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‘from all blfe’a Grapes II press sweet wine.-e

Henry Harrison
Harrison Brown

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Mine0wn..$J Christian Science and Suggestion.

“Our Father?” I His be1ov’d son? Christian Science is not Suggestion and has
Then Pm His heir and all is mine! nothing to do with it.—Correspondent of San
His child? My Father? We're one? Francisco Examiner.
Then all is mine from sand to sun, The cures made by Christian Science are really
And all the stars that nightly shine, by Suggestive Therape11t1'cs.—Dr. H. A. Psrkyn,
And fruitful tree and vine, in Suggestion.
And all the brooks thatc: g run,
Are mine-All, all are mine! Like eflects spring from like causes.--Natural
Philosophy. '

“Our Father?” lgineg Mgfidngdom

“Our Father, ma th ki dom come!”
then! Thin? which equal to the
equ to each other.-—Geoznet1y.
some thing are
His Power is mine since we're one!
Igy that one Power all things are done!
is Power is withthe beastin den Such a statement as this from the
And His the Power of armed men! Examiner is strange because Sug-
In Him my every
And all is mine--is mine
gestion is an ever-present factor.
0 matter what the conduct or pro-
“Our Father! May
“Our Father?" Mine?
be clone!"
is will my will? fession, Suggestion is its origin.
Then as the years nnfoldin run That Suggestion is all, should not
I only have my race begun.

His is my growing thou ht and skill! be said, for no one knows all the
My every set his plans lfill. factors that make up the sum total
Thus in one strand all Life is spun,
Since all is mine--is mine! of the manifestation of human life;
“On earth as ‘tie in heaven!" the cry. but this can be said: E2/eajxz.‘/hingin
“On earth?" in matter? E
His kin dom then on earth am 2
where? way of lzuman expefience Izas Sug-
My Fat er’s store is my $11 ply, gestzbn for its covzsaous factor.
And all His life withhim I s are! Be it health or disease, be it joy or
My kingdom is His constant care;
Love broods o‘er me with faithful eye, sorrow, be it pleasure or pain, be it
Since all is mine-is mine. success or failure, Suggestion is the
My life, 111 will, is one withthine! conscious and human side. From
Thy king om, Father,is my all! the effect of Suggestion, no one can
The prayer for peace that once was mine
When dim the stars offaith did shine,
When trembling trust oft made me fall,
get away and at the same time re-
Is now no more! I've now no call,
tain his or her conscious manhood
For I am fruit of Love the vine,-- or womanhood. The conscious-
And all is mine-—is mine. ness which the insane and idiotic
--Emmy Hnxxsox Bnown.
.. .. .
ill- possesse is subject to Suggestion.
The little needle alwa s knows the North,
What is a Suggestion? It 25 any-
The little bird remem his note,
And this wise Seer within me never errs.
Zlzing and e2/e7yt}:z'ng tlzaz‘, throng}:
I never taught it what it teaches me; a sensation, awakens a tfwuglzt 2'2:
I only follow when 1 act an-ight.—Emez-son. tlze mzmi. What is the Law of Sug-
man Is rich in
A men roportion to the things he can
afford to let. a ono.--
gestion? I am that wlzz'c/z II tizmk II other systems.
am. That they heal a large proportion
their patients is true. With them

