Etech Finals Exam

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Binacud, Sinait, Ilocos Sur

Empowerment Technologies

Name: ________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade, Track & Section: ________________ Date: ______________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Instruction: Choose the LETTER of the correct answer and write it on the
space provided before each number.
1. Which of the following is the correct syntax for the COUNTIF function?
a. =COUNTIF(J5:J19,”YES”) b. COUNTIF(J5:J19, YES) c. =COUNTIF(J5:J19”YES”) d. =COUNTIF(J5:J19)

2. It is a link option that creates a hyperlink that allows you to jump to a specific slide in your presentation.
a. Existing File b. Create a New Document c. Place in this document d. E-mail Address

3. It is the act of placing objects with the presentation.

a. Embedding b. Hyperlinking c. Minimizing d. Contrasting

4. It is referred to as an electronic ledger.

a. Infopath b. Spreadsheet c. Word processor d. Database

5. Which of the following is NOT a part of the syntax for AVERAGEIF?

a. average range b. range c. logical test d. criteria

6. It is a type of formula that performs specialized and group calculations.

a. =average b worksheet c. formula bar d. functions

7. It runs horizontally in a worksheet and are identified by numbers in the header.

a. column b. workbook c. header d. row

8. When creating a hyperlink in your MS Powerpoint file, what option is not included in the list?
a. Existing File or Web page c. Creating a New Document
b. Place in the Document d. Sample Address

9. It can be used automatically compute for several factors that are not easy to notice specially when faced by a
large data. It includes several arithmetic and basic functions that help you compute faster.
a. MS Excel b. Workbook c. Name Box d. Formula

10. When typing a formula, one must precede it with this symbol.
a. hashtag b. number sign c. equal sign d. comma

11. Each cell in the worksheet can be identified by a __, which is a combination of letters and numbers such as A1,
F456, or AA34.
a. cell reference b. formula c. function d. cell

12. _____________ is an example of a range address.

a. A1:B3 b. A1;B3 c. A1-B3 d. A1=B3

13. To make the presentation simple, limit the ___________.

a. content to six lines and seven words per line. b. content to seven lines and seven words per line.
c. content to five lines and seven words per line d. content to six lines and five words per line

14. These are effects that are in place when you switch from one slide to the next.
a. Animations b. Designs c. Effects d. Transitions

15. Allows you to use predefined paths for the movement of an object.
a. Motion paths b. Trigger c. Effects d. Animations
16. Simplified layout of the page so you can quickly key, edit, and format the test in Powerpoint.
a. Slide sorter view b. Slideshow view c. Reading view d. Normal view

17. Displays mini versions of slides and allows you to arrange them.
a. Slide sorter view b. Slideshow view c. Reading view d. Normal view

18. It allows you to preview how presentation will be played.

a. Slide sorter view b. Slideshow view c. Reading view d. Normal view

19. It allows you to work with several items as if they were one object.
a. Embedding b. Grouping c. Merging d. Ungrouping

20. It allows you to work with several items as if they were one object.
a. Embedding b. Grouping c. Merging d. Ungrouping

21. It is the most visited website according to

a. Facebook b. Twitter c. Yahoo d. Google

22. The visual weight of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly distributed on the screen.
a. Emphasis b. Proportion c. Movement d. Balance

23. It is achieved when visual elements create a sense of organized movement.

a. Repetition b. Rhythm c. Movement d. Balance

24. It refers to the use of dark font on light background or vice versa.
a. Minimize b. Consistency c. Simplicity d. Contrast

25. This uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.

a. Emphasis b. Proportion c. Repetition d. Variety

26. An area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape or color to attract the viewer’s attention.
a. Emphasis b. Proportion c. Repetition d. Variety

27. This uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.

a. Emphasis b. Proportion c. Repetition d. Variety

28. Which of the following is NOT a design principle?

a. Proportion b. Scale c. Balance d. Emphasis

29. What refers to a way of combining similar elements of art to create an uncomplicated look to an overall
a. Balance b. Emphasis c. Harmony d. Pattern/Repetition

30. Visual elements guide the viewer’s eye around the screen.
a. Balance b. Emphasis c. Movement d. Pattern/Repetition
II. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise, write F.

31. You can change the background if it does not match the image or the totality of the presentation.
32. Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
33. Powerpoint Presentation is a form of visual aid.
34. Most information of the presentation should still come from the reporter.
35. To insert Hyperlink, go to Home tab the click the Hyperlink option.
36. There are two options when inserting an object: create new form file and create new from existing file.
37. Use dark fonts on dark backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
38. Use bullets to simplify your message.
39. Excel spreadsheet be used as the “Data Source” for a Word Mail Merge?
40. The COUNT function counts the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.
41. The formula= ((A2+B5)*5% is valid.
42. Use a clean and clear background for the message to be readable.
43. A formula and a function are the same thing.
44. Colors are said to be contrasting when there is a large difference in lightness and darkness.
45. Asymmetrical is a type of visual balance in which two sides of a composition are different yet balanced.

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