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Vibration and Thought. Read Editorial upon it. Page 4.

put .nd um' t° b' U.

Nerve us wlth lneassant sfhrm-
T"::. ,

suns. om-'t bark sprint me _ And seth are now.-Wmrr/ax. |

md' bu' °M"¢ U" b"""" °' '

_'Twas only strllrlng
from tha cal-

_EuER_¢0N_ . Dead yesterdays and unborn'to-

morrows. -OMAR KH/I YYAM.
HENRY HARRISON BROWN, Editor and Proprietor.

"""""' "vmvvvvw

Qnvrmifvwv rock San ole. I.


Editor's (lmre, M23 Market Street.

50 (Thi. PKR YEAR Ban Francisco.

Outward and Inward Bound, We are AFFIRMATIONS. I am never in haste. I am sure always to
0ne. be where I should be, and at the time I
On the horizon sails I see, should be. I am therefore content with
Set in amethyst and pearl. Content, whatever lot, be mine ! all things. I enjoy in tlris contentment
The nearer sea, with white caps fret, A solemn duty bids me go, all things. All that is good for me is
Redects a steamer's smoke wreath curl. And though the issue none
may know, mine Now. ~

Sails that lessen as I gaze ; I hear and heed the voice divine. NOW I am content. The peace that
Smoke~wreath coming nearer shore ; -William H. Bur/nigh. passes understanding is mine.
Toss and play with crest and trough, I break my pilgrim staff, All is well Now. The angel of content
While I'm lulled by distant roar. I lay aside my toiling oar; is mine.
Souls under both in trust The angel sought so far away
are stayed. A new thought is purifying; a new thought is
I welcome at my door.- W/rillier.
Outward or inward bound the same. -Elbert Hubbard.
One the sky and ocean floor. All is well. "

One their hope, what e'er its name. I am one with Him
who is from eter-

Happiness is the only good. The

Seek they health, or friend, or gold ; place to be happy is here. The time to
nity." be happy is now. The way to be happy
Pine they with avague unrest ; I am One with the All-Good.
is to make others happy."+[ngersol1.
Or flaunt success with faces bold ; I am One with the Life Eternal.
Happiness the only quest. I am One with the Ever-Present Love.
Man must express his inner power ! I am One with the Everlasting Truth.
In this Unity I am content. Every Atiirmation adds to Realization.
This cry for peace, or love, or truth ;
Every denial subtracts from realization.
This search for joy ; or prayer for ease ; Nothing disturbs the serenity of my
Soul. In other words, every denial of your
Is soul-cry for Eternal Youth.
Within the Silence, all isTeace. ideal and your ability to reach it simply
Drift on Souls ! Unrest is yours,
No matter what comes, it is from the fixes you more firmly in your present
On coming going bark !
or on
One who is Good, and all is well. state of realization.
One port ye all will sometimes win.
No matter what my lot, it is His will Atiirm your power.
One Light sometime illume your dark.
and I am content. Adirm your ideal.
One Goodye'll gain-'tis Being more ! Work for it.
No matter where I am, 1 am where He
One haven-the rest, Expression finds. To Atiirm is literally to make firm. See
wishes, me to be, and I am content.
One Light-it beams forevermore! not
No matter who is my companion, He is that,your thoughts are shaped to
The Light within illumined minds. make firm what you want to outgrow.
with me, and I am content.
l'm ONE with ye, where'er ye go ! Watch your thoughts and put them to
No matter whether cloud or sun, it is
Ye seek afar ! I seek within !
His sky, and under it I am content. your Ideal building.
Ye'll sometimes Sud the, I Am God l
No matter whether it be heat or cold, it Keep at it. In a year from now you
When found, ye'll know we all are kin.
is His season, and I am content. can look back and by comparison see
HENRY HARRISON BROWN. No matter if success, or seeming failure how much faith and will and steadiness
Chain of Lakes, Nov. I7, l89t. of purpose you have gained. All that
meets me, since it is His will it is ever
For NOW.

sure success, and I am content. is built into your realization. Go on.

Not Lost. All is well with me, for all comes from In due time you will find your Ideal
the One Loving Providence. realized.
Love thou, and grieve not,
In this Providence I find my rest, and -Ehzabel/1 Towne, in ./Vaulilus.
If in bestowing thou seemest to waste;
Behold thy vacant
am content.
heart-space already is
'How to Control Fate Through Suz-
Joy and gladness follow me because I
With love that is sweeter unto
am content with my lot. gestion," the editor's "Baby," is sell-
thy taste.
W. M. N. Fear, worry and anxiety I do not know, ing well, and many are the complement~
because I am content whatever fate be ary notices he is receiving for it. All
The soul environs itself with friends, mine. It is mine by the unerring law readers can understand it, for he wrote
that it may enter into a grander self- of Life and is all good. - it from 28 years' experience as s teacher,
acquaintance or solitude.--Emerson .
I am not afraid of poverty, for in Him I from platform, pulpit and pres and he ,

Love, which is the essence of God, is am rich. All His is mine and in His has sought here to answer the questions
not for levity, but for the total worth of riches I am content. that have met him in this work, and
In this contentment I am free from all answer them in plain language. Sent
man. -Emerson.
the entanglements of Fear. I at all from this otiioe upon receipt of 25 cents.
In the struggle of human minds the times command my energies for the
victory eventually will remain with the "
I have always believed in life rather

-Haerkie. thing in hand NOW is the accepted than in books. -0. W Holmes.
time for all my efforts.

his hands also to assist his walk. Why do The greatesttru th that man has ever found is
Primary Lesson No. 20.
so many after middle life begin to revert
that he can conscientiously train himself into
Keep Still. by a realization of spirit and its mastery the
Be still and know that I God.-Bible.
to that primitive type by stooping or over
round shoulders? Because they let hered- physical and into au
understanding ot' the
Oneness ot' all Life, and the power ofgood over
The ultimate end of all education is to itary traits and tendencies control rather
put one into full conscious possession of than control themselves by conscious evil, of health over disease.

himself. The manifestation of this con- choice. -Ali!! /i'. Slotktou, M I).