Christian Science from first to last of

consists in causing the patient to as with practitioners in all methods
thinkhealth that he may be health. of healing, the negative reports are
“Error” is “false belief.” Change the not made. A failure to cure proves
“belief,” root out the “error,” think nothing for or against the principle
health in its place, and the human involved. A cure demonstratm
side of the work is done and the that the Life principle has been
sub-conscious (the Soul, or God) be- called, by that method, into expres-
gins its work. In this statement, cures sion. Christian Science cures. It
Christian Science is one with all many cases where doctors fail.
other methods of healing from the It will continue to cure. As its
Indian Medicine Man to the latest practitioners become better versed
fad. The healer must first in the Principle,
change But others who it will curethismore.
the thought of the patient by some also are not of cult
form of Suggestion. This Sugges- cure. Mrs. Helen Wilrnans,
tion may be a word, a look, a bread T. j. Shelton, S. A. Weltmer, Dr.
pill, an Afirmation given by a Brown Parkyn, Dr. Pitzer, Henry Harrison
magnetic healer or a practitioner of and his associates, and ten
Suggestion, or may given
it be si- thousand others, cure, and cure as
lently,by telepathy,as the Christian large proportion of their patients as
and Mental Scientists do. The si :1 do Christian Scientists. And their
of the Christian Science healer, t e patients remain cured equally long.
mention of the name in print or by Christian Scientists cure some upon
word, is a Suggestion and prepares whom other mental healers have
the way for the silent word. Re- failed. But others cure where
formed Christian Science, in com- Christian Science fails. This is of-
mon with all other forms of human ten my case.
conduct, depends upon Suggestion. Effects follow cause. Cures by
And becauseit is a method of using mental Power, no matter by what
Suggestion, it is successful. N o means, are cures from one Cause.
intelligent person will deny the suc- Cures have but one source and that
cess of the practitioners of either of source is that from which birth
these, neither will any one versed comes. To call it God, Mind, Di-
in the science of Mind deny that vine Wisdom, Life, Energy, does
theyare based upon true principles. not explain. Cure and birth come
The only point between these from that Unknowable One whom
methods and those of other forms men name by so many names, but
of Mental Healing is the limitations from whom all Life springs. To
imposed by the Christian Scientists call upon God in faith has no more
and their claim that they alone have efficacy than to call upon Life, or
the correct principle, and in their Power, or Mind, in the same faith
exclusiveness and refusal to ac- and sincerity. This mental attitude
knowledge the good and true in of faith and sincerity is all that is
The dependence of Ilbort shall be lovers;
The continuance of aqua lty shall be comrades.-—
Walt Whitman
required. “Believe and be saved,” Science, use Suggestion, for that is
said Jesus. The belief is necessary. all Hypnotism is. The difficulty is,
Emerson says: “A believingLove!" these parties have discovered a
that is all. method of using Suggestion and
To call upon this Life-giving Pow- think they have discovered a new
er under one name or formula has Principle,—-thesame Principle that
no more efficacy than under any Mesmer and all others since his
other. Mrs. Eddy’s name is not time have used consciously; i. e.,
one the universal man can use, the Law of Suggestion. Mesrner
neither are her formulas the only did not understand, neither did
ones. Each man may make his many who followed him; compara-
own. The moment one, through tively few understand today. But
faith, becomes receptive to the in- this I will say, sure of its truthful-
spiration of Life, it flows to him and ness:—-No intelligent person can
he is healed. If a spoonful of water learn, under any good teacher, the
or “Science and Health” will do Science and the Practice of Sugges-
this, bless either of them, but re- tion and not realize the identity of
memberthat there are also a million the Principle used by the Christian
other methods that have been effi- Scientists, the Reformed Christian
cacious since man lived in the cave Scientists, the Mental Scientists,
and used incantations. the Divine Scientists, the Magnetic
When, therefore, we see healing Healers, the Onthologists, etc., etc.,
done by methods identical in Prin- etc. All breathe the one air, all live
ciple, and differing only in methods the one Life, all obey the one Law.
of Affirmation, or of conveying the That Law is ever active and is only
Suggestion, we are, by every scien- more clearly understood now than
tific deduction, compelled to say:—-— it was in the time of Solomon when

