MOCK TEST For National Qualifying Test For School Head

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MOCK TEST for National Qualifying Test for School Head

Select the best answer.

1. What kind of a lesson plan should a teacher prepare?
A. up-to-date B. accurate C. effective D. efficient
2. What professional value entails “answering” for what one has been called upon?
A. Accountability B. Responsibility C. Duty D. Role
3. What professional value refers to acceptance of responsibility to fulfil obligations or duties?
A. Role B. Responsibility C. Duty D. Accountability
4. What acquisition does the teachers have if he/she knows his/her subject matter?
A. Compassion B. Knowledge C. Enthusiasm D. Learning
5. How do you describe a teacher who has a profound concern for pupils/students?
A. Compassionate B. Experienced C. Devoted D. Sharing
6. What is referred to as a legitimate influence over others?
A. Power B. Authority C. Duty D. Quality
7. No teacher shall be transferred from one station to another without his ________________.
A. Consent B. Permission C. Authority D. Signature
8. What Republic Act clarifies career opportunity tenure and leave privileges of teachers?
A. R.A. 7610 B. R.A. 4670 C. R.A. 7836 D. R.A. 6713
9. What Republic Act clearly defines the role of the teachers and their accountabilities in declaring children
as zones of peace?
A. R.A. 7836 B. R.A. 4670 C. R.A. 7610 D. R.A. 6713
10. What Republic Act is known as Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994?
A. R.A. 7836 B. R.A. 7636 C. R.A. 78367610 D. R.A. 6713
11. One of the statements below is true. Which is it?
A. The teaching and learning that takes place in school is not influenced by the location of the community.
B. The location of the community does not affect teaching and learning.
C. The teaching and learning that takes place in the school is affected by the community where it is
D. School performance cannot be linked with the community.
12. What kind of community is predominantly farming or agricultural where most families low-income and
few are elites or rich?
A. squatter area B. elite community C. urban community D. rural community
13. Which of the following CANNOT be considered as community assets?
A. material resources B. social assets C. people’s attitude D. gambling
14. In order to break the cycle of financial difficulty, there is a need to
A. be aware of the community resources C. locate material wealth
B. identify the community assets D. tap all available community resources
15. Which is a false statement?
A. The community cannot be a place for learning.
B. Teachers have something to teach the community.
C. The community has something to teach the students.
D. The community members benefit from the teachers
16. What is expected of teachers by the community members?
A. To be always in accord with their ideas C. To perform everything except teaching
B. To do functions aside from teaching D. To treat them according to their financial status
17. A teacher is a ____________ if he/she can meet the community ideal for good citizen, good
parent/sibling and good employee.
A. role model B. public citizen C. government worker D. civil worker
18. No new public school shall be established except by
A. DepEd Order B. Law C. Resolution D. Memorandum
19. New schools may also be established in municipalities and cities upon the approval of the
A. Principal C. Regional Director
B. Schools Division Superintendent D. Secretary of Education
20. The required minimum number of students for the first curriculum year except in isolated barangay
where a lesser number is justified by the Regional Director
A. 100 B. 200 C. 500 D. 1000
21. The existence and availability of school site should be at least
A. 500 sq. meters B. 1000 sq. meters C. 5000 sq. meters D. 10,000 sq. meters
22. The first priority in the order of requirement to establish a school
A. Availability of funds C. Classroom and other facilities
B. Deed of Acquisition of site D. Approved Plantilla of Personnel
23. The extension of classes in the secondary school shall be under the supervision or control of the
nearest existing
A. Volunteer B. ESC participating school C. Private school D. Public school
24. Integration of elementary and secondary schools may be done within a contiguous geographical area if
A. schools are financially feasible
B. Schools are located within 2 – kilometer radius
C. A schools failed to meet the required enrollment
D. Schools are not located in the same school site
25. These are the conditions given for the separation of schools EXCEPT one:
A. identification of nearby public and private schools
B. Existing schools should not be located within the campus of the institution
C. The institution should not offer education courses/degrees
D. The school facilities and finances may be segregated/reallocated
26. In order to approve the conversion of the elementary and secondary schools, a project feasibility study
should include
A. real and urgent need in the area to be served
B. duplication of courses offered
C. in availability of financial resources
D. title of the school site duly documented
27. The public office that is responsible to make an ocular inspection of the site of the proposed legislated
school and as recommendatory office
A. District office B. Division office C. Regional office D. Central office
28. The school head is responsible to do the following EXCEPT one
A. Setting of the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the schools
B. Creating an environment conducive to learning
C. Implementing school curriculum and being accountable to higher the leaning outcomes
D. Accepting donation and gifts for the purpose of monitoring
29 – 31. School head is expected to possess the following leadership dimension as listed below:
A. Educational leadership C. Strategic leadership
B. People leadership D. Democratic leadership
29. It is a kind of leadership that shows the ability to explore complex issues from global perspective.
Manage an educational enterprise and maximize the use resources ________
30. It is the type of leadership that shows the ability to craft and pursue a shared school vision and mission,
develop and implement curriculum policies, programs and project __________
31. It is the kind of leadership which is referred to the ability to work and develop effective relationships with
stakeholder and exert a positive influence upon them. ___________