sciousness of power is Self-Control. Will used, would keep one upright. The Whistle and !
Self Control is the end of these Lessons. brute tendencies conquers the man in crooked, the world may look
Things may go
It is Nature's purpose in all the experi- them. Man is the creature of choice black, _

mens of life. and will; brute the creature of tenden-

Things may look stormy, but don't you look
The body is man's first environment. cies, heredity, instinct. back l
He is then to learn tirst, to control his Man has a conscious and a sub-conscious Whistle and sing!
body; to make it obey his will. He life. Brute has no conscious control. Life will be brightened. The morning will
thinks, then decides, then wills and the The Law Man has this Conscious

body obeys. But there is a still greater Life that he may control the manifesta- Peace to the heart. Whistle and sing.
field in which he *yet does not even at- tion of the Sub-conscious. Now use the -Lowell Olus Reese.
tempt to control his body. It is the field think-
power you possess. How? By
of the sympathetic nerve. This nerve ing, Direction. Take control in Thought. How to Control Fate Through Sugges-
controls the respiration, circulation, di- I/Wll organs into harmony with tion-Notlces of the Press.
gresion, elimination, all the instinctive your (your
esires. "How to Control Fate Through Suggestion" is
and automatic functions of life. All the Silence! Stillness of the objective, another of those blessed little books that are
actions of brute are instinctive. He does after you have given direction to the
doing so much for the "health, happiness and
not reason, therefore he makes no mis- sub-conscious, is all that is needed.
prosperity" of the people. Henry Harrison
stakes. He perceives; he knows, with- Tell the kidneys or any organ to act Brown is the editor of the widely known New
out reasoning. It is man's distinctive normally, and then, throw the thought Thought paper, "NOW," and is one of the
privilege to reason and choose. In so on' your mind. Turn you attention to beat among the writers, lecturers and teachers
doing he is Man. He has already con- something else. Forget them and for- of the movement. In this pamphlet he makes
verted many instinctive and automatic get your order. Know as a general
suggestion a science, as well as an art.
functions, into volitional ones, and the knows, that your order is obeyed. ln
-San Louis Reasoner.
process of evolution now is along this short-keep Still, and Lei the uncon-
same line, i. e., to extend the area of the scious-God in you do the work the Con-
The author states that it containaiknowledge
volitional function, or in other words, to scious-God has commanded. This is, of the power by which man may control his

convert, sympathetic nerve into cerebro- Kee ing slill and Knowing God. Keep
own destiny. merely helps in that direc-
If it
tion, it is well worth the twenty-tive cents.
spinal nerve. It is this last system- stil this objective mind. Worry, -Banner M Lrg/zI,_Boslon, Mass.
(the ceroro-spinal)-that is used by the anxiety, freting, anticipation, hope,.are "
will in carrying out the decisions of the How to Control Fate
all noise. Keep still, and these will be Through Suggestion,"
reason. lost in Realization. is a brand new 25c book, by Henry Harrison
Man then is most truly man, when he Brown, who edits NOW '. It is Sue value lor
controls to his desire, his body. To at- I find this in a recent paper from James the money, just in paper, printing and quan-
J. J eifreys, the pugilist, who has changed
tain this control he must first know his tity of matter in it. And when it comes to
the traditional methods of training for
power, then from a study of the past, quality, well, it is simply great. It is positive
learn how to extend his realm of nhs- mountain climbing. He says : and wellies readable."
inspiring as
I have never felt so well while training for a
tery. I assert that it is within human -Nauti/us, Holyoke, Mass.
contest as I do now, and I attribute it to the
possibility and must of necessity come eB'ect of mountain and hunting
It unfolds a practical philosophy."
in the line of evolution, when all men good climbing -Times, Kingsley, Iowa.
in the hills. For of my physique, I
a man
will control every function now in- "A valuable contribution to the New
think such exercise is the best that could be Thought
stinctive. '1`hat the whole nervous sys-
* * * * literature; makes Suggestion a science as well
tem will become subject to the hiiman thought of. But the greatest advant-
as an art applied to healing, and to growth in
age, to my way ofthinking, is that my mind is
will. This is the principal under which
occupied constantly, and I am doing some- spirituality."
all mental, faith, and magnetic cures are Ill.
thing which I find a pleasure instead ofa task. -Progresssz/e Thinker, C/rirago,
made. No one can use or effect the
This makes it almost impossible to become "As by no other author has Mr. Brown un-
body, except the one who inhabits it. folded and those that
Others may teach us to do, may stimulate stale. developed principles
us to actt But another can as well sleep, Je-Ereys has found the key to success heretofore, under the names of Mesmerisnl

or eat for us as to as to where Mental Science places it-in and Hypnotism, have been made to play so
change or re-
store tissue for us. We heal ourselves, mind-in rzglzt thinking. NOW prophe- important a part in the stage show. In his
sied that, if his opponent does not cal- hands they become the way to self-conlidence
just as we disease ourselves. Healers and place in man's hands the key to wisdom."
and teachers are needed to enable us to culate for ri ht mental conditions,
outgrow the need of teachers. Jefreys will win.always
Mind wins
More mind used more
--Unity, Kansas Cily, /tio.
written in
To attain this control we must assert everywhere. "The book is well a clear, easy.
our power in the realm
already won for success.- Children, savages, the un- forcible style. It is strongly atlirrnative, and
us by past generations. We have a developed, show N ature's way. The wise will attract at once all who need to be stimu~

body that by the past efforts of the race follow. ~

lated by strong assertions and forceful thought-

obeys the will in thousands of cases in line with the The sincerity and faith of the writer is im-
[Are you thought of this paper?
where that of our arboreal ancestors' Have sample copy of it lately? parted to thereader. Few books so well P87
youlreceived a

would not obey. It is upri ht where his If it meets your approval and you desire to purchase and study."

was bent. We walk on two He used assist its work, let us have your aubscription.] -Philosoplrimljouma/, San Francisco-





Life, material food, but by thought that

Prayer. every
"Allah ! Allah !" cried the sick man, racked Its Potential and Its Conservation. cometh from the Snlreonscioua (The Inner
with pain the long night through, God) into the conscious life.
(Concluded from Last Month.) _

