STATEMENT ........................................ vi
Section 1...........................................................................................................1-1
1 Analyzer General Description..................................................................1-1
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................1-1
1.2 Note on Theory of Operation............................................................1-1
Section 2...........................................................................................................2-3
2 Analyzer Component Description............................................................2-3
2.1 Standard 12-minute Cycle Time ...........................................................2-4
2.2 Detector ...........................................................................................2-7
2.3 Microprocessor Control System .......................................................2-7
Section 3...........................................................................................................3-9
3 Analyzer Installation and Considerations ................................................3-9
3.1 Sampling Point Location ..................................................................3-9
3.2 Sample Volume and Flow Rate........................................................3-9
3.3 Sample Conditioning ........................................................................3-9
3.4 Battery ...............................................................................................3-9
3.5 Installation........................................................................................3-9
Section 4.........................................................................................................4-13
4 Electrical Connections and Considerations ...........................................4-13
4.1 Functions of Electrical Ports...........................................................4-13
4.2 Modbus Communication ................................................................4-18
4.3 PLGC II Wiring Schedule ...............................................................4-21
4.4 PLGC II Wiring Diagrams...............................................................4-22
Section 5.........................................................................................................5-25
5 Software Operation ...............................................................................5-25
5.1 Software Installation and Connection.............................................5-25
5.2 Interface and Icons ........................................................................5-26
5.3 Database and Devices ...................................................................5-30
5.4 Data Observation Applications.......................................................5-34
5.5 Setup Applications .........................................................................5-49
5.6 Advanced Operations.....................................................................5-75
Section 6.........................................................................................................6-83
6 Maintenance..........................................................................................6-83
6.1 Weekly Checkup ............................................................................6-83
6.2 Gas Cylinder Replacement ............................................................6-84
6.3 Cleaning the PLGC II .....................................................................6-84
6.4 Chromatograph Valve ....................................................................6-84
6.5 Flow Control...................................................................................6-85
6.6 Column Oven .................................................................................6-86
6.7 PLGC II Parts List ..........................................................................6-86
6.8 Weekly Check-up Report ...............................................................6-87
Section 7.........................................................................................................7-89
7 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................7-89
Section 8.........................................................................................................8-91
Appendix A: Theory of Gas Chromatography...............................................8-91

Revision 8b iii 11/10/2005

What is Gas Chromatography?.................................................................8-91
Basic Parts and Terminology of a Gas Chromatograph............................8-91
How are the components separated? .......................................................8-92
How are the Components Detected and Quantified?................................8-92
The Chromatograph Output: The Chromatogram .....................................8-93
Section 9.........................................................................................................9-95
Appendix B: Definitions and Formulas .........................................................9-95
Definition of Terms....................................................................................9-95
Calibration Formulas and Analyzer Calculations ......................................9-96
Section 10.....................................................................................................10-99
Appendix C: Typical Parameters of Natural Gas Components...................10-99
GPA Parameters.....................................................................................10-99
AGA Parameters...................................................................................10-100
Section 11...................................................................................................11-101
Appendix D: Valco 6 and 10 Port Valve Technical Information ................11-101
Valve Operation Instructions.................................................................11-101
Valve Maintenance Instructions ............................................................11-103
Section 12...................................................................................................12-105
Appendix E: PLGC II Specifications .........................................................12-105
Class 1, Division 2, Groups B,C and D model ......................................12-105
Class 1, Division 1, Groups ,C and D model (Explosion Proof) ............12-106
Figure 2-1: Main PLGC II Parts..........................................................................2-3
Figure 2-2: Chromatograph Valve and Columns................................................2-4
Figure 2-3: Single Column Flow Diagram ..........................................................2-5
Figure 2-4: Two Column Flow Diagram .............................................................2-5
Figure 2-5: 4-minute analysis Flow Diagram......................................................2-6
Figure 2-6: Thermal Conductivity Detector ........................................................2-7
Figure 3-1: Div 2 PLGC II Physical Dimensions...............................................3-11
Figure 3-2: Div 1 (Explosion Proof) PLGC II Physical Dimensions ..................3-11
Figure 3-3: Gas Tube-in Ports and Vent ..........................................................3-12
Figure 4-1: Main PLGC II Board.......................................................................4-13
Figure 4-2: Digital Input and Output .................................................................4-14
Figure 4-3: TCD Power and Analog Inputs ......................................................4-15
Figure 4-4: Modbus Connection Ports .............................................................4-16
Figure 4-5: Analog Output and ‘ARCNET’ .......................................................4-17
Figure 4-6: Modbus Wiring Diagram ................................................................4-20
Figure 4-7: Factory Wiring Diagram (Div 2) .....................................................4-22
Figure 4-8: Factory Wiring Diagram (Div 1 Explosion Proof) ...........................4-23
Figure 5-1: 9-Pin Male Serial Port....................................................................5-26
Figure 5-2: PLGC II Front Panel Connector.....................................................5-26
Figure 5-3: Communications Setup Window....................................................5-29
Figure 5-4 Mode Select Box ............................................................................5-29
Figure 5-5: Default Database Tree View..........................................................5-30
Figure 5-6: Global Data Points.........................................................................5-30
Figure 5-7: Database I/O Controls ...................................................................5-31

Figure 5-8: Cannot Delete GDP Message Box ................................................5-32
Figure 5-9: Device Listing ................................................................................5-33
Figure 5-10: Watch Window.............................................................................5-34
Figure 5-11: Watch Window Page 2 ................................................................5-36
Figure 5-12: Archive Reader Window ..............................................................5-36
Figure 5-13: Archive Reader Chart ..................................................................5-37
Figure 5-14: Analysis Setup Window ...............................................................5-39
Figure 5-15: Analysis Details Window..............................................................5-40
Figure 5-16: Analysis Control Window .............................................................5-41
Figure 5-17: Peak Integration Window.............................................................5-44
Figure 5-18: Peak Integration Marks................................................................5-45
Figure 5-19: Shaded Peak Integration Area.....................................................5-45
Figure 5-20: Display Setup Window.................................................................5-49
Figure 5-21: Oven PID Controller.....................................................................5-50
Figure 5-22: Analog Output Controller Window ...............................................5-51
Figure 5-23: Mole Weight Calculator Window..................................................5-52
Figure 5-24: Cross Calculator Window ............................................................5-53
Figure 5-25: Component Table ........................................................................5-54
Figure 5-26: Streams Set up Window ..............................................................5-58
Figure 5-27: Analyzer Paths Tab .....................................................................5-61
Figure 5-28: Action List Tab.............................................................................5-62
Figure 5-29: Add Action List Item Window .......................................................5-65
Figure 5-30: Run Definitions Window...............................................................5-66
Figure 5-31: At-Start GDP Receiver Dialog Box ..............................................5-67
Figure 5-32: Normal Sequence Window ..........................................................5-68
Figure 5-33: Externally Controlled Window......................................................5-69
Figure 5-34: Timed Interval Window ................................................................5-71
Figure 5-35: Serial Port Setup Window............................................................5-72
Figure 5-36: Archive Setup Window.................................................................5-73
Figure 5-37: Confirm Archive Definition Change..............................................5-75
Figure 5-38: Process Monitor...........................................................................5-75
Figure 5-39: Update Firmware Window ...........................................................5-76
Figure 5-40: Replace Existing Process Window ..............................................5-77
Figure 5-41: Thread Information Window.........................................................5-80
Figure 6-1: Valco 10-port Valve .......................................................................6-85
Figure 8-1: Chromatograph Equipment............................................................8-91
Figure 8-2: Sample Gas Flow Through The Column........................................8-92
Figure 8-3: TCD ...............................................................................................8-93
Figure 8-4: Chromatogram Description............................................................8-94
Table 4-1: LED Functions ................................................................................4-18
Table 4-2: PLGC II Wiring Schedule ................................................................4-21
Table 6-1: PLGC II Class 1, Div 2 Parts List ....................................................6-86
Table 6-2: PLGC II Class 1, Div 1 Parts List (XP Version)...............................6-87
Table 10-1: Parameters of Natural Gas Components (GPA) .........................10-99
Table 10-2: Parameters of Natural Gas Components (AGA) .......................10-100

Revision 8b v 11/10/2005

This product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for twelve months from the date of
shipment. During the warranty period the manufacturer will, as its option, either repair or replace products,
which prove to be defective.
The manufacturer or its representative can provide warranty service at the buyer’s facility only upon prior
agreement. In all cases the buyer has the option of returning the product for Warranty service to a facility
designated by the manufacturer or its representatives. The buyer shall prepay shipping charges for products
returned to a service facility, and the manufacturer or its representatives shall pay for return of the products
to the buyer. The buyer may also be required to pay round-trip travel expenses and labor charges at
prevailing labor rates if warranty is disqualified for reasons listed below.
Galvanic Applied Sciences Ltd. spare parts and products for the operation of their instruments, such as
chemically treated sensing tapes, are manufactured under a stringently controlled quality environment. If a
substitute is used, instrument performance may not be satisfactory. Accordingly, Galvanic Applied
Sciences Ltd. will not be responsible for the performance of instruments manufactured by it if product
substitutes are used. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, if at any time chemically treated sensing
tapes other than those supplied by Galvanic Applied Sciences Ltd. are used in an instrument manufactured
by it, this warranty shall be void and of no further force of effect and no liability arising from the use of
such other sensing tapes shall be attached to Galvanic Applied Sciences Ltd. Further, Galvanic Applied
Sciences Ltd. shall have no obligation to service or repair any instrument in which such other sensing tapes
are used that have not been approved for such use by Galvanic Applied Sciences Ltd.
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects arising from:
• Improper or inadequate maintenance by the user.
• Improper or inadequate site preparation.
• Unauthorized modification or misuse.
• Operation of the product in unfavorable environments, especially high temperature, high humidity,
• Corrosive or other damaging atmospheres or otherwise outside published specs of analyzer.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. The manufacturer specially disclaims the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for personal injury or property damage suffered in servicing the
product. The product should not be modified or repaired in a manner at variance with procedures
established by the manufacturer.

Section 1
1 Analyzer General Description
1.1 Introduction
The PLGC II thermal conductivity gas chromatograph was designed to
identify and quantify the components of natural gas and natural gas
products. It can also be used on other gaseous samples when fitted with
appropriate columns. It calculates the energy content and provides mole
percent concentrations of each component as required for AGA8 flow
measurement. The GAS PLGC II is fully automated and designed to
perform on-line, real time analysis. The Windows™ based configuration
program allows the user to view chromatograms as well as configure the

The analyzer utilizes a thermistor type thermal conductivity detector where

a fixed volume of sample is injected into a flowing helium stream. BTU
value, component concentration, specific gravity, and Wobbe Index can all
be calculated by the PLGC II and configured as a 4-20 mA output. All
parameters are available through the Modbus protocol.

The PLGC II is available in both regular and explosion proof models. Each
of these models is also available with the option of AC power.
1.2 Note on Theory of Operation
An introduction to gas chromatography theory is explained in Appendix A.
Chromatograph terminology is explained in Appendix B. Reading these
sections prior to use of the PLGC will be useful for users who are
unfamiliar with gas chromatographs.

Revision 8b 1-1 11/10/2005

Section 2
2 Analyzer Component Description
The standard PLGC II consists of two compartments and a side panel (See
Figure 2-1). The top compartment is referred to as the ‘chromatograph oven’, and
houses the components involved in the chromatograph analysis process. The 10
port valve (and 6-port valve, in High Speed Heating value analysis analyzers),
the chromatograph column(s), and the thermal conductivity detector (TCD) are
described further in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. The heater maintains a constant
temperature within the oven, which is critical for proper separation of the sample
gas. The TCD excitation board supplies power to the thermal conductivity

Heater (old Chromatograph

TCD Excitation
style) Column and



Main Micro-
processor Board

Flow meter

Figure 2-1: Main PLGC II Parts

Revision 8b 2-3 11/10/2005

Section 2 Part Number MA2182

The bottom compartment houses the PLGC II main microprocessor board. The
microprocessor performs calculations, handles the Graphical User Interface
(GUI), and controls communications for the chromatograph (See Section 2.3).

The flow meter, gas inlet ports, and solenoids are located on the side panel. The
flow meter controls the flow of sample gas into the PLGC II. In Figure 2-1, the top
solenoid actuates the chromatograph valve, and the bottom solenoid switches
between calibration gas and sample gas. If two or three chromatograph valves
are to be used in the chromatograph application, additional solenoids can be
wired to the analyzer. Solenoids can also be wired for switching up to 8 streams
of gas. Solenoid wiring is explained in Section 4.1.1.

2.1 Standard 12-minute Cycle Time

A typical 12-minute cycle time PLGC oven is composed of a Valco model
DV22 10 port micro volume diaphragm valve and generally 2 columns
(some applications may only require one). The valve is actuated by the
carrier gas. The DV22 performs sample injection and back flush. The
valve is specifically designed for heavy-duty applications and is rated at
1,000,000 injections before requiring service. The injection volume is
controlled by a fixed-volume sample loop. In two column natural gas
analysis systems, Column 1 passes all components except C6+, trapping
C6+ for a quick back flush out. Column 2 separates the remaining
components. Total analysis time is about 12 minutes, and the analysis is
run isothermally at 60° C. The temperature of the chromatograph oven is
controlled to minimize retention time shifts due to ambient temperature
changes. The basic parts of the chromatograph are shown in Figure 2-2,
and the gas flow paths for single column and two column setups are
shown in Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4.

Sample Loop

Column 2

Helium enters to
Column 1 actuate valve
Figure 2-2: Chromatograph Valve and Columns



10 TO 100 PSIG

8 4

7 5
Air Supply VENT



Figure 2-3: Single Column Flow Diagram

C1 C2 Detector

C2 C1


10 TO 100 PSIG

8 4

7 5

Air Supply VENT



Figure 2-4: Two Column Flow Diagram

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Section 2 Part Number MA2182

2.1.1 Rapid 4-Minute Analysis Cycle

This application uses 2 DV22 micro volume diaphragm valves, one
with ten ports and one with six ports. To facilitate the rapid analysis of
the sample gas, a system comprised of four chromatograph columns is
used. All components but C6+ pass through column 1, and C6+ is
trapped by column 1 for a quick back flush out. Column 2 allows for the
rapid passage of nitrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide into column 3,
while separating the heavier hydrocarbon components – ethane,
propane, i and n-butane, and i and n-pentane. Once carbon dioxide
has entered column 3, the six-port valve is actuated, trapping nitrogen,
methane, and carbon dioxide in column 3. The heavier components
then pass through a jumper (marked in the diagram as R1), a short
piece of tubing containing no packing material, on their way to the
detector. Once n-pentane has eluted, the six-port valve is actuated a
second time, and nitrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide then elute
from column 3. Total analysis time is about 4 minutes, and as before
the analysis is run isothermally at 60°C. The gas flow path for the
HSHV analysis is shown in figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5: 4-minute analysis Flow Diagram

2.2 Detector
The thermal conductivity detector (TCD) is housed inside the column oven
to minimize the effect of ambient temperature changes. To further reduce
temperature and flow effects a reference filament is used in a Wheatstone
bridge configuration. The resistance of the measuring thermistor changes
relative to the reference thermistor in proportion to the concentration of the
component. This change is converted to a voltage between 0 and 3.0
volts, which is then sent to the 24-bit A/D converter. The microprocessor
then converts the voltage signal to a digital value from 0 to 16,777,216

Figure 2-6: Thermal Conductivity Detector

2.3 Microprocessor Control System

The microprocessor control system consists of five sections:
Microprocessor, Operator Interface, Digital Input/Output, Analog Input,
and Analog Output.
2.3.1 Microprocessor
The Processor unit consists of a microprocessor, RAM, ROM and
non-volatile flash memory. On power up, the analyzer performs
several diagnostic routines to ensure the integrity of the
configuration parameters stored in the nonvolatile memory. The
display will indicate the software revision number, RAM TEST,
ROM TEST and then will be ready to analyze the sample.
The components of the gas sample are identified by the
microprocessor according to the length of time it takes them to
elute from the column. The concentration of each component is
calculated using both the TCD signal and a response factor (see
Appendix B) determined during calibration with a certified standard.
The microprocessor performs all the calculations from the collected
chromatograph data. The component concentrations can be
normalized to 100%. BTU is calculated from the component BTU
values stored in memory. Specific gravity is calculated from the

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Section 2 Part Number MA2182

relative concentrations of each component and the specific gravity

values stored in the microprocessor. The Wobbe Index can also be
calculated from BTU and specific gravity. (See Appendix B)
2.3.2 Operator Interface
The Operator Interface consists of an LCD display on the analyzer
and a user interface program running on a standard PC (see
software section for minimum requirements). Its function is to allow
the user to configure the system as well as view the results of an
analysis and any diagnostic functions. Section 5 discusses the
operator interface in further detail.
2.3.3 Digital Input/Output
The Digital Input/Output consists of eight status inputs, twelve high
current solenoid drivers and four relays for alarm annunciation. See
Section 4.1.1.
2.3.4 Analog Input
The Analog Input consists of three 24 bit sigma delta a/d converters
sampling at 60 times per second utilizing both analog and digital
filtering techniques. See Section 4.1.2.
2.3.5 Analog Output
The Analog Output consists of four 12-bit digital/analog converters
and analog circuitry. See Section 4.1.3.

