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Aloka. ———————__ SERVICE MANUAL ECHO CAMERA SSD - 500 English Version Document Number: MN2- 0142 Manual Version =: 2 Copyright ALOKA Co.,Ltd Mure, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan YY secnow section secnon section section SECTION 1 B ‘CONTENTS page nrRopucTION 11 Service Manual tea 12. Best use of Service Manual 4 13 Contents of tis Service Manual wa 14 Construction of this Service Marual 121 15 Contents of each section 12 PRECAUTION ( Pleae read without fail) 24 Precautions agninst electrical heards to serviceman 2-1 22 Precautions against mechanical hazards to serviceman 2-1 23° rections against germ hazards to serviceman uy 24 recautlons for keeping sect safety of $S0-500 2-7 25 Precautions for keeping mechan cal safety of $SD-500 2-1 28 Precautions for Keeping chemieas safety of SSD-500 2-2 2.7 Preparation to be made at service center 222 28 Gare to be taken in the eld 22 BEFORE REPAIRING 2:1 Handling of SALT. and SMD. DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE 41 Disassembling procedure of the main body SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 541 Beplanation of system 52 System Block diagram PCB BLOCK DIAGRAM 61 Introduction 62 Panel Control e273 63 Re P2668 54 Te & Control P2865 6s ite 2670 es Bsc feast 67 MPU e282 68 Panel Board CKEV-16 A, 8 69 Gain & Power LED eP-2078 E10 Selec Key P2879 Et Contatt & Brightness e880 €12 Inout 2881 E13 Photo Cont Bright. e282 6-1 622 6.4 bc6 6210 6.12 6215 6216 6.18 6-20 6.22 6.28 SECTION 7 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Symthetcal sxhematic of USL-11S mH Gain & Power LED ere m2 Selec Key E2073 a invout P2001 a Chev-ta a, 75 kev 8 775 cpza6e {device location ) 720 2.2869 {devi Feation ) an 9.2870 {device leeation ) ar 9.2871 { Beviee location ) 7213 287 ( deviee leetion ) 75 2873 ( devee lection ) 716 eeaere (doves leeation ) 718 er2e7s ( deviee leeation ) 79 Ee2ect ( doves leeation ) 3230 epee? ( deviee leation ) ae LKEV6 A (device Ieeation) ee LKEY-18 8 (device Ieeation ) a Cable iit 7a Cable Connection of £°-2873 ae Power Supply Unit su.s500 73 TV'menitor re-o7o2-TH 7235 SECTION 8 TROUBLE SHOOTING 21 Introduction 8 82 Attention 3 83 Tools and measures 8 84 Using method of Trouble shooting 3 83 Information for reparing 8 Bt Automate setting up @ 852 Condition of swith on PCB a 8.5.3 How to Ue the user function 2 854 Aftertlon of connecting optional units 3 BSS How to reset ackup RAM 2 856 Location of Pe 8 857 Location of RON 2 85. Disposition of locking up 8 86 PCB ( check) List Map 8 861 Phenomenon Code Tobie 8 862 MAP ©7 Weve form siogram 22 271 Introduction 8221 872 Atention B22 ara Re p-2668 Boa B74 Tx 8 Control P2668, 8.6 or IF ep2e70 830 B78 DiC eae 835 SECTION 9 ALGGNMENT PROCEDURE 9:1 reduction o-1 92 Atertion on 9:3 Tools and measures oo 5:4 Alignment procedure 9-1 Set eP-2068 Rx 9-2 SECTION 10 PERFORMANCE CHECK. 10-1 troduction 10-1 {02 Attention wot 103 Performance check 10.1 104 Check Sheet 1-7 104 Check sheet 17 SECTION 11 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION 11-1 ntroducton net 112 Attention ot 113 Technical information wt 1331 Explanation of "STATUS" ma 1132 "Probe group” Moa 34 How to change the TV scanning lines na 1-3 How to chenge the absevieal Measurment 1174 4135 How to change the AC input veltoge nos 11-4 Manus Change Information ne SECTION 12 HISTORY OF tweRovEMENT SECON 13. PARTS UST Device location on PCB wet 11 Par Lit iBsts SECTION 14 OUTUNE OF svsTEM. 141 Design Poley wet 482 Construction of System wat SECON 15 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION ( SYSTEIA) specication 15-1 152 Feature oa 1$:2-1 Multi Costed Probe 1-3 22 Electric Linear Searing 1503 2 Electee Convex Scanning 15-5 153 System explanation 15-6 AE37| Symem explanation 15.6 1532 Signal flow of receiving 15-8 41523 Panel information 15-5 153.8 Digital Sean Converter 1-7, 15:35 Viewing monitor 153.6 Power supply unit SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION contents Best use of Service Manual Content of thi Service Manual Construction of this Service Manual Contents of each section secnon 1 3 SGCTON_1_tow ase se mat Service Manual 1) Ths sorvico manual has been prepared for persons in charge of servicing 580.500, 2) This service manual is compiled according tothe following basic principle "For service, lek out 8 faulty PCB ond replace Rt with 2 new PCB Best Use of Service Manual Make the best use ofthis service manual, making also reference to available ‘echnical support information Such as "Modifaton technology note.” Contents of Service Manual 1) 580-500 isthe equipment in which the surface mount technology ($2.7) is incorporate. Most of the printed cireult boards (PC) in this equipment use the surface meunt davies (5.0) Its Impossible to repair PCBS inelding SMLC. Any trouble couse by a faulty PCB must be repaired by replacement of the PCD a2 3 unt. From this point of view, no PCB wire connecion clagram fs Included in ths fervice manus 2) The manual version 1.0 contains descritions of products a8 of September 188, 3) Later products may somewhat deviate ‘rom the desriotion of this manual beeaure products are subject to change in specications and other For changes and modifications of a1 wll as adltions to specifeations, if any, prompt information will be given to you by means of "Manuel change Information "which Isto be inserted Into the manual Construction of This Manual To faclitate revisions according to the sbore mentioned “Manual change information," this service manual is elided ino several sections. Important + Alwoys observe the manner specified for replacement, alton, or deletion of "Manual Change’ to prevent missing Of nacerary information and keeping of erroneous information The structure of Service Manual i 2 follows: 1) Serica instructions 2) are list 4) Principle of operation 000 1 Hon tow hase mene 15 Contents of Each Section secnon 1 secon ‘SECTIONS section 4 SECTIONS section 7 secnot section 9 How to Use this Service Manual Desrbes the purpose of the Service Manual Deserbes general precautions and preparations for maintenance service. Be sue to follow working procedures If mentioned Before repaiting Gives information peculiar to $80-500 anc care to be taken before starting repair work Disassembling Procedure Disessembly Procedure tlusrates the disassembly and assembly ‘of main components. Be sure t0 follow werking procedures it Spedited. System Block Diagram Gives the convenience of grasping flow of major signals nd ‘mutual communication between units inthe whole sistem. Block Diagrams Gives outline of individual PCRs, and block diagrams showing tes points (TP) and woveforms In PCBS Schematle Diagrems Gives the casing connection diagram incluing all cables used “rouble Shooting Describes precautions on actual repair work and shows the necessary teale and messuring. instruments. Also, Includes. many Rint on primary diagnose snd measures to be “aken in the fie Adjusiments Gives guides of austments of PCBS and urits which some PCBS ‘need winen they are replaced SECTION 10 seoTION 11 section 12 section 13 secmion 14 SECTION 15, SECON 16 Describes the procedure of checking for proper operation after repair and provides the forms cf check sheet. Maintenance Inform Provides technica information about maintenance service. History of improvement Describes in tabular form the history of modifications of 550-500 Pores ist LUss the mechanical pars and elecical part. outing of system Dercrbes the structure and operation of the equipment seen in broad perspective Pringpte of Operation system) Describes the principle of sistem operation Principle of Operation (acdware) Dearbes the microscopical views of structure and operation of the equipment. SEOUL _Mow toe ta ce al (this page i blank. 22 23 a 2 26 27 28 SECTION 2 PRECAUTIONS ‘CONTENTS. Procsuions agnnst electric hazards to serviceman Precautions against mechonical hazard to serviceman Precautions against germ hazards to serviceman Precautions for keeping electcal sfety of $8500 Precautions for keeping mechanical safety of $s0-300 Procautions for keeping chemicals safety of SSD-500 Preparation to be made at service center Care to be taken in the Tele secon 2 a 22 23 24 25 SETON_2_pescamnons Precautions Against Electrical Hazards to Serviceman _when disessembiing the $S0:500 after checking it for wovble symptom, give care to the flowing 1) Re sure to unplug the equipment before diessembly 2) Be sure to turnoff the main switch on the equipment when removing lecvicel parts such as PCBS, probe, and cable Precautions Against Mechanical Hazards to Serviceman When disassembling the equipment, giva care to the following 1) Keep the working environment net 2) Wear working grooves to protect your hands from geting injured by bores on the unit and casing 3) Use only proper took suited work being made 5) Be sure to observe the specified deastembly procedure, 5) Take sufficient care not to damage component with undue oad, Precautions Against Germ Hazards to Serviceman 1) When its necesary to touch the 550-500 equipment, options andor ‘other peripheral devices st a customer who uses body cavity probes thst ‘eed sterilization, take special care to protect your