'Till with prayer his heart.grew tender, 'till Love and Thought by the conversion of
his lips like honey grew. ;_fi`hought is Love transformed. Like Thought
only transformed Life. Therefore

energy are
and Love is limitless.. It is the e-motion
But at morning came the tempter, þÿ s a i d , ¬ ' C a l Life,
l. to think and to love is the all ot Life.
of the Ego. There is but one possible ont-
louder, child of pain. When the Human Soul came to say, "I think
See if Allah ever hears or answers: "Here am motion. Therefore Love is the only possible and I feel," then, because it had power to de-
emotion. As it is not Life and death, but
l again." cide upon its manifestations and to choose
stab the cruel cavil his brain more orless Life, so it is not Love and hate,
Like a through pleasure from pain, it became Self-conscious.
and but more or less Love. Love is the Master
pulses went; Through this choice it became self-creative.
heart an icy coldness, to his brain a Passion. We are in the habit of so naming
To his It therefore cannot dle. Every act of self-con-
darkness sent. only those states of intense passion, but we sciousnesa is an act of re-creation. It may
are only naming a degree, and not the emotion.
Then before him stands Elias, says, "My child change its environment, may through this
The one motion from the Soul is directed and
why dismayed ?
thus aw of Conservation change the manner of
Dost repent thy former fervor ? Is thy soul of controlled by different thoughts. It is the manifestation, but "I" must henceforth ever
Thought accompaniment that difers and
prayer afraid ?"
be I," because it must ever know it is not
I've called often; named and not the emotion. There is only
Ah," he cried, so never
something else. Thus has telepathy solved
heard the,
'Here am l;' Love. Wherever is the most perfect manifes-
theproblem of immortality, solved it by the
And I thought God will not pity; will not turn tation of theIndwelling God, there is the most same law that has solved the indestructability
his eye.
on me perfect manifestation of Love. Then conver- of force. This Greatest of all Discoveries has
Then the grave Elias answered,
(k>d said, sely where there is the most perfect manifesta- demonstrated the necessity of immortality,
'Rise, Elias. go tion of Love, there is the most perfect mani-
through the transformation of unconscious,

to him, the sorely tempted; lift him festation of Life. For Life and Love are one.
Speak unditferated force, into differentiated, and
from his of Love is only Life in expression. Let Life
gulf woe.
conscious forms of force, and these again into
Tell him that, his I/£17 longing is itself an an -
manifest in Love and there is health. People individualized and se1f~conscious forms. From
trwering are sick and die beceuse they do not love
cry; Motion, Self-conscious motion has been
That his prayer, 'Come gracious Allah' is my enough. The streets are filled with dead and evolved, and the purpose of the Absolute is
answer, 'Here am l'; dying persons. Dying because they will not Henceforth with this Self~
Every inmost asperation is God's answer unde- let Life liow through them into expression. conscious form we call, Ego, the Absolute has
Repression is death.
place as master, but it is subject to the Selt-

iled; no
And every 'O, my Fatherl' slumbers deep a, Were it not for Love there would be no
repro~ conscious One-MAN. The steps of this evo-
'Here, my child.' duction of the species. And but for Love no lution are easily traced in the slower vibra-
the Arabian by /anus Free-

Translaledfrom daily reproduction of the body. Love is the tionrwe call matter by biology. Here we have
man Clark. measure of life. Corrolary-To be in health traced them in the higher vibrations of spirit.
and enjoy life we must be loving. Whenever And the missing links in the chain of evidence
llental Healing. Telepathy.
we give any lesser degree of Love than normal that Professor Dolbear says are wanting, are
I hold the Health for yon until my
thought of then cells created by the larger degrees die. found.
thought fills your mind and body. This is This decay causes poison, and disease is the "If it could be shown that Life itself and the
Mental Healing in a nutshell. It isall based
result. Cure-More Love. mind of man, were in some way associated
of thought.
upon telepathy or transference
Here in a nutshell is the whole of mental with atoms of some sort .... the hopes
71 _/. Sllellon in Christian for Nor/emb'r.

science. Here in the same shell is the whole and longings cherished hy mankind, for a cou~
Telepathy is the basis" of mental heal-

of Professor Elmer Gate's chemical discovery tinuoua existence, would give way to convic-
ing. It is the large proportion of
cures are done.wa§a
regarding the efect of emotions upon health. tions as strong as one has in any physical
ut it is only Sugges-
Have no ill-feelings; no ill-thoughts; would phenomena."
tion silently conveyed. It is therefore
you have health. Be happy and you will be -(Professor E. A. Dolbear in Maller, Motion
silent Hypnotism, the same Hypnotism '

healthy. It is happiness that creates health. and Ether.)

of which so many Healers are afraid. "
The rule of science is that of Jesus: Love
Not a cure without Suggestion. It mat-
the Lord (within) with all thy heart, soul and A physician in this city recently told
ters little in principle whether it be
mind. Love thy neighbor as thyself." Here- this in my class. "I was told several
conveyed orally or telepathically but
the latter is more eiective, is more
n hang all the mental and physical sciences. days ago by a clairvoyance that I would
But when Love passes through the brain it be- have a patient, troubled in a peculiar
certain, but is not more so than is That it was
the oral suggestion given to a subject
comes thought. Thought is limitless. Life way, which she described.
and Thought are one. To think is to live' a person entirely unknown to me. I
when in a somnambulic condition, for
then the suggestion is given to the Sub- Only as we think we live. The measure of our thought little of it. But a few days after
Thought is the measure of our life. The I was down town and felt to go to a
conscious Man, and is identical with
thinker isa healthful person. But do not cou- a certain street corner to call upon
thought transference. But Telepathy is found the thinker with the reasonor. Think- a friend. I had no sooner got there
only the "basis," as Shelton says, for is the spontaneous action of the mind. It than there was a street car accident and
when one reaches the stage of unfold- ing
is Life in activity. It is spiritual activity. I immediately placed two of the injured
meut where he or she can with the
Reasoning is merely intellectual activity. It in the buggy of my friend and have
Thought send all the combined vibra- is not thinking. It is arranging Thoughts that cared for them. One a child and the
tions of the Ego, (and they probably are
are dead; they have an objective value. but other a lady injured exactly as the clair-
infinite in number,) to the patient, then
are spiritually dead. Reason is for the objec- voyant had foretold." This is not
does the true healing- the Spiritual
Healing commence. But -Thought is tive life. The Soul knows. It perceives telepathy.
the diner-ting force. Thought is th_e de, Truth., The intellect applies Truth thus pre~
Thought is the wire ceived to the needs of the objective life. But 6'°Remember, in ordering Holiday
terminiug factor.
that carries the soul message from ego to try to live by reason is like man trying to Gifts, that any book published may be
to ego. .
live 08° stones for bread. Man does not live by ordered through this oiiice.

