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Nhan xet chung: overview – k kem so lieu

+ Overall,/ In general/ Generally,/ As shown in the graph,/ As can be

seen from the graph,/……
* bieu do di len + line nao toc do phat trien manh nhat
Overall, the trend was definitely upward, and Canada
witnessed/experienced/saw the most spectacular soar (in the number
of residents).
* bieu do di xuong + line nao toc do roi manh nhat
Overall, the trend was decidedly downward and Canada witnessed
the most dramatic slump.
*2 di len/ 1 cai di xuong
There was an upward trend in the proportions of internet users in
the USA and Canada while/whilst/whereas the number of netizens
in Mexico saw a gradual decrease over the given period.
*There was an upward trend in the figures for A and B as
opposed to (compared to/ in comparison with/ as against) a
downward pattern seen (recorded/found) in that (the figure) for
…………………… those (the figures) for C and D.
*There was a rise in the number of A as opposed to a gradual
decrease in that (the number) of B.
There was a rise in the number of A as opposed to a gradual decrease
in the numbers = those of B and C.
There was a rise in the figure for A as opposed to a gradual decrease
in the figures for = those for B and C.
*Bat chap la co su giao dong, khuynh huong chung cua bieu do la
di len:
Despite (in spite of) some fluctuations, the trend was definitely
Step 2: (1) (2) (3)…(initial milestone: cot moc ban dau)

(1): A stood out as/ gained/ occupied the top ranking/ leading
position with…….. /A was the pioneer in …../A sat on the top
position of the voting list with ….% in 1999.
A was the most-densely populated/ the most populous area with…
…………the most highly-voted (most preferred) product with….
(2): B ranked second/ sat on the second position of the voting list
B was the second most preferred product..
B sat in the middle of the voting list with….
(3) : C ranked third/ hit the bottom/was left far behind with….
The least popular + NOUN
+Ket hop dien dat vi tri:
1 /2: A stood out as the top-ranking position with 70 %, followed
closely by B with 50 %.Meanwhile, C was left far behind with only
10 %.
A stood out as the top-ranking nation with 70 %, followed closely by
B with 50 % whereas/while/whilst C was left far behind with only 10
*1 / 2 3:
A stood out as the leading position with 70 % whilst B, C held the
second and third positions with 40 % and 20 %
+IN 1940, the figure for W was highest, making up 80 %, followed
by that for Yamhill, which accounted for 42% (nearly/well above a
half of that for W/ 38% lower) compared to (as opposed to) merely
20% for D (found /recorded in that for D). = compared to merely
20% and 10% recorded in those for D, C.
= IN 1940, the figure for W was highest, making up 80 %, which
was 2 times and 4 times as large (much) as those for C and D
+The graph indicates the demographic statistics of the three regions
in the US state of Oregon, namely Washington, Yamhill and
Columbia during a 60 -year period from 1940 to 2000.
Overall, the level of the population in the 3 areas all saw an upward
trend during the given period and Washington saw the most
spectacular soar in the total number of residents.
In 1940, W was the most densely-populated county with 75 thousand
inhabitants whilst Yamhill and Columbia marked nearly similar
quantities with 30 and 28 thousand respectively.
+so luong: million/billion/hundred/thousand
75 thousands of inhabitants
75 thousand inhabitants
75 thousand
+7 millions of tonnes
+7 million tonnes/ 7 million
+gan bang nhau:
The figures for A and B marked (shared/celebrated) nearly (almost)
similar quantities with….and……respectively.
+bang nhau:
The figures for A and B marked (shared/celebrated) similar quantities
with 4% each.
+ The diagram illustrates the proportions of netizens in 3 countries,
namely the USA, Canada and Mexico during a span of 10 years
from 1999 to 2009.
Overall, the figures for internet access in the 3 countries saw an
upward trend during the given period and Canada experienced the
most spectacular soar.
In 1999, USA topped the internet market with roughly 20% of
Internet subscribers, followed by Canada with10% whilst only 5% of
Mexican demographic got exposed to the Internet.
= In 1999, USA topped the internet market with roughly 20% of
Internet subscribers, followed by Canada, which accounted for 10%
lower / a half of the figure for the USA compared to merely 5% of
Mexican demographic getting exposed to the Internet.
+ GRAPH 3: The line graph below shows changes in the amount
and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from
1975 to 2000.