32. As regards to the selection and promotion, this indicator refers to the capacity of candidate to assure
duties of the position to be filled up and those of higher level
A. Experience B. Educational and training C. Performance Rating D. Potential
33. The guidelines and selection, promotion and designation of school heads are pursuant to Section 61,
Rules VI of the implementing
A. RA 7610 B. RA 7432 C. RA 9155 D. RA 7836
34. This factor refers to the capability of the candidate to be an asset to the intense service system not
utilizes his/her talents and expertise to the maximum.
A. human relation B. decisiveness C. stress tolerance D. psychological attributes
35. Applicants to P-1 position must pass a qualifying test and have experience of at least five (5) years in
aggregate EXCEPT one:
A. Head Teachers/TIC B. Teacher III C. Master Teacher D. Teacher II
36. The appointment of a school principal shall be
A. definite station C. as replacement for retiree
B. non-station specific D. based on length of service
37. The public official who designates OIC in a school without principal item
A. Principal C. Schools Division Superintendent
B. District supervisor D. Regional Director
38. A valid certificate of registration and valid professional license from the commission are required before
any person is allowed to practice as a professional teacher inside the provision of
A. RA 7836 B. RA 7610 C. RA 8190 D. RA 4670
39. The minimum qualification of a school teaching personnel shall possess appropriate educational
qualification and must pass
A. Professional Examination C. Comprehensive Examination
B. Sub-Professional Examination D. Licensure Examination for Teachers
40. The adoptive measure in filling-up vacant teaching position to address the imbalances resulting from
the excess/shortage of teacher through the use of formulated….
A. Merit Examination C. Teacher Deployment Analysis
B. Penal Provision D. Incentives and benefits
41. No appointment shall be issued by the Schools Division Superintendent to any existing vacant teaching
position arising from natural vacancies without prior clearance and authorization from the
A. Secretary of Education C. Assistant School Division Superintendent
B. Regional Director D. District Supervisor
42. For teacher – applicant in kindergarten, the educational qualification should be a graduate of
43. These are existing vacant teaching positions arising from natural vacancies for public school EXCEPT
A. Death B. Promotion C. Vacation D. Transfer
44. The Regional Director shall only issue authority to fill – up vacancies of teacher items for public schools
where they exist based on the color spectrum
A. Hot colored schools C. Excessive surplus teacher provision
B. Cool colored schools D. Moderate teacher shortage
45. In rainbow spectrum or color coding scheme relative to filling up of vacancies BLACK means
A. Manageable ratio C. Severe nationally funded teacher
B. Moderate teacher shortage D. No nationally funded teacher
46. In the same color coding scheme or rainbow spectrum BLUE means
A. National means ratio C. Moderate surplus teacher provision
B. Excessive surplus teacher provision D. Least of the provision for item
47 -50. The guidelines in filling up of newly created or natural vacancies for Teacher I position shall cover
the following:
A. Recruitment C. Selection
B. Evaluation D. Appointment
47. It means assessment of documents submitted ________
48. It implies announcement of vacancies and receipt of application ____
49. It focuses on hiring qualified applicants / candidates ____
50. It involves ranking of applicants / candidates _____
51. The cut off score for the assignment of permanent position relative to the utilization Division Registry of
Qualified Applicants
A. 45 points B. 50 points C. 52 points D. points
52. The public official who furnish the regional office and local government units with of the RQA’s
A. School Division Superintendent C. District Supervisor
B. Education Program Supervisor D. Principal/School Head
53 – 55. It has become a policy of the DepEd to create a yearly basis, various positions for the office and
schools namely:
A. Teaching Items
B. Teaching – Related Position
C. Non – Teaching Item
D. Vacant teacher Item
53. These include Teacher I for kindergarten, elementary and secondary education, Alternative Learning
System, Madrasah, Technical – Vocational Education and Special Education Teacher I for special
education classes ____
54. These include Librarian I, Senior Book keeper and Disbursing Officer II ___
55. These refer to Education Program Supervisor, Principal I, Head Teacher I and Guidance Counselor _
56. The standard pupil – teacher ratio in the elementary level.
A. 30:1 B. 35:1 C. 40:1 D. 45:1
57. The ideal pupil – teacher ratio in kindergarten
A. 15:1 B. 25:1 C. 30:1 D. 35:1
58. These are the requirements for Madrasah teachers in public schools offering Arabic Language and
Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) Program EXCEPT one
A. Professionalized under ATEP C. Experienced ALS mobile Teachers
B. LET Passers D. Pre-Service and In-service Trainings
59. The ideal student – teacher ratio for a typical Tech – Voc Public secondary school
A. 15:1 B. 20:1 C. 25:1 D. 30:1
60. In the event that transfer of teachers shall be implemented, the following situations should be given
priority EXCEPT one
A. More than 5 years teaching experience C. Performance rating
B. A nursing mother D. Endangered peace and order situation
61. Vacation service credits are used to offset absences of a teacher due to
A. Travel outside the country C. Working abroad
B. Business transaction D. Illness / sickness
62. Activities eligible for the grant of Service credits are the following EXCEPT one
A. Census of population C. Conduct of Summer Remedial Classes
B. Calamity and rehabilitation D. Sports Competition on regular days
63. Teachers who have at least seven years continuous service provided with VS performance rating and 3
years without any leave of absence are entitled to
A. Study leave B. Sick leave C. Vacation leave D. Maternity leave
64. In connection with the study leave with pay the teacher is entitled to receive
A. 50% of the monthly salary C. 70% of the monthly salary
B. 60% of the monthly salary D. 80% of the monthly salary
65. A teacher granted one year of study leave who failed to pass at least 75% of his course shall
A. Not refund the amount paid to him C. Refund the amount paid to him