Orlrxcx ol' NOW, The brain is the translator of motion into
Il( Santa Clara Street, San Jose, California. (Fifth paper In the series of"Man's Greatest images ; of sensation into ideas. There is no

Discovery?) reason there should be any limit to the
'JANUARY. 1902. The Soul is a harp, I remember, modes of molecular or etherial motion; but
Where our senses. as we call our
vibrating cords are of Consciousness translators, are but
few in number, hence we recognize but few Of
N O VV .
And Cosmos forever is harper, them.
HENRY HARRISON BROWN, -Peler C. Austin, Ph. D. R C. S.
Who strolled down the ages measured by sun (In Chris-
With songs of the mighty Becoming. lian Register.)
SUB§(`RlP'l`l0N RATES, - - -

5 cents per number.

-Pro/I Wj. Powell, (In the /I/onist.) Lord Kel\'in,the greatest physicist in the world,
ADVERTISING Rxrns, $2.00 PER INCH has this year come out with a paper which
It nettles
- -

that Truth should be

- - -

No other reductions.
one so simple.
3 insertions, $5.00. casts a doubt on the prevailing molecular and

No Illustrations.
ether theories. He thinks there is no definite
There is no speech ; there are no words ; their
A monthly Journal of Positive Amrmatlons. limit the universe. He says that the dynamic
Devoted to the Science and Art of Soul Culture. voice is not heard ; but their melody extendeth
lt is the utterance only ofthe editor. All thought. theory which asserts that light and heat are
not credited to others is his. through all the world.
modes of motion is at present obscured by two
Its basic Afhrmation is:-Man is Spirit and can (Le.vser'.s' trans/alion 0/ the Rialms )
manifest as splril here and now. clouds.
The language of tone is the language of the
Address all communications to, and 'make all -Prof john Trowbridge of Hanfrrd Univer-
Money Orders payable at, station B, Han Francisco, spheres; it is the language of the universal sily, (in San Francisro Examiner.)
Send money ln bills. P. 0. Orders, or ln silver. Poet- world ; it is the languge ofthe angels.
(lc and 2c only), for parts ofthe dollar, -Dr. C`. W. Emerson. Since throu h Telepathy, Thought is
age Stamps
w ie vasler for sender.
demonstrates to be a mode of motion, it
The whole fabric ofhuman thought and human
NOW is ]ill|Jli8h8d on the |5th of each month. follows that whatever we have found to
emotion is built up oflikeness and nnlikeness,
blue KI" across this Item ls a notice that your be true of one mode must be true of all
subscription has expired. just as much as the material world in all its
modes, for they are only diB'erent rates
beauty, is builtup out of undnlations among
Foreign subscribers outside Canada and Mexico, of speed ; or what is the same thing, are
must add 25 cents to the ordlnnrv subscription price invissble molecules.
to cover postage. Do not send P, O. stamps. foreign of ditferent pitch. Thought is subject
-jo/m Fiske. (Through Nature lo God )
to the same laws, to the same regularity,
Entered at P. 0. San Jose, tial., as second class matter. The atoms of the indifferent molecules are held to the same methods of control, and the
together with varying degrees of tightness- same methods of study, as are light and
The Printer's Christmas Gift to NOW. they are tuned as it were, to notes of different sound. Of these two modes of motion
Did you notice it? On the last page of pitch. -Przf Tyndall. we know the most. Music is the
December NOW the printer made a Thirty-two vibrations per second equal the most perfect of the methods we have of
t pogrnphical .error that is a prophecy. lowest tone the ear can catch; 32,768 vibra- studing motion. Sound is slow enough
\{'hen I noticed it, I exclaimed-All is tions per second the highest. to measure. It can easily be handled
Good! this promises all that I have -Pr# Wm. Crooks. by the human will.
dreamed. I have Won. NOW is The vibrations of the red ray is 450 thousand Through the study of light and tone, we
transformed. Victory and NOW are millions per second; those of the violet are iind that vibrationspass through octaves.
synonymous, for the printer had made 750 thousand millions perseeoud. -
There is a regularity, and a system, and
NOW-WON. 'Tis an omen, not an Pro/I Crooks. that order can be understood and fol-
accident. NOW has won. It is now- The lowest tone
lowed in composition. He who follows
perceived by the human ear is
WON- that order wins by touching the human
a vibration of 24 per second; the highest is
soul. When the right combinations are
4700 per second. The lowest note of the piano
3Henry Harrison Brown lectures is
made the soul is touched; that is, it
24 per second, too low to be perceived as
every Sunday at 8 p. m. in Odd Fellows' vibrates in response. Sympathetic vi-
tone. The highest key is `3.5oo Highest on
Building, this city, upon topics con- bration is established.
the picolo is 5.7oo. Highest pitch of man's
nected with the "NOW" Philosophy. Here we have the key to the. practice of
~Good music and voice is 64; of woman's, r,o44.
a welcome for all. Mental Healing ; to the power of the
-Sydney Lanier.
orator ; the power of song, cantata, pic-
QA class in "Suggestion" will com- From the extreme red to the extreme violet,
mence at Soul Culture Institute, 1423 ture, statue, storm, fire, and whatever in
between which are embraced all the colors
Market street, the 27th of January. It the external starts a vibration, an emo-
visible to the human eye, the rapidity of vi-
is open to all who wish to pursue the tion within.
brations stesdly increases, the length of the
study as a Science and an Art. other
Thought being a form of force it passes
waves produced by these vibrations di- in vibrations, or in better terms in un-
minishing in
the same proportions. I say
A Class in Soul Culture, the "Art of or
Visable to the human eye," because there
dulatory waves from brain to brain.
Living," commenced its sessions J anu- Feeling being also a mode of motion it
may be eyes capable of receiving visual im-
ary 7th. Those who desire can enter at passes in similar w'aves from soul to
and make up back lessons. pressions that do not effect ours. There is a
soul. The difference in the two is
any time
vast store of rays, correctly waves, be~
or more
similar to the diierence between sound
youd the red and also beyond the violet, which and light. Both are ONE in origin, but
By KERRY HARRISON BROWN. are incompetent to excite our vision; so that
This L4-cture ls illustrated by all the Experiments different in speed. Thus Emotion and
that the Professional Hypnntlsta gives the could the whole length of the spectrum, visible The merely menlal
latform. The Secret of the Art are reveal gpon
and its Thought ditfer.
genehts Explained. and invisible, be seen by the same eye, its healer cures by the force of Thought,
Odd Fe11ow's Building, length would be vastly augmented. which awakens sympathetic vibration in
Sunday Evening january 26, 1903. -Phi Tyndall. (The new Fragmenls.) the patient. Just as striking C in one
Adnlsslos, $5 cents. Particles in vibration strike our nerve points octave on the piano, causes the C ID
will receive Patients for treatment through in one way and we see light, or color; in an- other octaves to vibrate, or the violin on
netlsm and Silent Powers, at his feel heat. Our and brains the table vibrates, when its notes are
pariiora, Suggestion
M23 Mar st street., Ban Francisco. Hours 9 other way we nerves