GRAPH 4: The graph below shows the amount of money spent

on books in Germany, France, Italy and Austria between 1995
and 2005.
*step 3: striking trends/features
+group nhom: line cung trend – giai doan/ di ngang/len dinh/xuong
+group nhom: line cat nhau/vuot nhau

+ In 1940, W was the most densely-populated county with 75
thousand inhabitants whilst Yamhill and Washington marked nearly
similar quantities with 30 and 28 thousand respectively.
+so lieu gan bang nhau:
A and B marked (shared/celebrated) nearly (almost) similar quantities
with ….and…respectively.
+so lieu chinh xac bang nhau:
A and B marked similar quantities with 15% each.
+From 1940 to 1970, the figures for the 3 counties rose modestly
to………respectively. = The first 30 years witnessed the modest rise
in the proportions of inhabitants in Washington, Yamhill and
Columbia, increasing to 120 thousand, 45 thousand and 35 thousand
accordingly in 1970.
(….,increasing by 45 thousand = adding roughly (approximately/w
ell over/ just under) another 45 thousand, ……..within the first 30
+compact: goi thong tin
Cl1- tang, growing to ….in…
Ex: The figure for W saw a sharp rise, growing to a massive/ an
overwhelming 70% in 2008.
Cl1- giam, dipping/declining to …in…..
Ex: The figure for W saw a slight decrease, declining to a mere=
merely 20% in 2008.
Cl1- giao dong, growing to ….in….and dipping to…………
Ex: the figure for W saw some fluctuations, growing to a massive
90% in 2004 before/prior to nose-diving to merely 20% at the end
+From 1970 to 2000, the demographic data of Washington jumped to
a new high of 245 thousand whilst Yamhill and Columbia also saw a
steady growth to 90 thousands and 76 thousands of dwellers
respectively. The year 2000 experienced a widening gap between the
figure for citizens in Washington and those for its 2 counterparts,
namely Yamhill and Columbia.
In conclusion, the population levels of the three surveyed counties
went up during the period shown.
+ In 1999, USA topped the internet market with roughly 20% of
Internet subscribers, followed by Canada with 10% whilst only 5% of
Mexican demographic got exposed to the Internet.
From 1999 to 2001, the percentages of net users in the 3 countries all
increased, rising to 45 %, 35 %and 15 % accordingly. In 2002, the
figure for Canada overtook/outstripped that for the USA at 47 %,
even surpassing (exceeding) its American counterpart to gain the
unbeatable position in 2009 with almost 100 % of the population
accessing the Internet. Being defeated/surpassed by Canada, the USA
just ranked second in 2009 with roughly 80 % of Internet users, a
difference of 20% compared to the figure for Canada. Of the three
countries, Mexico saw the lowest growth rate of Internet usage with a
modest increase to only 35 % of net surfers at the end of the period.
+ GRAPH 3: The line graph below shows changes in the amount
and type of fast food consumed by Australian teenagers from
1975 to 2000.
+khi bàn về mức độ tiêu thu của H và P, tronng khi số liệu (figure
for) dành cho H tăng rất mạnh (dramatically/considerably) lên 82
times vào năm 1982, số liệu dành cho P tăng (rose/grew) nhẹ
(modestly/minimally) lên 40 times vào cùng năm đó. Mức độ nạp vào
(intake level) của 2 loại thức ăn này tiếp tục tăng cho đến khi số liệu
của H và P cắt FC ở 83 times vào năm 1985 và 62 times vào năm
1990 trước khi tăng mạnh lên 100 times và 92 times tính theo thứ tự
vào năm 1995 tại đó chúng bình ổn (remain stable) cho đến cuối giai
đoạn khảo sát (surveyed period). Sự tăng mạnh này về số liệu đã đưa
H lên vị trí số 1 của thị trường thức ăn nhanh.