hers against germs, Itrespectve of the usage of the $S0:500 wheter itt used In the ‘operation room oF not 2) Service tools re subject to germ pollsten in hospitals and, therefore, eed pesodical sterilization 3) Be careful not to directly touch anything assumable to have germ pplltion, 1 necesary, ask the customer for effective protection against ‘erms. Precautions for Keeping Electrical Safety of SS0-500 1) Be sure to ground the equiament securely 2) _Pestecines in grounding, stew tightening, and cover installation i esential. Negligence of it could cause sposibility of leak current from ‘outer fitting which may lead to serious damage to » patient being Glagnoted, Precautions for Keeping Mechanical Safety of $50-500 ‘Take care tothe folowing to prevent the equipment from being damaged or broken during clsassembly and resternly work 2- 26 27 28 1) Be sure to observe the specifi disstembly procedure 2) Take care not to damage component parts by undue lead 3) When reassembling the equipment, carefully check every part for loosening, ditordon and creak 4) Use only the spacifed serens and nuts. Using any other screws andor Futs would affect nat only mechanical performance, But aso sectrcs| performance of the equipment. Precautions for Keeping Chemicals Safety of $50-500 ‘Whenever grease, cil or other chemicals is used for maintenance service of ‘the 580-300, options andlor peripheral devices, be sure to clesy the equipment ‘aalor devices after service werk Preparation to be Made at Service Center 1) When called by « customer on the telephone, note the following: [1] Name of equipment 2] Seria! umber of equipment 1B] Name of horpital [a] Telephone number [5] Name of person in charge [6] Detail of trouble symptom a far as possibie [7] State of connection to optional devices 2) Go-aver he “Modification teemology note"ta see whether the famplained vouble can be mended by means of regula repsiing method Core to be Taken in the Field 1) check for trouble symptoms. 2) Check for connection to optional devices and other periphers devices 3) Record the contents ofthe bettery backup memory. 4) After working, ret the equipment according tothe atove mentioned ‘contents of memory 5) Alter completion of work, put back the peripheral davises ‘0 the orignal ‘condition SECTION 3 BEFORE REPAIRING ..... ‘CONTENTS 34 Handling of SMLT, and SM. secnon 3 3-1 Handling of S.M.T. (Surface Mount Technology) and S.M.O. (Surface Mount Device) PCBs should not be repaired or modified ess rue in the field touch ICs on PORE unles its neces Since the pitch between leads is smaller than before, ICs invlve the Possibility of rusting by dirs and sweat tram hands. Also tivolves the ‘ossblity oF shorting due to fine selder chips jammed between leads When replacing ROM (read Only Memory) on 2 PCB, do not insert ROM Into it ocket forebly. Undue force applied to ROM would couse the following veriour trovbes (1) Damage to witing patterns an intermediate layers of PC. (2) Haking and falling of chip devies indluding resistance, condenser, fiode, te) (8) Damage to electrodes in chip devices (@) Faking ef lane which is made ‘emaler then belore (5) Faking and faling of parts on the back surface ‘Also, take care to install PCBs improperly or to install warped PCBs Athhough newly shipped equipment does nxt involve such problem s$ fling of of chip devices due to shock, such 8 problem may occasonaly rise the reconditioned or modifea equipment tecaure of Feselderng reese. Reuse of chip devices (including resistor, capacitor, diode, etc) for .M.0, is strictly avoided, Sine chip devices do not have pat leds such found fn conventional pars, heat caused by soldering of reuse chip device could ‘wanimit direct to the inside, witheut thermal damping by leads, and burn fine witing patterns. Hand Be sure to observe this caution to pravent the secondary trouble cause by damage 10 witing pattems. (itis page is blank} SECTION 4 ~— DISASSEMBLING PROCEDURE contents 441 Deasembling procedure af the main boty at section 4 41 80-500 Disassembling Procedure son 4 oases reoceoust Refer this “Disassembling Procedure” in oder to disassemble correctly In the ‘ase of repair, modifeation or readjustment. ssp-seo sista Disassembling Instructions 1aHoRt awass tone sohaR LORE Ar 9- Fan OMNI BOP 7 ar ORDI LE eu Ta omyAUme 27 0y be —OMD I LIE BPC RD SE Lasie apemomnst Litho, lated ery eo 9) REYIAD) Smt lancer 24279 —eeKEY.A4AyD ONC nigimpercm ee. zeszer-sm0 wns 2.CRT-PCHCUPC 610A} 8 LTR IMR 9 HesU-SsOOIONE HL IIE 12ers hentiestion ndividea units tagout “LP Helder dlsmounling procedure SConesar cover diameunting procedure Rin cover diamaunling procedure ‘LPront cover dismovating procedure {PO bounds clamounting precede PC board dinounting procedure, ra.cer-re (uPe-s6104) ‘pulout procedure 1.Pewer supply unit elamountng procedure a tetbn ee 2229 bot 2individual units layout sc Powe EPsa7ouP 2071 BP.2872 rth croroe-sin ptiher seo 7I~ Whevany itner see 79 (EKEY-14A), ‘Operating paral Bens 2 ge SpA Lo Teges 8.Cautions on disassambling and reassembling eee TR MaMAM 79% 9-4 9¢— we IISA PABA ve semi ko dem AN MULT IAF 7 WOH SB. PRUDENT ES WrsBhass, AcOH, FRE BwIshOM, Sok CHL SH CMMI, FOMT KT AWE MY, Mit 3 aE Lies, (BtSesA) Required ‘Tools Phillips type screw-drivar 1 ‘Small Mat blade sorew-deiver 1 Cautions on Disassembling and Reascembling ‘When fastening the screws of the plastic covers. use eaution so as to not apply ‘more than edequate force in order not to damage the covers. Use the folowing rule when fastening serews @7o turn the serewdriver gripping the handle using your thump aad two fingers will provide sufficient fastening force. Do not fully grip the hancle using the palm of the hand (See Fig.8) a Pes felon pagrus mmoceoune AO ~ FMS OMY LHI 4 Probe holder dismounting procedure YFP FHM FOIA Ee, NA tems LMA IMIS LS EA FE Y@E Fie ROVE, (HO) OREM A 94 FEET. TL FL LOL IM ADEMAT. (HD) (AILIR the probe holder while pulling the claw of the holder. Then the ‘guide pin ® is released from the gourd shaped hele ®. (@ in Fig.) (2)Slide the holder forward of the device and remove the guide pin © from the gourd shapedhole D. (@ in Fig.) . eS SS UZ m5 f\~ genvuey ‘Gourd abe Tale were e Gaile pin © pu7kO Geile Oe vig 5.285 9 WK OMDHLAIE S.Connector cover dismounling procedure (BAI INN O77 AIDE ATA EDA CMT B.ED) DRAPARIAN§ B97 7 ARO BPI LRA TH MRT (array (1)Loosen two locking claws of the cover with a flat-blade screwdriver. (@ in Fig.) (insert the fat-blade serew-driver Into the portion without lockiag claws and ‘oxtract the connector cover from the rear cover, (@ in Fig.) r: 1 SORBENT CEL caunion [en iene cover Taking i Bs res fasion 4 oisertus maocsoun auras 1 cover dismounting proved (OAIKAM OVIDEO INTEXTNER 4 9 FE LICH 3. (BED) QVACAKENL-TIT Noe RHA MEL. PO) HEATON OD BAI EY TA MERA LTR METRO L BCMET SM, (1yfurn up the VIDEO INTIEXT change-over switch on the back of the body. (@ in Fig) (2)Remove four eerews and extract the rear cover backwards. (D in Fig.) NOTE: In resssembling, confirm that the front cover-end the rear cover are ly engaged, and serew in Fig. yer ban pra Tear eer onnexie4 me mes lon 4_psastevaua mnoceoune 7 By ba IRD I LI ‘Front cover dismounting procedure (7 BY PAM BA LERTY TERRANCE, LMA ETM DARVEE HBO 4, (EPO) IBY AKA HHO H, FUME A EMOTE IAO AC EMD AS. (BB) 7B Y FRAIL OH HA HNL RM (The front cover is fixed with four serews to the ch ‘namely one of the upper two screws and the @in Mig) (While Keeping the front cover from failing downward by hol remove the one remaining screw. (® in Fig.) (@)Bxtrate the front cover forwards while looking wiring. (© in Fig.) it with the hand, mya C ONKOL fam see ance gov rain dap atc nein rant ever Screw lo be lose ar ret PCH DI LIE BPC board dismounting procedure iESUEPCIOEP-2866-EP-2869)0MK HH LIE (OPO FER EIREML TROT. (HD) (MPOME MELTS iL LAAT SALT. (HO) (OPOMIZHRIRE RCS 247 9 (P20L-P2OBPOLPIOSMA ESTs (BHO) PCHE LENS LEE FE LURUI. (EO) ‘Transmitting and receiving PC boards (RP-2868:EP.2863) dismounting procedure (Remove two screws and remove the PC guide, (In Fig.) (2)Remove two upper screws and three lower sorews which fix the PC board. (@ in Mig) ()Remove four connectors (P204-P208-P402-P403) connestad to the PC board. (O in Fig. (Remove the PC board so as to ifthe board. (@ In Fig.) BNKSx82 pews x Po poe Bux se PCK_(wo.zeas 2008) “Teaneniling and asiving PC ban aNKax0.8 Be Figo as DSO POIK(EP-2870-EP-2871-EP-2872) 01 95} LF (MPO FE LIR, POMMER Ea Ca TE NE AMIS, (MPD) (PCIE Cub 247 ¥ RPA PsOLPDOB)E ENE, (LD) COPORE LICE LVS EFC L CMON. (HO) “DSC PC boards (BP-2870:P.2871-RP.2872) dismounting procedure (Loosen two strews of the PC guide and loosen four serews of the PC relnforcing rietal fiting, and remove the guide and the metal Miting respectively, (@ in Fig.) (2)Remove three connectors (P218-P404:P208) connected to the PC board respectively. @ in Mg) (@)Remove the PC board from the body 20 as to lift the board, (© in Fig.) NKaxe2 poms. PC eelnfveng wal ng ws Pus mounting provedure, fembiy sPCHCEP.2079)M 9 HELI PCIR(PC-287a)& 7 — 7 HedcK(PBOL-PSOAPLOSPSON E777 hE TESLA CDE eAEL CRUD ILA, (ake) epolkade-2e78)me Wt Li POMPEI) 7 UTE AMO REAL, LER EH LCR UIT #PCHLCEP.2979)820 54 File PCIR(EP-2879)£ BCOKENL CROAT. (BHO) SPOIRCEP- 2880) HLF Y= RIED LIEIL CRY HY LPCHCRP. 