Section 3
3 Analyzer Installation and Considerations

Note: This symbol: ! means CAUTION. Wherever this symbol is seen, the
user should make sure they are aware of all the dangers and precautions
associated with the location of the symbol before proceeding.
3.1 Sampling Point Location
The samples sent to the analyzer must be representative of the stream
and should be taken from a point as close as possible to the analyzer to
avoid lag times and sample degradation in the lines.
3.2 Sample Volume and Flow Rate
Sample should be supplied to the analyzer at no more than 100 psig. A
flow meter at the analyzer will control the flow into the analyzer's sample
valve at 50 cc/min. A bypass sweep is recommended to reduce lag time
in the sample lines.
3.3 Sample Conditioning
The function of the sample system available as an option with the PLGC II
is to regulate and filter the sample. The sample system is required if the
sample is not available at a pressure less than 100 psig, contains
particulates, or is subject to liquid dropout. Consideration must be taken of
upset conditions as well as normal conditions when designing the sample
system. Contamination is often a problem with PLGC II sample systems.

3.4 Battery

Replace only with a battery of the following type: Tadrian TL-542/W

3.5 Installation
The PLGC II analyzer was tested and configured at the factory. The
program parameters are documented in the Configuration Report
(enclosed with this manual).

Below is a step-by-step procedure for installing the instrument.

Revision 8b 3-9 11/10/2005

Section 3 Part Number MA2182

WARNING – Explosion Hazard – Substitution of components may impair

suitability for Class I, Division 2

AVERTISSEMENT – Risque d’explosion – La substitution de composants

peut render ce material inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I,
Division 2
Step 1: Ensure that the selected installation site provides adequate room
for opening the cabinet doors for maintenance and repair
procedures. The site should be as close as possible to the process
stream being measured. The dimensions of the PLGC II are shown
Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2.

Step 2: Unpack and Check for Damage

Step 3: Attach UHP helium at the pressure specified in the factory setup
(usually 60 psig). A dual stage regulator is recommended. See to
see where to attach the helium.

Step 4: Ensure that the vent (shown in) is to atmospheric pressure, on a

downward slope.

Step 5: Wire the appropriate power to the analyzer and allow the oven
temperature to reach the set temperature (usually 40° C). If
possible allow the analyzer to stabilize over night. Note that mains
supply voltage fluctuations are not to exceed 10 percent of the
nominal supply voltage.

- A switch or circuit breaker shall be included in the building
- The switch/circuit breaker shall be in close proximity to the
equipment and within easy reach of the operator
- The switch/circuit shall be marked as the disconnecting device
for the equipment.


8.7 11.8





6.8 0.5

Figure 3-1: Div 2 PLGC II Physical Dimensions







Figure 3-2: Div 1 (Explosion Proof) PLGC II Physical Dimensions

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Section 3 Part Number MA2182

Step 6: Tube in sample gas at 10 to 100 psig to the port labeled Sample
and attach the calibration gas at the same pressure as the sample
gas to the port labeled Calibration. See

Step 7: Connect the PLGC II to a PC for analysis via an RS 232 spiral

cable. Plug the cable into the front port of the analyzer.

Step 8: The analyzer should be allowed to stabilize for 24 hours and then a
calibration should be performed. If the recommended calibration
gas is not available do not attempt to calibrate the analyzer. The
factory calibration should be used until a certified standard is
Tube in carrier gas (helium), calibration
gas, and sample gas to designated ports


Figure 3-3: Gas Tube-in Ports and Vent

Section 4
4 Electrical Connections and Considerations

4.1 Functions of Electrical Ports

Figure 4-1 shows a diagram of the main PLGC II board. The functions of
the individual electrical ports on this board are described in this section.

Figure 4-1: Main PLGC II Board

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Section 4 Part Number MA2182

4.1.1 Digital Input/Output and Power

Figure 4-2: Digital Input and Output

Input Power: 24V DC 3A power to main board

Digital Input/Output:
Relays: These can be configured to trigger alarms, status
information, or `fail information at various set limits. They are
primarily used for indicating alarms, fails, or analyzer status.
Digital Inputs: Status Inputs that can be used for connection
of external pressure and temperature switches. Input ‘1’ is
generally wired for a Calibration Initiation switch.
Stream Select Valve Drivers 1-8: Solenoid actuation for
stream switching up to 8 streams.

Chromatograph Valve Drivers 1-4: Solenoid actuation for
chromatograph valves. CV1, CV2, and CV3 are factory
wired. CV1 is generally wired for the calibration solenoid.

4.1.2 TCD/Heater Power and Analog Inputs

Figure 4-3: TCD Power and Analog Inputs

Power 24V DC Power supply to the TCD (Detector) Excitation

Board (terminals 2 and 1) and to the chromatograph oven
heater (terminals 4 and 3).
Analog Inputs:
TCD Signal Carries the 0 to 3 volt signal between the main board and
the TCD Excitation Board. (terminals 12 and 11)
Temperature 4-20 mA signal from TCD Excitation Board, scaled from

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Section 4 Part Number MA2182

0°C – 100°C (terminals 6 and 5)

Pressure Auxiliary 4-20 mA input (Not factory wired – terminals 3 and
4.1.3 Modbus Ports

Figure 4-4: Modbus Connection Ports

RS 232 Port 1 A non-isolated RS 232 Modbus communication port.

Pin Configuration for Port 1:

Pin 2 TX
Pin 3 RX
Pin 5 GND

RS 232 (Isolated) Port 2 An isolated RS 232 Modbus communication port

RS 485 Port 3 An isolated RS 485 port for Modbus communication

See Figure 4-6 for further information on Modbus wiring.

4.1.4 Analog Output and ‘ARCNET’

Figure 4-5: Analog Output and ‘ARCNET’

ARCNET A high speed networking architecture that allows multiple

analyzers to share data, and allows remote configuration of
multiple analyzers from a single unit.
Analog Output 4-20 mA outputs that are programmable and can be used for a
number of output applications. A powered loop is required for
these outputs. The polarity (+/-) for these ports is shown in
Figure 4-5

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Section 4 Part Number MA2182

4.2 Modbus Communication

The PLGC II has Modbus communication on two RS-232 ports and one
RS-485 port on board. They can be used to retrieve historical archives
and allow configuration and monitoring of the PLGC II. One of the RS-232
ports is isolated. On power-up, the unit will complete an initial startup. The
wiring for Modbus communications is shown in Figure 4-6.

Over 1000 foot distance requires you to contact Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc service
department for assistance. RS 485 is suitable for up to 1000 feet with supplied
termination resistors from Galvanic. The termination resistors will have to be changed if
the distance is to exceed 1000 feet.

The standard PLGC II has three serial ports. These ports can be used to
configure the analyzer or as Modbus communications ports as follows:
4.2.1 Enron Modbus Protocol:
RTU Data Transfer Format ASCII Data Transfer Format
Selectable - 300 to 115200 bps Selectable – 300 to 115200 bps
No Parity Even Parity
8 Data bits 7 Data bits
1 Stop bit 1 Stop bit

The PLGC II analyzer can be configured for different baud rates in different
modes. The analyzer will be set up for Enron Modus communications at 9600
RTU mode as sent from the factory.
4.2.2 Modbus LED Description
There are 8 LEDs (4 pairs of green/red), located on the main PLGC II
board. The functions of the LEDs are shown in Table 4-1:

Red Green
LED Pair 1 – Communication Status Idle IO
LED Pair 2 – Port 1 RS232 Status Rx Tx
LED Pair 3 – Port 2 RS232 (Isolated) Status Rx Tx
LED Pair 4 – Port 3 RS 485 Status Rx Tx
Table 4-1: LED Functions

4.2.3 Configuration Port.

Use the supplied cable to connect to a PC. Also refer to Section 4.1.4 for
more information on the Modbus ports, and see Figure 4-6 for the Modbus
wiring diagram.

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Section 4 Part Number MA2182

Figure 4-6: Modbus Wiring Diagram

4.3 PLGC II Wiring Schedule
The wiring schedule shown in Table 4-2 should be used in conjunction with the
wiring diagram. See Section 4.4.
Electrical Connection Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Wire Signal Name
Description Colour
TCD Excitation Board
TCD Board - P2 RTD Red A
TCD Board - P2 RTD Black B
TCD Board - P2 RTD Black B

TCD Board - P2 TCD Blue TCD Blue

TCD Board - P2 TCD Red TCD Red
TCD Board - P2 TCD Red TCD Red
TCD Board - P2 TCD Green TCD Green
TCD Excitation Board Main – 2 TCD PWR (P6) TCD Board - P1-2 Red +24 vdc
to Main board. Main – 1 COM (P6) TCD Board - P1-1 Black 0 vdc
-AWG 24, 6 conductor
plus shield stranded
Main – 5 TEMP – (P5) TCD Board - P1-3 Green RTD com
-For explosion proof
Main – 6 TEMP + (P5) TCD Board - P1-4 Brown RTD 4-20
version, these
connections are made Main – 12 TCD + (P5) TCD Board - P1-5 White TCD +
through an I.S. Barrier.
Main – 11 TCD – (P5) TCD Board - P1-6 Blue TCD -
See Figure 4-8
Main – 1 COM Thick Green Shield
Heater to main board Heater (+/ -) Blue Heater A
- AWG18 blue (24VDC) Main – 4 HEAT + (P6)
- Either wire can be
connected Main – 3 HEAT – (P6) Heater (+/ -) Blue Heater B
to either port
Heater to Main Board Main – 4 HEAT + (P6) Heater Relay + Red Heater +
(110/220VAC) Main – 3HEAT – (P6) Heater Relay - Black Heater -
Solenoids to main
board Calibration Sol.
-24 V nominal
-Either wire can be Main – CV 1(+ or -) Calibration Solenoid Red Cal A
connected to either port (+/-)
Main – CV 1(+ or -) Calibration Solenoid Red Cal B
Valve Sol.
Main – CV 2(+ or -) Valve 1 Solenoid (+/-) Red Valve 1 A
Main – CV 2 (+ or -) Valve 1 Solenoid (+/-) Red Valve 1 B
Main – CV 3 (+ or -) Valve 2 Solenoid (+/-) Red Valve 2 A
Main – CV 3 (+ or -) Valve 2 Solenoid (+/-) Red Valve 2 B
Display to main board Main – 1 DISPLAY PWR (P10) Display - P10-4 (24V) Red +24 VDC
-AWG 22 red and black’
Main – 2 DISPLAY COM (P10) Display - P10-1 (GND) Black 0 VDC
RS232 ribbon cable Main - P13 Display - P4 Ribbon RS232
Display data beldon Main – COM 1 (P11) Green
cable Display - P1 Display
-Orange connector Main – COM 2 (P11) Black
connects to Display
Board P1 Main – INT 3 (P11) Red
- Other end of beldon
cable is stripped and
Main – SCL 4 (P11) White
contains 5 coloured
Main – SDA 5 (P11) Brown

Table 4-2: PLGC II Wiring Schedule

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4.4 PLGC II Wiring Diagrams

Additional solenoids can be added for

multiple chromatograph valves

Status Inputs

Additional Solenoids can be connected

for stream switching (up to 8 streams)

Figure 4-7: Factory Wiring Diagram (Div 2)

Additional solenoids can be added for
multiple chromatograph valves

Status Inputs

Additional Solenoids can be connected

for stream switching (up to 8 streams)

Figure 4-8: Factory Wiring Diagram (Div 1 Explosion Proof)

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Section 5
5 Software Operation
This section describes basic operations of the PLGC software. It is based on the
assumption that the analyzer has been correctly configured at the factory.

The PLGC II software has been designed to receive, interpret, and plot data from
the PLGC II gas chromatograph. Peaks in the resulting chromatogram identify
the compound by retention time and the concentration by the area of the peak.
Various parameters, including BTU, specific gravity, and compressibility factor,
can be displayed with the software. The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the
software is a Windows-based system.

This manual provides instructions on the installation, setup and use of the PLGC
II software program. It includes requirements and procedures for installation
along with instructions for communication between the chromatograph and
computer. It also outlines procedures for calibration, configuration and data

Once the software has been installed, it is possible to view the software Revision
History by clicking the ‘Help’ menu at the top of the screen and choosing ‘View
Revision History’.

5.1 Software Installation and Connection

5.1.1 System Requirements

The following are the computer requirements to install and operate the
PLGC II software.

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP
Minimum of 64MB RAM.
Disk Drives
A CD ROM drive is required to read the installation disk, and a
minimum of 20 megabytes of space is required for installation on the
PC hard drive. More space will be required to save data, such as
chromatograms and archive data.
Serial Port
The PLGC connects to the PC with an RS-282 serial cable, requiring a
9-pin male serial connector, as seen in Figure 5-1.

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Figure 5-1: 9-Pin Male Serial Port

It is important to note that the 9-Pin male serial connector can be on a

USB-Serial adapter, provided that the USB to serial adapter is correctly
configured. Also, the COM port used for connecting to the PLGC
cannot be used for any other purposes; otherwise connecting to the
PLGC II will not be possible.
5.1.2 Software Installation
Insert the PLGC II software configuration CD into the CD drive. The disc
should auto-run, and will prompt the user as to how to proceed. In the
event that the disc does not auto-run, follow these instructions:
1. In the lower-left hand corner of the screen select the ‘Start’ button
then select ‘Run’ from the Start menu.
2. Type in the drive designation for the optical drive (e.g. D:\) followed
by setup.exe.
3. Press enter and follow the instructions given.

5.1.3 Connecting PLGC II to PC

Connect the provided RS 232 cable to the serial port located on the front
panel of the PLGC II, shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2: PLGC II Front Panel Connector

Connect the other end of the cable to a male 9-pin serial port on the back
of the computer, or attached to a USB-Serial adapter that has been
correctly configured.

5.2 Interface and Icons

The GUI is a Windows-based, point and click interface. There are two main rows
of buttons at the top of the main screen. These rows can be dragged and
positioned around the screen border as the user desires. The following is a brief
description of each of these buttons.

Open – allows the user to open a pre-saved configuration. This button can
only be used if the PC is not connected to the PLGC II.

Save Current Configuration - allows the user to save a currently open

configuration. This can only be used if the open configuration has already
been named.

Save As – allows the user to save a currently open configuration to a new


Save All – allows the user to save configuration files for all open windows.

Print – allows the user to print to print the output from the currently open
window, including action lists, component tables, chromatograms, and
archive data.

Tile Windows – allows the user to see all open windows on one screen.

Cascade Windows – allows the user to reduce the size of all open
windows and lines them up one behind the next.

Arrange – allows the user to arrange all minimized windows.

Close All - allows the user to close all open windows.

Collapse – allows the user to collapse the directory tree on the left side of
the screen.

Expand All – allows the user to expand all branches of the directory tree
on the left side of the screen

Logon – Establishes a communication link between the computer and the


Logoff – Disconnects the communication link between the computer and

the PLGC II.

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Communications Setup – Allows the user to set up communications


Read Current – Reads data from device for active window.

Write Current – Writes configuration to device from active window. This

button MUST be pushed any time configuration changes are made in any
PLGC application window.

Read All – Reads data from device for all open windows.

Write All – Writes configuration to device from all open windows.

Polling – Poll data continuously for all open windows.

Synchronize Time – updates PLGC II time and date with the time and
date set on the connected PC. Ensure that the PC’s time and date is set
correctly before synchronizing time.

Process Monitor – allows the user to view the revision number for all
applications installed on the PLGC. This is useful for troubleshooting. See
Section 5.6.1, Advanced Operations – Factory Mode for more information.

In addition, there are two more icons that are available in ‘Factory’ Mode. Factory
mode, as the name would suggest, is a mode that allows the user to update or
remove applications installed on the PLGC II. For more information, see Section
5.6.1, Advanced Operations – Factory Mode. The icons are shown below.

Update Firmware – allows the user to update any or all applications

installed on the PLGC if new updates are provided from Galvanic Applied
Sciences Inc.

Wipe All Processes – allows the user to wipe all processes (applications)
from the PLGC II board. This should ONLY be used at the factory or by
trained service Personnel.

5.2.1 Logging on to the PLGC II

To establish a communication link between the computer and the PLGC II,
open the program by double-clicking the DIMAC icon. Ensure that the

power supply for the PLGC II is connected correctly. Click on the
‘Communications Setup’ button at the top of the screen, and a window
such as the one seen in Figure 5-3 appears.

Figure 5-3: Communications Setup Window

Select the correct COM port on the drop-down menu. Leave all other
settings at the default values, and then press ‘OK’. Click on the ‘Logon’
icon, and if the communications are properly configured, the software will
connect to the analyzer. If for some reason the software cannot connect to
the analyzer, try changing the COM port or the baud rate in the
communications setup window. If changing these parameters still does not
result in a successful connection, please call Galvanic Applied Sciences
Inc.’s technical support, and somebody will assist you with your problem.

Connecting to the PLGC takes a short amount of time, depending on the

speed of the connection between the PC and the PLGC. Once connection
has been established, the following message box is seen.