Tfzzags wlzzkk are equal to the same it was stated thus: “As a man think-
t/ting are equal’ to each otizer" and eth in his heart, so is he.” Let the
“Like ggfects spring from like reader of “Science and Health”
causes.” Ignorance of the power think in his heart there is no mat-
of Thought; the idea that Thought- ter, that he has no body, that he
power can be limited, and that one has no disease, and that mental
can be prevented from thinking his condition will be reflected in the
own thought, and that any thought body which he really has, though
but his own can affect him, are the he denied, and he is cured, because
most potent factors causing present he has been brought to thinkhealth.
ill conditions, and it is surprising But the thousands cured by Prof.
how great this ignorance is among Weltmer, by Mrs. Wilmans, by
people otherwise intelligent. Col. Sabin, and Mr. Shelton, were
To say “Hypnotism” to many peo- alsocured becausetheywere brought
ple, and to many New Thou ht to think so.
people, is like Haunting a red ag Does it make any difference wheth-
to a bull. But it does not matter; er the thought is sent orally or tel-
all these, in common with Christian epathically,as far as cure is con-
Let's not burden our remembrance
with a heaviness thatls gone.-—
cerned? No! But it does make all ancient knights who fought over the
the difference in the understanding shield. One saw the gold and one
of the patient. One acts automat- the silverside. The shield was both.
ically because he feels, and the other The two sides made the shield.
acts intelligently because he tilt):/ts. Suggestion is one side of the fact
The patient under suggestive treat- of healing, but the unseen, silent
ment is taught the thought under forces of the Infinite Spirit are the
which he is cured. The one cured other side. When students see
by silent treatment does not know, both sides, there will be unity where
for the subconscious acts in his cure is now diversity. 0 brothers and
as it acted when he was an uncon- sisters, Humanity needs Truth! We
scious infant, and there is no more have it! Why not in Unity hml?
conscious individualitydeveloped in Why not all find shelter in one fold
the one case than in the other. But under the one Power and the one
the moment the Scientist begins to Law:—The Divine Power and the
proselyte his patient, he is using Law under which it works in Hu-
Suggestion as definitely, but not so man Liie,-—I am that 2012235}: I tkzhk
intelligently, as it is used by the I am!
.. ..
oral healer.
But there is a fact that underlies RANCH PI-ELOSOPHY.
these diverse schools which, when AGoodW'orld. J .9‘
understood, will unite them. Sug- It aint a. bad world after all,
gestzbn alone does not cure. Sugges- With its brooks, an’ birds, an’
An‘ skies 0' blue, an’ every hue,
tion is the instrument of cure and An’ friendlynoddin’ trees.
there are no cures without it. The It aint a had world after all,
cannon did not tear down the walls With its mothers, an’ babes, an’ friends,
at Port Arthur, but no downfall An’ pleasant miles-«aunshizfysmiles,
An’ rest when the day’: work ends.
without it. The destructive power
It aint a bad world after all,
was the powder behind the projec- With its hope 0’ heaven blcst,
tile that tore down the walls. The An’ evergreen hills 0’ faith thatfills
cannon confined the powder and
Each troubled human breast.
directed it. In like manner, Sug- It aint a bad world after all,
Withits men, an‘ women, an’ brothers,
gestion gives direction to the 07:41! An’ claspin’ hands in many lands,
and the one healing power, (let us All graspin’ star-led lovers.
name it by any of these names,) BXTON Fotmns.
--Sn: Error:
God, Divine Love, Life, Energy. ..§ .

But Divine Power would have been When will men live comrades and lovers,
diffused in radiations without direc- All rancor and hate under ban?
Then the highest and holiest title
tion had not Suggestion directed it Will be, you’re known as 9. man.
to the patient. Suggestion intelli- -Mayorsamjoncs.
gently applied is like the artillery .. . ..

and the intelligent artilleryman; but mirror; the

of aa
II am kind of
am kind tle mirror is holden
mirror is holden to
these without the powder and pro- men.
jectile would be useless. I, otammcring, say
Eternal says, I,
What the Bternal
These various schools are like the again.
As a matter of foot, a man's first duty is to mlnd
his own business.-«
Geo. C.
G«J. C. Lorinzer
opens to me. I find my universe of