2080) & 1a LOREM L TRY NT. aso) eM E tT 9 & 77) —(L-KEY-14B) OUR FEL Heer oe 77 SENET ibe CXOREN LCDI (HED 20 board (2245) dsmouniing proeedare Tenn tour cals (S001 POEIMOSEUON and the ft cable ofthe BC. bosrd WSETiap ang eal to remove io stew ond remeve the bosed (in ig) 006 Sonrd QEE 2898) danounting procedure ona ine nat an i Ran fle he ont cover ard remove, and remove two Loser af tag EC bontd GEE 2678 and remove te our (D i Big) o50" Waseda asi} Ucmauniing poceuore Tena ee seas af Use BC botre TEE D879) and remove the board. (© in Fig) or Tora bSHBD) dlnounting posses Fo ee taut Peel ond remove the pana, and remove two Beer He BG bosrd (EE 2500) and cemove the bourd {0 in Pig) acfvting poet any RY 0) lang ‘wocedure Smove ten serews and remave the operating panel assembly (L-KRY-14B). Gin rig) power 2970) c pod bp nnoxon ak hi ight reund heed Bild pao sernw 2.6462 Pea hreaxen P-Ugit round head pea synaxes Gh ound heal Power 2380) Pet branes Tigi round ead SS Ped bemnsxae PUght rowed head sera 20%0,10 eee Kt oer erry ing panel assembly (Caavaanonn ee: in ing procedure CORA ED OY ha ED YUM EAE, BUERIOMLT MOT. (ae) TTA EA PARI OE ECL ENED, (EB) EFA eRCCKENL TRIAT. (AO) (IRIE RT 9 Ae 7) — CL KRY-LAAVE a CLO L DIT, EB) (Loosen respective two hinge holders and remove them from the Iront cover, ‘and remove the operating panel. (® in Fig.) (2)Serapte our two patch rubber with a flat-blade serew. (in Fig) (GiRemove five screws of the upper ease cover and remove the cover. (O in Fig.) (W)Remove ten sorews and remove the operating pane! assembly (L-KEY-14A), (in Fig) eapary on yn nan sean 260,10 P94 be Boxes Pugh feraw 28662 fatecaer ser ry; eKevsi4Al ‘Operating pal aaron ses Patek raat Pod br wzaxes P Ught rome a Pigs ‘setn__psassegungPeoceoung 11 WiRipPCHCEP 2982-EP-2881) 1L.Rear blading PC boards OMI Tie dismounting procedure VME E a CAEL CRO MT. (HO) CPCHCEP.2882)& BLZREAL TROT. (BHO) (OYPOM(RP.2081)€ a LSKENL D7 FPSO) USEL CDI. (BHO) (1)Remove two serews of the rear blocking plate and emove the plate, (@ in Fi (2iRemove two screws and remove the PC board (EP-2882). (B in Vig) (BiRemove three serews and the connector (P505), and remove the PC board @P-2861), (© in Fig) 1 Tight roond head sera 382 I HF PC board NK m2 rigs sassmsuns rockoute 12.0R7-POMA(UPC-1610A) 12,0RP-PC (UPC-1610A) ome LHe pulhout procedure (07 7 PRM a COREA YT RINS ESC ERET OL ORD. (area) ()ORPPCHCUPC-1610A) £3) 817", (KB) (Loosen three direws and shift the fan fitting panel upward so that the gourd: shaped holes are released, and remove the fan fitting panel. (@ in Tig.) (2)pull out the CRT-PC (UPC-1610A), (@ in Fig) zee misie yuen Gaurd shape ale mis Fats fasion 4 sassy moctoune 18,2 = 7 LORD 18. Power supply unit dismounting procedure (RMT 8 247 7 PAOTPAOOALMMRA= 7 LOMO. (BHO Oy = > FED LARENL CHIH ST ELT, (PB) (1)Remove twa connectors (P407-P408) on the Front side of the body from the power supply unit. ( in Fig) (Remove two serews and pull out the power supply unit from the body. (BD fn Fig.) ersussoo) ower spl wit sax 4 Fig (This page is blank.) SECTION 5 SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM 52 Explanation of system Syetom block dageam 5-1 Explanation of SYSTEM This system are organized by Te & Re, Interface, DSC, Panel, Moniter and Power supply. Timing signals of the electric scanning is generated in the Interface part. Tx & fx part accept these signals and generates the pulte for wansmission, This pulse brat the transzucer element af the probe ard generates the ullescund weve ‘This ultrasound wave reaches to inside of human body and the acho wove returns to rensducer again. After that, the echo signal fs procesed ad is outputted to DSC pan. [At DSC pert, the ultrasound dete which + coming trom Tk & Re part is ‘memorized into the frame memory alter passirg trough the A/D converter The ‘memorized data i read out by the TY system timing, and pace tough the Pos Proceso. After that the TV Composite Sgral'h generated by this ulasound eve, Character and Graphic. Finally, TV Composite signal is outputted 10 the viewing [At Pane part, any information, for example, sede information, MAG information ‘and so on, re gathered and outputted tothe Interface par Monitor partis organized by 7 inch moniter and the knobs for contrast and brightness 350-500 nas the nabs for the photograph In the case of using ACK 500 which is prepared to take 9 photograph drecty at the viewing monitor the Setting of contrast and brightness Is switched te the sting for the, photograph, This switching is done by the switen which located an EP-2090" Contrast & Brightness Pca ‘This power supply unit has the protector aquinst incressing current beyond the normal. “And als, the High voltage is cantlled by the switch whichis mounted on £P:2870 ITF PCB, 5-2 system block diagram The System Block Diagram is shown on next pepe Please use It for studying the operation of system and judgment on repairing Tame Rx P2569 Tx & Conte eae Ie Inverface p20 osc zn ose Panel £P.2873 Pent Contot LAEY-I0 AS Pane ER2078 Gain & Power LED 9.2879 Select Key £9-2880 Contrast Brightness £2681 inv Out FP.2682 Photo Cont. right. (2 cru) scious sre aoc os Monitor 'p-0702-TH Viewing Meniter (CEP 2000 is included in the mortor.) Power supaly PSUS5O0 Power suply SECTION 6 Introduction Ponel Control x Tn 8 Conte! Panel Board Gain & Power LED Selec Key Conwast & Brightness in/out PCB BLOCK DIAGRAM e283 268 2670 2 6 in 6-1 Introduction In ths section, the simple explanations of PCH black diagram are described, Scion ence soc oeRa 62 £2873 Panel Control ‘This PCB is wed forthe contra panel and others switches [acts ata interface Between £92872 CPU and UKEY-1A oF se on. Function which this PCB covers areas fellows: (pew vo (2) Clock generator ©) =D arver (@) Track ball interface y e143 ono) jours [env Ep.2068, Rx ‘This PCO generates ultrasound transmission signal and convo! signal whichis sed for the received signal proceising creut in £P2868 Re ‘Ato, signals from varius gain controle srange on the panel and in front of ‘equipment are rant to this PCB and converted into convol signa whieh toe receiver circuit needs. Major processes made in this PCB are a follows: (1) Take aystem basic clock generation @) Focus contol Geir dine cc (@) Band pas iter contol signal generation (5) PRE STC signal generation (6) Gain signal generation sion 6_rca race aca 64 £92869 Tx & Control ‘his PCB generates ultrasound transmission signal and contel signal which i used forthe received signal processing cut in €P-2868 Rx ‘Als, signals from various gain controls arange on the pand and infront of cauipment are sent to thir PCB and converted into contol sgrals which the Feceiver cut Seeds. Major proceies made in ths PCB are a5 fllows: (1) Tax system basle eck generation 2) Fecus contd ()—Osallater ative circuit (@) Band pass fiter contro signal generation ()__PRESTC signal generation (8) Gain signa gereration SOE secrou§_ ca aloe oncaas 65 P2870 mF This #8 functions os an interface between the TuRx unit, DSC and MPU, It tio Includes a pare hich generates Te unit contro signal. ‘roceses which this PCB caves out ae as follows: o @ o @ ua unit base cack goneration ‘gna! interface between the TURK unit and OSC ntroling the vorible Band ass flter Generation of contrat ignal for variable aperture snon §_ nop tock omnes 66 eP-2871 se This BC8 fe used for dating the image of ultrasound echo. In 380-500, only cone ince of this PCB erves for storage of Images, TV synchronization, and siepay Lrasound images are sted inthe frame memory basically in the same. imethos at wed Yor $80-620 and $$0:630. However, there Iss considerably large Siference es viewed In detall becaue of @ eduction In function nd in number Df por use, Maso consolidation of OSC function is has been achieved by the use of many custom ic X Luse-d2 asa DyOTy i i = q — le ee 5 e gl 67 £2872 cpu This Pom consists of the microprocesior, which convo the whole of 550-500, attendant peripherst reuts, and graphie conti Since $80-500 uses only one MPU {Micra processor Uniti snot provided with any aster bus. Used for graphic contol the GDC (Graphic Display Controle) mekes high spaed drafting without eating into memory spare of MPU, 6-12 Z wate ran | HOT Sogo ichon_6_tea stoce eaceats xy weeds avd BOTY | SoD us hte : a a i SKCHN_&_ <2 100 pacnass LKEY-14 A,B Panel Board This PCB gathers control panel switches. divided into two sections LLKEY-188 isthe PC3 located an the moving side and ie gather the full Keyboard, ete The PCB consists of the switch matix, having 58 pieces of key switches, and the diode aray, ane is connected to £22873 PANEL CONTROL. Lighting oF LEDs is contlled by LED 10-17, 20-26 signal, LLKEY-168 is the PCB fed to the $50-500 body. The PCB consists of the switch matvi, having 15 pleces of key sites and a joy pad, ane the Gove array, and is connected to EP-2873 PANEL CONTROL. Lighting of LEDs i ‘ontralled by LED Gr, 67.7 signals, 6-15 69 2878 Gain & Power LED Voltage applied to the volume for 8 MODE gain signal goneration is the stabiived reference voltage af +5V stopped down Irom + 12V power source, ‘Ouinut Sorel is sent through a butter to 6.2873 PANEL CONTROL and fed to the ND converter Als, the signa fed to the Tax unit through €-2870 Me The LED connected to + 12V power source is it when power iON. ‘The buster having no deve cet is contolled by €P-2873 PANEL CONTROL. 