Website Review

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-Basic Website Review-

Hi there! Thank you for purchasing my gig. I’ve went through your website and the
info about your marketing and sales goals. Overall things look good, clean and professional
on the website. At the same time the look and feel of the website, for lack of a better word, I
would describe as being ​‘cold’​. That being said there are some things you could definitely
change to make it more appealing and thus engaging and converting. Here are my
observations and ideas, along with some screenshots. Please note that due to the fact that
this is the Basic level of my gig, I’m not going into very much detail here. It’s just a bird’s eye
view of things easily identifiable as weak points to correct and improve.

1. As stated above, the website looks clean and professional but very cold. There isn’t
enough real, valuable content to make users want to take action, register and post
projects. The website lacks a ‘human touch’ let’s say, to allow the audience to
connect with you, to connect with your offer
2. Moving forward with the review, I will focus on the main page of the website. In its
current form, the webpage will not convert very well. You need to rework the content
of your website, observing the following principle - ​the marketing process is a
journey through which you guide individuals towards a common goal​. The goal
is ​VALUE​. Both for you and for your customers. As such the website and webpage
should be designed around the philosophy of communicating and offering VALUE
which will in turn ​generate VALUE​ for you

3. First off, start by adding an image to the top banner of the page

Reduce the height of the top menu HTML element

Thus allowing to increase the height of the top banner. After this, turn in from a
simple graphical background+text to an image slider HTML element, with text on
each slide. It should include at least 3 elements (image + slider text). Keep the slider
text to a maximum of 1 sentence (max 8-10 words). The content for the slider’s
elements should result from this simple question:
What value and benefits does your service offer potential clients. In what
way does your service improve their lives?
4. The answer to the question above will prove you with your unique benefits and your
USP. To facilitate formulating ​at least 3 punctual answers to the question above,
answer these 4 questions designed to identify your ​ideal client​:
a. What attributes does your ideal client have? (ex. Preoccupied with their
health; In-tune with the latest technologies,etc.)
b. What are your ideal client’s 3 BIGGEST pain points? (ex. Health issues,
trouble finding the proper specialists, lack time, etc.)
c. What are your ideal client’s 3 BIGGEST pain points? (ex. Learn more on a
specific topic, be healthier, live a certain lifestyle, etc.)
d. Describe in great detail what would your ideal client be. What is their age,
what do they look like, what’s their occupation, do they run a business, what
ethics do they have, what do they desire, what do they hate, etc.
5. Continue the page by adding content relevant to the benefits and values provided by
your product. Further develop the values identified at point #3 above by touching on
the elements of pain points/desires identified at point #4 above
6. Consider creating a brief infographic which explains and details the steps of the
process your service offers. What are the steps to get from pain point A (having the
data) to desire point B (understanding everything and making the proper changes in
your life, living the healthy lifestyle your potential customers desire)
7. Add happy customer testimonials, service reviews
8. Push the content the currently constitutes your first page (Latest Projects/ Top Health
Data Analysts) to the bottom of the page, below the content that offers actual value to
your customers.
9. Interlace all content with at least 2 CTAs (calls to action) for registering on your
website and posting a project. The CTA cannot be a simple button. Rather the action
that the button symbolizes should be the answer, solution to a question or problem
the customer may have. Ex. - Do you want to know the necessary changes to make
in your lifestyle to enjoy better health based on you Omics data? Then… ​Post a
Project Now
10. Fix the link located at this address, which can be accessed from the footer menu:​ (can be accessed by clicking ‘Post an Article’)
1. Discover Knowledge In Your Omics Health Data - Omics Help Desk (Home page)
2. Top Project Categories -Data Management and Study Planning | Genomics|
Microbiomes (Categories page)
3. Health Data Analysts - Apply to an Omics Health Project Here (Apply to project)
4. Find and Hire Health Data Analyst to decipher your Omics (Hire a health Analyst)
5. How the Omics Health Project Process Works to Help You Understand Your Data
And Improve Your Life (how it works)
6. Read our Omics and Health Data Blog To Learn The Latest News in Biomics,
Genome and Phenotypes(Blog) - here choose the 3 most relevant keywords in the
semantic field of Omics, keywords which also appear in your blog posts

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