B. Continue his/her studies D. Take regular load as prescribed by the college/university
66. The incentive pay based on personnel productivity and performance as evaluated and determined by
the heads of the respective offices
A. Year and Bonus B. cash Gift C. Monthly Benefit D. Productivity Incentive Pay
67. The mode of retirement which provides two options namely, lump sum of 60x Basic Monthly Pension
and BMP after 5 years and the other one, with cash benefit of 18 x BMP and BMP to start on the date of
A. RA 660 B. PD 1146 C. RA 8291 D. RA 1616
68. This issuance contains the policy guidelines on the implementation of Grades 1 to 10 of the K to 12
Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) effective school year 2012-2013.
A. DepEd Order No. 30.s. 2012 C. Deped Order No. 32. S. 2012
B. DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012 D. Deped Order No. 33, s. 2012
69. Which of the following is NOT included in the desired outcomes of the K to 12 BEC
A. Participate actively in artistic and cultural activities
B. Think intelligently, critically and creatively in life situations
C. Demonstrate communicative competence
D. Improve schools’ physical facilities and fiscal allocation
70. For elementary Mathematics, how much time allotted for its teaching and learning scheme from Grade
1 to Grade 6.
A. 50 B. 55 C. 60 D. 65
71. Mother Tongue will be taught in 50 minutes in elementary level, for how many years will it be taught as
a subject.
A. 3 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
72. How many hours are provided for the junior high Filipino, English, Science and TLE subjects?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 4.5 D. 5
73. From Grades 7 to 10 of the K to 12 curriculum, how many minutes should be provided for a week of
teaching Edukasyong sa Pagpapakatao?
A. 90 B. 100 C. 110 D. 120
74. Which of the following K to 12 BEC data is not TRUE.
A. A one-hour period for Homeroom/Guidance Program is provided for a week.
B. The provision of a separate period for independent/cooperative learning is an option that schools might
wish to consider.
C. Mother Tongue shall be used as the medium of instruction and taught as subject from Grades 1-4.
D. MAPEH will be taught from Grade 1 to Grade 6 for forty minutes; 4 hours in a week for Grade 7 to Grade
75. K to 12 assessment shall be done at four levels namely, knowledge, process/skills, understanding and
products/performances; process/skills and understanding shall be weighted as:
A. 25% and 30% respectively C. 15% and 25% respectively
B. 15% and 30% respectively D. 30% and 25% respectively
76. The performance of students shall be described on the levels of proficiency as Beginning (B),
Developing (D), Approaching Proficiency (AP), Proficient (P), and Advance (A). If Student A got 83% in
Filipino for the first grading period, what descriptive level of proficiency should appear in his/her Form 138?
A. AP B. D. C. B D. P
77. Promotion and retention of students shall be by subject. If by the end of the school year, the students
are still at the Beginning level, they shall be required to:
A. Take the subject in the succeeding school year
B. Repeat the subject in the current school year
C. Take summer classes
D. Enroll the same subject before he/she graduates
78. Which of the following statements is TRUE about content standards as benchmarks of knowledge and
A. Evidence-based understanding makes content standards measurable.
B. It is also a benchmark of transfer of learning
C. Both A and D
D. Define what students are expected to know and able to do with what they know.
79. Which of the following learning areas provides an enriched general education that will prepare
graduates for higher education, world of work and lifelong learning,
A. EPP/TLE B. Mother Tongue C. MAPEH D. Edukasyong sa Pagpapakatao
80. Which statement does not comfort to this line, “The quality of education is reflected in the inadequate
preparation of high school graduates for the world of work”
A. High school graduates do not possess the basic competencies for the world of work.
B. Certain percentage of the unemployed is at least high school graduates.
C. Availability of economic opportunities illustrates the mismatch in the labor and education markets
D. The current basic education is designed to teach a 12-year curriculum, yet it is delivered is just 10 years.
81. Which of the following UNESCO member-countries retain a 10-year basic education cycle aside from
the Philippines?
A. Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia C. Vietnam, Myanmar, Singapore
B. Cambodia, Thailand, Timor-Leste D. Djibouti, Angola
82. This study/survey/report/act recommend the restoration of Grade 7.
A. Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine Education (PCSPE-1970)
B. UNESCO Mission Survey of 1949
C. Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) Report (1991)
D. Education Act of 1953
83. K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) Program focuses on the following visions, which of them is
not included in the general education vision of K to 12?
A. A vision that has socio-economic relevance
B. A vision achieved through an enhanced curriculum
C. A vision grounded on human development
D. A vision that is consistent with definition of an educated Filipino
A. None of the above B. A and B C. either c or D D. Both A and D
84. To achieve the goal of the K to 12 BEC program, which of the following will you recommend?
A. develop a curriculum that is rational and focused on excellence
B. produce a pool of highly qualified and adequately trained teachers
C. achieve academic standards, especially in Math, Science and English at all levels
D. produce graduates who are globally competitive and whose credentials are recognized internationally
A. both A and C B. All of the above C. A, B and C D. either B, C or D
85. Which of the following benefits of K to 12 BEC Program are related to the individuals and families?
A. graduates will possess competencies and skills relevant to the job markets
B. graduates will be prepared for higher education
C. Philippine education system will be at par with international standards
D. graduates will be able to earn higher wages and/or better prepared to start their own business
A. all of the above B. none of the above C. A, B and D D. A, B and C
86. Which best explains the Enhanced K + 12 basic Education Model (K-6-4-2 Model)?
A. This model involves kindergarten, six years of elementary education and six years of secondary