6-16 asta a31 amog 9 WED DOTY 1 vwonrnsee a wears aes Ret 6-17 secon &_rct lock acne 6-10 EP-2879, Select Key Thece are five pieces of key switches and a clade aay ‘The key switches are aranged ina mauin. The row and line section signals are Oa 4 CBD FSS croup rete following > Cl >‘ Oe 7 COMI Siscica meni alo ° Ce 7 OF on Sern ne ine Ss-oo---d example Probe Group: 1 Simesnire TOKYO uni. “TV seanning line” ‘On? 625 tines Off: 525 lines “Probe Group" z oc “obstetrical Mestrement” Soa ese eee ee Tomer] hoe aa] bebe ose signa _ oun sore 85-3 How to use the user function In the case of $50.500, the vier function Is only TIME and DATE. These data sare memorized into RAM ( Random Access Memory ) which is back uppee by Bockup battery. "The ordinary operation does not erase these deta, However, it iS posible to replace or erate these data when repsiing of moiifeation 1s dane. if back upped data Is changed, reset the RAM according to the procedure that written in 855 [ Reference } The backup RAM i mounted on EP-2872 CPU. And battery for backup it lio mounted on same PCB. HOSPITAL NAME “his function is ot avaiable, DATE & TIME (FORMAT) Push the "MENU" swith, Change the page, and select (DATEL Wf date, select (DATE) If time, select (TIME) Int the correct date of time from full key Board Push [ETL Every pushing [FORMAT the form of date displaying changes. PRESET FUNCTION ‘his function is not available, (OBSTETRICAL MEASUREMENT TABLE ‘The table is sat by switch hich ie inde of ‘aulpment The customer cannot chaos which cod of table s£c_a__moune wooing 85-4 Attention of connecting optional units In the case of connecting the optional units, please confirm the following ‘able (6.1) because some optional units requice other PCBS. Uait_ptiond Content) Diagnostic part ‘Main body Usb115, Cable for power supply eeto1 (100) 108 (00) e107 (USA) Coble for earth NCC-9850 (except USA) ‘Overay sheet for operstion panel tarsi See (2 Japanese ) 50-500 Ultrasound (EE English) siagnostic Probe squipment Electric convex probe UST Sana Accessory FUSE 313003 (100v) 313015 (@00v), consumption ‘Eco jelly GELSCAN-PS. (domesto) Urtratound gel 21708308 (export) Document ‘Operation manual BANI-0306 installation procedure 35-0201, Pea tse, (only for USA) % [on uaT-500 [Gun pe comers ACRSOOF ‘52300 for 525 lines) # |EaHO coma S823002 (for 625 lines) % [emer sz 1087 | Comera adopter for 35mm ssz10835 | Teck ball ont TaU.500 wea7a0 Re 1000), ste |ptug receptacle Mez7au (aC 200V) These are for ANT-500, [Fook mach eas [Tpke foot switch MP26t4 [inch monitor Biss This Yor RMS, ‘5 mack ears Wat th new optoel serous __raoune storm 8-5-5 How to reset Backup RAM 550-500 has the backup function in ore to data of time and date always The ordinary operation never makes & necestary to reset iL However, in the case of followings, please reset acording tothe procedure ( fg. 83) [caution } Before reiet the RAM, memorize the data ( for example, the format of date} 1) tn the case of modification of software, 2) Inthe ease of unnecessary character displaying 3) Inthe cate of locing up of syst. (Cihis ira temporary step to solve this problem. Ard In this case, the previous data cannot be memorized. ) ‘3..Hesce e ae Reset the RAM according to followings. At frst, turn the power switch off. 1. Remove the cover according to the disassembling procedure, 2. Between ‘pin and 28pin of "Ic 13" whichis mounted on EPAIB72 COU Should ba shorten for 9 few minutes. 3. Set the cove, sgonmua____trounicsuoomms 85-7 Location of ROMs “The location of ROME is shown in fig, 85, Please refer for replacing the Rows on modification. fa. AS. seston ot P-28708 ITF EP-2871C DSC i P2872 CPU i i secnou_a__taoume stom 8-5-8 Disposition of locking up 1 this system does not work or work abnormally, this trouble shooting is imeaninglessnes" In this ease, referring the following Rens, plese vy to rept o @ The Fist, check the output voltage from the power suply unit. “he system of tMs equipment Is controlled by MPU ‘which Is mounted fon EP-2872 CPU. If +5V for MPU is not applied to MPU, Te never works {rd whole of system alto does not wore ‘And ifthe autput voltage is normal the breaking of the power supply cable can be thought. So the checking on PCB ls recommend ‘The PCB which hee MPU Is folowing 29 cpu “rouble of BUS signal If us signal seems abnormal, it dificult to find defective pont. In the case of locking up of the system, pleste ty to repale Ft refering the following table (0. 82 ) ‘od wa advise you to contact to technical support os soon as possible, followings are explanation of signals which are shown in the table ADRS ‘Address bus of MPU whih controls whole system. DATA Data bur of MPU which contrals whele aston, bra. Data bus for operation panel ‘ceuD Data but which control“ BR 4 at th ae" secon g__reouatessoomisg 36 PCB ( Check ) List Map PCB ( Check) List Map has four tems. ese ore “roblem cove Table", "MAP", “Check Procedure” and “Weve form Giagran” ir this "Problem Code Table", any cave of trouble are coded as Problem Code. ‘And in “MAP, tat Problem Code shows PCB or check point which has possibilty to rake the trouble “Ines should be vied eccording to following procedure Find the Problem Code at "Problem Code Table" 1 Find the Check Code using the Problem Code at "MAP" problem Code Table” is divided by followings, ond each table are named after its function, Utwasound imege — us Choracter & Graphic = Timing & Mentor = ™ Power supply, Recording and Volume = Fetal finetion =a Physiologica unt = au Dopp unit = co Color alspaying In "Problem Code Table", mark © means thatthe phenomenon is applied to this diagnostic equipment “Aad In "MAP", mark @ shows the supposed check point 4 Problem Code Table This table has some case of trouble. Some trouble whidh may be front of you o not exist inthe fable according to creumstances.In that case, using Zny informations thot ere writen in tha manual and your brain, try to solve ‘he prober. ae Problems nape ta ca fof} [US age ot all dared in praae NODE played nl fr NEAR (or CONVERT nt a dapayed ely or MECHANICAL SECTOR. Tu age at ldap aed ly for PHASED ARRAY. ny partir US image ue daplayd nul US ier Soir B: [ay o OS ings een be win [os-3 Fiowsnn tio nw re Sapleed i OS Tae lo] o}ofo| lose [ho ECO ae caved iy LINEAR or CONVEX [eco CHO are seinyed i MECHANICAL SECTOR. Vaca of ECHO we aeplayed in PHASED AREAY 5 eas ae seo he US ing in LINEAR or CONTE) Ine ae an oh US nage in MECHANCAL SECTOR [ae sce on the US image in PHASED ARBAY [oer ae ev on ie US age all US ie use [ei of US eg ow is LINEAR ( CONVERT, ey of US igs ow iy MHCHARICAL SECTOR iv f US ing ow in PHASED AERA, yo US ag US [Esse Sythe rns bigness US Tee rng var of eabeer, wilt grist [US ings ines mor in SECTOR (AECHANICRT, PHASED AR, CONV loss rf US image bnemaly Glee (ofo}ofo|o| jnnatad apo of US tno are pee NEALE CONVER (orci wae f US imag re daplaet te WECHANTCAL SECTOR. \Gorecied wap of US image are dlayel is PHASED ARRAT. FP [rtd mae of US image re Goel all US ape aaa Problems cer [Gwar ar dale seer men [os Cals, Grape rest Slee iy Cale enti ar aboreiy pe, [Uertd des rsp ae soled in allo pa om icon TEE and DATS ar hoenaly ae ces araar ar ot nlp, ei et wale folofolofofojofo| ered ar abnormal daplae STS Ta we Se oe sicign.s___snouns stoorn ming. tonitor al Probiems PERT || O fma e t paped ay Won, 2 [One ot peed nw pari onto ZA [Of neg ae at ein ny Woo 2 [Ogee not raced utr Hon [TREE | 1 Olin ings sake Absorely son when igs a ay Won i 2°] 0 ntr mege she parte Henar_Atonmaly tae Cired Ren re Tea oo Ba unaton rin coe poem ut Tt el satin ap CMa Ra we TI OF, Power su Switch, Control Pete 8 Problems SMT | [Oona op mt aay ei ENEZ | 10 fetes er Grease [C2 vies str Goi ar benny Sain SMES | 1 [© Praped pres ot orl or crea 2[O feincie ge aeerenlydaplaed (mal mage armel) SREA| 4 | ne as red arr (Has ral z ines tied in Reeder (eer nore 3 [wes seory were oem (Rese froma t [er esl ra a Reda (acre beer Cenacle we een a a4 85-2 MAP In this “Problem Code” of “MAP*, iagnostc equipment. Dank columns are not applieg to this "cB & check lise 5500 8-16 Power sy 7 si0 Po & Check use coon s _ toune swoon rows S50 orator ‘PCB & check lust 8-18 Pte Gone ora Big ed Code 8-19 sgonowe__raoyas toons ata Con OE oni ephemera ae key era ase a7 ScTON_&_THOURs soon Wave form diagram for trouble shooting 87-1 Introduction This wave form diagram is shown ab reference in order to find the defective PCB in a stage of trouble shooting ‘l_of wave form can be cbserved at check point which i named = 87-2 Attention This i onty reference for trouble svooting, Therefore thi wave form must not be sed for readjustment. “This wave form have observed by Logle Analyzer. Therefore It Is isferent from the wave form which is observed by oxilorcope ‘The locaton of check point is show’ in “Section 13. PARTS LST" ‘istoma __rtoune swoon B73 ep.2068, Condition is shown under the waveform 30.0008 /atv Rx P2868 condition is shown under the wave form. ‘i. 00uS 7a. Re eP-2068 Canton is shown under the wave form, secrou_a mous sioome Re eP-2068 Condition is showa under the wave form. we Geom sac) 200.0 208 5068. we U5 vino 1.00 vt SeOUSTaT Freere : OFF Fitemo. 