A. l. to 1 P. x. Others by appointment. trsnsmute the motions into forms of sensation. played upon the piano. But the spirifua




healer cures, b awakening the same ory of force be studied. As all lesser "REMEMBER ! There is only one
sympathetic vibration in the Soul, forces are less when compared with
only more issue of N OW'in the present vol-
through love. When all the love nature some other of lower pitch, and as all ume. Many subscriptions expire with
is awakened, and Thought, by Sugges- lesser forms are subject to the greater, February. Please renew, so as to'avoid
tion, directs it, then is the healing power it follows logically, and scientifically, losing a- number.
strongest This can only be a fact, in that all other forms of force are subject
the most to Thought, and will obey human will.
highly developed spiritually.
Here it is limitless in its good. Thus Thought is master of all the other
þÿ ¬ ' T
h eYear commences with all
It is and the Realization o
forms of the One Universal Energy.
good promises,
typified in Jesus, who spent His whole such success for the NOW and the
life in doing good ; loving so much, that Love and Thought being ONE in Man, "NOW" Co. Will each reader enter
those who came into His presence were it follows that Love is only the manifes- into this joy and success, by sending
healed. This development is possible to tation of the Absolute in man. Thought one subscription with his or her own,
all. We have only to raise the pitch of is the Individual expression. The de- and thus double the extent of the bless-
our radiations from that we now have to sign of evolution being to bring the in- ing this new year? Two copies one
that of a higher octave. Love will dividual into supremacy, to bring Man But NOW is peryearto per year to
year, Sl.
develop this. If we Love enough we into "the Kingdom," it follows that all who feel they can aHord it.
shall not only be whole ourselves, will Love, which is the highest mode of

be wholesome to all who meet us ; to all motion in the ONE, should thus be sub-
of whom we think. ject to the only form of individual-self Psychometric Readings
As the vibrations of electricity will pass directed motion, Love must be thought- Will be given by the editor for ..They They
where sound will not, so will thought go directed. are invaluable to the recipient. _A lady
where electricity will not, and love will In his Thou ht each man differs from from northern California recently called
go where thought will not. Sound- that of all other
men. His individual upon the editor to thank him for Read-
waves will not pass long distances over ing sent. "You told me what I knew
stamp is placed upon his perception of
the wire. Electricity will. So man Absolute Truth. But Love is in each was true, but it did me an immense
loads the electric-wave with the sound- individual, one and the same. Thus does amount of good to have you tell it. I
wave of his own choice, and shall change my life for the better,
electricity, Individuality consist only in the pitch,
which was ready to go that way carries since you pointed out my
or in the octave of
thought in which each possibilities
and the errors of my dispos1tion.T'_ Ad-
Thought and Love work together in individual moves. As these octaves are
the same ways. Love will go but it limitless, as there is no limit to the pos- vice will be given Sub-conscious Life as
must carry the Thought-wave to produce sible range of pitch, it follows that there the patron shall determine, for all the
the ronsczbus and the chosen effect. Love is no limit to the variety of Human Life. Readin are from the Sub-conscious
alone would never cure. It would inten- ONE in origin, ONE in substance, ONE or the guiside of life.

Send money
sify the activity of the soul in the way it in possibility. ONE in the. Absolute in bills or money upon Sta, B, San
was going. Love is help in the way of Truth, we are Individual, only in the Francisco. ,

power, but it is not directive. Thought sphere of Thought. Only to the degree
-the will of the conscious man-must that a person thinks for himself does he ANNOUNCEMENT-Ready About Feb.
come in to give direction.
Suggestion attain individuality. To Think is to be lst.-Another book by the Editor of
must be, that the chosen activity can be. an Individual. To Love is to Live. Love NOW, entitled-NOT HYPNOTISM,
Otherwise there will be activity, without is the primal energy. Thought is the BUT SUGGESTION ! It demonstrates
self- direction. Man. Thought can raise or lower the that the phenomena termed " hypnotic"
The Force that directs individual ex- is not due to any power resident in the
pitch of life. Love can keep life in the
pression is Thought. The Force that is animal scale, or octave where' man Operator, but is entirely due to the
directed, is Love. mental condition of the Subject and is
started, or it can raise it daily in pitch
The time will come when, through the toward the Ideal Man, as typified in within the control of every person. It
demonstrations of Tele athy and the is a condition of Receptivity neces-
Jesus, and other aeers.
study of SUGGESTION: that man will Telepathy demonstrates that Thought sary to SELF-MASTERY. The term,
"IN THE SILENCE" is used now to
studv Thought and Love as he now can do this.
Telepathy demonstrates
studies light and sound. He will for- that each person has the power, by his designate the condition that heretofore
mulate his knowledge of these into has been termed " hypnotic." All this
thought, to depress or raise the domi-
science and develop an art, of Thinking nent note of his life ; that each person phenomena is due to the action of the
and Loving. The promise, the prophecy, can lower or raise the
pitch of his ex- Subjective mind, and should be studied
of this is here in the present schools of
pression, and thus control himself in all until the Art of Self-Suggestion is so
Mental Science, and in the fast develop- his being, becoming self-controlled. perfect that the individual can through
ing Art of Suggestion. The possibilities of this Discovery can- it make of himself that which he de-
Thus does the phenomena of Telepathy not as yet be dreamed, but that it is the sires. Suggestion is the natural and
contain within it, more for the ood of Greatest of all human discoveries the ever-present factor in the Evolution of
the race, contain more promise Ior
the century will demonstrate. Thought will the Individual. This is the only book
future 'of mankind than all the previous extant that treats this marvelous DIS-
yet control, where now we use the lesser
facts he has gathered. Thus is it that forces. Nature's finer forces will need COVEBY or THE Pow!-is or THOUGHT
when Man demonstrated that Thought no crude machinery; will need no Taaouoa Suaerzsrios, in a plain and
was n form of Force ; that
Thought was namos; no locomotives ; no wires. The
scientific manner, free from theology,
mode of motion, he made his Greatest occultism, mysticism or dogmatism.
only dynamo is the Human Soul; its
Disc. -very. wires and tracks will be Thoughts. But Orders ma be sent at once, and the
All know of Vibration is true of
that we the material world will be the play- book will he sent as soon as it comes
Thought and Love. As other forms of from the rinter's hands. Address
ground of the Conscious Life in Man,
motion have been studied, so can these
and he, because he is "Conscious Law," NOW
Pubqishing Co., 1423 'Market
which we now throw into the cata- will be " King of Kings,"


6 NOW'

'rue New cuss. , New Books. History of Medicine.