B. This model involves kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school and
two years of vocational course
C. This model involves kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school and
two years of general education.
D. This involves kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school (Grades 7
to 10) and two years of senior high school (Grades 11 to 12)
87. Prospective Senior High School (SHS) education will be provided starting school year.
A. 2015 -2016 B. 2016 – 2017 C. 2017 – 2018 D. 2018 – 2019
88. DepEd issuance which provides guidelines in the implementation of Mother Tongue-Based-Multilingual
education (MTB-MLE).
A. DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2012 C. DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2012
B. DepEd Order No. 15, s. 2012 D. DepEd Order No. 17, s. 2012
89. MTB-MLE supports the goal of what program of the Department of Education?
A. Drop-Out Reduction Program (DORP)
B. Modified In-School Out-School (MISOSA)
C. National English Proficiency Program (NEPP)
D. Every Child-A-Reader and A-Writer by Grade 1
90. The following languages shall be offered as a learning area and utilized as language of instruction
starting school year 2012-2013 except one in the given set:
A. Tagalog, Kapampangan, Pangasinense C. Iloko, Bikol, Cebuano
B. Hiligaynon, Waray, Tausug D. Maranao, Manobo, Chabacano
91. Physical Education curriculum under the K to 12 BEC Program is anchored on the tenet:
A. Move to Learn, Learn to Move C. Learn to Move, Move to Learn
B. Artistic Expression and Cultural Literacy D. Promote Lifelong Wellness
92. Instructional leaders who know their dream, opportunities and possibilities, establish high standards of
excellence and give high premium on relevance are said to play their role as:
A. Motivator B. Collaborator C. Model D. Evaluator
93. Where shall governance of basic education begin?
A. National B. Regional C. Division D. District E. School
94. Where the policy and principle for the governance of basic education shall be translated into programs,
projects and services to fit local needs?
A. Regions B. Divisions C. Schools D. Learning Centers E. All of the above
95. To improve the quality of basic education. Whom shall the State encourage?
A. Church B. Parents C. Community D. Private Stakeholders E. Local initiatives
96. What is the principle of shared governance?
A. Shared governance means there is the existence of participative leadership
B. Shared governance is a principle which recognizes that every unit in the education Bureaucracy has a
particular role, task and responsibilities
C. Shared governance involves all the school stakeholders in all aspects of school operation
D. Shared governance is the expansion of school head’s influence to the community
E. Shared governance simply means sharing of power, responsibilities and accountabilities
97. What shall be observed in the decision making process at appropriate levels?
A. The process of democratic consultation D. School head’s preprogative
B. Open communication E. Pupil/Student welfare
C. Stakeholders’ participation
98. What shall be established to ensure coordination and open communication of the central office with the
regional, division and school levels?
A. Open line communication C. Coordination system
B. Accountability and transparency E. Scope of management
99. What shall be operationalized in the performance of functions and responsibilities at all levels?
A. Role and functions D. Term of reference
B. Accountability and transparency E. Scope of management
C. Jurisdiction
100. What shall be strengthened to facilitate the flow of information and expand linkages with other
government agencies local government units, non – governmental organization for effective governance?
A. Communication channels of field offices D. School head’s capability
B. Personnel designation E. Appointing authority
C. Coordinating unit
101. What is the Department of Education vested with for ensuring access to promoting equity and
improving the quality of basic education?
A. Integrity, accountability and professionalism D. Equality, transparency and equity
B. Authority, accountability and responsibility E. Morality, equity and accountability
C. Honesty, integrity and liberty
102. What are the structural components of the department/
A. Central and field offices D. District offices
B. Regional offices E. Schools
C. Division offices
103. What is the policy of empowering school heads?
A. Inspirational, administrative and management authority
B. Supervisory, administrative and disciplinary
C. Personnel, operation and financial authority
D. Selection, appointment and hiring
E. Selection, hiring and firing of personnel
104. What shall the School head form for the delivery of quality programs, projects and services?
A. Team of school teachers D. Community partners
B. Group of parents E. Pupils/Students’ organization
C. Committee of school stakeholders
105. Who shall handle the school’s administrative, fiscal and auxiliary services?
A. Supreme pupil/student government D. Teachers’ association
B. Parents-Teachers Association E. Community stakeholders
C. Non-teaching staff
106. Shall the qualifications, salary grade, status of employment and welfare and benefits of school heads
for public elementary be different from secondary and integrated schools?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
107. As the school leader, the principal also serve as the disciplining authority for administrative action
against teaching and non-teaching personnel in the public school?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
108. Who is empowered to transfer for a public school teacher from one school to another school?
A. Secretary of the department D. District Supervisor
B. Regional Director E. School principal
C. Superintendent
109. On the DepEd’s color coding scheme for teachers’ allocation, color black means ….
A. No nationally funded teachers
B. 80:1 student/pupil – teacher ratio
C. 50:1 greater student/pupil – teacher ratio
D. 40:1 student/pupil – teacher ratio
E. 25:1 student/pupil – teacher ratio
110. In the national allocation for teaching positions, top priority color is …..
A. Red B. Orange C. Gold D. Black E. Yellow
111. What is the basic policy in the grant of vacation service credits?
A. It should be given only for work beyond regular functions
B. Beyond regular work hours/days where payment of honorarium is not possible