Figure 5-4 Mode Select Box

Read-only mode only allows the user to read data from the analyzer, while
Update allows the user to make changes to the analyzer. If Update mode
is chosen, another popup box will appear, prompting the user to enter a
password. The default password to enter Update mode is 2222.

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5.3 Database and Devices

In the left hand window of the main program area, there are two tabs to choose
from: ‘Devices’ and ‘Database’. Clicking on either of these tabs will open up a
different ‘tree’.

5.3.1 Database
The database is the part of the software that defines all of the parameters
required to operate the analyzer. When the tab is first opened, the tree
view shown in Figure 5-5 is seen.

Figure 5-5: Default Database Tree View

There are 3 major categories in the database – simple data points,

archives, and global data points. The first two categories, Simple Data
Points and Archives, contain information that can be output to MODBUS
lists. Simple data points contain data related to the various processes
installed on the PLGC, while the Archives section contains archive
records. To get information about the database, right-click anywhere on
the white field and choose the ‘What’s This?’ option from the pop-up menu
that appears. This will provide a brief description of the database. Further,
right-clicking on any label in the database will also bring up a pop-up
menu with ‘What’s This?’ being the top option on the menu. This will
provide slightly more detail about the given group of data points in the

The most important section of the Database is the section that contains
the Global Data Points (GDPs). When the ‘+’ sign next to Global Data
Points is clicked, the two sub-categories shown in Figure 5-6 are seen.

Figure 5-6: Global Data Points

I/O Controls are all of the data points relevant to the mechanical and
electrical operation of the analyzer. Under I/O controls can be found
discrete inputs, relays, chromatograph valves, solenoids, and inputs from
the detector and the RTD that measures the temperature in the

chromatograph oven. An expanded view of the I/O Controls sub-category
is seen in Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7: Database I/O Controls

Each individual control is referred to as a ‘control point’. Any control point,

be it a relay, solenoid, valve, or anything else, can be dragged from the
database window into an open window on the right hand side of the
screen (see Section 5.5.3 – Streams and Section 5.5.4 – Sample Handling
for more information).

Additional GDPs are the data points in which all collected data is stored. In
this section, data points are created that store data from BTU calculations,
specific gravity calculations, component values, and any other numerical
values calculated or recorded by the PLGC. Each data point contains
information about the current value of the data point, as well as hourly,
daily, and monthly maxima, minima, averages, and analysis counts.
Additional GDPs must be set up in stream setups (see section

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and can be stored in the PLGC’s onboard memory in archives (see

section 5.4.2 – Archive Reader, and 5.5.7, Archive Setup).

There are several other options on the pop-up menu that appears when a
GDP label is right-clicked on.
• Expand Selected Node – if the label has a ‘+’ sign to the left of it,
choosing this option will cause this portion of the database to
expand, showing sub-categories.
• Collapse Tree – collapses the database down to the root, showing
only the ‘DIMAC Network Database’ Label
• Expand Tree – expands all nodes within the database tree
• Save Database – saves the entire database to a database
(*.DCDB) file
• Load Database – loads a previously saved database from a file.
• Write DB Changes to Unit – sends the updated database to the
• Create new GDP – creates a new global data point with a name of
the user’s choosing. The following window appears to create a new
GDP.A name for the new GDP is placed in the ‘Name’ field, while
typically the ‘Type’ field is left at the default ‘Scalar’. When ‘Scalar’
is chosen, no units are necessary. New GDPs are created in the
‘Additional GDPs’ section of the database.

In addition, if the label right-clicked on is a single GDP, rather than a Node

name, the following additional options are available.
• Delete GDP – deletes the selected GDP. However, if the GDP is
referenced anywhere in any process in the PLGC, the software will
not allow that GDP to be deleted. The message box shown in
Figure 5-8 shows the message that appears when attempting to
delete a referenced GDP

Figure 5-8: Cannot Delete GDP Message Box

The message box also shows exactly where the given GDP is
referenced – in this particular example, the GDP is referenced in
two locations, one in a Stream, the other in an Archive.
• Modify GDP – allows the user to change the name, type, and units
of a given GDP.
• Show Where GDP Is Used – brings up a box similar to that shown
in Figure 5-8 that shows all processes where the given GDP is
• Configure Alarms – this feature is not currently working, but will be
operational in later versions of the software.

5.3.2 Devices
When the ‘Devices’ tab is selected, a different directory tree is seen. This
tree shows all of the firmware processes that make the PLGC operate
correctly. In addition, the devices tab also contains processes that output
data for the user, so the user can check on the operation of the GC. The
Devices list is shown in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9: Device Listing

Each user-configurable process will be described in the coming sections.

It is, however, important to note that all of these processes are configured
at the factory to user specifications, and should not be changed unless

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absolutely necessary. The processes will be described in the order that

they are listed in the Devices tree. Right-clicking on any label in the
Devices tree will bring up a pop-up menu whose top option is ‘What’s
This?’. Clicking ‘What’s This?’ will provide a brief pop-up description of the
purpose of the given process.
5.4 Data Observation Applications

5.4.1 Watch Window

Double-click on ‘Watch Window’ in the Devices tab to open Watch

Window. The watch window main screen will open, as shown in Figure 5-

Figure 5-10: Watch Window

The Watch Window allows the user to watch the various outputs of the
PLGC. There are two pages, accessed by tabs at the top left corner of the
Watch Window screen. Page 1 is split into two sections – ‘Configurable
Items’ and ‘Current Run’. Configurable Items:

This window can be set up to monitor the current value of any data
point in the database, but is most commonly used to monitor the any
value stored in the ‘Additional GDPs’ section of the database. To
monitor the value of a given data point, use the following procedure.
1. Select the Database tab on the left side of the screen.
2. Under Additional GDPs, select the item to be monitored, for
example, Stream 1 BTU.

3. Left click and hold on the given GDP, and drag it over into the
‘Configurable Items’ window. This will put the current value of
this GDP into the window.
4. To monitor hourly, daily, or monthly minima, maxima, or
averages, or the previous value of the GDP, first press the ‘+’ to
the left of the GDP. Under each GDP are listed Current Value
TS (timestamp), Previous Value (the value recorded
immediately before the current value), Previous Value TS, and
hourly, daily, and monthly trends. In the trends subsections are
found minima, maxima, averages, and timestamps for the
minima and maxima. Any of these can be dragged into the
‘Configurable Items’ window by following the instructions in step
5. Once all the desired GDP values have been dragged into the
‘Configurable Items’ window, click on the ‘Write Current’ button
at the top of the screen. Then, to see the value for each chosen
GDP, click on the ‘Read Current’ button, and numerical values
for each GDP will be seen. Current Run

This box shows information about the current status of the PLGC. It
shows which stream is currently being analyzed, which stream is being
purged, the total time (in seconds) that the analyzer has been
operating, analysis length (also in seconds), elapsed time, analyzer
state (running or halted), analysis number (the total number of
analyses run since the analyzer was powered up), and the number of
peaks found in the current analysis. Also, at the bottom of the screen is
the current analyzer time. If this is not the same as the time on the PC,
time synchronization should be performed. Watch Window Page 2

Page 2 of the watch window has no user-configurability. It shows the

current outputs from the Column Oven PID controller (see Section, other analog outputs (see section, and all
calculated values from the Mol Weight Controllers (see section
and Cross Calculators (see Section It’s a convenient page
because it allows the user to see all the important outputs from the
PLGC on one page. Page 2 of the Watch Window is shown in Figure

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Figure 5-11: Watch Window Page 2

5.4.2 Archive Reader

The PLGC II contains a large quantity of on-board memory for storage of

analysis data and analyzer outputs. The purpose of the Archive Reader is
to retrieve this data and output it. The PLGC II is configured at the factory
with a standard archive configuration – to add or change the archive
configuration, please see section 5.5.7, Archive Setup. To open the
Archive Reader window, double-click on Archive Reader in the Devices
tab. The main window of the Archive Reader is seen in Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12: Archive Reader Window

To read an archive, choose an archive from the pull-down menu at the top
of the window, select the number of records to pull (the valid range is
shown on the button to the right of this box – press the button to

automatically enter the maximum number of available records), and press
the Read Archive From Unit button. A chart showing the record number,
record trigger (See Section 5.5.7 – Archive Setup), record timestamp, and
the values of the recorded parameters for each record, appears on the
screen.Once the data is on the screen, there are several options available
to the user. If the user wishes to check the repeatability of the data, the
user simply must select any one column, or portion of a column, and click
the ‘Graph Selected Column’ button at the top of the screen. To select a
whole column, simply left-click on the column title, and the whole column
will be highlighted in blue. To select a portion of a column, left click and
hold while dragging the cursor downward over the desired data, or
highlight the first record, hold down the Shift key, and click again on the
last desired record. When the ‘Graph Selected Column’ button is clicked,
the screen will change to show a graph of the selected data, with the
average and standard deviation shown below, as shown Figure 5-13.

Archive: Heating Value - Column: STR 1 BTU - CV

1,103.928 1,103.928

1,103.581 1,103.581

1,103.234 1,103.234


100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

Average Standard Deviation

Samples: 100 Average: 1103.58126 Standard Deviation: 0.34699

Figure 5-13: Archive Reader Chart

The chart also has the statistics shown graphically. The solid line down
the middle of the chart represents the average of the charted data, while
the dashed lines above and below the solid line show one standard
deviation above and below the average. The labels on either end show the
numerical values of the average, as well as the average plus and minus
one standard deviation.

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Right-clicking on the chart gives several options.

• Set Scale – allows the user to either set his or her desired y-axis
scaling (scale manually) or to have the program automatically scale
the y-axis to the selected data (scale to data).
• Print – allows the user to print the chart. Ensure that there is a
printer set up on the PC prior to selecting this option.
• Copy to Clipboard – allows the user to copy the chart as an image
to the clipboard, for pasting into another application such as
Microsoft Word.
• Preferences – allows the user to change various display
preferences for the chart:
o Set Trace Colour – allows the user to change the colour of
the actual chart (data) and/or the statistics lines (statistics)
o Set Background Colour – allows the user to change the
background colour
o Reset Default Colours – allows the user to return to the
default colours for the chart – grey background, red data,
and blue lines for statistics.
o Invert Scrolling – changes the effect the arrow keys have on
scrolling zoomed data. Down scrolls up, left scrolls right, etc.
o Print Orientation/Print Sizing – sets options for printing the
o Show Statistics – toggles whether or not the statistics labels
are present.

To return to the raw data, click on the ‘Table’ tab in the upper right-hand
corner of the Archive window. There are also several right-click options
available in the ‘Table’ tab.
• Print Preview – previews the printout of the archive data.
• Print – allows the user to print the raw data table.
• Load from File – allows the user to load a saved archive data file in
proprietary Galvanic format (*.dcar).
• Save to File – allows the user to save the archive data to a *.dcar
• Save as XLS – allows the user to save the archive data to a
Microsoft Excel (*.xls) file.
• Copy Selection To Clipboard – allows the user to copy a selected
column of data to the clipboard. (only available if there is a
highlighted portion of data)
• Copy Image to Clipboard – copies the entire archive window as an
image to the clipboard so that it can be pasted into another
• Hide Selected Column – hides any selected columns (only
available if one or more complete columns are highlighted).
• Unhide All Columns – shows all columns, including any that have
been previously hidden.

5.4.3 Peak Analysis

Under the ‘Peak Analysis’ heading in the ‘Devices’ tree, there are two sub-
categories, Analysis Details and Analysis Setup. While Analysis Details
comes first in the tree, Setup will be dealt with first here. Analysis Setup:

The Analysis Setup window is shown in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14: Analysis Setup Window

The top four settings in analysis setup (Analysis Bias, Default

Retention Time Deviation, Integrator Thread ID, and Equimolar) should
not be changed. Below these four settings, there is a check-box next to
the label ‘Show Extra Columns in Analysis Details’. If this check-box is
checked, the Analysis Details window will show values calculated
based on the composition of the analyzed gas, such as heating value,
specific gravity, and compressibility. The checkboxes in the
‘Components to Include in Analysis’ box below should all be checked
for Heating Value analysis, and should not be changed by the user.
The only exception to this is for analyzers that are only measuring one
or two components (e.g. hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen) in a multi-
component gas stream. If only one or two components are being

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measured, it is not essential to have all components included in the

analysis. Analysis Details

The Analysis Details window is shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15: Analysis Details Window

Analysis Details is similar to a short-term archive, which stores the

results of the previous seven analyses carried out by the analyzer. The
Analysis Details window shows more data relevant to each analysis
than does an archive. It also allows the user to see results from more
than one stream on the same table – the stream is shown in the first
column of the table. Above the table showing the analysis details are 8
headings. Clicking on each of these headings will give a new table
containing data relevant to each reading.
• Unnormalized – shows all of the concentration values for each
component, as well as the calculated values for the gas stream
as a whole, without normalizing the composition of the gas to
100%. Unnormalized results are used for analyzers that do not
measure all components in the gas, such as gas
chromatographs measuring only the H2S content in a natural
gas stream.
• Normalized – shows all of the concentration values for each
component, as well as the calculated values for the gas stream
as a whole, normalizing the composition of the gas to 100%.
Normalization is only useful when all components in the gas
stream are being analyzed, such as in a gas chromatograph
measuring the heating content of a natural gas stream.
• Unnorm. Dev. (Unnormalized Deviation) – shows the deviation
of each individual analysis from the average for each column in
the unnormalized data. If this number is very small, it indicates
that the analyzer repeatability from analysis to analysis is very

• Norm. Dev. (Normalized Deviation) – same as above, except
with normalized rather than unnormalized data.
• Retention Time – shows the time, in seconds, at which each
individual peak elutes. These numbers should be very
consistent from analysis to analysis. Poor repeatability of
retention time values is an indication of either poor temperature
control in the column oven or too wide of a retention time
deviation window for one or more components (See section 5.x
– Component Table).
• Start – shows the time, in seconds, at which the integration for
each individual peak begins.
• Stop – shows the time, in seconds, at which the integration for
each individual peak ends.
• V Start – shows the sensor output, in millivolts, at the time when
the peak integration begins.
• V Max – shows the sensor output, in millivolts, at the retention
• V Stop – shows the sensor output, in millivolts, at the time when
the peak integration ends.
• Height – shows the height of the peak relative to the baseline
(basically calculated as V Max – V Start).

Right-clicking on the table in any of these headings allows the user to

print the table, save it to the clipboard, or save it in Microsoft Excel

5.4.4 Analysis Control

The Analysis Control Window is shown in Figure 5-16.

Figure 5-16: Analysis Control Window

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There are three main boxed sections in the Analysis Control window –
General Setup, Current Run, and Run Queue. Each of these sections will
be dealt with individually. General Setup

The General Setup box shows some general setup parameters for the
• Initial State Halted - if this box is checked, the analyzer will not
begin an analysis unless triggered by the user when first
powered on. If this box is unchecked, the analyzer will
immediately begin an analysis cycle when the analyzer is
powered on.
• Analyzer 1-4 (pull down menus) – should be left as is.
• Halted/Running Notification – allows the user to set up an output
from the analyzer to notify the control room whether the
analyzer is running or halted, by hooking up a light or some
other visual indicator to the selected control point. The control
point is set to Relay 1 by default, and should not be changed
except after consultation with Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc.
Service personnel. If the check-box under ‘Halted’ is checked,
Relay 1 will energize when the analyzer is halted. If the check-
box under ‘Running’ is checked, Relay 1 will energize when the
analyzer is running. If the check-box that is checked is changed,
press the ‘Write Changes to Unit’ button to initiate the change. Current Run

The Current Run box shows some information regarding the current
• Halt Analyzer – pressing this button will cause the analyzer to
go into halt mode after completing the current analysis.
• Abort Current Run – pressing this button will cause the analyzer
to abort the run that it is currently carrying out. The analyzer will
only abort if there is more than one run definition in the run
• Stream – shows which stream is currently being analyzed (on-
line) and which stream is currently purging (on purge).
• Time – shows how long the above streams have been on-line
and on purge, respectively, in seconds.
• Analysis Length – shows how long, in seconds, the current
analysis will take.
• Elapsed Time – shows the current position, in seconds, in the
current analysis.
• Analyzer State – shows whether the analyzer is halted or

5-42 Run Queue

The Run Queue shows a list of streams that are in the queue to be
analyzed. Above the run queue white box is a pull down menu next to
two buttons. The pull down menu can be used to manually add a run to
the run queue. For example, to manually initiate a Calibration or a
Reference, the user simply has to select Calibration or Reference from
the pull-down menu, and click on the ‘Add to Queue’ button. To
remove a run from the Run Queue, click on the run to be removed in
the large white box to highlight the run, and then click on the ‘Remove
from Queue’ button. Note that there should always be at least one run
in the Run Queue. The stream at the top of the list will be analyzed
next. At the top of the list are some headings.

• Position – tells the user what position the given stream has in
the run queue
• Run Definition – tells the user which run definition (see section – Run Definitions) will be used for the analysis
• Trigger – tells the user how the runs in the queue were added
(user triggered, normal sequence, externally triggered, timed
interval). More on normal sequence and external triggers can be
found in section – Scheduling.
• Run #/ Max Runs - tells the user how many runs total will be
carried out for the given run definition, and how many runs of
that total the analyzer has carried out to the current time.
• Stream – tells the user which stream is being analyzed for a
given run definition (see section 5.5.3 – Streams for more
• Purge time – the amount of time the analyzer will purge the
sample loop prior to initializing a run definition.