‘V \‘ \” \ >\‘V
I I‘ t a 1

perce tion and thought widened each

day y the wondrous play of Light
I love this sense of touch. From head
to foot my bod thrills as an instru-
1! .‘i;.>:-‘i :. or n n ment of joy. enter into the vast
An .AtflrmAtlonbears the same relation to Soul Cu! pleasure
realm through Sensation,
tune that an axiom bears to mathematics. It is to caused by thevibrations of nature up-
Thus held. it will mould the expression oflife in o its on thismarvelous body of mine.
be taken as Truth, not reasoned upon, but see: ted.

am:-nu. As one says. “I am happy," w en all goes I care for all that feeds, supplies, and
own likeness. The "I" is the ego ofthe a who

well with him, he is to learn to say. “I am happy." heightens these physical

senses, for
gestlon, produce in himself thatmental stateAuto-tuf;
when all seems ill to him. He will thumb:
upplueu. These Amrmatlons are;-lvenevery month
through them I become one withthat
asspiritual gymnastics by which one may grow in- which is not myself.
to self-control. when
thcgarerepeated. or held in
mind, other and lqgurlouo ought: cannot come in. I enjoy this wondrous play of Life
Thus by conscious choice one becomesMaster of Fate. through this body of mine and in its
Prudence. .15 J flush of health in vein and nerve I find
objective eXl>relii-
I am Spirit with an objject:ive happiness.
lam expres- I enjoy the wondrous reproductive
expression is
Objective e:x.plressio,n is necessary toto powers within me through which the
race takes hold on eternity and
the unfolding of my possibilities.
The sense-life is the primary manifes-
tation of Life, and I will wisely use it
newe .
which my body is daily re-
As creative centers, I care for
them and elevate themin my thought
for my unfoldment. ‘

of Good.
The world of sense is the world of I am careful of this body and keep it
shows. It exists for the education of clean and ure. I put into it only that
Spirit. I will carefully use these sym- which, in ove, I beheve will be for the
bols that I may grow in spiritual per-
ception. highest expression of thatwhich I am.
The objective world is the world of I love my body and clothe it in useful
and beautiful garments that I may
bols,calling to the Reality within, express
e Soul, to become manifest in ex-
in and through it the Beauty
I am; one withthe Supreme Beauty.
I love this objective life as the school I love this earth and brin my body
of Spirit. into Contact withit by see 'ng grove
I love my sense impressions as the and field and shore, lying on its
awakeners of latent power within me. breast, drawing as babe health and
I love the taste of lood and drink for happiness.
it calls Life into physical expression I am prudentin the use of every bodily
and makes me know and care for my- function and in the op ortunities and
self as body. supplies of the world 9. out me.
II love ... odor of flowers forit enables
Inv,.. H Prudent expenditure of my forces, ru-
distinguish 8elllSa1ciollS
me to distin.guish
me sensations and edu- dent expression of my emotions, eep
cates me
cates me as as Soul to recognize the myself at all times consciously in
world about
about me.
me. health and happiness.
I love the sounds and myriad voices The One Spirit, the One Life and the
about me for they call into deeper ex- One Love 18 manifest through me and
pression my slumbering faculties of in that One I find order, system, care,
recognition. I am happyin the music economy and peace. In e ual pru-
of nature. dence, I am at all times res 1, peace-
I love the wonderful visions sight ful, supplied and content.
The Arena of the now stand olnt. of Science is that
of the pupil's own m nd.--r
Elmer Gates