A brief outline of medical history and sects of
in january. It has The Tfd?¢5f0f7l¢df1b7l of Evzl. Caroline
This class was organized physicians, from earliest historical period,
now many members. We have united for Wheeler, Lansing, Mich. 25c. with an extended account of the new schools
mutual assistance. All who wish can join. This is a little book, but it is mighty.
It shows the evils of"represeion and pro-
of the healing art in the nineteenth century.
Send for the February NOW for directions,
hibition and the beauties of develop- By Alexander Wilder, M. D. New England
(5 cents.) It is for success in Business, for Eclectic Co. New Sharon, Maine. Price
Health, Spiritual unfoldment or any human ment, education, until all desire for that
which is called evil has passed away. $2.25..25.
Want. Cost: A subscription to NOW, and
Dr. Wilder's name is guarantee of the thor-
50 ,cents for the first month. After that a It is a book to recommend to all who
look upon the saloon and the liquor oughness and excellence of this book of 946
monthly letter and any freewill offering. No one
habit with a desire to see it outgrown, pages of closely packed wisdom.
Pupils join any time, and leave any time. We who would understand the evolution of the art
learn to help ourselves by helping others. 'We and especially is it recommended for
of healing, from the priest~physicians of the
can learu, or help ourselves in no other way. study to the believer in Laws for the earliest times to the present phases of Mental
and be helped and receive help. control of morals.
Join Science can be without it. It is an impartial
Meafless Dishes. The Vegetarian Co., history of the growth of medicine. The per-
The editor of Equig/ writes: NOW McVicker Bldg., Chicago. 10c. secutions that have followed the introduction
comes to hand regularly and as a mental Good. It will help on the evolution of of new methods are fully portrayed. Espec-
tonic I should recommend it to the spir- a new diet. It will teach economy and ially does NOW recommend to its readers the
itually weak, as just the thing to inspire good sense in the kitchen. I could live
chapters upon "The Great Condict for Medical
them with courage and strength." on the food it recommends, easily, and Freedom" and "Medical Legislation." Now
I appreciate the clear of to one who lives in hotel. boarding-house that MentalHealing and Absent Treatments,
character you have iven me in the re- or restaurant it is food to think of its with Magnetic and Osteopathic Methods, are
cent Psychometric iteading. Step by dishes. being made the subjects of legislation and
step I hope I shall attain the best by Georgis Weekly, Denver, Colo., comes
legal trial, this portion of the book is espec-
culture. -C M R, Ohio. as an X and it is welcome. He freely ially valuable to the healer. It is written with
walks among all parties and sects and Dr. Wilder's well-known liberality, but with

Suggestlve Therapeutics. takes the best from each. Therefore he fairness, and freedom from dogmatism and
At this point a physician is called in has taken up the New Thought, and assault. NOW places the book on its refer-
each week has a page devoted to lt. with the thought-"I wish all
who is studying and practicing ence shelf,
Sug- '

gestive therapeutics." He declares that And his paper has a strong, healthful teachers could read it."

the previous treatment has suggested' look and is full of Aiirmationa. He is

sickness, and pro oses to try the effect a guide-post to all papers. The future Correct English.
of suggesting health. That is to say he monthly magazine, edited
will not be an organ, but an How to use it. A
by Josephine Tnrck Baker.
has learned that brain, by its thought organism directed by a Soul.
vibration. He knows 84 La Salle street, Chicago. Sr per year.
powercan change W¢lhn¢r's lllagazinc. Nevada, Mo., for
This is to be recommended to all who would
that certain vibrations express health, October and November, have reached be accurate in the use of the bestlanguage
and that others mean sickness and suf- It has the look of the popular
me. ever coined. The English language is des-
fering. So he drops the drug, and sets magazine.

tined tobe the universal language of civiliza-

the mind to work by aug estive harmony.
He proceeds to "think"
the patient's
San Joss, Car..-A very pleasant social event
tion. Each peraon should feel it a duty to

heart is all right, that its rhythm is keep itpure and to help preserve its beauty by
was the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
an acdurate use of it. The best authors fsil
harmonious. In other words, he first Miller at their residence on Ninth and Reed
sometimes, and NOW even nods, but since
suggests it to himself, and then, by streets, on Thursday afternoon, December 26th, this book in have been
came exchange we
sympathy, induces the patient to think the occasion being the presence in San Jose of
it for himself, just as any tone is echoed studying and less occasion for poor rhetoric
Henry Harrison Brown, editor of NOW. Some will be given. Here is one sentence that Good
by another instrument capable of pro- twenty-ive persons were present. The rooms corrects from Ladies' Home /oumsl.
ducing it. The power of thought is were beautifully decorated with evergreens,
and when Mr. Bok slips, we little ones need
tremendous. It is the creative power of Bowers. The afternoon
holly berries and not cry when we do. "It is by just such trifle:
the universe.-Charles Dawbarn in Pro- away in social converse, the
passed quickly that good or ill breeding reveal themselves."
gressive Thinker. discourse of instrumental music on piano and lt should read-reveals itself.
violin by the talented daughters of the hostess,
Class Benefits. Its Realization.
an address of greeting by Henry Harrison The Ideal:
A young who took our courses in
Brown, good talks by Mrs. Hendee-Rogers and By Lucy C. McGee, Ph. D., M. S.
Art of Living" and Suggestion, sends

invited to partake of delicious The James H. West Co., Boston, Mass. Prife
others. All were
this letter, which can be seen with other Each one in saying a farewell
refreshments. 75 cents.
testimonials at this ofiice:
felt thankful to sister Miller for this opportu- This is a line specimen of the printer's art.
HENRY Haamsos Baows- "a feast merely intellectual will find little in it.
nity of meeting together and enjoying The
Dear Fnkndx Your course of Lessons of reason and a flow of soul." The day will It is an esoteric work. Spiritual things must
on the
Art of Living" and "Sugges- be spiritually perceived. There is strength in
long be remembered by those present.
have been of infinite value to me,
tion in the Silence with it. The book is BU
-Philosophical journal, San Francisco. sitting
and have completely changed my trend Adirmation that Spirit is-and "it is the only
The power of the will is the main thing in
of thought. They have enabled me to reality. Spirit is immanent and awaits real-
medicine. A man who wishes every one well
find my proper sphere in life. Hoping ization iu every soul."
in placing will produce good effects. One who begrudges
you will have great success
advanced ideas of the Science of everybody everything good and who hates "
One of the most abhorrent traits o_f
Life before the public, I himself may experience on his own person the character a man can possess, in my esti-
spemainbg effects of his evil thoughts. -Paracelsus. mation, is hypocrisy.'_'-Pres. Roosevelt.