5.4.5 Peak Integration

The peak integration window is one of the most important windows for the
normal user of the PLGC software. The raw data output of any
chromatograph is in the form of a chromatogram, and the chromatogram
from the PLGC can be accessed from the Peak Integration section of the
software. When the user double clicks on Peak Integration to open this
application for the first time, a message box pops up that asks ‘Load
Chromatogram from Unit?’ If the user selects Yes, the most recent
chromatogram will be downloaded from the unit and displayed on the
screen. Depending on the length of the analysis and the speed of the
connection between the analyzer and the PC, this process can take as

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little as 20 or 30 seconds, or as many as 15 minutes. A sample

chromatogram can be seen in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17: Peak Integration Window

Moving the cursor over a peak on the chromatogram shows information

about the peak below the chromatogram. Information about the integration
start and end time, the peak maximum time (retention time), and sensor
output, in millivolts, at the start of integration, at the retention time, and at
the end of integration, as well as the integrated area of the peak, is given
in boxes below the chromatogram. Peak names are determined by
comparing the retention time of each integrated peak with the retention
times listed in the component table (See section 5.5.2 - Components). In
addition, the two boxes at the very bottom right show the sensor output
and time at the point on the chromatogram where the cursor is located.

The chromatogram shows markings of four different colours, collectively

known as action list codes. Double-clicking on any action list code will pop
up a box explaining what that code is and what time that code occurs at.
Each colour represents a different function from the action list (see section Green lines indicate chromatograph valve actuations (see
section 2.1 for more information on the chromatograph). Solid blue lines
show where an inhibit has been turned on, and dashed blue lines show
where an inhibit has been turned off. No peak integration can occur
between the time an inhibit is turned on and the time that it is turned off
again. The blue-green solid line indicates where a stream switch occurs,
resulting in a different stream of sample gas passing through the analyzer

(See Section 5.5.3 - Streams). Three types of purple lines, solid, large
dashed, and small dashed, represent integration parameters which are
best explained using a diagram, shown in Figure 5-18.

Detection Integration Integration
Window Start Stop

Figure 5-18: Peak Integration Marks

Figure 5-x shows a peak, with the three purple lines. The small dashed
line occurs prior to the peak, and is called a ‘Set Detection Window’. This
tells the analyzer how wide a peak it will be looking for when detecting
peaks. The solid line comes next, indicating the start of integration. Finally,
the large dashed line indicates the end of integration. The time distance
between the solid purple line and the large dashed purple line is identical
to the size of the detection window. Both the size of the detection window,
and the time that the integration window is set, can be changed in the
action list, but integration start and stop marks are automatically set.
Figure 5-19 shows how peak area is calculated.

Figure 5-19: Shaded Peak Integration Area

A line is drawn connecting the point on the curve where the integration
begins to the point on the curve where integration stops (known as the
inflection points). The area of the curve is the area between the peak and
this line, shown shaded in the diagram above. Integration starts and stops
are not treated as action list codes, and so cannot be double-clicked on to
determine what time they occur at.

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Above the chromatogram is a row of buttons, the functions of which are

explained below.

Zoom Mode – allows the user to zoom in or zoom out on the

chromatogram. Left clicking anywhere on the chromatogram
will zoom in on the chromatogram, centred on the point that
was clicked. Right clicking will cause the view to zoom out
until the default zoom level is reached. While in zoom mode,
it is possible to scroll the chromatogram by using the left,
right, up, and down arrow keys on the keyboard.

Auto Scale – allows the user to automatically adjust the

vertical scale to show full peaks. This function is useful to
zoom in on selected peaks, especially the butane and
pentane peaks, which tend to be very difficult to see when
the chromatogram is fully zoomed out. To zoom in
specifically on these peaks, left click and hold, then drag the
cursor to make a box around the region of interest of the
chromatogram, and then release the mouse button. This will
cause the area within the box to fill the full viewing window;
the Auto-Scale button can then be used to make all peaks
within the box to be seen at a better scale. Note that this
function auto-scales to the largest peak within the viewing
window, so if the user wishes to see the small peaks, large
peaks should not be present in the viewing window.
Show Entire Graph – returns the chromatogram to the
default zoom level.

Read Chromatogram From Unit – reads the most recent

chromatogram from the PLGC

Peak Name – this button is a multifunction button. The name

shown on this button shows what labels are put on each
individual peak. Peak name is the default, which shows the
name of each peak in the chromatogram. Clicking on the
button causes the label to change. Clicking this button next
shows the unnormalized concentration represented by each
peak. Clicking again shows the normalized concentration
represented by each peak. The next click shows the
maximum sensor output, in millivolts, for each peak. The
next click shows Max Time, which gives each peak a label
that shows its retention time. The following click gives

Corrected Area, which shows the raw area underneath each
peak. Clicking once more gives Off, which removes all labels
from the peaks. One more peak will return to Peak Name.
First Peak – clicking this button will immediately show a
correctly zoomed view of the first integrated and named
peak, regardless of what zoom mode the window is currently

Next Peak – clicking this button will show a correctly zoomed

view of the next integrated peak. Continuing to click this
button will show zoomed views of all integrated peaks in the
chromatogram. This button is useful to see the peak shapes
for all peaks in the chromatogram.

Previous Peak – clicking this button will go backwards

through zoomed views of all peaks in the chromatogram.

Last Peak – clicking this button will show a correctly zoomed

view of the last integrated peak in the chromatogram.

Autostore All Chromatograms – clicking this button will

cause the analyzer to store all subsequent chromatograms
in a user-selected directory on the connected PC with a user
selected root name. For example, if the user chose the name
‘test’ for the chromatograms, an example filename would be
‘test(Stream 01)001.cgr’. The name in brackets tells which
stream was being analyzed for each chromatogram, while
the 001 is a sequence number that rises in increments of 1
from whenever the autostorage began. The sequence
number starts at 1 for each stream. Please note that auto-
storing of chromatograms can only occur while the GC is
connected to a PC – no storage of previous chromatograms
occurs in the PLGC’s onboard memory. Also, note that each
chromatogram is anywhere between 500 kilobytes and 1.5
megabytes, so please ensure that adequate storage is
available if this function is selected. To disable this function,
simply click this button again.

Right-clicking on the chromatogram brings up a pop-up menu with several

• Show Entire Graph – undoes all zooms and returns to the default
zoom level
• Undo Last Zoom – undoes the effect of the previous zoom
• Autoscale – same function as the button described above

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• Show Points – shows each individual data point that makes up the
chromatogram. The PLGC samples at 60 samples per second, so
there are 60 data points for every second of the chromatogram.
• Load from File – allows the user to load a previously saved
• Save to File – allows the user to save the displayed chromatogram
to a *.cgm file.
• Export to CSV – allows the user to save the raw data that makes up
the chromatogram to a comma-separated values (*.csv) file that
can be opened in Microsoft Excel.
• Export to CSV (with codes) – allows the user to save the raw data
that makes up the chromatogram to a CSV file, along with action
list codes represented in hexadecimal format. This function is of
little use to the normal user, but is useful to Galvanic programmers
for debugging purposes should there be problems with a user’s
• Print – allows the user to print the displayed chromatogram.
• Copy to clipboard – allows the user to copy the chromatogram
image to the clipboard to paste into another application, such as
Microsoft Word.
• Update all Response Factors – a response factor is a factor that the
peak area for each identified peak is multiplied by to get a
concentration value for each component in the gas stream. The
response factors are found in the Component Table (See Section
5.5.2). This function allows the user to do a quick calibration based
on the displayed chromatogram, as it will update all response
factors in the component table based on the peak areas in the
chromatogram and the calibration gas values in the Component
Table. IMPORTANT: This function MUST only be used if the
analyzer is running on calibration gas, and should not be used as a
replacement for a proper calibration, as it is based on only a single
analysis, and does not recalculate retention times as a true
calibration cycle does (for more on Calibrations, see section 5.5.3 –
• Display Extended Info – displays information about the raw data for
the displayed chromatogram. Useful for debugging purposes only.
• Preferences – allows the user to configure the chromatogram
o Show Action List Codes – toggles action list markers (not
integration start/stop marks) on/off.
o Show Inflection Points – toggles integration start/stop
markers on/off.
o Set Trace Colour – allows the user to change the colour of
the chromatogram
o Set Background Colour – allows the user to change the
colour of the background

o Restore Default Colours – returns to default colours for
chromatogram (Red) and background (grey).
o Invert Scrolling – inverts the effect of the arrow keys on
scrolling while in zoom mode; i.e. left key scrolls right, up key
scrolls down, etc.
o Time Format – allows the user to change the time format
(except on x-axis) between seconds only and minutes:
o Print Orientation/Print Sizing – allows the user to set print
o Auto print on Auto store – allows the user to set the program
to automatically print every chromatogram while in Auto-
Store chromatogram mode.
5.5 Setup Applications
Double-clicking on the Setup category of the Devices tree opens up a number
of sub-categories. In the Setup category are found many applications required
for proper setup and operation of the PLGC.

5.5.1 Support Applications

Support applications are the key to the PLGC’s operation. Support

applications include output controllers, the display controller, mole weight
controllers, and cross calculators. Generally speaking, most of the
configuration of support applications is done at the factory, and these
applications should not require any manipulation from the user once the
analyzer is in the field. A brief description of each support application is
given below. Display

The Display screen is shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20: Display Setup Window

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The Display screen is used to configure the analyzer’s LCD display. It

tells the analyzer what processes it should use to output data – these
are seen in the various thread IDs that are shown in the pull down
menus. None of the settings in the Display screen should be changed
by a user without first consulting Galvanic service staff. Output Controllers

Output controllers are applications that are used to configure the

outputs from the PLGC, namely the heater output control that is used
to control the temperature in the Column Oven, and the analog outputs
that are used to output data in 4-20 milliamp format. In total, most
PLGCs are configured from the factory with 5 output controllers – one
Oven PID controller, and 4 analog output controllers. Oven Controller PID

The Oven Controller PID screen is shown in Figure 5-21.

Figure 5-21: Oven PID Controller

The purpose of this application is to control the temperature in the

column oven as close to a set value as possible at all times. As the
repeatability of the analyzer is dependent on stable temperature
control in the column oven, this application is very important to
normal operation of the analyzer. Changing the oven temperature

simply requires changing the Set Point value in the upper right
hand corner of the screen and writing this change to the unit.
Please note, however, that changing the oven temperature will
change component retention times, which will need to be adjusted
in the Component table to ensure correct operation. Analog Outputs

The PLGC board has four 4-20 milliamp analog outputs for data
output to data collection systems. Each analog output is individually
controlled by an output controller. A typical analog output controller
screen is shown in Figure 5-22.

Figure 5-22: Analog Output Controller Window

To change the GDP that is being output by a given analog output

controller, follow the following instructions:
1. In Analysis Control, put the analyzer into halt mode and wait
for the analyzer to halt.
2. Choose the analog output to change the GDP for; in the
devices tab, the analog outputs are typically listed in
numerical order from 1 to 4, even though this may not be
indicated. Double-click on the chosen analog output
controller to open it.
3. Switch to the Database tab and find the desired global data
point for output. Click and drag this GDP over to the ‘Send
this Value…’ box under ‘Control Setup’.
4. Change the name of the Output Controller to reflect this
change in GDP output.

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5. Determine the correct range for the given GDP. Typical

ranges for individual components range from 0-2% to 0-
100%, while specific gravity tends to range from 0 to 2, and
heating value tends to range from 1000 to 1200 BTU.
6. To change the scale of the output controller, click on
‘Calibrate’ in the ‘Scaling’ box – the text boxes within the
‘Scaling’ box will no longer be greyed out. Enter the correct
range into the two boxes to the right of ‘Scale (EU’, with the
lower end of the range going under ‘Zero’, and the higher
end of the range going under ‘Span’.
7. Write these changes to the unit.
8. Click on the word ‘Calibrate’ to re-grey out the boxes, then
read data from unit to ensure that the change has been
9. Un-halt the analyzer and begin analyses as normal.

For more information about the various fields in the Output Controller
windows, it is possible to right-click on any white text input field in the
Output Controller windows and choose the ‘What’s This?’ option. This
will give more information about what each field is, and links to an in-
depth PLGC Help file. Mole Weight Calculators

A mole weight calculator is an application that calculates a certain

value for a complete gas stream based on the composition of that gas
stream. An example of a mole weight calculator is shown in Figure 5-

Figure 5-23: Mole Weight Calculator Window

For the PLGC, there are typically three mole weight calculators, one
calculating heating value (generally, but not always, in ideal BTU per
1000 cubic feet), one calculating specific gravity, and one calculating
compressibility. In the PLGC, the mole weight calculators tend to only
be used for the heating value applications, not for applications that only
analyze only a portion of the components in the gas, as they can only
be used for gas mixtures for which the entire composition is known.
The results from Mole Weight Calculators are based on the values for
each parameter in the component table (see Section 5.5.2 -
Components) as well as the exact composition of the gas stream.
Generally speaking, no changes should be made to the mole weight
calculators as set up from the factory without first consulting Galvanic
service staff.

Mole weight calculators are generally used only for analyzers that are
analyzing all components in a gas stream. For most analyzers that are
not measuring the complete heating value of the analyzed sample gas,
and analyzers that are measuring only one or two components (for
example, H2S) of a sample, mole weight calculators are used to output
the concentration of one component of interest on the display, as the
display can only output results from a mole weight calculator. . Cross Calculators

Cross calculators are applications that can perform mathematical

operations based on values calculated by the PLGC. A cross calculator
window is shown in Figure 5-24.

Figure 5-24: Cross Calculator Window

The values to be manipulated can be chosen from the pull-down

menus in the ‘Calculation’ box and the mathematical operations to be
performed can be changed by clicking on the buttons to the left of the
lower three pull-down menus. Valid inputs for calculation purposes are

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component concentrations, the calculated values from mole weight

calculators, and the calculated values from previous cross calculators.
Cross calculators are most commonly used to calculate real BTU
values from ideal BTU values, as well as Wobbe index for a gas
stream. Detailed instructions as to how to add these calculations to a
PLGC that does not currently have these calculations installed can be
found in Sections 5.6.2 and 5.6.3.

5.5.2 Components

The component table is the most important input area in the entire PLGC.
The component table stores data about the names, calibration gas values,
retention times, response factors, heating values, specific gravities, and
compressibilities for every component that may be present in the analyzed
gas stream. A sample component table is shown in Figure 5-25.

Figure 5-25: Component Table

A brief explanation of each column is provided here:

• Calibration Gas Value – the concentration of each component
found in the calibration gas cylinder. These values are taken off the
certificate or paperwork included with the calibration cylinder.
• Response Factor – a multiplication factor that converts a raw peak
area into a concentration value. See Appendix B for more
information about how response factors are calculated.
• Retention Time – the time, in seconds, at which the given
component elutes from the column and reaches the detector.
Peaks in a chromatogram are identified on the basis of their

retention times, as each component has its own unique retention
• Retention Time Deviation – the amount of time, in seconds, that a
peak is allowed to deviate from the set retention time for a given
component and still be identified as that component. For example,
in the sample component table, methane has a retention time of
26.95 seconds, and a deviation of 5 seconds. This means that a
peak with a retention time anywhere between 21.95 seconds and
31.95 seconds will be identified as methane. Generally speaking,
peaks that elute early in the analysis will have small retention time
deviations (± 5 seconds or less), while later peaks will have larger
deviations (± 10 seconds or more).
• Heating Value – the calorific value of each component in the gas.
These values are obtained from some accepted standard (GPA
2145, AGA 2145, ISO 6976 are the most common). Some typical
values for all components are found in the table in Appendix C. The
typical configuration for the PLGC has the heating value given as
ideal dry BTU per 1000 cubic feet, at a pressure of 14.696psi,
although figures for other conditions are available at customer
• Specific Gravity – the density of each component, relative to air,
which has a specific gravity of 1.
• Compressibility – the deviation of the volume of a given component
from the volume of that component were it an ideal gas.

Below the table is a box that is entitled Calibration Gas results. It has four
boxes that show summed information for the calibration gas.
• Component Total – shows the sum of the concentrations of all
components in the gas. If this sum is not 100, normalization cannot
be used in calculations. If this sum is not 100, but the calibration
gas is supposed to have a sum of 100%, please check all entered
concentrations for errors.
• Heating Value – shows the heating value of a gas with component
concentrations as entered in the table. Reference runs (see section
5.x) using a calibration gas of this composition should produce a
value close to this heating value if the analyzer is correctly
• Specific Gravity – shows the specific gravity of the total calibration
• Compressibility – shows the compressibility of the total calibration

Changing component values for concentration, heating value, specific

gravity, or compressibility is simple. Left click on the cell in the table that
needs to be changed, and then type in the new value. If changing the

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entire calibration gas concentration values, ensure that they add up to

100%. When all changes are made, write the new table to the unit.