C. For situations wherein extra ordinary work is demanded from teachers
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
112. For what are vacation service credits used?
A. To offset absences of teachers D. All of the above
B. For monetization E. None of the above
C. For plus factor of teacher’s performance
113. To what activities may service credits be granted?
A. services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuations centers
B. services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas
vacation or outside of regular school days
C. All of the above
D. None of the above
114. A service credits may be granted to the following activities:
A. services rendered during registration and election days as long these are mandated duties under
existing laws.
B. services rendered during calamity and rehabilitation when schools are used as evacuations centers
C. services rendered in connection with the conduct of remedial classes during the summer or Christmas
vacation or outside of regular school days.
D. services rendered in connection with early opening of the school year
115. To what activities may service credits not be granted?
A. assignment in connection with exhibits at a fair
B. postponement of a regular teacher’s vacation; and
C. time spent in travelling to and from station to the place where services rendered
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
116. Supposing the complaint for dishonesty was filed against the public school principal, would the answer
in the above mentioned problem be the same?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
117. Dr. Ardee, the Regional Director of Region XYZ issued an Order directing Superintendent S or his/her
representative to conduct a fact-finding investigation on the complaint of the PTA. On the basis of the said
Order, Superintendent S in turn issues an Order directing Mr. A the Administrative Officer to conduct a fact-
finding investigation on the said complaint, is the order of Superintendent S proper?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
118. The following are the characteristics of an effective child-friendly school EXCEPT one
A. has the best interest of the child in mind an all learning activities
B. has a curriculum that addresses the child’s learning needs as well as those of the community and
C. does not turn away any child from enrolling and attending classes for whatever reason
D. encourages children to think and decide for themselves, ask questions and express the opinions
119. When shall the designated investigator(s) commence the fact-finding investigation?
A. within five (5) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
B. within three (3) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
C. immediately from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
D. within ten (10) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
E. within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the appointment of an officer(s)
120. The Division Superintendent of Laguna issues a Formal Charge against a teacher of a public
secondary school in Laguna for disgraceful and immoral conduct, is the Formal Charge valid?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
121. Supposing the Secretary of Education issues a Formal Charge against a public school teacher for
disgraceful and immoral conduct. Is the formal charge valid?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
122. Mr. Right, Principal I of Dee National High School submitted his promotional papers to the Division
Promotional Board for screening and evaluation for possible promotion to the next higher position.
However, the Promotional Board rejected his application due to pending case filed against him at the
Regional office. Is the rejection by the promotional board valid?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
123. In the determination of penalties to be imposed, the following circumstances shall be considered
A. Physical fitness D. Taking undue advantage of official position
B. Good faith E. Taking undue advantage of subordinate
C. Length of service
124. Are PTA officers and members of the Board of Directors allowed to collect salaries, honoraria,
emoluments or other forms of compensation?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
125. Do PTAs have the right to disburse or charge any fees as service fees or percentages?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
126. Do PTAs or any of its officers or members of the Board of Directors have authority to undertake
investigation or disciplinary actions involving students or teachers?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
127. What shall be done with the collected contribution?
A. All collections of contributions or proceeds of fund-raising activities shall be deposited in a reputable
banking institution as determined by the Board of Directors.
B. The PTA president shall be entrusted with the safekeeping and disbursement of collections made by the
C. All disbursement of funds shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting and auditing rules
and regulation
D. The collected contributions shall serve as the school revolving fund
E. Part of the fund shall be used to finance the School Head’s training
128. What are the mechanisms to ensure safekeeping of funds/
A. All disbursement shall be accompanied by appropriate resolutions indicating thereof the purposes for
which such disbursements are made.
B. No cash advances shall be allowed without valid liquidation of previous cash advances.
A. All of the above D. B only
B. None of the above E. Not applicable
C. A only
129. What are the prohibitions against the PTA?
A. Interfering in the academic and administrative management and operations of the school, and of the
DepEd in general;
B. Engaging in any partisan political activity within school premises;
C. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school or nearby
premises, or offering these services to the school as its client whether directly or indirectly;
D. Selling insurance, pre-need plans or similar schemes or programs to students and/or their parents; and
E. All of the above
130. What are the other privileges of a duly recognized PTA?
A. The use of any available space within the school premises as its office or headquarters
B. Representation in the School Governing Council
C. Authorization to undertake fund-raising activities to support the school’s academic and co-curricular
