Theoretical Framework

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Theoretical Framework

This model is according to Cognitive Information Processing Approach of

Peterson, Samson and Reardon in 1991.This theory is applied to how people makes use of

problem-solving skills and decision-making in their career.

Figure 1.1 Cognitive Information Processing Model

This study in nature is very cognitive and coherent in nature and rests on the

assumptions that people make career decisions as a top down process. Cognitive Information

Processing relies on main assumptions such as: (1) the career choices come from the

interaction of cognition, (2) Career choices is a problem-solving activity, (3) Problem-solving

depends on person’ s cognitive and knowledge skills, (4) a good memory skills is required in

career problem solving,(5) it must be motivated,(6) the career development depends on

continuous growth and improvement of knowledge, (7) The career identity relies on self-
knowledge,(8) maturation on a career depends on the ability to have career problem-solving

skills,(9) the goal of career counseling is attained by helping people grow their information

processing abilities,(10) career counseling aims to help people to become a better decision-


In fact, this theory works with people who have full cognitive ability. Another problem od

career decision-making is that it assumes that even people who do have full cognitive abilities

are totally coherent. From a psychological study it states that people rarely make decisions

rationally and they tend to rely on a combination of cognition, emotion, and environmental

circumstances when making decisions.

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