Management Theory and Organizational Behavior

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Subject Code: MB1311/R13

M B A - I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, Feb - 2015
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE of the following
All questions carry equal marks. Q.No.8 is compulsory
1. a) What are the functions managers perform to attain the set goals? Explain.
b) Explain the process of Decision making
2. a) What are the basic principles of delegation of authority?
b) What is departmentation? How is it essential for the management of a business

3. a) Define organizational culture. How does a leader influence organizational culture.
b) What is perceptual process? What are its various elements?

4. a) Discuss the leadership styles with examples.
b) Explain the Maslow’s “Needs Hierarchy theory” of motivation.

5. a) Explain various theories which explain the process of attitude formation.

b) What is the concept of reinforcement in learning? How does it help in shaping
behavior of people in a desirable way?

6. a) What are the features of functional organization structure?

b) Discuss group development process.
7. a) What do you mean by controlling? Explain the various steps involved in control
b) What do you mean by role conflict? Discuss the methods to avoid role conflict.
8. Casestudy:

“I expect all the managers in my department to act completely rationally in

every decision they make,” declared Shanti Rangarajan, vice-president of marketing
for the Olympic Toy Company. “Every one of us, no matter what his or her position,
is hired to be a professional rationalist, and I expect all of us not only to know what

they are doing and why but to be right in their decisions. I know that someone has
said that a good manager needs only to be right in more than half of his or her

decisions. But that is not good enough for me. I would agree that you may be excused
for occasionally making a mistake, especially if it is a matter beyond your control, but

I can never excuse you for not acting rationally’

“I agree with your idea, Madam,” said Manjeeth Singh, her advertising
manager, “and I always try to be rational and logical in my decisions. But would you
mind helping me and be sure of this by explaining just what ‘what acting rationally’
a) Explain how the vice-president of marketing might describe what is involved in
making rational decisions.
b) If Manjeeth Singh then declares that there is no way show one can be completely
rational, what would you suggest a reply?


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