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Research Report on


YASIR 13148
AZAM 13169

Technology is changing the way people interact with brands and the expectations
they hold. We’re demanding more with each turn of the wheel of progress, every
time one brand launches a new trick to make a transaction smoother or
communication more intimate the bar is raised for all the others.
Mobile phone has become an integral part of human life. With the increasing use
of technology for mediating communication, it is used for both personal and
organizational use. In today’s modern life it plays a predominant role since mobile
phones these days are used by people at all levels across the world.


To determine the factors influencing people responses to hi-tech mobiles brand and
to determine impact on consumer behavior and mobile -tech in our life.

To determine the impact of factor influencing people toward the Hi-Tech mobile
phone brand.
To identify the impact created on human lifestyle through Hi-Tech mobile phone


In past decade, significance of mobile phones have been realized globally. There
are almost 7 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide. (Union, 2014) According to
International Telecommunication Union, “there are 5.4 billion mobile cellular
subscriptions in the developing world.

Primary objective of this study is to explore future potential in consumption of

future smart phones in Pakistan. I believe this study will provide some significant
knowledge and information to the smart phone manufacturers to uncover
consumers’ preferences and anticipate consumer buying behavior to surmount the
Smartphone market in Karachi.
The main purpose of this research is to find how people respond to mobile’s hi-
tech brand what factors influence on consumer behaviour.