2212232213 No Book Like It in the arket. THE SPHINX MAGAZINE.
n Cards in this column, 5o cents per month, H
|\el|ll¢¢¢| to .l»00
one-half inch; three months, 'l.00. 3 YCBI-
l u HOW
THE BPHINX is a leading Asnrolnglml Journal of the world
TO and ls cmatrlbuted to by the best writers on
Astrology ln lurope
Asia and America, and ls edited by þÿ A l D ¬ Y
CONTROL i Q ' lutmbger
In writing to ndvurllscrs mention NOW. Mn. Catharine B. Thompson.

HE UREIGHTONS, stallollers and Prlnlers. ll0 srncrlfomvnn.
T Turk Htreet,San Francisco. New Thought Iller-
ature and all Liberal books, magazines and news-
THROUGH For Two Dollars you can have the Hphlnx
for one year, and a year's forecast written
by Mrs.
papers. Keeps NOW for sale. SUGGESTION. Thompson The work wlll be the same that she
charges three dollars for. This offer ls made to
This is the title of a new book by Henry Her- Introduce the " "
to netfrmdenx.
R. M. E LASSWELL. Mental Sclentlst, Healer
and Teacher. No. |37 Hyde Street., San Fran- rison Browu, Editor of NOW. It is published
Addrss, P RAMID PUl.CO., CO.,
seo. Hours: I0 to l2 a. m., 2 I0 4 p. m. Write 336 Boy lswn Street, Boston, Mass.
for terms. by the "NOW" Publishing Company, 1423
Market street, San Francisco,
EBECCA I. JOHNSON answers questions and
gives advice on any subject. Three questions,
cents and stamp. Box 379, Hollister, Cal.
It deals with Suggestion in a plain Common-
sense and Original wav.
It is intensely PRACTICAL. Teaches how to
live and Master the conditions of life. He
S., D. O. S., B.
J Osteopalhlc Physician.

anatomy. Uallfornla College of Os eopethy.

who buys and follows the teachings of this
book will become the MASTER OF FATE.
Condensed news on all
matic and rloclul
World Topics. Special D
Porrespondence, Masonic News
Dally Folk Lore, Woman's
hours: 9 a. m. to5 p. m. Telephone, lied 4892. 387 Interests ew
Geary St., between Mason and l-'owell,Seu Francisco. Sent to any address upon LITERARY DEPARTKENT
receipt of 25 cents. (238
i s d evo to notlce ol' the most l ta book
of the day. The Psyghi,¢?rValit'ie ol
Address NOW Oliice, I423 Market street, San magazines
cat onsspecially considered.
Mental or Medical, for every form of disease and
Eastern orders nlled by James S. We wlll edlt and publlsh ln Boerron
every undesirable oondltlon, wrlle to me. Lawrence, Grove lnlms, free of
Clty, Pa. charge, articles from such wrlters as are animated
CONSULTATION FREE. dlstlnc! lndlvldual thought. We thus adord by
lleld for dellnlle you |
All letters conlldentlal. W li. BERTRAM, M. D., of consclons literary
East Boston, Mass. DIET DRUGS. development
3513; wEnolose stamps pomlbla
or return ol manu-

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Tots, Evening
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ad from Foods inducing heart complications and liver senl fo' two l|'\"l|l|ll|,
Z5 cents and two
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SUD, but
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"Zenla, The Vestal," a story of the Boul's Devel-
ment same author. to be had from Alll- the emotional nature. Foods which make one
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Y. City. Prlcahl.
nervous shy and low spirited
The above list of classified foods can be ob- 153 Octavia Street, San Francisco, California.
or MENTAL SCIENCE. cum and Absent
tained for 25 cents U. S. stamps, or the above
ork, Bpeclalllea. 031 S. sixth st., Waco, Texas. with 8 pamphlets on the same subject fora dol-
lar bill. The Triple Vibratory Cure.
PHILOSOPHY, by N. M. Zimmer- Address, Soren E L'KPPEL.26 Clovelly Mansions, EARN HOW T0 EQTABLISH 'PHE TRIPLE
WILDWOOD man. "New Thoughts on Old Themes," a Gray's Inn Road, London, W. C., England. Vlbratlons and make yourself secure from sick-
praotlcal. orlzlnal presentation of the Gospel ness. mlstortune accldent and lnharmonlous
of atnre The Lessons of Love The Road to Huc- nncongenml frlenda, old age and
eessana the Meanlns or Lm-. sl, paper soc. éloth, surroundings,
death. 12 essons. and "A Little Lower Than the
Address the author, Iola, Kansas. SPIRIT MOTHERS. book by Lathbnry, on soul and
MRS. MENTAL TEACHER AND HEALER. Monthly, 50 cents per year. Deooto, Uallfornla. Magnetic Vibratory Cure.
Teaches and treats by presence UR@ CULD8 ln all forms (la l
or correspondence.
MENA, ARKANSAS. The Value of Esoteric Thought and C catarrh. sore lhroat,)
Each of these tnree treatments, $1.00.
, hs

for Rheumallsm, S2 00. Cure for Mental

lvl. Cl.O'I`HlLl)E HITCHINGS, Teacher of Depression
Plano. 158 Uctuvln street, san lfrunclsco. l,es~
The Philosophy of Absent Healing. sent free wlth elther treatment Tested slx years.
The three $1.00 treatments to one order for 12.00.
Ol. Conservatory classes for chlldren and be
Thls pamphlet glvee the most nrnctlcal explana- Sharon, Mass.
glnnera82 per month. Music hlrnlahed for dances
tlon of the power of secret
and partles. Acoompalnments and or how
when deslred
(Mrs. Hltchlnlzsls planlst for t I9 'NOW meetings ln thought
through the absent treatment, heal ng ls edecled re
1 _

Odd Fellows Hall. gardless nftlme or space. It should be read by

every Character Readings by Psychllmetry

one who ls lnlerested ln this phase of mental hes -

.._ .... __

lng. Prlce, I0 or I2 one~cent stamps.