87-4 Tx & Control £2869 Ccondliion is shown under the wave form. Probe 1 USTHPIANA2.5 30.0008 /eiv. Tk & Control —-EP-2869 Condition is shown under the wave form, 0.0 w -4.00 ¥} : ka $8.08 Yess! 2.60 Fi 4.50 _ wa ‘yore 2.0 a scion moun soos Tx & Control EP-2869 Contin is shown under the wave form, 3.09 v! 1.254 ws ws Nee Probe Ust-7aaNe3.3 50. 0008/at, Cain rao Nor im fer ioe Noe 5 Free OFF ‘em. Tx & Control £-2869 condition is shown under the wave form. -1.00 v Probe ain Neor Fer Nede Freeze 30000874. Fiera. sono __ouns oom 87-5 mF £2870 Conaition is shown under the wave form, saLx/ sis Svs 2 ssa 30.0057 OUTPUT ; TTL LEVEL TF P-2870 Condition is shown under the wave form, 1" = ate WP LAMM Te HNN UTAH TP PUPP UP U CPU LPL UPLE LE ULM UPLPUPU LPL TP Poe er LE a PP ii ATMA TR ham TTT TART MTT TMA TP COU uUM TEU MUMEM ECE EOOENT ETE 1 See a Gain 220 tor 2% 104 02 103 Tot 105 tos 07 os oy ty mn M2 M8 a ns Me Fer 109 ourpuT : TTL LEVEL Mode Focus: 3 248 ‘Memo. | outs swoon sy sek oun snoorws mr £2870 Condition is shown under the waveform. Po tee Hy 1o4 ‘Se Py tte ° n Ht ih i = aaa” poe oeee names Tf} CC ae PN oe TPES f ert eur ven Ker ov TL Le fk Pie tbe ia. 8-32 secron_e_maveisseooms re €.2870 Cancition is shown under the wave form, ame ee EE MUTE OT RUNGE 116 VA | {eo EMEA gamma 1° 117 VAP 2 PeaganNREMom 1? 115 VAP 3 VAP 4 a ory or ies Probe wst-930-3.5 10.00n5/Aiv. 2 2m OUTPUT ; TTL LEVEL Orr " 8-33 sécnon.s__taouu soon TF £2870 Condition is shown under the wave form. ur —— Te 1g wip 1 Probe aN. Toi. 0S7aiw Gain o Near 2 UTPUT : TTL LEVEL Fer os ou u tee 8 Freese 1 OFF Fos 1 22 sécnou_a__moume swoon 87-6 psc P2871 Condition is shown under the wave form. wr Geoutce stonel ‘oF ADD conv.) TS B00 Tae. psc ep-2071 condition is shown under the wave form. ra (output Sigel fran Bk coew.) Probe + UST-P34NI.S 70.0005/aiv. Gain 18 Noor 1 For toe te Por SECTION 9 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE 841 Introduction 82 Attention 53 Tools and measures 5-4 Alignment procedure secnon 9 941 Introduction ‘This Alignment procedure adjust the sltascund image direcy 92 Attention ‘The engineer who has attended 10 Aloks's vaining course and has the high Tnowiedge can ute this Alignment procedure in the cave of using this Alignment procedure, lease take care the following o @ eo « I should be done, after a equipment is warm up. “ine unnecestary force against to PCE may destoy i ‘Te small variable register and capacitor are used in the PCB according to the SIT. (Surface Mount Techralogy). Ieis necessary to be prepared the Screw divers which cay vary them, “The variable ragister and capacitor which have never bean described in this Alignment procedure must ot be vated. eis posible to make ‘nother travbie which nobody can opal Ie [At the our factory, almost of PCBs are adjited by Function Checker automaticly. 9:3 Tools and Measures ‘The prepared tools and measures ae fllowings 1. Oscilloscope 2, Oigital Vote mater 3. Probe 4. Screw diver Sensivvity Sn 1 Frequency width DC~SOMHE Input volige mere than 400V ange Acs, Dev, OCA, convex usrsaay as or Linear UsrsozsN 3.5 + m6 For agjstvent srew driver 9-4 Alignment Procedure Ail of the adjustment should be done with Convex probe { UST-934N-3.5 ) oF Linear probe ( UST-5028N3 5 ). ‘tena auokenr eceoy ou §P.2868 Rx Purpose | Adjust the total noise level of the image procestr. em Conation “Aajon point [Omarwton [Standard ae ee joa emi ‘sin sg Ihab ew of er SECTION 10 PERFORMANCE CHECK 103 wos Introduction Performance check (Check Sheet 104 10-2 103 sion 10 rettommancs cngon Introduction ‘This Performance Check is for checting after repairing and periodical Inspection Attention This Performance Check should be done according to the following conditions if each condition not derrbed Temperature tsrenasee Hmiity 3596~05%6 [After tutring the power suit on ‘ore than 30 minutes Before use this, please confirm the following items. (1) PBs should be connected normally 2) Connectors should be connected nrmally. {G) The cable from power supply shoulé be connected to the (4) Replaced ROME are mounted on PCB certainly Mistake of Vec pin and GND pin destoy (5) Do not leave the umecesary ROM (6) Do not leave the tools an the probe of measures inside (7) The optional unit should be connected normally. Performance Check (1) Confirmation of Panel suites Ifthe PC2 end ROM whieh are Besides the panel Yoard is changes, peste contirm the canlion of Ue hey top on the key swith. Ifthe key top fs put incorect, the panel works abnormal ‘The LED of pane! lights red coor when its function is selected posmon Lnear probe only BODY MARK by fonetion kay bist i ver carer {EET Tun rotation for let side RighT TURN Fetatlon for right se [MARK REFERENCE hear sre Far se ‘Macniricarion move 2, Bm, M, 28 IMAGE DIRECTION ott oF Right FReeze Focus by function key 2) Confirmation of Menu ‘Confirm the fllowing functions work normally. rame-co FRAME coRRELATION 10-1 8 @ 6 6 imc.e0 IMAGE POLARITY pune uncrure 2D. mk ‘BODY 1aRK bare or-ose ara pispiay G01 mace DRECTION curs ‘M mode CURSOR tenare HEART RATE Confirmation of FOCUS 1 ‘The condition of FOCUS is showin in viewing monitor, Pease conti it Te condition which all of FOCUS ate off scaled "BROAD". Then a" lights on in the viewing monitor. Ino continous setting of FOCUS cannot be st, lor example FI +, FILES and F2e Fh. And in M mode, nobody can sel mult) FOCUS. (on freezing the image, the setting of FOCUS can be change. However, after freeze off this setting wil eect. Confirmation of Body Mark Group ‘Te following group con be selected. Confirm that eech mark of 2 gfoup is displayed with pushing the switch of Jy Pad Function ‘Agoom oasr HEAD ornee Confirmation of Obsttrical Measurement ‘Contr the result of caleslation ung the sample value aro ‘iperietal Diameter cr Crown Rump Length os Gestations! sae w Length of Vertebrae Fam femur Length Fa ‘etal Tank Cros Sectional Area Ht Humerus Length aC ‘Abdominal Creumference he bead Creumference Confirmation of the size of image. IMensure the se of TV monitor and the picture which s taken by ACRSODP, 1-2 Ty monitor src oa dpi. nce he 19 of Shine" mar andthe 980 snd DATE dag. sotom of ens ann ‘cian 10_reronance cxeox Ton poem mae Ta ae emo am (7) Contrast and Brightness "The knobs of contrast and brightness for the viewing monitor are located on right sie of the monitor 'And, the knobs forthe photograph are located on rear side of '580'500, Theve are for ony ueng KCR-SOD. (8) Coin check [ concition 1 [Method | Moo 8 Mas, x0 Freee OFF Put the thin metal bar on the surface of the probe land move it lowly trom one side of the surface to ‘he other i, 10-3 sion 10 Pavone sos o co) an a (cheek | { caution 1 ‘On moving it, the mult echo should not appr, land the echo should net cagppenr ‘And, the shape of echo is varies according to the Condition of FOCUS. Please use the conduction wite of the register or something lke that a5 the thin metal bar. And, do fot wound the urface of the pabe, Confirmation of FOCUS 2 {condition | [Method (cheek 1 Move e Mac. x10 Reece or Phantom Ronar2 ut the probe on AMI-A12 to be showe the targets ‘of 2em division on horizontal ‘The dae targets are varied accontng to the condition of FOCUS. Confirmation of agreement both the probe and displaying {conaition 1 {Method } Copeek | Move ° Mag: x10 Phantom: RMnas2 Put the probe on RMI-#12 to be shown the targets ‘The front mark of the probe is egreed with the ‘arrow mark whieh is eiplayed oF TV monitor Confirmation of the ulvasound speed {Condition 1 [Method Toned} Move 8 Mag. X07, %1.0, x15, x20 Focus ave Test piece 578-2 Gaines Put the probe on the test piece ‘The distance between Bt echo and 82 acho which ‘are svonger than others should be SOmm + Imm in every dagnoste range Confirmation of the noise level {Condition 3 I ntethed one 8 was. x19 rocs Fa only can Max ste Doth NEAR and FAR Maximum Frame corsation oF Remi the probe on the ai. 0-4 3) oa {check | ‘he note are shown tightly. And the noises are shown in any past of the ullrasound image at ‘random confirmation of the sensitviy Lcondiion] Move 8 mas. x10 Fods = Fleraeraera can Moe Ste. Both NEAR and FAR maximum Phantom wicet2 [Method | Put the probe on RMI-812. check | ‘the fifth echo should be shown. Dielectie withstanding voltage test “This confirmation needs the special tester. fit has been prepared, this confirmation can be done Check it refering the figure stich is shown on next page. lease take core of ourrelf onthe test because oF using high voltage. ‘The power switch of 80-500 is turned off. Please set the cutoff current 10nd 0-5 sion 10 romance oxen AC tne snd Min bed Vowage © AC oROUIMEAC 10 Sto (Ae FOP [—AC line and Surface of the probe Vonage © Ac nove (A 1800) [AC line and surface of the probe ‘he terminal for earth Vatepe © AC 000Vms (Ae TOW) Stove (RE 2001) (5) Power variation “his confirmation needs the special equipment which can control the input voltage for the power supply. i hes been prepared, con be done vary the supply voltage from 10% to + 10% against to the input voltage of the power supply. If 100V, iti varied from SOV to 110. 