The research investigates how much a consumer is influenced by their lifestyle and
analyzes the factors that influence young consumers in purchasing smartphone.
Furthermore, the research explores how social media affect consumption behavior
of mobile phones among young consumers. Hence, buying behavior of consumers
with the age bar of 18-35 years is analyzed by considering present situation of
mobile phone market of Nepal. The primary objective of this study is to explore
future potential in consumption of future smart phones in Nepal
The result after analyzing the findings based on the survey and interview shows
that majority of the consumers was from age group 21-25. A clear majority of the
consumers own Samsung followed by I Phone. Better features when compared to
similar model are the main reason for purchasing this particular brand (Samsung).
The finding shows that young consumers are the independent individual decision
makers. The second majority of the consumers purchased their Smartphone by the
recommendation of friends. The result also shows that quality of Smartphone is
considered to be extremely important factor. Technology is another important
factor that motivates them to buy specific Smartphone. (Shrestha, 2016)
The research investigates how much a consumer is influenced by their lifestyle and
analyzes the factors that influence young consumers in purchasing smartphone.
Furthermore, the research explores, how social media affect consumption behavior
of mobile phones among young consumers. Hence, buying behavior of consumers
with the age bar of 18-35 years is analyzed by considering present situation of
mobile phone market of Nepal. The primary objective of this study is to explore
future potential in consumption of future smart phones in Nepal
The result after analyzing the findings based on the survey and interview shows
that majority of the consumers were from age group 21-25. A clear majority of the
consumers own Samsung followed by IPhone. Better features when compared to
similar model is the main reason for purchasing this particular brand (Samsung).
The finding shows that young consumers are the independent individual
decision makers. The second majority of the consumers purchased their
smartphone by the recommendation of friends. The result also shows that quality
of smartphone is considered to be extremely important factor. Technology is
another important factor that motivates them to buy specific smartphone.
(Shrestha, 2016)
The mobile phone has technologically changed from a voice- and textoriented
communication tool to a multimedia device. But are people using it as a
multimedia device? This article examines the diffusion and adoption of mobile
devices for multimedia, with a focus on journalistic news content. The article
highlights two aspects of mobile multimedia use: diffusion, seeking the factors that
differentiate users from non-users, and attitudes, looking specifically at
adoption behaviour. The results are based on several quantitative surveys
conducted in 2005, 2006, and 2007, which are representative for the country of
Sweden. (Westlund, 2008)
Under this study, the main focus is to identify whether Smartphone users buy
Smartphone because of their need or wish, reasons to buy expensive smart phones,
how social and personal factors affect them to make purchasing decision, for what
purposes they use Smartphone, where and how long a day, change in usage of
com-puters due to Smartphone and how high is the phone bill after using
All the participants of the focus group also mentioned Smartphone as their need.
Obviously, Smartphone have changed the ways that we used to live, communicate
and connect with people all over the world.
All the focus group participants have expensive smart phones. According to them,
ex-pensive smart phones are more durable, reliable, have higher processing ability,
provide large selection of applications, better hardware and multifunction ability.
They also pay huge money in smart phones for latest technology and for brands
All the focus participants agreed that Smartphone is really essential to make the
daily life easier. Indeed Smartphone have made people smarter by organizing their
lives with a single device and providing access to the world wide information at
the fingertips. It doesn’t only organize daily life by putting calendars, to do list and
shopping list at one place but also helps people connected from all over the world
by integrating contacts, emails, social networking, messaging and even video
chats. It has made lives easier for everyone. One can use it for education purpose,
job related tasks, information search or entertainment purposes. That is the main
reason that everyone carries a Smartphone nowadays. (Nagarkoti, 2009)
The behaviour of consumers toward smartphone is increasingly as a focus of
marketing research. In particular, consumer’s behaviour in smartphone industry,
from adoption motivation to post-usage behaviour it has become a major focus of
research in the field of marketing, especially within consumer behaviour. The
results of the research confirm that regulatory focus has an influence on consumer
behaviour towards smartphone purchase decision by affecting their perception,
motivation and lifestyle. As, India is one of the fastest growing economies in the
world, the smartphone industry in India is growing very fast and for consumer’s in
market smartphone has become essential parts of personal and business life. There
is a continuous increase in disposable income; there has been a major shift in the
attitude and aspirations of the consumers. This research is to analyse the external
and internal factors which are influencing in a consumer in purchasing a
smartphone. The research also focuses on consumer attitude for smartphone and
influence of brand on consumers in buying decisions. The recent growth of
smartphone usage is an observable fact that crosses all age and gender boundaries
In this modern era, a Smartphone is just not only the want but also a need if you
know how to make proper use of it. All the maximum respondents mentioned
Smartphone as their need. Obviously, Smartphone have changed the ways that we
used to live, communicate and connect with people all over the world. With it, you
can surf internet with just a touch in a smartphone, whether to read the breaking
news, or compare the prices or features of a products while shopping, booking the
travel tickets, connecting to social network or keep track of your parcels delivered
wherever you are and so on. Smartphone features like, text to speech; GPS and
social integration are some examples, which can helps group of people to easily
remain integrated with society. (MOHAN, May 2014)
Mobile devices have become increasingly important marketing channel in re-cent
years for all kinds of organizations. They allow marketers to bring forward relevant
marketing information for the consumers based on location, purchase history, time
and technology available. Although not brand new way of market-ing, it is
considered to be in its bloom right now, and it is expected to continue growing
rapidly in near future.
marketing channel mobile is relatively young, so is the academic research about it.
Most of the research on the subject is from pre-smartphone era, and hence have
already become less relevant, be-cause mobile marketing landscape changes very
rapidly with the introduction of most new technological features on mobile phones
Even in fu-ture when the comprehensive basis for academic research on mobile
marketing has been established, it will still be challenged by the mentioned
technological aspects, which very much re-define mobile marketing in almost year-
to-year cycles:
Numerous factors are converging to give mobile the capabilities, scale, and reach
achieved by few other technological advances. (Latto, 2014)
Case study: Apple's iPhone Launch: A Case Study in Effective Marketing
When CEO Steve Jobs announced in January 2007 that Apple would be releasing a
iPhone five months hence, consumers waited with bated breath for a phone that
would deliver all the features of their iPods as well as a smart phone. Anticipation
grew, just as Jobs knew it would, as June approached. The launch would become
one of the most heralded technological product splashes Apple,known for its
masterful media build-up, had ever planned. How the iPhone was developed,
priced,promoted, and distributed is lesson for marketers around the world. Apple
investors were pretty happy withthe outcome as well.
Apple created a very strong overall marketing strategy for the iPhone and managed
every aspect of the iPhone’s launch very effectively. Like almost all products, the
iPhone has some flaws and drawbacks,but Apple was able to develop a unique
product for tech-savvy consumers interested in a combinationsmart phone-music
player and make those customers aware of the product through well-managed
marketing efforts and strong publicity. The iPhone exemplifies Apple’s knack for
creating excitement about products among its fiercely loyal customer base, who
keep attention focused on the company, and then justify the hype by delivering a
high-quality, desirable product. In addition to satisfying consumers with a great
product, Apple built a powerful partnership with AT&T and also conferred
benefits to overseas suppliers of parts and manufacturers. All of these efforts
boosted Apple’s stock price considerably and further solidified Apple’s image as a
leader in consumer electronic gadgetry. (Mickalowski, Mickelson, & Keltgen,
This research Purpose of the Study Is to compare student brand preference between
Apple and Samsung Smartphone. This study showed that brand with high value of
brand equity and identity would result in having high brand preference among
students. The findings reveal that Apple has stronger brand preference more than
Samsung among students.
One of the advantages that Apple has over Samsung is that the country of origin is
the USA,which is well known for it good high tech and electronic
production.Country of origin represents brand identity. It is recommended that
Apple should capitalize on this advantage in order to reinforce its brand identity,
market positioning and increase their sales volume. (Al-azzawi & Anthony, may
Quick Response code, commonly known as “QR code” is the latest phenomenon in
the mobile marketing world. QR code’s attribution of linking brick and mortar
world to digital domain is changing the approach of marketing. It gives marketers
an opportunity to interact with consumers and engage them with their brand.
Previous research and survey statistics demand the proper implementation of
marketing campaign to create awareness among consumers for this new
technology. Two cases of QR code implementations are
used to illustrate two different frameworks which classify the marketing strategies
based on the level of product/services involvement, and the marketing
communication system used. Based on the product characteristics, high
involvement versus low involvement and intensity of interaction in a hybrid
network may result in different QR code implementations taking place.Using QR
code marketing strategy, while it is simple, will add value to the firm. QR codes
provide companies an effective way to advertise their products that a printed page
or a billboard cannot replicate. QR codes can engage customers much better than
traditional printed advertisements.We can notice that QR code best fit the Hybrid-
Channel technology implementation. Marketers need to better integrate the mobile
devices and networks to a mobile internet platform in order to provide an easy and
pleasant experience to smoothly move from one network to another.
Furthermore, a Type A communication, which includes a hybrid approach with an
Interaction-Intense communication, can lead to best results of using QR code for
marketing purposes. Type B implementation should be used for informational
only purposes in High Involvement products, since consumers need more
information in order to make their purchasing decision. (Cata & Sakaguchi, 2013)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the decision of
buying mobile phone devices in Hawassa town. In order to accomplish the
objectives of the study, a sample of 246 consumers were taken by using simple
random sampling technique. Both primary and secondary data were explored.
Moreover, six important factors i.e. price, social group, product features, brand
name, durability and after sales services were selected and analyzed through the
use of correlation and multiple regressions analysis. From the analysis, it was clear
that consumer’s value price followed by mobile phone features as the most
important variable amongst all and it also acted as a motivational force that
influences them to go for a mobile phone purchase decision.
The objective of this research was to investigate the underlying factors that
determine the decision to purchase mobile phone devices. According to the study,
majority of the consumers own Nokia mobile phones. Moreover, most of Nokia
mobile phone users have a plan to shift to other brands such as Samsung, Apple
and BlackBerry. According the Pearson correlation results, price is the dominant
factor affecting the decision to buy mobile phone. Secondly, the features
incorporated in a mobile hand set are the most important factor which is considered
by the consumers while purchasing the mobile phone. (Sata, oct 2013)

