Heltec v2 Lora Windows Arduino Library Install

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27/6/2019 User Manual - Heltec Automation(TM) product documents


Heltec ESP32 Based Dev-baords

Develop Environment

We suggest you confirm whether the USB driver , Git and Arduino IDE
has installed first. If not, please view this two articles establish serial connection
and Install Git and Arduino IDE.


1. Setting Environment

Step1. Download Heltec Arduino-ESP32 Support

Step2. Download the Heltec ESP32 Library

2. Example

1. Setting Environment

(Only two steps to complete setting)

Step1. Download Arduino-ESP32 Support

Open Arduino IDE, and click File -> Peferences -> Settings

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Input last esp32 board manager URL

Now the last board manager URL:


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Click Tools -> Board: -> Boards Manager... , search Heltec ESP32 in the new pop-
up dialog, then click install

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The source code of Heltec ESP series (ESP32 & ESP8266) framework available here:

Step2. Download the Heltec ESP32 Library

Open Arduino IDE, then Select Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries...
Search Heltec ESP32 and install it

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The source code of Heltec ESP32 library available here:



This section for verifying whether you can program with Arduino or not. Now, The USB
cable connects to Heltec ESP32 board, then select your serial port which is connected to
Heltec ESP32 board.

Select a demo example, compile and upload

1. Execute a example likes FactoryTest.ino

Correct select the board you had connected to computer and the specified serial port: e.g.
WiFi Kit 32, WiFi LoRa 32, COM3(my PC is COM3 )

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Then select an example likes XXXXXX_FactoryTest.ino

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Upload it

2. New a Heltec ESP32 program

Open Arduino IDE, then new a .ino file, then copy the below code.

#include <heltec.h>

// the setup routine runs once when starts up

void setup(){

// Initialize the Heltec ESP32 object

Heltec.begin(true /*DisplayEnable Enable*/, true /*LoRa Disable*/, true /

// the loop routine runs over and over again forever

void loop() {

compile it and upload, the on board screen (if have) will show and Arduino’s serial monitor
will print something, it means Heltec ESP32 board is running successfully!


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