1200V, iti varied from 180¥ to 220V. ‘Then the sheking of the monitor, the noise on the monitor end rising Of panel operation should not be oeutred (18) Power consumption ‘On the following condition, measure the powerconsumption. The standard is 130 VA 10% 10-6 move AN Nea Fa IMAGE POLARITY = Focus BRIGHTNESS, CONTRAST rrecze 10-4 Check Sheet. am Minimum Maximum NEGA Cs OFF “This Check Shest is prepared for ecording the performance check which Is shown ia 103, 10-7 ose nae waenon (C7 ~ fio aaa ese) ace ieee (ue eau ee, +e ae, ie ae ad ict fe oe w-8 SECTION 11 MAINTENANCE INFORMATION ‘conrents 11-1 tntroduetion "- 12 Attention ue 143 Technical information n T1941 Explanation of "STATUS" u 1132 "Probe group" " B33 change of TV scanning lines " Change of obstetrical measuring method " 1358 Change of AC input voltage i 11-4 Manual Change Information ne secnon 14 stan_11_ MANTHRANCE WroAATION Introduction In this Maintenance Information, very usefol information for rep specication and so on are described change of Attention The information which is derided in the section are shown as the original of $$0.500. I the update or mosifietion ate dane to SS0-500, i is posible ret fo agree with thi information Technical Information 11-31 Explanation of "STATUS" 550-500 hat “STATUS” which shows the specification of each 80-500, ‘This "STATUS" is shown on the container box and the starting ‘message which i displayed en the monitor. "Thete wetting are sltched by 2 sip switch located on £°-2870 ITF ca, nd thi "STATUS" i shown directly from the dip siteh ‘The meaning of each switeh ore cascibed in next Bags. wed ston 11_ mae weomaro eae nF Sw TT sw 1 BE) scanning tines ite tion 2 BBL] ‘power = = on: for FoA Of: Aota's > OB «CMD Res —eeleraiow Cm) se. $Seanning lines ‘sa5lines aac Te power Alow's probe group 1 LOb-Measure Tokyo uni 1 Scanning Lines : Gn? Gastnes | ot ‘eauton +f charge the fi sanning ins, 9 neem ese 2871 he orn died in 1833. Probe Grou 7 z a Em] 7 Obstetrical Messurement ef e on oo _| om 2 132 Sean MAbTENANcE yoRyaTON Probe Group 550-500 has mary optional prots eis necesary to have the table of probe code to connect the many ‘probe, Generally, equipment har some ROME ane circle for that fable. However, this prevents to make 8 small equipment. Then, in 380-500, te probes waich afe connected with SSD-S00 at the same time are abject to restriction. This "Probe Group" Hinged, all of the optional probe can be connected by selecting the "Probe Code “Probe Group” can be selected by a dip switey located on 0.2870, ITE PCB. IF select it, plese refer previous page It is necesary to replace the ROM whichis loceted on 9.2871 OSC Pcl because of the sbove explanation. Please reer the following ‘igure to find the ROW, EP-2671C DSC ., in the presont time, there are two kinds of “Probe Group", |The ‘able. descrined in next page shows the probe lst In each “Probe Group" W-3 Probe Prabe Group or Model 7 2 [Abdom. | UST-SORINS 5 e e Puncture | USTS039°.35 e e Shallow | USTS8ES e e [operation | usT-Se7r e e [Operation | UST-SETIS e e Urology _[USTaS7S e e Shallow [USTaasNs e e Nice [usTauae a5 e e Tra a s[usronsens e e Siginal uncre) fre an s[ustaa7us e e veginal [operation [usTSs6T 7s e [Operation [usTss6Ti7 5 ° [operation [USTSS6I7.5 ° Urology _[UST-660-75 e wide [ustsoniuas e 1133 i134 How to change the TV scanning lines tf necessary to change the setting of a dip switch located on EP. 2870 ITF PCB and replace £2871 DSC. PCH that suffix Is covrect to ‘the TY scanning tines. lease refer 11-31 Process 1 ‘change the ating of the dip snitch which located fon £2870 i Pea. Process? Repiace €P.2071 DSC PCB thet sfx is correct tothe “T'scarning lines, enzers +4 sasines rae 2: GaSinee How to change the Obstetrical Measurement ‘change the setting ofthe dip switch located on €P-2870 ITF PCB in fonder 10 loct the method of obrtetres! mesurement refering It i unnecessary to replace o- exchange the other parts ne4 11-35 How to change the AC input voltage It is powible to change the AC input voltage by the switch which is located on rear side of the power Supa. ‘efare it, itis necestary to remove the body cove, (this page is blank.) 1-6 Seton 11_ManreNance meDaMATON Manual Change Information Service Manual is revised properly to follow the change af specification and so on. When it ie revised, the reason of revion Is cescribed into “Monval Change Ust" on next page. In the case of usual change, addtional page oF revized page i distributed, Follow the emanging ingestion wT ———— es scermsvel Ca carer | lersee eal samen | we a lr oe cenareN me abe porerinu | otea poy | aun as unoy ano | on 2s sears | comm |" weal swie ewtine| ne (yenuew azasas ) 351] aBuey> jenuew 00S-ass "-8 SECTION 12 HISTORY OF IMPROVEMENT conrents veg -tee res wis * sty S-e wire patee 661 —"A0N = si orn z0s0-1H SeOzIWHI~BALEONIG NUS 00S-ass $0 A103s1H sounpew yoda pue S1SSuOp 304 / OSH —A ‘94 voneupow lemyos 40 uoreayeds Woy a¥eMpieH @ sxemyos - uogzauue> aqoig ws ‘005-055 30 Aso3sHt re Ss | gare mod Tang Se vexea| Nea etal) Canina sees a oa sour al Lede verssva] san peso o0s-a8s Jo AowtH SPE ars man +— “ vom] woman] ed 00S-as5 Jo Aas Te ope neOE] aan nD | RIN AGFA UI SNE Jizan yes Daye "BY VOR NFL EEA UY HEP eo) 3 Baipor er Bm SIP eID We Ne Bo “wwe Hin 6m Toob on rearaarw unvina oma "Ge ye oa Son Gm Tape BUR RMS Tnoyea eeu) aR Woe 0 uN sel lielaleliladee Le eaves unin rou oN TEpeuay jo wo PF Sneuime) 00s-055 10 Alois or acon se pea won 8 UNG uP OS WRN BeMYES JO AED NU [EREEDY = a ning wz | 09 | os or vy pads worean wimmOS (sr dnoip agotg) 00s-ass 40 Alon oun 9 5 RAY ee oe pr 4 ope OMNI fev oy epson ar Oe fetal eee ee sine olofoto ‘ololo em F9 olstotatototolo Sete wed Ea] Ste ‘ototototo: ote wn SRE Beene otototofotofoto ein wail score Ole [= pele feel etx ita] ee ‘owne| >| Fete ‘ofolo ‘fo nus ‘oo otolo wee erate ‘epel= ttt tx bef epe Tatas 75 3 o o Taomal + ofototolofofotato >anpei) 1) senuosisn ofotofofolaloloto usin] 1) Seavert whelx fates |e pepe te 7am [ sts] ototototototo ose] 3) sara] Lororolo. ‘oto eestein| 3] Fae ofotolofololofotolo Tea a © ofotototolo Sunbal[ 1) sees ofolotolotototatoro. Woon ——Fcoseasn ‘ofofoforotofototato ions [1 Fees] ‘ololofofolototorolol aa Topenoema[ 1) seuss] ofotofotofato. co S954] ofolotetototofototo aa eieeibmra x} seams ofofotoro oO i seas 7 oxfoslos|rrfor|veloeloz|r for] aygesmues | sung | snow | aseang |# pom Tor we wustea Ty —AaROGUT! x _aRIOg CO _wORan aemjos [10 AAUMN Hes i (@ dnoig : vonrauu09 agora) 005-055 J0 Hoy eps 3) opm hose pees i ee sogamone neue sy 9) "uapep | Obes xe 2 ID Telefe el] =] | Lf] | | [=P [|| sede p=] | el ff [> fof = [> fe | [> [x ‘ogous czlosjosferlor|re|oefoe|esfor] ojgerauues | 2ung | sven Tron wo pundag 77 “ayaseeuT x _o1gSSCg!) worsen aiemayos | 19 RHINN I8vOS (@ dnosg : vons2uu09 2qo%4) s-ass 40 ors wouap ofl 5_ ry Yo. ‘ron oss ee mon “npundap 4 caus ololel« fete be > o o ‘ol > ‘oto ‘oto ‘Taamemonay > otofofatoto eves ototototo ees] 9) otorore anos 2 9 sex wy ‘a pon ‘olofatoto. one seme oepae| 1 =pxtexte< [ia So be pepe be bet P= | emi xpxpebebebebe | [a= eps of olofololo o ‘oo o olor ‘olo ofol= aca ‘ofototolofotol- ‘olololotototot= olototololoto ‘olorofotol= wea ofofototolot= ‘otolotofoloto tem ololototototal= ox{oo|os|rr|ov|re|oe|oz sung | ston 4) pow Tie ve tpundsa iy —waImeakuT RCN vORren wiemyOS th (© dnoig : vorpeuu0y aqosa) bos-ass 40 Aish vy snp fve pny 14 opt ORNL “Heusen 1 aweundap | soDN nw "eye 9 fee ey ys ash ot ara we ea > © ee 3 = Guia [> Fees] ral Gov g wef ava >) seaneast oie Topofng wo] ore >i Sewsasal oto ioe ole wna Ol nee lol wera [7 eseiv oqo oz {o3|os|rv]or|refoe|oz]en aigenauues | oung | sion pow osu eH Trou vo spesdeany _Aassedwi: x _aigsoas CO __UOISOA oven (@ Snoip + uonrauL09 ago: (005-05 40 Aro¥sH gail) il sai eae Bo dais ssid ‘Sis Sapa Bahai sos Taian [aE aco aT roae | STN aR, tanto] ovtanuo| Shestomio| seo etsurie| nasceums) ~axaeone we oo on] os aa ov =H ween] oe mn) rtm] oval ae 400 Tr se sues > "pawTON TT —T {sow asempieH a1emyjos) 00s-as5 40 Moy ‘Somes med Ta Too War Su TS pO TTT (nou a1empre} @ asemyos) (005-085 40 Aiorsit Se 7 oy | opis peavowmu i da 8 34 o “4 ay ‘Taibauaes aged Was) sbunyp voneIDNGS od Ine Teen! eon (GD wen GTS) os enlH@ ty wn (CED oon GES) by eae ov PA ven oe e ¢ ° oz ° azn Pn 2 Ly 2 es open oo ee (wonejas osemjos) 005-085 J0 ALON pavpba v0 SSS vse vn zoos ra rem} Psonic] Saute] NS ond (005-055 40 Kons ooo ous-ass 40 Kons ono ous-ass 40 ANOLSIH aps 1 | pose ia s = OL A re te armies Ns SECTION 13 PARTS LIST ‘conTents Device location on PCB Bet 131 Pas Ust Blas secnon 13 i B cep os ene rH AE ry ip) iciae Haag oss] EB: (a {Atoka} eP-2869D - ey EP-2869D s)| MC314949 Fepissison o1ez-aa gag ERrenin Fa, Du62-48 PGE EE ET EET PETE TT 1-5 Nn ope he = oe A: ~ Cooma 93 oo n — a Backs : sete a he i sh ESP PALE H 2s eS Ba ee “ecsteyet a8 sag PTT HT eee le 1 6 Ff oh 7 BETEC- <3 pai eee mig aS cm Gxijom Gale o SERED SERED EEEEEEEEETEEREOETE| an ag = eal a Fe Ey “PRET B- de ow i & I B : E 13-8 Bbw EIWf m eacae-da - 9 [<9 ves [WOR Ta SOW ae bree [S| aoe] S 13-10 ee EE Ge ogee 13-11 % Ep 2981€ oe ZLOPLE OW Ga) | nszo0e [east ‘aE SALE CD) v2 | asasooa | asposiaerz | raw 8 =A200006 |USI=115-sH0103 | SHIELDING PAMEL-ASST. S00 i= 1 avon fusr-vis-11 | SHIELDING PEL ia (a) | aoe [ens BE SADLE CT) Te | aszoee Pusr-vis-io | FILTER caawiow 1% ‘eaz0n0ie | UsI-115-sA0108 | FILTER MOUNTING BRAGE