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To analyze the working of diode in

TITLE : half and full wave rectification(with
and without filtering).

: 29th Sept, 2019

Lab Number : 03

NAME : ___________________

ROLL NO : ___________________

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• To understand the working of silicon diode in half wave rectification.
• To understand the working of silicon diode in full wave rectification.

• Breadboard
• Resistor (1K)
• Diode (1N4007)
• Capacitor (100uF)
• Connecting wires
• Oscilloscope
• Function generator.
• Multimeter

As we understand and observe the working principle of silicon diode in pervious lab.
Now its time to use silicon diode in some electronics circuit to see it application in
electronics circuits. Let pick up a simple application of diode, where diode is used for the
rectification purpose. which is the conversion of an alternating current to direct
current. It is further divided in to two subcategories half wave rectification and full wave
rectification. We will see both categories separately.

Half wave rectification:

In half wave rectification, half cycle of input is rectified. As seen in figure below that
during the positive half cycle the positive terminal of supply is connected to the anode of
the diode, it means that diode is in forward bias region and it start conducting. While
during the negative half cycle of the input the anode of diode is connected to the negative
of the power supply and it make diode to operate in reverse biased region and act as a
open circuit. So in positive cycles the output is observed and in negative cycle output
does not show up because of forward and reverse bias region respectively.

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The average value of the half-wave rectified output voltage is the value you would
measure on a dc voltmeter. Mathematically, it is

In ideal case Vp be equal to the applied voltage but in practical senerio there should a a
voltage drop of 0.7 V across diode to start conducting. Hence the actual Vp should be 0.7
V less then the applied voltages.

If a capacitor is added up in parallel with the load resistor then the output voltage are
filtered from half wave rectified form to a constant DC voltage level. This process
happen just because of the charging and disharging of capacitor during the both cycles of

To check out the effectiveness of the filter term ripple factor is calculated. Which is

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Full wave rectification:

In full wave rectification, both positive and negative half cycle of the input voltage passes
the current through it. During the positive half cycle the diode D1 and D2 conduct by
completing their path through load resistor. While during the negative cycle diode D3 and
D4 start conducting and complete their path through load resistor. By this process we can
observe that unlike half wave rectifier, in full wave rectification both positive and
negative cycle of input conduct and provide output. As it is also observed that during this
configuration two current passing through two diodes, so it has to overcome voltage of
1.4 V to start conducting. So, the actual output voltage is 1.4V less then the applied
voltage for each cycle.

The rectified output voltage is given as

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If a capacitor is added up in parallel with the load resistor then the output voltage are
filtered from full wave rectified form to a constant DC voltage level. This process happen
just because of the charging and disharging of capacitor during the both cycles of
operation like in half wave rectification.

Can find the ripple factor using,

And theoratically we can find the ripple factor using the following expression.

Task 1:
• Build a half wave rectifier circuit as shown above.
• Apply 5Vp-p sinusoidal input voltage with frequency of 50 Hz.
• Observer the output wave form on oscilloscope.
• Find out the output voltage, frequency using oscilloscope as well as multimeter.
• Build a half wave rectifier circuit as shown above.
• Add capacitor in parallel with load resistor.
• Apply 5Vp-p sinusoidal input voltage with frequency of 50 Hz.
• Observer the output wave form on oscilloscope.
• Find out the output voltage, frequency using oscilloscope as well as multimeter.
• Calculate the ripple factor.
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Task 2:
• Build a full wave rectifier circuit as shown above.
• Apply 10Vp-p sinusoidal input voltage with frequency of 50 Hz.
• Observer the output wave form on oscilloscope.
• Find out the output voltage and frequency using oscilloscope as well as multimeter.
• Build a full wave rectifier circuit as shown above.
• Add capacitor in parallel with load resistor.
• Apply 10Vp-p sinusoidal input voltage with frequency of 50 Hz.
• Observer the output wave form on oscilloscope.
• Find out the output voltage and frequency using oscilloscope as well as multimeter.
• Calculate the ripple factor

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