programs, project and activities subject to pertinent DepEd guidelines
D. Participation in the school’s inspection and acceptance committee and as an observer in the school’s
procurement activities subject to the provisions of R.A. No. 9184
E. Collaboration in relevant school activities
131. A duly recognized PTA shall have the following privileges:
A. The use of any available space within the school premises as its office or headquarters
B. Representation in the School Governing Council
C. Authorization to undertake fund-raising activities to support the school’s academic and co-curricular
programs, project and activities subject to pertinent DepEd guidelines
D. Participation in the school’s inspection and acceptance committee and as observer in the school’s
procurement activities subject to the provisions of R.A. No. 9184
E. Collaboration in relevant school activities
132. Can the PTA just collect contributions of any amount from members?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
133. Who shall be responsible for the collection of the contributions?
A. The PTA President D. President of the class
B. The PTA Treasurer E. Treasurer of the class
C. Class Home Teacher
134. The PTA Board of Directors is composed of how many members?
A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 12 E. 15
135. Is a teacher-member eligible to run for any position?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No D. Uncertain
136. How about the role of the School Head in the PTA?
A. Member, Board of Director D. President
B. Board secretary E. Treasurer
C. Adviser
137. Is it possible to have more than one PTA operating in as school/
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
138. Who will monitor the activities of the PTA?
A. Division PTA Affairs D. The Regional PTA coordinator
B. Schools Division Superintendent E. National PTA coordinator
C. Division PTA coordinator
139. May a principal of a public elementary or high school refuse the enrollment of a pupil/student due to
sex, ethnic grouping, or religion of the child or his parents?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
140. May a principal of a public elementary or high school refuse admission of a pupil/student for not being
a resident of the same barangay or municipality where the school is located?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
141. May a principal limit the enrollment to sixty (60) pupils/students per classroom and give to residents
priority over non-residents of the barangay or municipality where the school is located?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
142. Mr. Ardee the Schools Division Superintendent appointed Mr. Cee a foreigner as the Principal of a
public high school, is the appointment in order?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
143. When may secondary schools be allowed to organize extension of classes?
A. No private school in the area is participating in the Educational Service Contracting (ESC) scheme
B. Adequate teachers, classrooms and other instructional facilities
C. Under the supervision of the nearest exiting public school
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
144. Secondary schools can organize extension of classes in nearby elementary schools to accommodate
all students desiring to avail of free secondary education?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
145. What should be conducted by the School Heads of the mother school to initiate the opening of
A. Petition by the majority of parents of prospective enrollees
B. Title of school site of one (1) hectare or deed of donation in favor of the Department
C. Certification of availability of funds for the construction of classrooms and other facilities
D. Feasibility study
E. Recommendation by the Schools Division Superintendent to the Regional Director
146. May a principal of a public elementary or high school refuse the enrollment of a pupil /student due to
sex, ethnic grouping, or religion of the child or his parents/
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
147. The tax exemption allowed by law for Adopt-A-School donor/benefactor is equal to the:
A. amount being donated
B. donated amount plus 50%
C. fifty percent of amount donated
D. seventy-five percent of the amount donated
148. The following are some of children’s right EXCEPT one:
A. Children have the right to appropriate early reading instruction based on their individual needs
B. Children have the right to well-prepared teachers who keep their skills
C. Children have the right to classroom that optimize learning opportunities
D. Children have the right to school that have strong School-community linkages
149. Per R.A. 9184 (“An Act providing for the modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the
procurement Activities the Government and other Purposes”) upholds the following principle in government
procurement EXCEPT one:
A. Competitiveness by extending equal opportunity to all public and private parties who are eligible and
qualified to participate a public bidding
B. Transparency in the procurement process and in the implementation of procurement contracts through
wide dissemination of bid opportunities and participation of pertinent non-government organization
C. System accountability is exclusively intended for the parties involved.
D. Revised procurement process that will apply government procurement standards
150. When may secondary schools allowed to organize extension of classes/
A. No private school in the area is participating in the Educational Service Contracting (ESC) scheme
B. Adequate teachers, classrooms and other instructional facilities
C. Under the supervision of the nearest existing public school
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
151. Secondary schools can organize extension of classes in nearby elementary schools to accommodate
all students desiring to avail of free secondary education?
A. Yes B. No C. Yes and No D. Yes or No E. Uncertain
152. What should be conducted by the School Heads of the mother school to initiate the opening of
A. Petition by the majority of parents of prospective enrollees
B. Title of school site of one (1) hectare or deed of donation in favor of the Department
C. Certification of availability of funds for the construction of classrooms and other facilities
D. Feasibility study
E. Recommendation by the Schools Division Superintendent to the Regional Director