ASSY. Sod S* CEPT UGA + ISSRBLY PTS Esa fa lpg epee Oe ae19 sti ss ust or] cassie Tree [ote we. [PARTS wo. TRI FTION SIAL wo. we 600077 [us-15-Stoes | FILTER WEINTNG BRIDE ASST. 6 FoR Usk 16 OD nezooe Jusi-Te-10 | FILTER RHioN ~ ‘6 (2) | soaomns /usi-15-S | FILTER MINT BRE ASSLT WS Ca) svobian|-w-zer-a2 | FILTER RUBBER Fm tsk Te | Ai0ora0| -w-aer-uce | FILTER RIRSER ats Wf asaons |i-w-257 FILTER ET Ist | Aegon /i-wasr-ut | LTER aR Sk | assis [wre SRNPTEE [| asossi2 Jamaxie ‘SOREW: ENCE 12 ~ ~ © | sanios/awsxese | SOREN aBS | asosans [awexe ROMO | Assan frstexe RGTNETINE | asasonz [oe ws. w | mans eREEEXID 1 ets | 30 Sore - Se Ee A PUBS s3-20 Secten 12 paare us (Page for addition and revision ) wae 80-500 02. scion 3_pasrs ust | Ran Pm Blea P PARTS 0. DeScuIPION SERIAL OL a Tarren [aR AE A ea) wT gears | ag, pe oy we Coy si-1i5-sat-1 | Ro Pave TCIEWGTHRGO ELASTIC NESE EO 1 (91 | wowors | ps2-s00 cone [TITIE WHERE Fees T= (67 wstoos [Pezae-u | ON CATION MALATE FOR TSE 2 | estes sins [oA 3) avooiae [si-Tisent-« | FET REL MODINE BRACE «Pavers Yusi-ris-ani-3 [nce aRDNTING BRACE 5 | aveorax | i-ris-ani-8 [cr ae wooing BRACE © | wteors fui-ris-ani-2 | PWeL HoOC LEFT/ATORT AS. =| ateoes usi-rig-su-ar [Pavel Foor LT B= R | Aioo164 /usi-115-S4i-24 [PANEL HOOK RIGHT 7 | near |isI-ie-s-s[awToH P | asiaos|iSi-is-si-s foo, Gee cs Fak & [nator | eva) | aPRATN PEL ASIL-S si @ [vainos | eet ope ame AsSHL-S TBI 0 | avers [usi-Ti-8-7 | FONT REL MRTING BCE et [TS cro | vosiees frre sxe [seven axe © | aaeiae re. io | amewawT2 6x10 7 SORT PRT. ens aa far fe eae cate Det wae23 ( Page for addition and revision ) sa-28 { Page for addition and revision ) w-35 0-00 09 sion 1) pars ust Exes Ped Tae ase | ae ae Damn fr ST ww 7 a gga pg a a 7a Figen pea T= 2 ‘a1001z7 | USI-1i5-S42-7 | HANDLE WOUNTIND ARAZE(B) 7 space | CTO RT —— aT as pis — a > a 7 as ra 7 aa a oe VASiER SS Fa > HESS PAT Elen ef Alea Drees ep Dork ae seston 22__ as ust (Page for addition and revision ) 13-78 ( Page for addition and revision } 13-23 oo) ara OE Toews Tra a | ae aor wae 7 a aca ie ao aE ow sai fF ed 9. So ann a Pawar [gira [RE BO HSH SOO e0i~ 7 a fi 3a a oe 2 as iar fie 7 a lara Yi ose 7 cs ar a8-s | ae 7 a ara ee oc ee an 3 faa aera TO nl BMA pT 7 aes pra exe 7 ites [ara xe amare ae ke wea scton 12___pasts. ust ( Page for addition and revision ) seston 12__paarg is ( Page for addition and revision ) new 80-800 08 Sesion ean ut ws wT ih TOUT HN Phen Ta [aw | aw TN a oe | RTO TERT 1 sagoan2e | 19-0702-TH-SA05Gr) 1P-0702 STAY ASSY. 1-1 | atonraa |ip-o7a2-Ti-10 | STAY T= tal] aroorae PWooreor [oo auive (2) [emma TOPTH-SHO TP-OFO2 WAIN CHASSIS SSH. 500 2-1 | avaoras | i-oTea-Ts | WAIN CMSSIS 2 (ah atooos | e802 NDING SPRING 2 (| Aavone |e Tanee | OE SALE C=) 2 (| Mazon |eoV6 en paorenren CT) 2 [cna [ieaTae-ris | Sue WT ese) | anooiar Pp ogor-nvs [OL sre | 5 ‘ico [ranean wien TT © | ms ‘SNE WaT (PHD) 7 | arco SGUME NIT (PR) CTD 3 | aioe ee 9 | nszoass es ow =xauon2e 16 ASsY. 500 - ~| 1 (1) | sxzc00n | 1e-o7ea-TH-3 [LEB ASSEMBLY io | aaaonss fiP-ore- twa ED OP W ap00005 | 1P-0702-T TP-ATO2 SIB GUSSIS ASS ‘mote fiP-o702-TH-8 ‘too | vow ‘szzace | UuS-O7-0 | NT CLA | | asz2000 | ul-13 fouawe (i) _ > ASL PTS. lig arf Pg Ram? Om 13-35 ‘asin 82 ears ust | SenaTiowC waToR DT [oon Ta [one | aE aOR ET Pet |e LTE TON URL a | cone 1 ais joe [ae 3 eas | ass Pas | aera 0 sie amas soar = ASR PATS arate ebepaeatte ye 13-36 Scion 12 pants ust (Page for addition and revision } en ‘880-800 08 8 | Power Sopaly Unie Pian Tre [cone wa. [PARTS wo TESERTION ‘SIAL we | ansoon | Pat-S50 FORE SUPPLY UNIT ASH. 500 ~~] aneones [Pau-8500-2 COVER 2 | micas |rai-ssone [ear Sia | 3 [aanooas |Pav-sio0-towor | amin GMGSIS ASS PeU-so0 2-1 | aveos | Pau-ssom-1 | ua onSsis 3 tal] aston | keane ae PROTECTOR (i) ~ | mica | Pai-sso0-3 pss TOE | aveois | sé-6-6 ‘moRONG POST © | atoowes| pau-sso-3 | WET SHIELD PATE 7 | avers] rau-sso-s —fsweiawne PATE | brane fawaceae | REND ee | ass | Bao ——~Y SORA eBS c " Raz2306 | SBXEBe ‘SOREW: 83x Be | | wetsst0) cuss | SoRarowe Tabs | aamaie| xia SRO STIS [| amaio | eae SOR SHB 3 | Assan | ons eB SOREN CXR a oe 1323 ( Page for addition and revision ) a0 ( Page for addition and revision } ae / Ase w re HOLTER TT, 7 iso OE We TeScPTiON SERIAL Wo cy ‘sto0ist ran OE WOLIER ASST. 600 2 | sazeooe fie-piso-1— OBE wmLnER asSENELY | 3 | aszo0ss | w-Pasoo-> ‘UBER CUSHION 7 | rams | 33065 ‘SER Se = ASSBBLY PATS. seapcthacd Pa eure Oo wea (Page for addition and revision ) oo Secon 22__paars ust (Page for addition and revision ) ef TARAS ‘scien pam UT 1G] Clawe/raunding Sorina/ate IT) TEN YcODE wir [aR HO DESERTION aA wo, = T nazz | U=TS| Cray 2 | asean [0-05 oor CONF 3 asezna | woo Yin LF 7 atowone | s-es02 ‘HOON SPRING © | avzoons e012 BOE roTEsTOR (1) - © | sszo000 | e016 ne pacTecron GT ” 7 | avoorss| w-wra-ore [reo ive (a) © | avooras | worz-onr | Poe ence Ca) @ | Avorat fewest | EasTio we wo | aaoosr eosranee | nae samve (ad tT 1azb0e | 6-1 aK SuDLE SR Tg Rae wear ‘sion 12_eane use (Page for addition and revision ) Sesion 12 panre ust ( Page for addition and revision ) ae 2O CAMERA 20 PRINTER T BALL FOOT Sw oO Od 980-500 09 5 i conoMERGS Aloka 500 u DANGER POseBLE EXPLOSION HAZARD IF USED W THE PRESENCE OF FLAMMABLE ESTHETICS. USE OF MINIMUM PRACTICAL ACOUSTIC EXPOSURE IS PRUDENT. SEE OPERATOR'S MANUAL. pad TEofON AGEs CAUTION To REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER. REFER SERVICING TO ‘QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. WARNING Pia aerate Crean acts fener PORN al ‘ONY OR Coriano 12 CONNEGTION, 70 OPERATOR'S MANUAL, 13 @ | asa ri m Bis Te [ome na [aT we, TRITON RL 7 | nines [eae | ROE OUTION ERO a | aT = 7 | ators a-ssn-u[E ELTN olcTiOn a 7 | asa aS | aT TON NT ~ 3 | nine Pse-snse-2 | ox cowecron exo BEL ry | aati | eee oan ae re Fa © | vetoat|r-sz-comut [an Ue FR IS 7 | nero Pazss-at rast cain MERLE FRI 3 ners | -arar-a |S CATION WHERE FoR @ | nenocs |Past | SE OATION ERLE Fa ise easton eae oy 7 mon aA Wy nena Teco | ernie cuien weve Fa isk @ oa | ees sone Pa SOTO CUTION Fae isk | aswoar far HIG VOLTA CATION UE 7 Sm Ee aa! Secton 19_pautsu (Page for addition and revision ) aes scion 12__pas ust Ta] wa Ps Bos To in Tar | oone wa. PARTS TeSonTION SERIAL, en T era ane TF T eam tee TF ina ~ 2 ePveTT | eT iG OSD (2 LI) ine 2 | aavoria| ep-2erc-2 | aario-2 oad (6s Le) ory 2 | natooes|ep-aevier erie ost Gas ed aT 2 | mawoiao e-2eme-2 | 2ar1e-2 oss (65 Une) Mae >| wean Ve as are | weiss ETRE GAM & POWER LED | nenooe | ep-2se5 ‘aT SELECT WET | aero er 238 "ATS PEL COTOL © | asco | eras ATS PEL CONTROL wienis—si0a6 © | vaca | ep-ara0 ATG) PRMEL OOTRDL 7 7 | macs Yer an "a0 VieW GNT/aRIGAT | mewore erase et 2 | mina [eraee0 6s § GTO amis 9 | anne [erase se 8 CMTROL, wT wo | aatonis | ema "aD PaUTO CONTARLGAT 4 “aatoars | eP-2esi | 28610 IN/OUT ~siMra6e | iw sotooi7| 222610 aed ait ~ | noouore | ep-20ete ‘asie INT a [a ‘ne000r8 | UPO-110 ‘1610 MONITOR CONTROL er a ie LEER? ( Page for addition and revision ) SECTION 14 161 Design Paliy OUTLINE OF SYSTEM conrents 12 System constuction secon 14 a 42 Secor ut ounun oF syste Design policy Aloka i 8 leading manufecturer of Ulvascund éisgnortic equipment, hes marketed the elacvenic linear scanning system fst in the World ends alo, sent (ut the electronic convex scanning system 550.300 is the compac, light weight equipment developed as the fruits Aloka's advanced technology 1411 Features 1550-500, though it isthe compact equipment, provides high quality of ultrasound diagnostic images conparsble to thore availabe with medium sized equipment. Teis the mest convenient equipment for agnosis in the abdominal region as wll as In the obstetric and snecelogy region. 141-3 Easy operation ‘The minimum but sufficient penel switches, the easy t0 use large dial type gain knob, and the Jay pod which makes easy to measure ‘stance, area and others = Eventing has been designed Tom postion of users. 141-4 Extensibility 350-500 accepts various kinds of probes, Including those for abdominal region, for cbstevie and gynecology region, for vasinal fegion, for sta, for operation, snd for urology region, Ite alsa posible to apply the $S0-500 to wide range of clognores, not limited to the abdominal region and otretrie and gynecology region, by connecting. the micro convex probe, ete. to Ke Addtionsly the ‘ptional track ball nit makes mesairements work easier Furthermore, the special cart Is eady to supply. itis able to cary 1 inch monitor. 