read astronomy and accept the

statements, but not till you have
looked at the stars do you really “in
your heart” know. One View of
the satellites of Jupiter did more for
me in way of knowledge than all
THE LAW OF SUGGESTION in technical! my book reading. Conviction can
thus: I am thatwhich I thinkI un.——In B ble Ian- come only with practice. Familiar
gunge it is: As a man thinkcthin his heart so is he.
-—1n meta hydcal statement it in Lpcroon is got-
erncd by 3 conviction of Truth.
with the Law by conscious exercise,
Lesson 10. you will soon naturally think in line
of desire, and so suggest, and con-
Simple Practice and trol your Fate.
“Personal Magnetism.” An excellent practice for your own
Fear has its abode in ignorance. conversion is to test it upon your
Since this Law of Suggestion is friends in your conversation. Sug-
everpresent and ever active, those gest some physical condition like,
who are ignorant of its existence, “You are tired!” when they have no
and yet compelled unconsciously to idea of so being. “It is warm!” or
obey it, are the ones who fear and “It is chilly!” when they have not
warn those who begin to study and noticed it. Many try suggesting
apply it consciously and intelligent- illness and so create it. I wish you
ly. While it is the basic principle to forget that any unpleasant condi-
upon which the clergy and physi- tion ever existed, therefore suggest
cians, teachers and editors, Mental, only relief, health and happiness to
Christian, Divine and Magnetic those who think otherwise, and see
healers depend for all objective ex- how you can bring joy and pleasant
pression, we have from them oppo- physical conditions by changing
sition. That opposition is as intel- their thoughts.
ligent as that which has met every The sense of smell and taste are
new discovery. Fear is its origin easily controlled. Try your friends
and Fear is the one Suggestion from at convenient seasons by suggest-
which all so-called evil flows. ing that some unpleasant odor is
Each of these professions and each about. The majority will notice it,
branch of them has some method of though they had not before. Keep
using this Law which constitutes silent after they think they smell,
their class, or party, or school. Did and let it die away. Do not be too
they understand the Law, there free to tell what you do or are going
would be Unity of Thought and to do. You will learn your power
action under the ONE Principle of to bring pleasant conditions by
Life. To bring this about through Suggestion. Suggest that some
knowledge is to be one of your pur- food is too sweet or too sour. Make
poses. The first step in the Science any statement about some thing in
is to become convinced that the which all are interested and see how
Law really exists. This you can large a portion will act under it. In
do only by experiment. You may this way you will become convinced
The power of the HI her bite
la the power of tho laher Thought.-~
.F1rsncis Ellingwood Abbot
that we live in our tfiougfirs, and E
what we t/tin/Ewe are.
Experimenting with children, some PSYCHOMETRY.
professor reports that opening vari-
ous bottles of water before his class
and asking them to tell what odor rt :~,?.:.>:‘; atIl'J\\‘\
he had set free, the majority smell- PSYCHOMBTRY in the Science and the Art of
ed some odor. Try it in your social raises... and in t! Wti '=° t W -

gatherings. You will find that Sug- Lesson 10.10.