FREE HEALING cenlsgllver,
Order of QIHARLE W. ULO~4E, Department 44. Advice in business or matters of Life, and in
No. l26 Bl ch Street, Bangor Maine, U. S. A.
By Distant Drugless Science. ___..l __
development of any psychic phase will be
given by the Editor. He has had 25 years' ex-
I will restorerme patient ln each neighborhood tu perience in this work, and claims to be one of
health FREE of no matter what, or how the most practical of advisers. Write lim a
serlnus the dl ease. charge;'
nlldence in my nblllty lo
heal la my reason for making t-lla offer.
A series of Soul Culture Essays, by Henry
short letter as to a friend, giving outlines only
"A healed Harrison Brown, Editor of NOW. Price, 6oc.
patient ls one's best advertlsf-mv~nt.." Address wlth of the desire, and enclose $l.0O and a
stamp: EDITOR OCCULT TRU l`H HEEKER, These Essays were published in The New reply
Lawrence, Kansas. will be sent at once.
Alan during the year 1898. They are equal to
-A New Thought Monthly
anything the author ever wrote and are what
they claim to be, a course of Lessons in the KOHLEH & CHASE
that contains courses of
lessons on " How to Enter Art of Living. The Magazine for the year will
0 the Silence." ¢x.ooayear. besent for 6oc. Besides these essays they Musical Instruments.
contain valuable articles from the pen of Dr.
Braun and W. J. Colville, and others. May be 28 O'Farrel Street
M/lnxsou Sr., OAXLAND, CAL.
T017 ordered from this oEce. San Francisco, Cal.



8 _

compend of current thought
subjects, Its

Paychlc and Occult.
are edltorlal notes
DISEASE A Healing Home and School in the Law of
Higher Life.
and comments on current news and events ln this Conducted by EVELYN ARTHUR. BEE
special tleln; also orlglnal articles by the best think-
ers and writers along these lines. It is not designed
to take the place of any other publlcatlon but to act
The healing is under the charge of Agnes
Bend Chester See, well known from her work in her
to all. l0c a
copy; Sl 00
asa a year.
25c. ( supplement
AY for a three months trial
subscription. own country and in England and France. and
Address: The Psychic Review Co., Toledo, Ohio. SEXUAL FUNCTION.
probably unsurpassed in the record of her
It ls here that the most DANGEROUS RENTAL
LIGHT OF TRUTH. Patients are accommodated at the Sl-IRINE
CONDITIONS are found. It is here that
they most often arise. Here ls the rluh tleld with every modern convience. Work estab-
of the FAKE and the QUACK. FEAR ls their lished in Kalamazoo in
A Slxteeu Page Weekly Illustrated Paper devoted to of warfare, and they create. by NUG-
who wish
Splrltuallsm, Hypnotlsm, and other occult sub- weaqpn
GES ION, that which they are paid tocure. Special arrangements to those

jects. Pnica, 81.50 vnu. YEAR. THERE IS NOT IN ALL LIFE A FIELD THAT
treatments abseutly -

SO Nt£lTH!-IWlslil\lEN'1'.=\ll TH!-I Wlsli l\lEN'1'.=\ll

Single copies 5 cents. TEACHER AS THIS. The School ls designed to formulate and teach ln
loglcnl order the Life Philosophy nf which the heal-
Address, LIGHT OF TRUTH PUBLISHING OO. ing ls parllculnr demonstration. þÿ 7 ' § ` | ' I ¬ l l l l \ l |
Young Ken Are the Prey of the Quack. a
courses are arranged to cover ubout one yeafs work.
li)-5 and 317 North Front St.. Columbus, 0.
PRO'l'ECT AND SAVE. IS MY ll0'l'T0. corresponding courses on University Extension
That a few may be SAVED ROBRERY of purse, pThe Normal course in healing ls accompanied by
Over and paln, and sorrow, I have declded I0 educate for actual practice by the student ln healing with
$3000.00 to be Given Away. Now
all DISEANES OF THE GENERATIVE SYSTEM. Instructions to each case under his
specldc peculiar
1o,ooo Striving for xoo,ooo. None yield so readily to Mental Methods. care.
I will treat 3 months, by Silent Power free, all who write for furlher lnformatlon and
Our Home Rights. 247 Washington St., Bos~ take Instruction by Letternmd Suggestion. Terms
for this $6.00 for three months. Before the end of that
Address, THE SHR1 pqronpectus.
ton, Mass., has had a phenomenal growth of period there wlll be CURE and PEACE of mind. Ad- 432 Academy Street, Kalamazoo, Mich.
xo,ooo in six months. We are opening a con- dress. Henry Harrison Brown, H23 Market Street,
test which will close at the end of December, San Francisco, Cal.
A Most Valuable Book.
N. B.-All letters confidential.
I@2. _All responsible people can join to earn "
Modern Researches," a scientific work,
the following cash premiums: written in common language, and containing
The Mastery
The person who gets the
ofsubscribers for O. H. R
largest number

it Fate, Vol. 1.
All who are struggling out of adverse condltlons
invaluable information for physicians, teachers,
parents. Gives the cause and prevention of
Next largest .................. ..
5oo cannot aUord to mlss reading this book. ln order baldness, epilepsy, skin diseases, sex perverts,
Next largest .... ..
that even the poorest may be ahle to buy ll. we
have it at the low prlce of 50 cents.
painful parturition, onanism, sadism. masoch-
ism. etc Sold under 30 days' to re-
largest .... _ . .
X23 By D placed
P. BRAUN, Erll'/or of " The New Man."

fund purchase price if not considered t e best guaranty

largest ..
15 16 chapters, all of great value.
Next work of the kind ever published. Send for
largest 5o _
Obtained at ollloe of " NOW

1423 Market Street., San Francisco, Cal. circular, prices, etc. Agents wanted. Scien-
tiiic Publishing Company, 96 Fifth Avenue,
The NOW Course of Lessons Chicago.
Besides this we oifer $10 in cash to the most
successful ,agent in each stale and territory in 25 cents for the editor's book
the U. S. and each province in Canada.
in Psychometry. 1`Send
upon Suggestion and learn the
Agents are allowed to deduct 30 cents for 1 have a new course of l0 Lessons for the
each subscriber secured. If our agents se- prepared
readers o NOW, which I wlll send for ¥l0.(I). Art of Living. Nature's One
With each lesson, I wlll send Two Ex perlments. "
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