DIRECTIONS: Read the following paragraphs carefully then complete/answer the given
statements/questions. Write the letter of your choice.
Reading Text No. 1

Elephants love water. The daily bath seems to be joy for them. Toward the end of the
day the herd lines up and follow the leader to the closest watering place. As soon as their
mammoth-size thirst has been satisfied, they start to give themselves a bath with their long
trunks. They spend hours blowing water on their thick hides. Sometimes they will just roll
around and enjoy the feeling of cool water. This is not a good time to disturb an elephant.
They have been known to fill their trunks and squirt anyone who does disturb their watering
time. They love this time of the day best, and they want to be free to enjoy it.

153. The paragraph is all about _________

A. food and elephants C. elephant and people
B. elephant bath D. food and people
154. The elephant might ___________ if you disturb their bath.
A. step on you with their big feet C. squirt you with their trunks
B. make a strange noise D. follow the leader to the closest watering place
Reading Text 2

If you were on the scene when David was preparing for his famous fight with Goliath, you probably
would have heard a well-meaning friend say something like this: “Why, he’s going to make mincemeat out
of you. He’s six feet taller than you are, and he outweighs you by five hundred pounds. If I were a betting
man, I’d say the odds against you winning the fight are about a hundred to one.
And David probably would have said, “Look man, that may be a giant out there but he isn’t
invincible – that five hundred extra pounds is just going to make the crash that much louder when he falls.”

155. Which of the following best describes David?

A. He follows the advice of others C. He believes in himself.
B. He is a famous fighter D. He loves to fight a giant
Reading Text No. 3

Happiness is one subject everyone thinks about but few seem to understand. Some gain
happiness and keep it. A few never experience it at all. Yet, however elusive happiness may be, it is
attainable no matter how miserable you have been in the past.

156. Which of the following expresses the true meaning of happiness?

A. it befalls a person like a gift from heaven C. it just happens in one’s life
B. It takes place when the right time comes. D. it is something difficult to grasp
Reading Text No. 4

Fossils are the remains of plants or animal organism that lived millions of years ago. These
organism were buried deep within the earth in prehistoric time such that all their parts were preserved.
For an organism to become fossilized, it must have some hard part such as bone, shell, or wood. The
hard parts of the fossils are often found perfectly preserved while softer parts nearly always rot away.
Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock, especially in limestone and shell.

157. Which of the following remains of plants or animal organisms can be perfectly preserved?
A. leaves B. skin C. spine D. meat
Reading Text No. 5
Many Filipinos can’t help but light a firecracker or two to welcome the New Year. Bright and gray
are the colors that fill the skies. But in all these excitement, firecrackers have caused a lot of accidents.
So our lawmakers plan to pass a law against the manufacture of firecrackers and other fireworks. But
many people engaged in this business will lose their jobs. Though safety measures have been taken, they
won’t be enough. Firecrackers have both positive and negative effects. People who use them should
consider this.