Hi –tech mobile brand Consumer buying behavior

Life style


Sub variables of dependent variable

Sub variable of Independent variables



As part of my MBA research at KASBIT, I am conducting a survey about HOW

could complete the following table. Any information obtained in connection with
this study that can be identified with you will remain confidential.

Respondent Name: (Optional)___________________________________

Occupation: __________________________________________________

Gender: Male Female

Age: less than 18 18-25 26-33 34-41 42 and


Highest completed formal education: Undergraduate Post Graduate

Income: 10k – 20k 20k-30k 30k - 40k

50k and above

Q1. Which brand of Smartphone currently you have?

● Apple
● Samsung
● LG
● Nokia
● Motorola
● Q Mobile
● Others please specify…….!
Q2. Why do you bought this brand?

● Price
● Performance
● Features
● Quality
● Design
● Brand name
● Operating system
● Got used to/habit

Q3.Based on your own experience, how would you rate your satisfaction with the
brand of your Smartphone?

● Highly satisfied
● Satisfied
● Average
● Dissatisfied
● Highly dissatisfied

Q4. Will you switch to other alternative brands if they offer a similar but cheaper

● Yes
● No
● May be

Q5. What will you do if the brand of Smartphone you wish to purchase is out of

● Purchase a different brand

● Purchase other Smartphone from same brand
● Delay purchase till next time
Q6. Which is your second most preferred brand?

● Apple
● Samsung
● LG
● Nokia
● Motorola
● Q Mobile
● Others please specify…….!

Q7. How many smartphones you have?

● 1
● 2
● 3
● 4
● More than 4

Q8. In your opinion, does brand name influences your decision making in

● Yes
● No

Q9. Who influence you most in purchase of your mobile phone?

● Friends
● Advertisement
● Family members
● Own decision/independent decision
Q10. For middle class people, do you think pricing is most important factor than
quality for purchasing a Smartphone?

● Yes
● No
● May be

Q11: Please rate the features of Smartphone on the basis of its importance.

● Design
● touch screen
● Camera Quality
● Battery Life
● Resolution
● Internet connection.

Q12.Which class change frequently their life style in decision making towards
mobile’s hi-tech brands

 Lower middle
 Middle class
 Upper class
 Working class

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