MiD Brain Activation

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Midbrain Activation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Midbrain?

The midbrain, also called the

“Mesencephalon”, is a small region of the
brain that serves as a relay centre for visual,
auditory, and motor systems information.
Why do does it need Activation ?
• The midbrain is located above the brain stem
of human beings.
• It is responsible for the perception of stimuli
and the subsequent communication with the
right and left hemispheres to process this
perceptive information.
• Typically, as part of the lower brain centres,
the mid brain is not subject to an individual’s
conscious awareness.
History of Midbrain
• Dr Makoto Shichida who devoted more than
40 years of research into the functioning of
the brain, actually uses the term “Interbrain”
rather than “Midbrain”.
• We will keep to the use of the term
“Midbrain” as this has been popularised by
recent developments.
Scientific Background
• In the human cerebrum, there is a section called the interbrain that lies
between the left and the right hemispheres. It is crucial to awaken this so-
called third brain in order to improve the capabilities of the human brain.
• The interbrain, located at the centre of the cerebrum, links and
consolidates the functions of each part of the brain. It also allows the work
of each field of the brain to appear onto consciousness.
• The interbrain acts as a sort of control tower of consciousness and is
equipped with highly advanced intelligence. If a person develops his
interbrain, he will acquire a memory that will allow him to never forget
whatever he has seen or heard once.
• The interbrain is in charge of controlling the entire human organism
including the viscera. The deep human consciousness controls the
• In order to awaken this part of the brain , it is necessary to stimulate a
hormonal discharge by sending a special vibration.
What is this workshop about?
• It is about super speed learning.
• An amazing course that boosts your child’s
learning ability, and unleashes your child’s
hidden potential beyond imagination.
What is this workshop about?
• It is about Right Brain Activation.

• It is an accelerated learning program inspired by Maria Montessori,

Glenn Doman, Makoto Shichida, Tony Buzan and many others. It is a
gentle but powerful method of activating both hemisphere of the
brain to :

 Accelerate learning.
 Activate photographic memory.
 Promote high speed reading.
 Make early learning fun for both children and parents.
 Develop the multiple intelligences that are now essential
requisites to excel in the new millennium.
What is this workshop about?
• Children, who have attended the Blind-fold
Method Course, show unbelievable hidden
• They can basically ‘See’ and ‘Read’ using their
brainwave signals.
• It may sound unbelievable at first. However,
after you have witness your child and other
children showing this ability after the course,
you won’t be surprised anymore.
What is this workshop about?
• It is about your child’s path to Genius
• A Genius is a person with exceptional
Intellectual ability, with dazzling skills and
natural talent. Your child can now have the
capability to function in this realm by
activating the mid-brain functionality
• An amazing course that boosts your child’s
learning ability, and unleashes your child’s
hidden potential beyond imagination.
What is the content of the Midbrain
Activation Workshop?
1. How to enter the Genius Mind learning state.
2. Midbrain Activation to unleash the hidden potential of children.
3. How to use the Blindfold Reading Method to study.
4. Confidence building and concentration enhancement.
5. Speed Reading and Basic Mind-Mapping concept.
All of us understand that we can learn most efficiently in a joyful and
encouraging environment. During school time, when we like the teacher,
we will get good grades on that course; but when we do not like the
teacher, normally we do badly in the course.
This workshop will be conducted using game based material to create a
joyful and encouraging environment. We do our very best to attract
children’s interest by using all kind of games, and we strongly encourage
What are the benefits of attending the
Blindfold Reading Method Workshop?
• After attending the workshop, all children will
have different degrees of improvement in the
following areas:

1. Memory enhancement
2. Concentration enhancement
3. Confidence boosting
4. Creativity enhancement
5. Emotion management
Can my child attend the workshop?
And what is the fee?
• This workshop is suitable for children between
the ages of 5 to 16 years.
• Regardless of your child’s academic level or
achievement, this workshop will enhance and
improve your child’s abilities further.
Are parents allowed to accompany
the children?

The children need to pay full attention and

concentrate during the workshop. Therefore,
parents are not allowed to remain long in the
classroom in order to minimize distraction to
the children.
What is the role of parents after the
• Parents are advised to guide and encourage
their children to practice 5 to 10 minutes a
day for at least 30 days.
• It’s just like riding a bicycle; the children’s skill
is not stable yet after the workshop.
• Continuous practice for 30days will stabilize
the skill, and after that, it will be second
nature, just like riding a bicycle.
What is Quantum Speed Learning ?
• It is an accelerated learning program inspired by Maria
Montessori, Glenn Doman, Makoto Shichida, Tony
Buzan and many others. It is a gentle but powerful
method of activating both hemisphere of the brain to :
• Accelerate learning
• Activate photographic memory
• Promote high speed reading
• Make early learning fun for both children and parents.
• Develop the multiple intelligences that are now
essential requisites to excel in the new millennium.
Why do we need right brain education ?
• The purpose of education in the future will not be to create people with heads
crammed full of knowledge, but to rear children who know how to efficiently use
the whole brain. Rearing children with enormous ability, rich creativity, and the
capability to make use of high proportion of their brain should be the goal of child
rearing."- Professor Makoto Shichida
• How wonderful would it be for our children to be able to speed read, have a
photographic memory, perform complex mathematical calculations in their heads,
and achieve a host of other amazing abilities, Done correctly, right brain education
can help children succeed not only in academics, but in sports, music, social
development and life.
• Helping a child develop his right brain potential is about raising a child to become
the best that he can be. Dr Shichida believed that there are no inferior brains, only
brains that have not been developed properly so that they can achieve their full
• Right brain education philosophy is that at the heart of every child is an Einstein,
a Mozart, an Edison waiting to break free and create the next great invention. It
is our responsibility as parents and educators to help them become that driving
force that will change the world.
Why let your child learn blind-fold reading
method when they can read using their eyes?
• To be able to ‘See’ and ‘Read’ blind-folded, it
shows and proves that your child’s Midbrain
function is awakened (activated).
• Once Midbrain is awakened, your child’s
hidden potential will be unleashed one by

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