Right-clicking on the white field surrounding the Components table brings

up an option list, whose options are described below:
• Auto size Columns – resizes the columns to fit the contents in the
• Add New Component – allows the user to add another row to the
table to enter data for a new component in the gas stream. If a new
component is added, remember to write changes to the unit.
• Add New Column – allows the user to add another column to the
table that can be used in a mole weight calculator. For example, if
the user wishes to calculate both dry and saturated heating value,
he or she could add another column containing saturated heating
value data. The numerical values for this column must be obtained
from a recognized standard, such as GPA 2145-03.
• Delete Unused Columns – deletes any column whose contents are
solely zeroes. If this option is chosen, and there are unused
columns in the component table, remember to write these changes
to the unit.
• Print Preview – previews how a print-out of the component table
would look.
• Print – allows the user to print the component table.
• Load Configuration File – allows the user to load a saved
component table from a Galvanic proprietary (*.dc101a) file. This
option is useful if incorrect changes are made to the PLGC and the
original configuration needs to be recovered.
• Save Configuration File – saves the current component table to a
directory of the user’s choice in Galvanic proprietary (*.dc101a)
• Save as CSV – saves the current component table as a comma-
separated value (*.csv) file for opening in a spreadsheet program
such as Microsoft Excel.
• Save as XLS – saves the current component table as a Microsoft
Excel (*.xls) spreadsheet file.
• Copy Image to Clipboard – copies the current Component table,
including the boxes showing heating value, specific gravity, and
compressibility, as an image to the clipboard, so that it can be
pasted into another application, such as Microsoft Word.

In addition, if the user left-clicks on a single component to highlight that

row in the table, right clicking the highlighted row brings up a menu with all
of the options described above, plus two more options of interest.
• Rename Selected Component – allows the user to rename any
component in the table.

• Delete Selected Component – allows the user to delete the
selected component.
Misusing these options has the potential to adversely affect the operation
of the PLGC, so the use of these options should only be undertaken after
consultation with Galvanic service staff. The data in the table can also be
sorted in ascending or descending order of the numerical values in the
columns. To sort the table, left-click once on the column heading of the
desired column, and the table will be sorted in ascending numerical order
based on the data in that column. To sort the column in descending order,
left-click again on the column header. By default, data in the Components
table is sorted in ascending order based on retention times. Note that the
heating value, specific gravity, and compressibility for the stream will not
be displayed correctly for most applications other than complete heating
value analysis, such as PLGCs configured to analyze H2S only, or H2S in
conjunction with a few other components, not including all of the
components in the stream.

5.5.3 Streams

The stream setup window is the window that shows how each of the
various streams to be analyzed by the PLGC is setup. This tells the
analyzer which solenoids to actuate for a given stream, what GDPs should
be written to for each stream, and what type of stream it is. A typical
stream setup window is shown in Figure 5-26.

The three types of streams defined for the PLGC are normal, calibration,
and reference.
• Normal – a normal stream is a stream that is used to analyze
sample gas, giving results that are useful for plant operations.
• Calibration – a calibration stream is a stream that is used to
calibrate the analyzer, giving new response factors and retention
times for all components, to ensure that it gives accurate results
when operating on a normal stream.
• Reference – a reference stream is a stream that is used to check
the calibration status of a PLGC. As the heating value content of a
calibration gas is a known value – the heating value for the
calibration gas is shown at the bottom of the Components window –
if the heating value obtained on the reference run does not closely
match this known value, a calibration is necessary.

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Figure 5-26: Streams Set up Window

The stream type is selected using the pull-down menu in the top left
corner of the Streams setup window. Below this menu is a box called
‘Minimum Purge Time’. The Minimum Purge Time is the minimum amount
of time a new stream must pass through the sample loop in the column
oven prior to starting analysis of this stream. At the bottom of the screen
are tabs that allow the user to switch between the configurations for the
streams that are installed on the PLGC. All PLGCs will have a minimum of
3 streams – at least one sample stream, a calibration stream, and a
reference stream. A stream can be renamed by right-clicking on the tab at
the bottom of the screen and selecting ‘Rename Current Stream’. Note
that changing the name of a stream requires that this information be
written to the analyzer. Stream Path

The stream path is a window that shows which control points are
actuated for a given stream. Generally speaking, each individual
stream will be controlled by its own solenoid, with calibration and
reference streams usually controlled by the same solenoid.

In Figure 5-26, an analyzer with 4 sample streams plus a reference
and a calibration stream is shown. In the Stream Path window for
Stream 1 there are four solenoids shown – the Calibration solenoid,
and Solenoids 1-4. There are a total of 8 solenoid drivers on the PLGC
Motherboard, plus the Calibration Solenoid, which means that a total of
8 streams, plus Reference and Calibration, can be analyzed by the
PLGC. The Control Points for stream control come from the Database
tab, under ‘Global Data Points Æ I/O Controls’, and are simply dragged
from the database window into the white box in the Stream Path
window. Next to each control point shown in the Stream Path window
is a check box. If there is a checkmark in this box, it means that the
given control point will be energized for that stream. For example, in
Figure 5-26, the Stream 1 Stream Path shows that Solenoid 1 is
energized, while the Calibration Solenoid, and Solenoids 2,3, and 4 are

The reason that all solenoids are shown in each stream is because
control points stay in a given state until they are told specifically to
change state. That is to say, if Solenoid 1 is turned on for Stream 1, it
will stay on unless the subsequent streams tell it explicitly to shut off.
Thus, each individual stream is configured to have its solenoid (or
other control point) turn on, and all other solenoids to turn off, to
ensure that only the solenoid or control point that controls a given
stream is on, and all other control points are off, when that stream is
being analyzed. Therefore, if adding a new control point for a given
stream, ensure that this control point is added to the Stream Path of all
the other streams set up on the analyzer to ensure this new control
point is explicitly shut off in all other streams.

For more detailed information on Stream Paths from the PLGC Help
File, right click anywhere on the white field under Stream Paths, and
choose the ‘What’s This?’ option. Stream Components

The Stream Components field is where GDPs are associated with

components or component table columns. This tells the software which
GDPs are associated with which numerical values, so setting up the
stream components correctly is essential to making the PLGC output
useable data.

The Component Table column means that the value associated with
the given GDP is an output of either a mole weight calculator or a
cross calculator. For this to produce correct results, if the mole weight
calculator or cross calculator is set up to use normalized values, the

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‘Normalize’ checkbox next to each GDP must also be checked,

otherwise the GDP will simply contain garbage values.

The Component column associates a calculated concentration value

with the given global data point. If the Normalized checkbox is
checked, this will associate the normalized concentration value for a
given component with this GDP, whereas if the normalized checkbox is
not checked, this will associate the un-normalized concentration value
with the GDP.

To add a new global data point to the stream component field, drag the
desired GDP from the database into the Stream Components field.
Choose the desired component table column (if the new component is
a calculated output from either a mole weight calculator or a cross
calculator) or the desired component to associate with this new global
data point. To change the Component Table column or Component
associated with a given GDP, first left-click on the cell of the table to be
changed. Left-clicking again will cause a pop-up menu to appear giving
all the possible options for the Component or Component Table
column. To ensure that normalized data is associated with a given
GDP, check the normalized check box. To delete a global data point
from a stream, right click on the component to be deleted, and chose
‘Delete Row’, then write the changes to the analyzer.

For analyzers that are not measuring all components, ensure that the
Normalized checkboxes for the components are not checked;
otherwise the results entered into the GDPs will be invalid. Note the
GDP names in the Database have Stream prefixes that tell the user
which stream to associate the GDPs with. For example, stream 1
GDPs will usually be prefixed with STR 1, calibration stream GDPs will
be prefixed CAL, and reference stream GDPs will be prefixed REF.
Ensure that the GDPs are correctly associated with their streams.
Finally, it is important to make certain that each individual GDP is only
associated with a single stream – to have the same GDP associated
with more than one stream will cause invalid results to be stored in a
given GDP.

For more information regarding the Stream Components setup, right-

click anywhere within the Stream Components field and select ‘What’s
This?’. This will give a brief description of the Stream Components
field, and provide a link to the PLGC in-depth help file.

Right-clicking anywhere on the Stream Components field also allows

the user to save a stream to a file or load a stream from a file. Note
that Stream configuration files (*.dcsm files) only store data for

individual streams, so each stream must be saved or loaded

5.5.4 Sample Handling

Sample handling is the application that tells the PLGC how to operate. It
tells the analyzer how long the analysis is, what valves, solenoids, and
other control points to actuate during the analysis, and where to actuate
them, what analysis settings are relevant to each stream, and when to
carry out an analysis of each independent stream. There are four
subheadings under the ‘Sample Handling’ node in the Devices tab –
Analyzer Paths, Action Lists, Run Definitions, and Scheduling – and each
will be described here in detail. The 4 Sample Handling subheadings can
be accessed through tabs at the top of the Sample Handling window. Analyzer Paths

The Analyzer Paths tab is shown in Figure 5-27.

Figure 5-27: Analyzer Paths Tab

An analyzer path defines the positions of all control points required to

route the sample inside the unit. That is to say, once the sample has
entered the analyzer itself, if one particular stream requires additional
conditioning, such as a bubbler of some kind or a furnace of some
kind, the control points required to send the sample into that bubbler or
furnace would be dealt with from the Analyzer Paths window.

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Generally, there will only be one analyzer path, with no control points
added – this is the type of Analyzer Path configuration that is shown in
Figure 5-27. At least one Analyzer Path is required to be defined for
the analyzer to work correctly. Additional paths can be added by
pressing the ‘Add Analyzer Path’ button at the bottom of the screen.
The analyzer paths can be set up by dragging control points from the
PLGC II database over into the Control Points window. As before,
when any change is made in this window, the changes must be written
to the analyzer before they take effect. Action Lists

The Action Lists tab is shown in Figure 5-28.

Figure 5-28: Action List Tab

The Action List window is the heart of the PLGC II operation. Action
lists are lists of events that tell the analyzer how to run an analysis. In
this window, chromatograph valve times and integration parameters
are set that allow the analyzer to produce a chromatogram. Each entry
in an action list is known as an action list code. There are 4 columns in
the Action List window – Action, Value, @ time (sec), and Sequence.

• Action – describes what type of action each action list code is.
There are several types of action list code, described in detail
o External Controls – an external control tells the analyzer
to trigger a valve, a solenoid, or a relay at a given time
during the analysis. Any Action List Code with a pink
arrow icon in front of it ( ) is an external control.
Generally speaking, chromatograph valves (1 for a 12
minute analysis and for H2S analysis, 2 for a high speed
heating value analysis) are the only external controls in
an action list.
o Allow stream switch – allows the analyzer to switch
streams during an analysis. This allows the analyzer to
purge the sample system with the upcoming stream for a
longer period of time prior to the analysis, so this is
typically placed quite early in an analysis. The stream
that is switched to is defined either manually in the
Analysis Control window, or automatically in the
Scheduling section of Sample Handling (see Section
o Inhibit On/Off – turns integration inhibition on or off.
When inhibit is turned on, the PLGC will not integrate any
peaks until an inhibit off action list code is triggered.
o Set Detection Window (Seconds) – allows the user to
change the width of the integration window (See Section
5.4.5 – Peak Integration). The wider the peak in the
chromatogram, the wider the Detection Window required
for accuracy and repeatability. As a result, several ‘Set
Detection Window’ actions are required during an
analysis, because not all peaks in a chromatogram have
the same width.
• Value – the value column can show one of three things; a
number, a check box, or ‘execute’. Check boxes are associated
with control points. If a control point, normally a chromatograph
valve, has its check box checked, that means that the control
point is being turned on, and if the check box is unchecked, the
control point is being turned off. Execute is used for inhibit
events, as it simply states that the inhibit on or off is being
carried out. The numbers in this column show are associated
with ‘Set Detection Windows’, and show the width, in seconds,
of each Detection Window being set.
• @ Time (seconds) – shows the time, in seconds, during an
analysis where an event occurs.
• Sequence – shows the order in which events occur, from 1 to
the highest number in the sequence.

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Some streams may require a different action list to correctly carry out
an analysis, for example if the stream compositions vary significantly
from stream to stream. To add another action list, click on the ‘Add
Action List’ button at the bottom left of the Action Lists window, and a
pop-up window will appear asking for a name for the new action list.
Enter a name for the list, press OK, and a new blank action list will be
created. Action lists can be renamed later by right clicking on the tab
where the name is displayed and selecting “Rename current Action
List” from the pop-up menu. Right-clicking on the white field of the
action list brings up a pop-up menu with the following options.
• What’s This? – provides access to the help file regarding Action
Lists, including an in-depth examination of how to add actions to
an action list.
• Add New Action – allows the user to add a new action to the
action list. See Section for more information as to how
to add actions to an action list.
• Print – prints the action list to the default printer.
• Load Sample Handling Configuration from File – loads a pre-
saved sample handling configuration file (*.dcsh). Note that this
will replace ALL configurations under the Sample Handling
heading – analyzer paths, action lists, run definitions, and
• Save Sample Handling Configuration to File – saves the Sample
Handling configuration – analyzer paths, action lists, run
definitions, and scheduling – to a *.dcsh file.

On the right hand side of the Action List window is a section with
several buttons called ‘Action Filters’. By default, ‘All’ is selected, and
this will show all the action list codes in the action list. The other
buttons filter the list to show only specific types of action list codes.
• Inhibit – shows only Inhibit On/Off events.
• Detection Gain – shows only the Set Detection Window events.
• External Control – shows only external control events, such as
chromatograph valves, relays, and solenoids.
• Stream Switch – shows only stream switch events.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT press the ‘Write Changes to Unit’ button when

any of these filters other than the ‘All’ filter is selected. Writing
changes to unit with an Action filter selected will wipe out the entire
action list in the unit and cause it to no longer function correctly. Adding Actions to an Action List

Two types of actions can be added to the action list: standard

actions and external controls. Standard actions are actions such as
integration parameters and inhibits. To add a standard action to an

action list, right click anywhere on the action list and select “Add
New Action” from the pop-up menu. A window such as the one
shown in Figure 5-29 will appear on the screen. Choose the action
to be added and the desired action control time, and then click OK.
The new action will show up in the Action List at the appropriate
spot based on the chosen action control time. Note that the
Baseline Capture and Manual Integration action types do not work,
and should not be added to any action list. Also, note that when
‘Set Detection Window’ is chosen, an additional text box appears in
the window. In this box should be entered the desired width of the
detection window before OK is clicked. When ‘Inhibit’ is chosen,
two radio buttons, one marked ‘On’ and the other marked ‘Off’ will
appear. Select either ‘On’ or ‘Off’ prior to clicking OK.

Figure 5-29: Add Action List Item Window

To modify a standard action, double click anywhere on the row for

the action to be changed (or right click on the row and select “Edit
Selected Action” from the pop-up menu). The standard action
dialog will be displayed with the current information for the action.
Make the desired changes and select OK. To change only the
event time, or the width of an integration window, left-click on the
entry to be changed in the table in either the ‘Value’ or ‘@ Time’
column and type in the new number.

To add an external control action to the list, simply drag the Global
Data Point (GDP) from in the ‘I/O Controls’ section of the database
for the switch from the database tree and drop it onto the action list.
A new action will be created in the action list for the control. In the
value column for the new action, specify what should happen to the
control. For relays, solenoids, and valves the value can only be
“on” or “off”. In these cases, a check box will appear in the value

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column. Check it if the switch should be turned on; leave it

unchecked if the switch should be turned off. Finally, in the time
column, specify when in the analysis run the action should be
performed. Note that action lists are always sorted by time, so
changing the time will cause the action to move in the list. Actions
can be dragged to a different location is the list by clicking and
dragging the first column (“Action”) for the action. The value in the
time column will be changed to reflect the new position. The
‘@Time’ value will likely need to be fine-tuned to get the desired
action time, however.

To delete an action from the action list, right click on the action and
select “Delete Selected Action” from the pop-up menu. An action
can also be deleted by left-clicking on any row in the Action List
table and pressing the ‘Delete’ key on the keyboard. When an
attempt is made to delete an action list event, a confirmation dialog
box will pop up asking the user to confirm their decision to delete
the action list event. Only if ‘Yes’ is selected will the action list
event be deleted.

After making changes to the action list, click on the “Write to Unit”
button to send the new sample handling configuration (including the
action list) to the unit. Run Definitions

The Run Definitions window is shown in Figure 5-30.

Figure 5-30: Run Definitions Window

A Run Definition (a.k.a. Recipe) specifies all of the information
required to perform an analysis. Each row defines the set of options
for a single analysis run definition. There are eight columns in the
table, each defining some part of the run definition.

• Run Definition Name – The name of the run definition will be
used on the Scheduling tab (see Section to schedule
the analysis to run. The name is also used in the Analysis
Control window for manually adding a run definition to the
queue. To change the name, simply left-click on the run
definition name to be changed and type in the new name.
• Repeats – The number of repeats specifies how many times in
a row an analysis should run each time the run definition is
scheduled. This is typically 1 for all streams except for
Calibration streams, but can be modified as the user sees fit.
For Calibration streams, the number of repeats is typically 3 or
• Reference Run – This applies to Calibration run definitions only.
If a reference run is selected in a Calibration run definition, the
analyzer will automatically carry out a reference run
immediately after completing the Calibration run. This is one
way to check the validity of the calibration immediately after it is
completed, but reference runs can also be scheduled
separately in the Scheduling tab.
• At Start – The At Start column allows the user to set up
notification that a certain stream is being analyzed. This
notification can be either through a specific GDP or an external
control such as a relay, which could cause a light in the control
room to turn on. Clicking on any cell in the ‘At Start will bring up
the dialog box shown in Figure 5-31.

