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Review of Related Literature

Choosing a track means looking forward to go to college. The track you will
choose will help you prepare for the subject specialization of the college course you will
take in the future. This study presents relevant literature and studies after research
recruitment. It discusses various articles of authors related to the impression of students
in the STEM strand.

To improve STEM's career participation, they examine students' insights into

Science/Math skills and interests, interacting with STEM activities outside of school, and
knowledge of STEM career requirements. They show that the main positive influencer
that teaches students in a STEM career is high interaction with STEM activities. Data also
indicates that students do not understand the importance of the necessary Sciences/Math
for future STEM races. Further studies are needed to fully explore the relationships
between education and community influencers in the possibility of choosing the STEM
strand. (¹Blotnicky, K. et al, 2016)

According to ²Bakshi, S. (2016), STEM education is not just supporting students

to become scientists and engineers but also encourages literacy and challenges students
to value the critical lessons to be more patient, creative, and responsive to details. Some
students who enters higher education that are essentially unprepared leads to difficulty in
their career paths and could lead to leaving their degree.Without a well-supported
knowledge in the STEM strand, students may not succeed in the course that they wanted
to take up in college.

In the article of ³Concepcion, E.M. et al (2017), a student of STEM strand

receives recognitionbecause of their ability to understand a person’sbehavior. STEM
students are said to be able to calculate the number and conduct experiments about
various things. Higher than ever, they are the students who wants to be anengineer,
architects, scientists, nutrionist, and invertors someday. He added that STEM strand
would be a good tool for students to comprehend their difficulty in understanding and
answering the questions in Basic and Pre-Calculus. Many of us believe that it is normal
for a STEM student to know the "formula" of theatrics of Mathematics.

According to ⁴Tan, K. (2017), the students of Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics or STEM students are really good in Mathematics and Science subject.
This strand put pressure on some Senior High School students and students who plans
to take this strand due to the perception that you should excel in Mathematics and Science
before you take up this strand. This hinders the STEM student’s potential to do their best
in the performances and to take on the responsibility due to the pressure given by the
societyhence, they are being discourage in picking this strand.

As for ⁵Garcia, M. (2017), STEM strand provided him with a great change that
contributed to their lives. He has many trials, such as integration with time, subject,
teacher, and student. His experiences were not easy but he considered this test to deal
with the real world. As he studied STEM strand, he learned how to have discipline. He
also took his studies seriously because of this strand. For him, the trials he faced were
an instrument for him to become a better person.

¹Karen Blotnicky et al(2016), “Experiences and Perceptions of STEM Subjects, Careers,
and Engagement in STEM Activities Among Middle School Students in the Maritime
²Bakshi, S. (2016): “STEM education”
³Effraime MedwynConcepcion et al (2017):“Paglalakbaytungosa STEM”,

⁴KatrinaTan (2017), “My thoughts on the Academic Track Heirarchy”

⁵MaverickGarcia (2017), “My Journey as a Grade 11 in STEM Strand”

Christ the King College

499 Magsaysay Blvd., Calbayog City

Senior High School Department

Chapter 2

Review of Related

Submitted by:

Giemarie Arizo Angelina Tejerero

Joana Rose Maglinte April Mae Guatcho

Angelyn Garnica Christelle Marie Flor

Czantelle Serinas Dryxlyn Myrns Ortega

Submitted to:

Mr. Jerome Matan

Date: March 1, 2019

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