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Members of the group:

1. Elsa nur safitri (1909110589)

2. Kintan kurnia putri (1909110417)
3. Saraswati aji sawitri (1909124452)


Kintan : Hi guys

Saras and elsa : Hallo kintan

Elsa : where do you come from? Why just came in?

Kintan : I woke up late.

Saras : Oh my god, what time do you sleep? Do not make it a habit kintan!

Kintan : Hehe, 2 o’clock i promise not to repeat again. Oh ya by the way, what are
you doing here?

Elsa : We were just sitting while waiting for the lecturer to enter.

Kintan : Why don’t you wait outside? Aren’t you bored in class all the time?

Saras : Outside is a lot of smoke, afraid it will hurt.

Kintan : Oh yeah right, nowadays the smoke in Riau is getting worse and worse.

Elsa : Yes, it is true, but what is warmly reported is pak Wiranto saying that the
smoke in Riau is not as bad as it is reported.

Kintan : Oh god, he might say like that.

Saras : I disagree with what Mr.Wiranto said, clearly visible very thick smoke.
Victims have also begun to fall.

Kintan : Maybe Mr.Wiranto did not see firsthand the conditions outside of how,
because he went out using a car and slept also in star hotels.

Elsa : Yes, i think so too.

Saras : There is no need to blame each other, because all parties have also worked
hard to overcome this problem of forest and land fire.

Kintan : Yes, the government has also made several efforts, namely artificial rain.

Elsa : Wah, do you know how much it costs to pay for it?

Kintan : I dont know

Elsa : The most expensive water bomb. Once a dollar has flown, now it’s already
71 thousand times flew. The water that has been poured has reached 201 tons
of water, imagine how much will it cost?

Saras : Wow, the cost is huge, but unfortunately the unscrupulous people have not
opened their minds and hearts, they don’t think how many millions of people
have to accept the consequences.

Kintan : Their eyes and hearts are covered by money, haha.

Elsa : Haha, never mind my lecturer coming in, if you discuss this there will be no

Saras : Yeah right, let’s see you later Kintan we enter first.

Kintan : Oke bye, don’t forget to take care of your health, wear the mask!

Elsa and Saras : Oke bye, you too.

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