Figure 5-31: At-Start GDP Receiver Dialog Box

If an external control, such as a relay, is dragged from the
database into the GDP Receiver, a checkbox will appear in the
right-hand column. If this box is checked, this will make the
selected control point turn on as soon as the given run definition
starts. If a GDP is dragged from the database into the GDP
Receiver, the right-hand column will, by default, contain the
value 0.00. To make the chosen GDP output a specific value

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when a given run definition is running, left-click on this cell and

change this value to the desired number.
• Analyzer Path Selection – Allows the user to choose any of the
defined Analyzer Paths to be associated with the given run
• Analysis Length – defines how long a single run of the given run
definition will take. Ensure that this run length is long enough to
allow all peaks to elute from the column and for all action list
events to occur.
• Action List Selection – allows the user to choose any defined
action list to be associated with any run definition.
Note: Calibration runs are runs based on calibration streams. In order
for an analysis run to be treated as a calibration, the stream must be
marked as a calibration stream in the “Streams” setup. Likewise, a
reference run must be based on a stream that has been marked as a
reference stream in the Streams setup. If there are no streams
marked as calibration or there are no streams marked as reference,
the “reference run” column in Run Definitions will not be available.

The Run Definition setup allows up to four different analyzers (Peak

Analysis processes) to be controlled by the same run definition. Each
analyzer can have its own path, analysis length, and action list. Each
analyzer must be listed in the Analysis Control setup. Scheduling

Scheduling allows the user to set up a schedule of analyses in the

PLGC. It allows the user to tell the analyzer what run definitions to run
normally, as well as schedule calibrations or reference runs at some
pre-determined day and time, and also allows the user to set up an
external button or switch to initialize an analysis or calibration. There
are 3 types of scheduling – normal sequence, externally controlled,
and timed interval. Normal Sequence

The normal sequence window is shown in Figure 5-32.

Figure 5-32: Normal Sequence Window

The run definitions that are listed and checked in the normal
sequence will repeat in order indefinitely until some directive, such
as an external trigger or manual analysis initiation, tells the
analyzer to analyze some other stream. Items in the Normal
Sequence that do not have the ‘Enabled’ checkbox checked will not
run as part of the normal sequence. To add a run definition to the
normal sequence, right click on the normal sequence table, or
somewhere within the large white box, and choose “Add Item to
Normal Sequence” from the pop-up menu. A new row will be
added to the table. Click in the run definition cell to open a drop-
down list of the available run definitions and select the desired run
definition for the normal sequence item. An item can be removed
from the normal sequence without being deleted simply by
unchecking the “Enabled” checkbox. To delete a single row, right
click on the row to select it and show the pop-up menu. Choose
“Delete Current Normal Sequence Item” from the menu. Several
unused normal sequence items can be deleted at once by choosing
“Delete All Disabled Normal Sequence Items” from the grid’s pop-
up menu. As before, any changes made in this window must be
written to the unit to take effect. Externally Controlled

Externally controlled scheduled run definitions are those that are

initiated by some external control, such as a button in a control
room. The Externally Controlled window is shown in Figure 5-33.

Figure 5-33: Externally Controlled Window

The “externally controlled” option in Sample Handling – Scheduling,

allows analyses to be submitted based on some condition. The
condition can be a change in any Global Data Point. This allows for
maximum flexibility because the GDP can relate to any measured
or calculated value as well as any I/O control. (This means, for
example, that a switch can be set up to submit an analysis
whenever it is activated.)

First, add a row by right clicking on the grid and selecting “Add New
Row” from the pop-up menu. A new row will be added to the grid.

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Click in the run definition cell to open a drop-down list of the

available run definitions. Select a run definition. Next, drag and
drop a GDP from the database tab onto the “Global Data Point”
cell. If the GDP represents an external control that can only be on
or off, such as a discrete input, valve, or solenoid, a checkbox will
appear in the “Limit” cell. Check it to indicate that the condition
should trigger when it is on, uncheck it to indicate that the condition
should trigger when it is off. The most typical use of the externally
controlled run definition trigger is for using a button to trigger an
analysis, usually a calibration. The button is wired to one of the
discrete inputs on the analyzer motherboard, and this discrete input
is placed in the externally controlled table. If the GDP represents
something that is not on/off, type the trigger value into the “Limit”
cell. The analysis will be submitted to the queue whenever the
current value of the GDP is greater than or equal to the limit. The
other checkboxes can be used to tailor how the condition is
• Descending – Treat the limit as a descending limit. That is,
run the analysis when the current value of the GDP is less
than the limit.
• Oneshot – Only submit the analysis run to the queue when
the current value of the GDP first passes the limit. If
‘Oneshot’ is not checked, the job will be resubmitted to the
queue after it finishes for as long as the condition remains
• Remove – If this is checked and the condition goes away
after the job has been submitted to the queue, but before it
has started to run, then the job is removed from the queue.
• Force on Set – If this is checked, the current analysis is
interrupted the given run definition analysis is forced to start
• Force on Clear – If the condition goes away during this
analysis, the analysis is aborted.
• Timed Interval – This is used to submit an analysis run only
when both the GDP condition is met and a time interval
condition is met. When this is checked, this row will also
appear on the “Timed Interval” page. The time condition
must be set up on that screen (see Section

An item can be made inactive without being deleted simply by

unchecking the “Enabled” checkbox. To delete an item, right click
on the row to select it and show the pop-up menu. Choose “Delete
Current Row” from the menu. The externally controlled scheduling
setup can be printed by selecting “Print” from the pop-up menu or
by clicking on the Print button in the main toolbar while this screen
is active. All changes must be written to the unit to take effect.

5-70 Timed Interval

The Timed Interval window allows the user to set up a timed

schedule for run definitions, which is especially useful to schedule
Calibration runs on a regular basis. The Timed Interval Window is
shown in Figure 5-34.

Figure 5-34: Timed Interval Window

As shown in Figure 5-34, the Timed Interval table consists of seven

columns. The first, Enable, contains a checkbox that tells the
analyzer whether or not the schedule item is enabled – if the
checkbox is checked, the schedule item is active. The others are as
• Run Definition – tells the analyzer which run definition to
associate with the given schedule item.
• Frequency – tells the analyzer how frequent the schedule
item is to run. Choices from the pull down menu in this
column are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
• Time – for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly schedule items,
this column allows the user to schedule what time the
schedule item is to run at.
• Day – for weekly, monthly, and yearly schedule items, this
allows the user to set what day to run the schedule item. For
weekly schedule items, the pull down menu in this column
will contain the days of the week, while for monthly and
yearly schedule items, the pull down menu in this column will
contain the numbers 1-31.
• Month – for yearly items, allows the user to set which month
the scheduled item should run.
• Global Data – if the scheduled item is GDP dependent (see
Section, the GDP dependency will be shown in
this column. The scheduled item can then be scheduled

5.5.5 Serial Ports

The serial ports section of the PLGC software allows the user to change
how the serial ports operate. There are three types of serial ports – one

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RS-232 port on the front door, an isolated RS-232 port on the

motherboard, and an RS-485 port, also on the motherboard. An example
of a serial port setup window is shown in Figure 5-35.

Figure 5-35: Serial Port Setup Window

The serial port setup window allows the user to configure the speed of the
serial connection, as well as other parameters that may be required for the
software to correctly communicate with the analyzer. The default settings
will work for nearly all standard communications setups, so do not make
any changes to these setups except after consultation with Galvanic
service staff.

5.5.6 Modbus

The PLGC is capable of handling communications in three forms of

Modbus – Enron, Modicon 16, and Modicon with Floating Point. Each
individual customer will have specific communications requirements, so
setting up Modbus is a process that is best done in conjunction with and
with the assistance of Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc. Service staff.

5.5.7 Archive Setup

Archive Setup is the section of the software where the user can configure
the archives, telling the analyzer what data and Global Data Point values
to store in archives for reading in the Archive Reader (Section 5.4.2). The
archive setup window is shown in Figure 5-36. The archive setup window
is dominated by a table with 8 columns. The last four columns, which
reference alarms, do not currently work as the alarm feature for GDPs has
not yet been incorporated into the software. The first column simply shows
the Item Number, which is just the sequence of the Global Data Points in
the archive. The second shows the Global Data Points that will be stored
in a given archive. The third is titled Absolute Change Trigger. If the

checkbox is checked for any one GDP in this column, this will cause a
record to be added to the whole archive when the condition in the
following column, Absolute Change Amount, is met.

Figure 5-36: Archive Setup Window

For an absolute change trigger to work, the value of the given GDP must
change by an amount greater than or equal to the number in the Absolute
Change Amount column. It is recommended that there be no more than
one Absolute Change Trigger set in each archive, as this may result in
discrepant data in the archive. Also, because the absolute change trigger
causes a full record of all GDPs in the given Archive to be taken when the
Absolute Change Amount condition is met, there is no need for multiple
absolute change triggers in a single archive. Absolute Change Triggers
are best used to store results from every single analysis into the archive.

Below the table is a box marked Maximum Records for this Archive. This
allows the user to set how many records can be added to a given archive
before the data rolls over and starts overwriting older data. This value can
be any whole number greater than or equal to one, as long as the whole
archive does not exceed the total storage space on the analyzer. Storage
space is represented by the green bar at the bottom of the page. The
whole bar represents the total storage space in the analyzer, the green
box outlined in yellow shows the storage space taken up by the selected
archive, and the green boxes outlined in black show the storage space
taken up by all other archives stored in the analyzer’s memory. Directly
beside the ‘Maximum Records for this Archive’ box is a rectangular button.
For Absolute Change Trigger recorded archives, this box is blank.
However, for set-frequency stored archives, this button will indicate the

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amount of time that it will take to collect the given number of records.
Clicking on this button will show this time period in various formats.

Beside the ‘Maximum Records for this Archive’ box is a small table with
the headings Frequency, Time, Day, and Month. This table allows the user
to set up a set frequency for records to be added to the archive. The first
box, frequency, has several options accessible through a pull-down menu.

• None – for archives that will collect data through the use of
absolute change triggers.
• Hourly – to store data in an archive every hour.
• Daily – to store data in an archive every day.
• Weekly – to store data in an archive every week.
• Monthly – to store data in an archive every month
• Yearly – to store data in an archive every year.
• Other – to store data in an archive at some other set interval.
This interval is set in the box below, entitled ‘Other Fixed
Interval’. This can be set to any number of hours, minutes,
and seconds.

The next cells in the table allow the user to enter in the time for recording
the archive (for daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly archives), the day (for
weekly, monthly, and yearly archives - for weekly archives this will be a
day of the week, for monthly and yearly archives it will be a date), and the
month (for yearly archives). The time can be typed in by the user, while
the day and month cells each contain a pull-down menu to make

At the bottom of the window are buttons that allow the user to either add
or delete archives. If a new archive is added, the user is prompted to enter
a name for the new archive, and then a blank archive screen appears. To
add GDPs to the archive, simply drag them from the Database-Additional
GDPs node into the archive window. To drag the Current Value of a GDP
into the archive, simply click on the GDP name in the Database and drag it
over into the archive. To drag hourly, daily, or monthly trends (averages,
maxima, minima) for any GDP into the archive, simply expand the GDP
node to find the trend values and drag the desired trend value into the
archive. Please note that, for best results, hourly, daily, and monthly
trends should be kept in separate archives with hourly, daily, and monthly
recording frequencies.

Once a new archive contains all the desired GDPs, it must be written to
the analyzer. If changes are made to an existing archive definition, the
confirmation box shown in Figure 5-37 appears before the new archive is
written to the unit.

Figure 5-37: Confirm Archive Definition Change

If the archive definition is updated, all previous data stored in that

particular archive will be invalid. Please ensure that all data stored in a
given archive has been saved prior to updating an archive definition.

5.6 Advanced Operations

This section will give instructions for more advanced operations using the
PLGC II software. These operations should only be attempted once complete
familiarity has been achieved with the PLGC II software, as some of the
instructions for these operations are quite complex.

5.6.1 Process Monitor and Factory Mode.

The Process Monitor is a window that shows all of the processes that are
installed on the PLGC. The process monitor is accessed by clicking the
button that is found in the rows of buttons at the top of the screen. The
Process Monitor is shown in Figure 5-38.

Figure 5-38: Process Monitor

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Most of the information present in the process monitor is valuable only for
debugging purposes. However, it is useful to see a) which processes are
running, and b) what the revision numbers of all the processes are. The
column marked ‘State’ shows the current state of a process. The possible
states are as follows:
• Blocked/Running – the process is running normally.
• Terminated – the process has been ‘killed’.
• Pending – the process is a newly installed process that needs to be
Right-clicking on a process that is marked ‘Blocked’ or ‘Running’ will bring
up a menu with only one option – ‘Kill Current Process’. Selecting this
option will cause the process to be killed or ‘terminated’, and the State of
the process in the process monitor will be updated to reflect this fact. The
only reason to terminate a process is if the process is suspected to be
malfunctioning in some way. For example, if the LCD display on the front
of the PLGC is observed to freeze up, terminating and restarting the
Display process may un-freeze the display. If a ‘Terminated’ process is
right-clicked, another menu will be brought up. This menu will have two
options – ‘Remove Current Process’ or ‘Restart Current Process’. Do NOT
select the Remove option, but instead restart the process. IMPORTANT:
Terminating and/or removing processes will cause the PLGC to stop
working correctly. Only terminate a process if it seems to be
malfunctioning, and immediately restart it.

Factory mode is the mode in the PLGC software that allows the user to
make changes to the firmware on the PLGC. To enter factory mode, click
on the ‘Tools’ menu at the top of the screen, and select ‘Factory’ mode. A
password is required to enter factory mode – by default this is ‘fact’. Once
in factory mode, the user can make changes to the firmware that allows
the PLGC to operate. To add or replace processes, click the Update
Firmware ( ) button at the top of the screen – this will bring up a pop-up
window such as the one shown in Figure 5-39.

Figure 5-39: Update Firmware Window

Compare the Revision number of all the processes in the ‘Update
Firmware’ window with the revision number of all the processes in the
Process monitor. If there are any processes in the Process Monitor that
have lower numbers than those in the Update Firmware window, these
processes will need to be updated. Select the process to update in the
Update Firmware window by left-clicking on it, and select the ‘Replace
Existing Process’ option in the Update Option box. Then press the ‘Update
Firmware’ button. A window asking which process to replace will appear,
as shown in Figure 5-40.

Figure 5-40: Replace Existing Process Window

Ensure that the name of the process being replaced is the same as the
name of the process being written. The new firmware will then be written
to the analyzer. The updated process then needs to be started, so return
to the Process Monitor. Find the process with the ‘Pending’ state, right-
click on this process, and select ‘Start Current Process’.

To add a new process, select the new Firmware to be added to the PLGC
and choose the ‘Add New Process’ option in the Update Firmware
window. The new process then needs to be started in the Process
Monitor, as before. Before a new process can be seen and configured in
the Devices tree on the left side of the screen, the user must log off and
then log back in to the analyzer. Typically, the only processes that may
need to be added to a PLGC once it has been configured at the factory
may be more Mole Weight Calculators or Cross Calculators, for things
such as Wobbe Index or Real BTU calculations.

5.6.2 Calculating Compressibility and Real BTU with the PLGC II

Real BTU is a measure of the real BTU content of natural gas. The BTU
content values in the component table are based on the assumption that
the gas in the pipeline behaves as an ideal gas. However, as the
behaviour of all gases varies from the behaviour of ideal gases to some
degree, the actual BTU content of the gas in a gas stream is slightly

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different than the calculated ideal BTU value. The variance between the
volume of an ideal gas and that of a real gas at a given temperature and
pressure is known as the compressibility factor. The following instructions
will let the user set up the PLGC to calculate both Compressibility Factor
and Real BTU. These instructions assume that the Components Table
contains only columns for the Heating Value and Specific Gravity.

1. Go to the Components Table (Section 5.5.2) and add 3 new

columns. Call one column ‘Summation Factor’, the second ‘Base
Pressure’, and the third ‘Calculation Factor’. The Summation
Factors for all components are available in Table 10-1 in Appendix
C. Enter the number 1 into all cells in the ‘Calculation Factor’
column, and enter the desired base pressure (14.696psia or
14.73psia) into all cells in the Base Pressure column. Ensure that
the ideal BTU values for all components are correct for the chosen
base pressure. Write the new Components Table into the analyzer.
2. Get the software into 'Factory' mode - do this by clicking on the
'Tools' menu and selecting 'Factory'. The password is 'fact'.
3. Select the 'Update Firmware' button - this is the button directly to
the right of the button that has a key icon on it, and the icon on this
button is a lightning bolt above a computer chip.
4. Choose the 'Add new process' update option, and select 'Cross
Calculator' as the process to add. Press the 'Update Firmware'
5. Once the software update has completed, press the 'Process
Monitor' button (the one with the key icon on it).
6. Scroll down to the newly added 'Cross Calculator' - it will have its
state listed as 'Pending'. Right click on that process, and select
'Start Current Process'.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 for two more 'Cross Calculator' and 3 'Mole
Weight Calculator'.
8. Disconnect from the analyzer, and reconnect. Enter Update Mode –
Password is 2222.
9. Go to the 'Setup' portion of the directory tree on the left, and
expand it. Go down to 'Mole Weight Calculators', and double click
on the first process marked 'Unknown Process Name'. Give this the
name 'Summation', select Thread Id: 12 for the Analysis Thread ID
(or whatever it is on your analyzer - there should only be one
choice in the pull-down menu) and Summation Factor for the
Component Table Column. Ensure the 'Use Normalized Values'
box is checked. Write this update to the analyzer.
10. Go to the second 'Unknown Process Name' mole weight calculator.
Name this 'Base Pressure'. Again, assign the Analysis Thread ID,
and select Base Pressure from the Component Table Column.
Again, ensure the 'Use Normalized Values' box is checked. Write
this update to the analyzer.