141-5 Mobility The compact, light weight 550500 can be transported easily and doesnot need large space for instalation Construction of system ae1 Jon _}4_ouns of srs A. Diagnostic Equipment No. Name Model Note 1 [aan epee uses 2 [rower spo ae era0% [AciOov z fersoe raczoov Fr e107 for USA 3 [ean ee NCcoRs except USA [noe to Be pe MP-PHSOO 5 _[ovey meee 3500-3 panes e MP-SHSOO-E Falah 8. Probe No. Name Model Note Beare caren probe usr aaaNas with eae Accessory No. ‘Name Model Note 7 [reeves oe 315005 racioov ¥ 313005 Aczoow D. Consumption No, Name Model Note 1 [eee [Sav seaNs for domenie 1_[vlwesound oe! 217-083-08 for export aed sion 18 ouruNe oF evte Document No. ‘Name Model Note 1 _[2oerton onan Garon Soran Mowe ron or oer eet rove oO pron toa nao for USA nsatadon Poa ss0183 Pe Uist for Usa [pee use for export except USA F. Optional Probe No. Name Model Note 2 USTOSSN 5 __ [Probe Group 1,2 ® usta 35 [Probe Group 4, 2 usraay 5 [Probe Group 1,2 ¢ usrsasaP 5 [probe Group 1, 2 Ee sar abe 2 jusTso2an 35 [Probe Group 1, 2 . JUSTSOSBP 35 [Probe Group 1, 2 z USTS65 5 [Probe Group 1, 2 a USTSE7T S| Probe Group 1, 2 @ Usrsen 5 |[obe Group 1,2 t Usr657 5 __| Probe Group 1, 2 3 usrsset 7 [probe Group h USTSse 72 | Probe Group 1 i USESSETU 7 [Probe Group 1 T USTSSIRU 7 [Probe Group 7 K USrS6 75 | Probe Group 1 USTSONU 3S [Probe Group? a-3 fesion_14_qni oF srsrae G. Other optional parts Name Model Note 2 wear for UST 56 ® e367 fer USTSST7S © MP-2392 or UST SSeTUTS @ Paras or UST 9M = 2008 for UST SS a P2366 for UST-S7S, ® 2420 for uSTaa5us 2 [ow aa-500 in ope Ger ACE S0OP ca [eee cona 552-300 or 525 scanning Hes 552-3006 or 625 scaning lines Fane ss 108 [mm Gres Aion 552-1083 ac a re0-500 3 [Acine meee P2720 [ACiOO(For aAT-500) * mP-27200 [A200 or AT-500) 3 [Fests P2305 70 [Fane Fo oh e614 sa with monitor wea SECTION 15 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION (system) 1s 152 conrents Speciation tinea Searing Convex Scanning System explanation 153-1 System explanation 1532 signal flow of reclving 1533 Panel information 1534 Digital Sean Converter 1535 Viewing moniter 153.6 Power supply unt 1s. 5 15 5. 15:1 Specification of 550-500 1544 1512 Tx & AK Scanning Method Image oisplay Number of image standard Probe Simultaneous Probe Comectable Probe Image agjustment = Magnification M mode psc Frame Memory craracer & Graphic Secien_1$_mRNOrLe oF OrERATION_GYsTEN Electrical Convex Scanning Electrical Linear Scanning 3 mode Bit mode B mode; 10r2 M mode 1 ume mode Fa ype 5 Convex Mosel P Usrssauas Frequency} 3.5Miz ‘Cue ant Angie } 60R. 6Odegree wax depth 22cm (refer secmion 14 ) can. : sre Contrast Image Proceso on 8. 20, at mode X05, x10. 415 3 steos fon nt mace x10 teed Metros Moving Bar Sweep Speed second feed Sample Pestion Set by MENU 5. Mmoce Common ute » 1 tOeharacterx 2clumn Date & time | Autometally Focus Seting | Automatically Probe Frequency Automatically Gain Valve; Automatically Comment, | adenaracter x 28colur Measuremant | Automatically Depth Postion | displayed with “em” Scale Mark Direction iar 15-1 1543 raed 1545, 15-16 Guide Line for Puncture IM Cursor M time mark ‘Active Mare Body Marke Reverse image available on 8 mode before feezing Upand down, ight and eft Image Polarity avalable Measurement ethos 5 by doy Pad Kinds Fiance rea, ercumfecance welocty heart rote gestational week eal weight TV (Viewing Monitor ) WV method aw S2Stine6oH2 or 625tinewS0H Viewing Menitoe Tineh TW moniter Image Recording Method Black and White Instant Film Camera 52-1082 35mm camera Adapter Ss210835 un Type comers ‘en-s00 Echo Conta ‘52.300, 3008 Video Caete Recoeder Mult Format Camera saat AG Input Voltage & Consumption Current Ac 00/15/7220 (50/60H2) SD VA Size & Weight .W 270mm x © 250mm x H 320mm 10 ky 15-2 152, Secon 15 FANCRLE OF OptRATION ystEND Features of Equipment This equipment using electronic Tinesr scanning and electronic convex scanning ‘it sulted to. diagnosis in the abdominal region and. cbstetic ene ‘gynecology region. “The compact, light weight equipment can be transported easily and does not eed large space for installation, Is Joy pad makes it easy to measure distance, area and athers. A variety of ‘optional probes and the complete meeiuring and computing functions ens Bccurate diagnoses. (The track ball and the cat are sso avaliable os optors) The equipment is able to dsplay # mode, @-mode two images, 81M mode, land Mi mode; to measure distances and area; and to procest computation ofthe weeks gone in pregnancy and the weight of inborn chi 15.21 Multi Coated Probe when an ordinary probe is diresly put agains the surface of the human body, most part of utratonc wave is reflected at the boty surface becaise af a large clference in acoustic Impadance between the orclstor and body. To minimize reflection loss, the multi coated prove (M.CP) is provided with two stages of matching layers which vary acoustle Sitferece step by sop 40 sha sltrzone wave Con be Vansmted Smoothly fom the body tothe otllstar and fom the oxellator fo ‘bos see tranaducer QE : et) patching layer ne of” eM incidence human body Incidence with stehng Layer without Matching Layer 15-22 Electronic Linear Scanning Method ‘his scanning method is used when an electronic linear probe is connected to the equipment “he probe hes saveraloxllotors arranged in line and 9 beam of Uresonie wave is formed by two or more oxllatars acting fogethe ‘An array of osllators is cvided into savera Blocks from one end to ‘another so thot a fixed number af exlators included In eech black ‘ct together. Those blocks are crivn ane efter another under Slectrorie contol to cause electron linesr sang, 15-3 Left Se of the transducer . 6-4 15.2.3 Electronic Convex Scanning Method Tis seanning method is used when an electron convex probe is connected tothe equipment, Using the same scanning manrer af mentioned in the case of electronic linear scanning method, the slecronic conver probe causes tlectroni senning, electron focusing, tranemiston dyramic foausing, receiving dynamic focusing, and dynamic frequency seanning. Since the osilators are arranged coweuly, the beam of ultrasonic ‘wave isin the shape of sector. 5-5 153 System of 550-500 1531 Explanation of System This system consists of the wansmitterrecsiver unit, the interface unit, DSC unit, the panel unit induaing the key board, switching joy pad) ete, the monitor unl, ard the power supply uit ‘The interface unit generates timing signal necesiry for electronic scanning, The traramiterreceiver unit ganerstes 9 transmision puse timely using the sid ‘ming pulse. This timing pulse dives the ‘oxcilator to raciatevltasonie wave into human body Echo signal from the body returns to the oxllstor ond is received and ample, {nd then i output to the DSC unit Inthe OSC unit, ultrasound signal is sent through the AVD ‘converter to the memory ane stored init. stored utresound signal is fead out at TV Sing ond processed through post procesing an character indication pracessing to create COMPOSITE TY signal which is butput to the mentor ‘The panel unit gathers the switch input external conditions (MODE, MAG, etc) and key booed input character data end sencs the (pater Information tothe interface unit ‘The monitor unit consis of the Tach CRT, the contrast and brightnes knobs for sreen contol, end the selector switch for geting the optimum controst end brighaness of screen for shotograph. “The power supply unit wholly composed of suiting regulators. high waltage contra it ponible when 30 specified. 15.3.2 Echo Signal Flow Inthe cate of the Flecronie Scanning Probe, the transmission pulse lsbich is generated from Sie wansrission trigger wkrate the tranicucer element. cho sgnel which is received by the probe is amplified at the receiving cult and is sen to the video processor. "Video Procezor has Fier, Lagarthmie Ampilfie, Detector and any processing civ ‘inaly it's pplied 1 DSC, and TV Composite dgnal i generated ‘and outputted t0 the Wewing monitor. Theor Poe or video Let ose bel yan convex Probe }> neers ven 1533 Panel Information “The information of panel switches, Joy Ped, Gain ad fll key board is applied to DATA 8US of MPU (Micro Processor Unit] which is located on £2072 CPU PCB via EP2873 Panel Conval PCB. 5-6 The signals which controls to light LEDs are coming from €°-2872 (GPU PCa, "The drivers for LEDs sre. EP-2873 Pane! Control PCB The AID converte for automatic displaying of Gain value isin €P- 2873 Panel Contel PCB.” This signals also applied to EP-2872 CPU ea. The seting of NEAR and FAR is also one of the pane information. ‘Thaessignale which control the ultseound image direcly ae applied to Te & Ro via €9.2870 IF “oy Pad information has some of switches. So iti thought that this informations one of the pans! information, x co SIT 1534 15.35 Digital Scan Converter (D.C) ‘The X-¥ type OSC which can be accented quickly it used in order to dpay the utrazound image Thi DSC ean be welttan the Ultrasound vector which has ary fears of eirecion and velocity, and Is read out according to the TV Scanning ting. "The memory of BSC has many Pues which are divided something lice 8 mate In the case of writing the information to the memory pluels, it can be defined according to choose the address of row and column” ‘Then, the images of Linear, Conver apd any mode images can be memorized into 8 same frame memory. Monitor 550.500 hos # 7 inch moritoe This monitor unit is composed with 7 inch moniter, P-2880 Contrast & Brightness PCB and UPC-1610A. "ihe itch which naiteher the cantrxt and brightness tothe setting for photograph is located or £22860. This switch is vallable Ising AcR-SOO 6-7 1536 eee cone je Power Supply Unit In tis power supply unit the +5.1V output crcat of has the cercult of overcurrent protector” H this protector is working, the ‘utput is stopped for 2 moment. it can be resumed ta turn the power switch on again 10 seconds later afar turing i off ‘The output terminal ae fllowings. ssiv 4m 2 Soy Osa I8y ag RV 1A Dav oa Day ona, 420/160 v 20ma 16-8

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