From 1975 to 1985, the consumption level of fish and chips saw
some fluctuations, falling to 82 times in 1980 and then rising to 92
times in 1985 before sinking to a new low of 40 times at the end of
the period.
From 1975 to 1985, the consumption level of fish and chips saw
some fluctuations with a low of 82 times recorded in 1980 as opposed
to a high of 92 times found in 1985.
When it comes to/ in terms of/ as regards/ regarding…..,….
Position itself as the king / most preferred food voted by teenagers.
+The dramatic soar in the figure raised H to the number one spot./----
Ham …as the most preferred food voted by teenagers.

+ GRAPH 4: The graph below shows the amount of money spent

on books in Germany, France, Italy and Austria between 1995
and 2005.

+ from 2003 onwards

+the sum of money devoted to (dedicated to/reserved for/
expended on/ spent on/allocated for ) books
+spending on s.t
+the level of investment in s.t
+expenditures/expenses on s.t
+khuynh huong nguoc nhau:
The trends of B and C were reversed with a rise to……seen in B as
opposed to a decline to ……………..found in C in……...
B and C witnessed an adverse pattern.
B and c painted different pictures.
+it is noticeable that 1999 witnessed a low of…..found in B
compared to/and a high of……seen in C
+ GRAPH 6: The graph shows the average monthly
temperatures in 3 African countries.

Range/gradients of temperatures
Extreme/harsh/severe weather
Warm all year round
Bounce back= see a sharp recovery
The figure for M hovers around 80 degrees except for a high
of….found in….as opposed to a low of….recorded (monitored) in
+ GRAPH 5: The graph below gives information from a 2008
report about consumption of energy in the USA since 1980 with
projections until 2030.

From 2008 onwards, the figure for P and O will increase = is

expected /estimated/predicted/projected/forecast/anticipated to
Major/main/most commonly used (employed) source
Quadrillion (q) units
Enter the race to win the second place
The figure for coal will increase= is expected to /forecast
to/estimated to/predicted to/anticipated to/projected to increase.
The graph compares the demands for 6 kinds of energy in the US
from 1980 to 2008 and their projected/estimated/anticipated/predicted
needs (figures) till 2030.
Overall, power consumption of Americans almost saw an upward
trend and is also estimated to accelerate to 2030 (except for the
downward pattern seen in the past and declining projected figures for

In 1980, “Petrol and Oil” was the most dominant fuel source with 35
quadrillion (q) units. Next came natural gas and coal with nearly
similar quantities of 20 and 17q respectively. Meanwhile, nuclear,
Solar and Hydropower all started at roughly 4q each.

The first 15 years witnessed the ups and downs in the Coal and Oil
usage, with a low of 32q in 1985 before regaining its previous level at
35q in 1990 where the demand for this energy stabilized till 2005.
From then on, the rate of Petrol and Oil requirement soared to 42q in
2008 and is anticipated to rocket to a peak of roughly 50q in 2030,
marking its dominance throughout the period. Likewise, the trends in
coal and natural gas usage also increased with some fluctuations seen
in both categories from 1980 to 2008. It is noticeable that coal
overtook its Natural gas counterpart at 17q in 1986, before joining the
race to win the second place with nearly similar volumes of both
sources consumed at 23q each. Strikingly, from 2008 onwards, coal
is predicted to jump to a high of 31q as opposed to only 23q for
Natural Gas.

Nuclear and Solar both saw a steady rise to 7q and 5q accordingly

and their estimated figures are 8q and 6q respectively at the end of
the period. In contrast, hydropower needs relatively levelled out,
hovering around 3q during the first 30 years before seeing a slight
drop, marking its predicted consumption level at only 2.5q in 2030.

+ GRAPH 7:
The graph shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and
over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.

65+ population

Despite some fluctuations in the past figures for ageing population in

the 3 countries, the number of elderly people are expected to increase
sharply till the end of the period. To be specific,/ specifically,….

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