11. Go to the third 'Unknown Process Name' mole weight Calculator.
Call this 'Calculation Factor'. Assign the Analysis Thread ID, select
Calculation Factor for the Component Table Column, and again
ensure that the Normalize box is checked. Write this update to the
12. Select the 'Database' tab on the bottom of the directory tree. Select
the 'Global Data Points' node, and under this node, select
'Additional GDPs'. Right click and select 'Create new Global Data
Point' on the pull down menu. Give this GDP the name 'STR 1
Summation', and click OK.
13. Repeat step 12 5 more times, giving the GDPs the following names
– STR 1 Z Calculation, STR 1 Calculation Factor, STR 1 Base
Pressure, STR 1 Compressibility, and STR 1 Real BTU. Press the
Write To Unit button to upload the changes to the database to the
14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 two more times, replacing STR 1 with REF
and CAL as the prefix for each GDP.
15. Repeat Steps 12 and 13 for any additional streams on the analyzer
– replacing the STR 1 prefix with STR 2, STR 3, etc.
16. Return to the 'Devices' tab, and select 'Cross Calculators' under the
Setup-Support Apps nodes - there should be 2 'Unknown Process
Name' listed.
17. Select the first Cross Calculator. Give it the name 'Z Factor
Calculation'. At the top right of the screen will be a boxed in set of
pull down menus with the title 'Calculation'. From the first pull down
menu, select Summation. Ensure the 'Normalized' box is checked.
Press the button beside the second pull down menu until a
multiplication sign is seen. From the second pull down menu, select
Summation. Ensure it's normalized. Push the button beside the 3rd
pull down menu until it shows a multiplication sign, and select 'Base
Pressure' from the 3rd pull down menu. Check the Normalized box.
Make sure the 4th pull down menu says 'Disabled'. Write these
changes to the unit.
18. Select the second cross calculator. Give it the name 'Real BTU'. In
the Calculation box, select 'Cross-Calculator (Thread ID XX)' in the
first pull down menu. To determine the thread ID of the Z-Factor
Calculation cross calculator, right-click on the Z Factor Cross
Calculator in the Devices tree, and choose ‘Details’ from the pop-up
menu. An information window such as the one shown in Figure 5-
41 will appear. The Thread ID is seen as the fourth entry under the
heading ‘Information from Unit’.

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Section 5 Part Number MA2182

Figure 5-41: Thread Information Window

19. Press the button left of the second pull down menu until the
addition sign is seen. Select Z Factor from the second pull down
menu. Press the button left of the third pull down menu until the
multiplication sign is seen. Select 'Heating Value' (or whatever your
BTU Mole Weight Calculator is called) from the third pull down
menu. Again, ensure the Normalized check box is checked beside
all three pull down menus, and that the fourth pull down menu says
'Disabled'. Write changes to the unit.
20. Select the third cross-calculator. Give it the name ‘Compressibility’.
In the Calculation box, select ‘Calculation Factor’ in the first pull
down menu. Press the button left of the second pull down menu
until the subtraction sign is seen. Select ‘Cross Calculator (Thread
ID XX)’ in the second pull down menu. There will be two Cross
Calculators to choose from – the correct Thread ID can be
determined by right-clicking on the Z-Factor Cross Calculator in the
Devices tree and bringing up the Thread Information Window, as
shown in Figure 5-41. Ensure that the Normalized check box is
checked beside both of these pull down menus, and ensure that the
third and fourth pull down menus say ‘Disabled’. Write changes to
the unit.
21. Log off, then log back on to the PLGC, again choosing Update
22. Under the Setup node in the directory tree, select 'Streams'.
23. Return to the Database tab, and go back to the 'Additional GDPs'
24. Drag the 'STR 1 Summation' GDP over to the Stream 1
Components table, and choose ‘Summation Factors' from the pull

down menu in the 'Component Table Column' column of the table.
Check the 'Normalized' check box.
25. Repeat Step 23 for the STR 1 Calculation Factor, STR 1 Z-factor
Calculation, STR 1 Base Pressure, STR 1 Compressibility, and
STR 1 Real BTU GDPs, ensuring that these are all normalized.
Write changes to the unit.
26. Repeat Steps 23 and 24 for the Reference (REF), Calibration (CAL)
and any additional sample streams, such as Stream 2 (STR 2),
Stream 3 (STR 3), etc.
27. To output Real BTU to an analog output, under the Setup-Support
Apps-Output Controllers node, select the analog output that is
currently outputting the ideal heating value. Drag the desired
stream’s ‘Real BTU' GDP to the 'Send this Value...' box, and write
changes to the unit. The analog output will now be outputting real
BTU rather than ideal BTU.
28. To output Real BTU to the archive, go to the Setup-Archive Setup
node in the directory tree. Press the 'Add Archive' button, and call
the archive 'Real BTU'. Drag any or all stream’s 'Real BTU' GDP
over to the box, and select the checkbox marked 'Absolute Change
Trigger'. In the box to the right, marked 'Absolute Change Amount',
type in 0.0001. Near the bottom of the screen will be a box marked
'Maximum Records for this Archive'. Type in however many
readings of Real BTU you want to store on the analyzer. In the pull
down menu below the word 'Frequency', choose 'None'. Write
Changes to the analyzer.
29. To output Compressibility to an analog output or archive, follow
step 27 or 28 for the Compressibility GDP.

5.6.3 Calculation of Wobbe Index with PLGC

The Wobbe Index provides a method of comparing gas mixtures of

varying composition, and it is a value indicating interchangeability of
various fuel-gas mixtures. If two different gases have an identical Wobbe
Index at a given pressure, they will produce an equal amount of heat and
combustion products and will require the same amount of combustion air.
To calculate Wobbe Index using the PLGC, follow these instructions.
1. Add one new Cross Calculator to the PLGC, and in the process
monitor, start this process.
2. Log off the unit, then log back on in Update Mode and go to the new
Cross Calculator. Call it Wobbe Index. In the first pull down menu in
the ‘Calculation’ box, select the Cross Calculator that corresponds to
the Real BTU calculation. Determine the Thread ID for the Real BTU
Cross Calculator as before, by right clicking on the Real BTU Cross
Calculator and selecting ‘Details’ from the pop-up menu. Ensure that
the normalized checkbox is checked.

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Section 5 Part Number MA2182

3. Press the button to the left of the second pull-down menu until an icon
indicating the operation ‘divided by the square root of’ is seen. In the
pull-down menu, choose Specific Gravity. Again, make sure that the
normalized checkbox is checked. Write changes to the unit.
4. In the database, add GDPs for Wobbe Index in all streams – i.e. STR 1
Wobbe Index, STR 2 Wobbe Index… CAL Wobbe Index, REF Wobbe
Index. Write the database changes to the unit.
5. Drag the Wobbe Index GDPs into their respective streams, and choose
‘Wobbe Index’ in the ‘Component Table Column’ column of the
Components section of the streams window. Ensure that this is
normalized in all streams. Write changes to the unit.
6. Create an archive or archives for Wobbe Index as per Step 28 of
section 5.6.2. Output Wobbe index to the Analog Outputs as per Step
27 of section 5.6.2.

Section 6
6 Maintenance

This section describes simple maintenance procedures that may be carried out in
the field. If difficulty is encountered performing any of the maintenance
procedures outlined in this section, technical assistance may be obtained from:

Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc,

7000 Fisher Road SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2H 0W3
Phone: (403) 252-8470
Fax: (403) 255-6287

WARNING – Explosion Hazard – Do not disconnect equipment unless

power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous

AVERTISSEMENT – Risque d’explosion – avant de deconnecter

l’equipement, couper le courant ou s’assurrer que l’emplacement est
designe non dangereux

WARNING – Explosion Hazard – Substitution of components may impair

suitability for Class I, Division 2

AVERTISSEMENT – Risque d’explosion – La substitution de composants

peut render ce material inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I,
Division 2

6.1 Weekly Checkup

Your PLGC II gas chromatograph will provide reliable service with very
little attention. However, a weekly check-up will ensure that the analyzer
is operating according to specifications. The Weekly Check-up Report
(Section 6.9) should be filled in, dated and kept on file. These reports will
give a record of the analyzer's performance and will be useful in planning
gas bottle replacement schedules as well as in troubleshooting. Flows and
pressures are also recorded and should be adjusted as specified in the
Configuration Report. The column temperature and baseline reading
should also be recorded. If any of the diagnostic parameters are incorrect

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Section 6 Part Number MA2182

consult the Troubleshooting Guide in this manual or contact Galvanic

Applied Sciences.

6.2 Gas Cylinder Replacement

Ideally, the helium cylinder should be replaced before it runs out. If the
helium supply runs out the analyzer may require a 24-hour start up time.
Galvanic Applied Sciences recommends using a two cylinder manifold
system. A large helium cylinder should last 3 - 6 months depending on
the application.
6.3 Cleaning the PLGC II
When cleaning the exterior of the PLGC II, caution should be taken not to
submerse the unit in water. Do not clean with a hose or with excessive
amounts of water. A cleaner that is safe for use on stainless steel may be
used to gently clean the unit. Do not attempt to clean any of the electronic
equipment within the PLGC II.
6.4 Chromatograph Valve
The most common cause of failure of a chromatograph valve is particle
contamination in the sample or actuation gas. It is imperative that the
sample is clean and dry. Please contact Galvanic Applied Sciences if
assistance is required in designing a sample system suitable for the
chosen application.
The chromatograph valve must be cleaned or replaced if it is found to
leak. A leak in the injection valve will typically be characterized by any of
the following symptoms: elevated baseline, poor analyzer repeatability,
poor back flush peak shape, a shift in the retention time of the back flush
peak, or a second peak immediately following any valve actuation.
Galvanic Applied Sciences recommends keeping a spare valve on hand.
If a valve fails it can easily be changed out according to the procedure
below. The failed valve can then be cleaned or rebuilt and kept on hand
as a spare for possible future valve replacement. Please contact Galvanic
Applied Sciences Inc. if a leaky valve is suspected before attempting to
replace a valve. A model of a Valco 10-port valve is shown in Figure 6-1.
6.4.1 Procedure for Changing a Valve
Step 1 Turn the analyzer to the ‘Halt’ mode.
Step 2 Turn off the sample gas flow to the analyzer.
Step 3 Turn off the helium gas flow to the analyzer.
Step 4 Undo all ten fittings that go into the ten ports of the

Valve fittings
(numbered 1 – 10)

Valve actuation line

Mounting holes

Clamping screw

Figure 6-1: Valco 10-port Valve

Remember which connections were made to which ports. Also
undo the air actuation line. This procedure also applies to 6-port
valves, if the analyzer is equipped with such valves.

Step 5 Remove the valve by loosening the screws that hold

down the valve-mounting bracket.
Step 6 Replace the valve and the mounting screws.
Step 7 Re-connect the ten fittings to the correct ports. Re-
attach the actuation line. See the analyzer flow
diagram in Section 2.1 for assistance.
Step 8 Return the helium flow to the analyzer. At this point
the analyzer should be allowed to stabilize for 24
hours and is then ready to resume analysis.

6.5 Flow Control

Stable helium pressure is very important to maintain repeatable retention
times of the components. A dual stage regulator is recommended. Set
the pressure as recorded in the Configuration Report. UHP helium is
required. If UHP helium is not readily available, HP helium can be used
with a series of scrubbers. Please call for specific recommendations.
Sample pressure is not as critical but should be maintained at a constant
pressure between 10 and 100 psig.

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Section 6 Part Number MA2182

Calibration gas pressure should be maintained at the same pressure as

the sample gas so that the flow during calibration will match the flow
during normal operation. It is important to maintain the calibration gas at a
relatively constant temperature above 15°C. Heavier hydrocarbons may
condense in the sample lines at lower temperatures.

6.6 Column Oven

The column and valve are temperature controlled at 60°C or 70°C ± 0.1°C
by the column oven (heater). This oven is designed to maintain a stable
temperature when the ambient temperature is between 10 and 40°C.
Operation outside these limits will decrease accuracy of the analyzer and
is not recommended. Outdoor locations or installation in outdoor
enclosures is not acceptable.
The temperature is measured with a 100-ohm RTD. Measuring the
resistance of the RTD should result in a reading of approximately 100
ohms at ambient temperature.

6.7 PLGC II Parts List

If spare PLGC II parts are required, please contact Galvanic Applied
Sciences and we will supply them. A list of common PLGC replacement
parts are shown in Tables 6-1 and 6-2.

Part # Qty Description

BA1587 1 RTD
BA1592 1 10 PORT VALVE
Table 6-1: PLGC II Class 1, Div 2 Parts List

Part # Qty Description
BA1587 1 RTD
BA1592 1 10 PORT VALVE
SA0618 1 I.S. Barrier
Table 6-2: PLGC II Class 1, Div 1 Parts List (XP Version)

6.8 Weekly Check-up Report

Do not adjust the helium pressure, as this will cause the retention times of
the components to shift

Date: _______________
Checked By: _______________
Analyzer Serial Number: _______________


Bottle Pressure: _______________

Pressure As Found: __________ As Left: __________
Flow As Found: __________ As Left: __________

Column Temperature: __________°C
Baseline Reading __________mV

Revision 8b 6-87 11/10/2005

Section 7
7 Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Corrective action
Two peaks observed in The valve is leaking Disassemble the valve (see
chromatogram because it is dirty. Appendix D), and clean the
immediately following a valve. Alternatively, a new clean
valve switch event. valve can be installed, and the
dirty valve can be sent back to
Galvanic Applied Sciences Inc.
for cleaning.
Large unidentifiable Possible Clean all tubing and solenoids
peak. contamination with Isopropyl Alcohol and let
dry completely. If problem
persists and is negatively
affecting results, contact
Galvanic for assistance.
High Baseline TCD Excitation Halt the analyzer, open the
board baseline is set column oven, and adjust the
too high screw marked ‘Baseline’ on the
potentiometer on the electronics
board inside the oven until the
baseline reads lower. If the
baseline continues to drift
upwards after 24 hours, check
the next troubleshooting tip.
High Baseline There is a leak Check all fittings inside and
outside the oven. Tighten up any
loose fittings. If the problem
persists, disassemble the valve
(as shown in Appendix D), and
clean or replace the valve.

No flow when Cal. Is Solenoid does not Check that there is 24VDC at
initiated. energize solenoid. Check that solenoid is
wired to connector P5 terminals
1 and 2. If the solenoid still does
not energize, replace solenoid.

Analyzer won’t turn on. No power Check power termination

connectors. Check display
power from motherboard
connector P15(motherboard)-
red, black going to P10(display)
–red, black

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Section 7 Part Number MA2182

Communication Error Communication Select the Communication icon

is displayed on your setup is incorrect. in the PLGC II DIMAC software.
P.C. Check that the correct Com Port
has been selected. Check that
the RS-232 cable is connected
properly. Ensure that connection
speed is correctly set (typically
115200 baud for RS-232
Erratic flow meter float Flow meter tube is Clean flow meter tube with
contaminated. isopropyl alcohol and dry with
clean, dry instrument air.
Incorrect readings Peaks have shifted, Check that helium pressure is at
integration 60 psig, and / or adjust retention
parameters incorrect times. Examine the
chromatogram and determine if
peaks have shifted or if
integration parameters are not
Analyzer reads 0.000 Analyzer is Halted Check Analysis Control to see if
or retention times the analyzer is halted. Check the
have shifted. chromatogram to see if there is
a problem with the integration of
Wrong Poor Check the chromatogram to see
Nitrogen/Methane Nitrogen/Methane if the nitrogen/methane peak
readings separation separation and integration
parameters are correct. Check
all fittings inside and outside the
Baseline is unstable There is a leak Check all fittings. Ensure that
helium pressure is stable at 60
Baseline is unstable. Temperature in the Allow the temperature to
column oven is stabilize inside the oven for 24
unstable. hours prior to carrying out
another analysis.

Section 8
Appendix A: Theory of Gas Chromatography

What is Gas Chromatography?