158. Which statement states the conclusion of the paragraph?

A. firecrackers are source of excitement
B. people must take safety precautions in the use of firecrackers
C. safety measures in the use of firecrackers.
D. the ban on the use of fire crackers may lead to unemployment
Reading Text No. 6

A. They also do most of the chore of informing the public.

B. Journalists provide the bridge between events and the public.
C. But they are just as often the main causes of destruction and confusion
D. They are most often the source of information.

159. After arranging logically the jumbled sentences above to form a coherent paragraph, which is the
second word of the second sentence?
A. also B. provide C. they D. are
Reading Text No. 7

Rain is very important. If there were no rain, there would be life in the sea. Rain is treasured and
prayed for in countries where there is not enough of it, or where it falls only at certain seasons of the year.
Rain has something that cleans and washes the air. It nourished the vegetable life on which life depends.
It insures a supply of fresh water.
On the other hand, too much rain can cause rivers to overflow. It can cause floods in towns and
cities. Rain can destroy farm crops as well.

160. Which is the primary cited beneficial effect of rain?

A. Fresh air C. fresh water
B. Life only in the sea D. nourished vegetable life
Reading Text No. 8

(1) Physical fitness pertain to an individual’s optimum growth and development and to the soundness
of the structures and functions of this organs and system. (2) A person who is physically fit can
carry out his usual daily tasks without undue fatigue. (3) He still has reserve energy left to enjoy
his leisure and meet emergency situations such as accidents or illness. (4) Physical fitness is
achieve through a sensible balance of nutrition, exercise, rest, relaxation, sanitation, and the other
aspects of helpful living.

161. Which sentence contains the main idea of the given paragraph?
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. Sentence 4
Reading Text No. 9

(1) In the Philippines most parents work hard and sacrifice so that their children can get a good
education. (2) A formal education consists of several stages. (3) At the age of four (sometimes
younger), many children begin schooling at the first stage – nursery and then kindergarten. (4)
The child usually goes to the elementary school at seven, where he gets a primary education for
the first three years and an intermediate schooling in the next two or there. (5) Since most schools
do not offer a grade seven, the child may next go to a high school. (6) Some may go on with their
studies, after they get a degree in college. (7) Very few continue to a higher stage of learning to
take up a doctorate because this entails more intensive study as well as more expense.

162. Which sentence contains the main idea of the given paragraph?
A. Sentence 1 C. Sentence 5
B. Sentence 2 D. Sentence 7
DIRECTIONS: Read all the sentences first. Then, decide which sentence should come first, then, arrange
the rest of the sentences in the proper order. Choose the letter which corresponds to the proper sequence.
163. A. Brainstorming also releases ideas from your memory.
B. One idea will lead to another.
C. Unlike free writing brainstorming can be done in spurts
D. Brainstorming means listing everything that come to mind about a subject
164. A. He lives the life of nomad, wandering from place to place.
B. Bears are the biggest of all meat-eating animals and the polar bear is one the biggest kinds of
C. Usually, he wanders alone.
D. He is huge, yellow-white creature and weighs as much as one ton.
165. A. They daytime thoughts and transform them into symbolic stories filled with coded clues.
B. Sometimes, dreams are obvious take-offs on thoughts we are aware of when we’re awake
C. Dreams are plays created and acted out by our unconscious minds.
D. At other times, they are our way of dealing with thoughts that our conscious minds cannot face.
166. A. The cause of this departure from a 24-hours cycle is matter of speculation.
B. This closely follows the night-and-day periodicity of the world.
C. Humans share with other mammals a biological clock known as the circadian rhythm.
D. It tends to have a natural of 25-hours when a person has no way to mark the passing day and
167. A. Ours is the second house from the corner on the left-hand side of the street.
B. This is the easiest way to get my house from school, Go out the front door of the house.
C. There is no street sign in the corner. But you will recognize the street by the two gas stations
across from each other. Turn left
D. Turn left and walk three blocks on the main street.
E. Turn right on Queen’s lane and walk five blocks to Area B.
168. A. It’s our way of life.
B. And no matter how many times we pack, it seems something is always left behind
C. In the military we move around a lot.
D. But one thing that is never left behind is our need for properly daily nutrition.
169. A. He built a powerful machine called a cyclotron
B. A prominent professor in a leading university decided to split the core of an atom.
C. Inside the machine these particles were made to travel around and around, faster and faster.
D. Into the machine he fed electrical particles.
170. A. The Battle of Bataan was one of the bloodiest chapters of World War II.
B. Its nightmare memories should keep us Filipinos implacable in our resolve to prevent another
C. Survivors of the war should repeatedly remind the people of the world the lesson that war solves
no problems.
D. It showed the valor and heroism of Filipino and American soldiers in Bataan as they fought in
defense of freedom.

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