Gas chromatography is the separation of a gaseous mixture of compounds
(solutes) into its individual components. By separating the sample, it is possible
to identify the components present in the mixture, as well as the concentrations
of those components.
Basic Parts and Terminology of a Gas Chromatograph
Carrier Gas – carries the sample gas through the column and to the detector.
This is also called the ‘mobile phase’.
Carrier Regulator – maintains a constant pressure of the carrier gas to ensure a
constant carrier flow rate.
Sample Valve – injects a measured amount of sample gas into the carrier.
Column – a glass or metal tube that contains the stationary phase (to be
described shortly). The sample gas passes through, and the components of the
gas are separated within the column.
Detector – senses the changes in property being measured as the individual
components elute from the column. It identifies and, with a response factor,
quantifies the components of the sample.
Oven – The detector and column are maintained at a constant temperature by
the oven. Constant temperature is essential to achieve proper separation of

Figure 8-1: Chromatograph Equipment

Component – one specific species of the sample gas (i.e. methane, propane,
Elution – the process of moving the separated sample components completely
through the stationary phase.
Mobile phase – an inert gas (helium) that carries the sample gas over the
stationary phase through the column. It is also referred to as the carrier gas.

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Appendix A Part Number MA2182

Stationary phase – an adsorptive material that is contained inside the column.

The individual components of the sample gas will adsorb to the stationary phase
by varying amounts, depending on molecular properties of those components.
How are the components separated?
The components within a gas sample are separated in a gas chromatograph by
distribution of the components between a ‘mobile phase’ and a ‘stationary
phase’. A mobile phase is generally an inert gas such as helium, argon, or
nitrogen. The mobile phase, which is also called the carrier gas, transports the
sample gas through the column, where the stationary phase exists. The
stationary phase is an adsorptive material that is contained inside the column.
The individual components of the sample gas will adsorb (stick) to the stationary
phase by different amounts. This is because the components to be separated
have varying affinities (chemical attractions) for the stationary phase. Those
components that have a higher affinity for the stationary phase will pass through
the system more slowly than those components that have a lower affinity for the
stationary phase. As a result of these differences in mobility, sample components
will become separated from each other as they travel through the stationary
phase in the column. The components will emerge from the column (elute) at
different times. When the components reach the end of the column, they pass
over the detector, where they are identified and their concentrations are
determined. Figure 8-2 shows the separation process as the carrier gas moves
the sample through the column.

Flow of Mobile Phase

Injector Detector
Time = t1
Sample Gas Column

Time = t2

Time = t3

Most Interaction With Stationary Phase Least

Figure 8-2: Sample Gas Flow Through The Column

How are the Components Detected and Quantified?

The purpose of a detector is to monitor the carrier gas as it emerges from the
column and to generate a signal in response to variation in its composition due to
eluted components. The type of detector used in the PLGC II is a Thermal
Conductivity Detector (TCD).

The Thermal Conductivity Detector consists of four spiral wound filament wires
supported inside cavities in a metal block. A constant DC current is applied to the
filaments, which are arranged in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. When pure
carrier and reference gas are flowing across the filaments, the heat loss, and
thus filament temperature, is constant. This consistent filament temperature
produces a constant filament resistance. The currents in the electronic bridge
can be balanced to produce a zero signal level as a reference.
When a specific component enters the TCD with the carrier, the heat dissipated
from the filaments on the measured side changes. The amount of change is
dependent on the thermal conductivity of the gas, which is different for every
component in the sample. This change in heat dissipation causes a change in
electrical resistance, which leads to an imbalance in the electronic bridge. The
resulting electrical signal is then used in conjunction with a Response Factor (see
Appendix B) to measure the concentration of the component. Figure 8-3 shows
an example of the TCD filament configuration.

Figure 8-3: TCD

The Chromatograph Output: The Chromatogram

The signal output by the TCD is used to generate a chromatogram, which is a
graph of detector response against time. The presence of a component will
generate a spike in the TCD’s response, which appears as a ‘peak’ on the
chromatogram. The components are identified by the microprocessor according
to the length of time it takes them to elute from the column. The concentration of
each component is calculated using a response factor determined during
calibration with a certified standard. Figure 9-4 shows the different characteristics
and definitions of a typical chromatogram, assuming two components called ‘A’
and ‘B’.

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Appendix A Part Number MA2182



Figure 8-4: Chromatogram Description

tM - dead time: time for non-retained species to move through the column.
VM - dead volume: volume of mobile phase in the column.
tR - retention time: the time it takes a component band to completely travel
through the column. Each component will have a characteristic retention time.
VR - retention volume - the volume of gas that passes through the column
between the point of injection and the peak maximum of the component.
A - peak area - response is proportional to the concentration of the component.
h - peak height - the distance between the peak maximum and the baseline
geometrically produced beneath the peak.

Section 9
Appendix B: Definitions and Formulas
Definition of Terms
There are several terms used in this manual that the user should become familiar

Baseline: A baseline is that portion of a chromatogram where

no detectable sample components emerge from the
column. It appears as a flat line along the bottom of
the chromatogram.
BTU: One “British Thermal Unit” is the quantity of heat
required to raise one pound of water one degree
Fahrenheit (° F) which is equivalent to 1.055056 x 10 -
Chromatogram: A chromatogram is the permanent record of a single
analysis run. It can be stored on a PC using the user
interface software or recorded on a chart recorder. It
displays the component peaks during an analysis
Component: Any one of several species that may appear in a
sample. For example natural gas may contain
several components such as Nitrogen, Methane,
Carbon Dioxide, Ethane, propane, n-butane, iso-
Butane, n-Pentane, iso-Pentane, and C6+.
Compressibility Factor: The ratio of the actual volume of a given mass of gas
to the volume calculated from the ideal gas law under
given temperature and pressure.
Dry BTU: The heating value of a standard cubic foot of gas
saturated without water vapour.
Elution: The process of moving the separated sample
components completely through the stationary phase.
Normalization: The process of multiplying the set of component
concentrations by a constant factor to make their sum
(or the sum of some related quantity) 1. Normalization
is simply the re-expressing of component
concentrations in terms of percents.
Peak: The measurement made by the PLGC II involves
injecting a fixed sample volume into a carrier stream,
which takes it to the detector. The detector sees the

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Appendix B Part Number MA2182

sample that passes by it and produces an output that

is approximately triangular in shape. This output can
be viewed on the user interface software or a chart
recorder and is referred to as a peak.
Peak Area: Peak area is the sum of the detector readings from
the start to the end of the peak readings minus the
baseline. Peak area is used to calculate response
factors and concentrations.
Response Factor: The correction factor used to convert peak area into

The response factor is defined as:

RF = Cal / Area

Where: RF = Response Factor

Area = area of the calibration peak
Cal = concentration of the calibration sample
Retention Time: The time that elapses between the start of an analysis
and the maximum height of a peak. Peak retention
time is used to identify individual components in an

Saturated BTU: The heating value of a standard cubic foot of gas

saturated with water vapour.
Specific Gravity: The ratio of the density of a substance to the density
of air at the same temperature.
Standard Cubic Foot: The quantity or volume of gas occupying a cubic foot
of space at 60° F and 14.696 PSIA.
Wobbe Index: The Wobbe Index is defined as the Gross Heating
Value divided by the square root of the Specific
Gravity of the gas. It is an indicator of the
interchangeability between different natural gas

Calibration Formulas and Analyzer Calculations

A factory calibration is used to establish the response factors for each
component and to determine the retention times of the species. The results of
this calibration are available in the Configuration Report. Since the thermal
conductivity of the various components is different, a calibration gas containing
all of the components expected in the sample is required.

Formulas for the response factor, as well as other calculations performed by the
PLGC II, are as follows:

Response Factor
While in the calibration mode the analyzer will measure several runs of the
calibration standard. An average response factor will be calculated as shown in
Definition of Terms. The response factor is used to calculate the concentration of
the components in a run as shown below:
Concn = RFn * Arean

Where: Concn = concentration of components n

RFn = response factor of components n
Arean = area of peak produced by components n

Compressibility Factor (Z)

The compressibility factor is calculated as follows
Z = 1 – (Pb * ΣPn=1 [Concn * bn]

Where: Z = Compressibility factor

Pb = Base pressure (psia)
Concn = Normalized concentration of component n
bn = ‘Summation factors’, as defined in GPA Standard 2172-96

Heating Values
The energy content of the gas in BTU / cubic foot is calculated as
Dry BTU / ft3 = ΣPn=1 [Concn * BTU / ft3n] / 100

Where: Dry BTU / ft3 = Dry BTU content per cubic foot of sample gas
Concn = Normalized concentration of component
BTU/ft3n = BTU value of component n
P = Number of components in the analysis

Corrected Dry BTU

Corrected Dry BTU / ft3 = (Dry BTU / ft3) / Z

Saturated BTU
Sat BTU / ft3 = Dry BTU / ft3 x 0.9826

Where: Sat BTU /ft3 = Saturated BTU content per cubic foot of sample gas
Dry BTU /ft3 = Dry BTU content per cubic foot of sample gas

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Appendix B Part Number MA2182

Corrected Saturated BTU

Corrected Sat BTU / ft3 = (Saturated BTU / ft3) / Z

Specific Gravity (or Relative Density)

The specific gravity of the gas is calculated as follows

Dry Specific Gravity

Dry SG = (ΣPn=1 Concn x SGn) / 100

Where: Dry SG = Dry Specific Gravity of the sample gas

Concn = Normalized concentration of component n
SGn = Specific Gravity value of component n
P = Number of components in the analysis

Saturated Specific Gravity

Sat SG = Dry SG*(1 – xw) + xw*0.62202

Where: Sat SG = Saturated specific gravity of the sample gas

Dry SG = Dry Specific Gravity of the sample gas
xw = molar fraction of water

Wobbe Index
The Wobbe index is calculated as follows

Dry Wobbe Index

Dry Wobbe Index = (Corrected Dry BTU / ft3) / √(Dry SG)

Saturated Wobbe Index

Sat Wobbe Index = (Corrected Sat BTU / ft3) / √(Sat SG)

Section 10
Appendix C: Typical Parameters of Natural Gas
GPA Parameters
GPA 2145-03
14.696 psia 60 F
Component Dry BTU Constant S.G. Factor
Nitrogen 0 0.96723 0.00442
Methane 1010 0.55392 0.0116
Carbon Dioxide 0 1.51960 0.0195
Ethane 1769.7 1.03820 0.0238
Propane 2516.2 1.52260 0.0349
iso-Butane 3252.0 2.00680 0.0444
n-Butane 3262.4 2.00680 0.0471
iso-Pentane 4000.9 2.49120 0.0572
n-Pentane 4008.7 2.49120 0.0603
C6+ 5276.5 3.3132 0.09305
Hydrogen Sulphide 637.11 1.1769 0.0242

The BTU value of the C6+ peak should reflect the composition of the
sample. Several standard compositions are shown.
2.9755 3.4598 3.9441
4755.9 5502.5 6248.9
C6 C7 C8 BTU S.G. Summation Factor
1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4756.0 2.9755 0.0792
0.47466 0.35340 0.17194 5276.5 3.3132 0.09305
0.50000 0.50000 0.00000 5129.2 3.2177 0.08725
0.50000 0.25000 0.25000 5315.8 3.3387 0.093775
0.57143 0.28572 0.14285 5182.5 3.2522 0.089828

Table 10-1: Parameters of Natural Gas Components (GPA)

NOTE: The Summation Factors are identical in the AGA and GPA Standards,
and are independent of the Base Pressure (14.696psia, 14.73psia).

Revision 8b 10-99 11/10/2005

Appendix C Part Number MA2182

AGA Parameters

AGA 2145-00
14.696 psia 60 F AGA 2145-00
14.73 psia 60 F
Component Dry BTU Constant S.G.
Component Dry BTU Constant S.G.
Argon 0.00 1.3793
Argon 0.00 1.3825
Carbon Dioxide 0.00 1.5196
Carbon Dioxide 0.00 1.5231
Ethane 1769.70 1.0382
Hydrogen Ethane 1773.79 1.0406
Sulphide 637.13 1.1767 Hydrogen
Sulphide 638.60 1.1794
Helium 0.00 0.1382
Helium 0.00 0.1385
Heptane 5502.60 3.4598
Heptane 5515.33 3.4678
Hexane 4756.00 2.9755
Hexane 4767.00 2.9824
Hydrogen 324.20 0.0696
Hydrogen 324.95 0.0698
Carbon Monoxide 320.50 0.9671
Carbon Monoxide 321.24 0.9693
i-Butane 3251.90 2.0068
i-Butane 3259.42 2.0114
i-Pentane 4000.90 2.4912
i-Pentane 4010.16 2.4970
Methane 1010.00 0.5539
Methane 1012.34 0.5552
n-Butane 3262.40 2.0068
n-Butane 3269.95 2.0114
neo-Pentane 3985.00 2.4912
neo-Pentane 3994.22 2.4970
Nitrogen 0.00 0.9672
Nitrogen 0.00 0.9695
n-Pentane 4008.70 2.4912
n-Pentane 4017.97 2.4970
Octane 6248.80 3.9441
Octane 6263.26 3.9532
Nonane 6996.20 4.4284
Nonane 7012.39 4.4386
Decane 7742.90 4.9127
Decane 7760.81 4.9241
Ethylene 1600.40 0.9686
Ethylene 1604.10 0.9708
Propylene 2333.70 1.4529
Propylene 2339.10 1.4563
Propane 2516.20 1.5225
Propane 2522.02 1.5260

Table 10-2: Parameters of Natural Gas Components (AGA)

Section 11
Appendix D: Valco 6 and 10 Port Valve Technical

Valve Operation Instructions

Revision 8b 11-101 11/10/2005

Appendix D Part Number MA2182

Valve Maintenance Instructions

Revision 8b 11-103 11/10/2005

Appendix D Part Number MA2182

Section 12
Appendix E: PLGC II Specifications
Class 1, Division 2, Groups B,C and D model
Range 0 - 1 to 0 - 100 %
Components 16 Maximum
Response 15 Minutes to C6+
Linearity 1%
Repeatability 1%
Operating Temperature 0 to 50° C (60°C Oven, Continuous Operation)
Max. Operating Temp. 50°C (Continuous Operation)
Humidity Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up
to 31°C and decreasing linearly to 50% RH at 40°C
(Continuous Operation)
10%-90% (Intermittent Operation)
Altitude 2000 metres
Electrical Ratings 24 Volts DC @ 60 Watts
Class 1 Div 2 Groups B,C and D
Temperature Code T3
Outputs 240X64 Line Backlit LCD
3 - Alarms (SPDT 5 Amps, 120 VAC)
1 - Fault (SPDT 5 Amps, 120 VAC)
4 - 4-20 mA (User selectable)
32 - additional isolated 4-20 mA outputs (optional)
3 - Modbus / Configuration port (2 RS 232, 1 RS 485)
A/D 3 - 24 Bit Sigma Delta
Sampling 60 HZ
Valve(s) Valco Model DV22 10-port / Model DV22 6-port
Columns See Configuration Report for details
Dimensions 14” H X 12” W X 8” D
Weight 50 pounds
Utilities 60 psig UHP Helium @ 10 cc/min
Sample 10 to 100 PSI Clean, Dry gas @ 50 cc/min
Pollution Degree 2
Installation Category II
Calibration Typical calibration gas.
Nitrogen 2.5 %
Methane Balance
Carbon Dioxide 0.5 %
Ethane 5.0 %
Propane 1.0 %
iso-Butane 0.3 %
n-Butane 0.3 %
iso-Pentane 0.2 %

Revision 8b 12-105 11/10/2005

Appendix E Part Number MA2182

n-Pentane 0.2 %
n-Hexane 0.1 %
Class 1, Division 1, Groups ,C and D model (Explosion Proof)
Range 0 - 1 to 0 - 100 %
Components 16 Maximum
Response 15 Minutes to C6+
Linearity 1%
Repeatability 1%
Operating Temperature 0 to 50°C (Continuous Operation)
Max. Operating Temp. 50°C (Continuous Operation)
Humidity Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up
to 31°C and decreasing linearly to 50% RH at 40°C
(Continuous Operation)
10%-90% (Intermittent Operation)
Altitude 2000 metres maximum
Electrical 110/220 VAC, 5 amps
Class 1 Div 1 Groups C and D
Temperature Code T3
Outputs 240/64 Line Backlit LCD
3 - Alarms (SPDT 5 Amps, 120 VAC)
1 - Fault (SPDT 5 Amps, 120 VAC)
4 - 4-20 mA
32 - additional isolated 4-20 mA outputs (optional)
3 - ModBus / Configuration port (2 RS 232, 1 RS 485)
A/D 3 - 24 Bit Sigma Delta
Sampling 60 HZ
Valve(s) Valco Model DV22 10-port / Model DV22 6-port
Columns See Configuration Report for details
Dimensions 30” H X 16” W X 9” D
Weight 70 pounds
Utilities 60 psig UHP Helium @ 10 cc/min
Sample 10 to 100 PSI Clean, Dry gas @ 50 cc/min
Pollution Degree 2
Installation Category II
Calibration Typical calibration gas.
Nitrogen 2.5 %
Methane Balance
Carbon Dioxide 0.5 %
Ethane 5.0 %
Propane 1.0 %
iso-Butane 0.3 %
n-Butane 0.3 %
iso-Pentane 0.2 %
n-Pentane 0.2 %
n-Hexane 0.1%

Revision 8b 12-107 11/10/2005

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