gestions act in line with one’s ex- Experimenting. J‘ J
perience and so each one will be The one peculiarity of Psychometry is that its
apt to smell his favorite odor. conclusions often seem pure assertion, without
A few such experiments will give you rhyme or reason, as far as the sensitive knows.
—CI2ar1es Dawbarn, in Banner o{Li:-,r1zt.
understanding of the power one
an unldersta.nd<inf:{
To one who has studied Vibration,
exercise over another. In
person can eXlercise
these you have exercised it all. All
have exc::rcised each square inch of space is like
possible power that one can exercise
possible every other square inch, because
another is
upon anotlller is that of Suggestion. each individuality in the universe
You have in these experiments done
these eXlJerilments radiates itself as does the sun or
all that any teacher can give you. All candle. Those vibrations of vary-
you have to do now is to extend your ing degrees of speed fill the medium
knowledge and develop the Art of
the Art in which they radiate. Therefore,
Suggestion. No matter who teaches teaches thought from each individual person
“Personal Magnetism” or “The Art
or "The Art radiates throughout all the thought
Controlling '-'WLlt:L;:I,"
of CClntrollinlZ Others,” pose hehe as In-
In- realm, Soul throughout all the soul
dian adept, or Mental Scientist, or realm and Spirit throughout all the
some occult teacher, he can teach you spirit realm. Be these realms one
no more than how to suggest. The or be they separated, the fact re-
mains that the vibrations of each
many advertisements proclaiming
otherwise, I wish to tell you I consider personality and individuality radiate
fake and fraud. Avoid them or you to the extent of the medium in
will repeat the proverb the little boy which they exist. For this reason,
did when he dropped his penny into each person is present at all times
the contributions-“The fool and his in every portion of the universe.
Human omnipresence is demon-
money are soon parted.” There is
nothing mysterious in nature. The strated by Psychometry.
“occult” is merely thatwhich is hidden All that is needed is that one should
through ignorance. The needed in- become conversant with his sensa-
sight is given to human power and tions and know from whence they
human conduct by the understanding come———interpret them. He may
of this Law: I am that which I thinkI then know whatsoever he may de
am. He who can change my thought sire.
will change my life and my conduct. Our sensations so blend that we do
This is the limit of “Personal Mag- not analyze them and live in the
netism.” sum total of them. Unless they
To the receptive soul the River of Life pauaethnot.
nor is diminished.»-
George Eliot
(:it!:<or.c;'e Eliot
are positively felt through the others describingthe character. Mr.
senses, or our attention is called to Foulds, however, gave so fine a
them,we let the most importantof Reading that I sent it to the lady
our sensations pass byunnoticed. with the request that she tell me if
But the artists,
poets, psychics,
no- it was true. As a specimen of what
tice them and thus extend the range can be done through a cultivation
of their perceptions, which is in re- of this faculty, I give below the
ality extending their universe. Reading which the lady writes me
Attention to, which is cultivation of, is “Excellent” The only error is
sensations will soon enable one to in death of husband. There has
sense the vibrations from any de- been, however, a death of father,
sired person. This requires the mother, brother, three children and
faculty of shutting out sense-percep- a much loved sister (in an awful
tion, and noticing instead those sen- manner.) To one versed in these
sations which come to the Soul matters, this mistake is easily ac-
through the entire nervous system, counted for. The son is a letter
those which are in general un- carrier, and she is much interested
noticed. in these persons and in the G. A. R.
To attain this, practice by going in- The name of the Spirit teacher is,
to that “Silence”where the voice of as indicated in the Reading, “Na-
man never comes,“the closet” Jesus thaniel." The lady writes: “Mr.
recommends, whose door is “Con- Foulds’ Reading is excellent and
centration" and whose key is “De- true in every particular save in the
sire.” When once there, the desired death of my husband.’.’ Remember
sensations will be felt. this cannot be telepathy because
I cannot better tell you how to do not one person of the class, even
this than by narrating the method myself, knew these facts, and only
I knew the name of the person and
my class work in a recent exper- that she is an author.
I had previously torn up a letter With thisIgetawoman offromtl-5to 60. She
lives in quite a large city, 30,000 to 40,000 in-
from a correspondent, unknown to habitants. It seems on a R. R., runs by the side
me personally save by name. Age, of the town, and I thinkit is one of the lines
description, history, all unknown. that come from Chicago. I get Rock Island. I
thinkthis person has passed through a great
Bits of this letter were placed in deal of trouble. It seems that the death of 9.
envelopes and given to each mem- husband has caused her much trouble and wor-
ry, but a certain philosophythat is really one
ber of the class, telling them noth-
ing. not even the sex of the writer,
given her from the Spirit by writinghas helped
to comfort her very much. Now er hopes all
with the request that they, at such oenter in a son, a. young man of maybe 19 to
24-. I believe this woman to be aspiritualist
time as is convenient, “go into the of a high order and a good writin medium.
Silence” and write what theyfer’! Her guide, it seems to me, is called “ athaniel"
and writes through her. Poetry and art appeal
concerning the writer; to write what to this person, and I believe she has written
came into their minds no matter books and also for the ma azines. I thinkshe
how strange it might seem to them. is deeply interested in the.
A. R. and in some
At the next lesson reports were people who wear gre nnitorms and carry some-
thing on their bac s-may be letter carriers.
This person has a wonderful love-nature and is
read, several describing person and greatly loved by all who know her.
Hold your Thou ht, your Mind, your will in Principle
and you w It succeed.-
Eva C. Haifa:
Eva C. HuHmT
Federation Notes. I .9 Love of Truthand Faithin the Soul,
The New Convention of the New it trusts in Human Endeavor. Do
Thou ht Federation will be held at
Neva a, Mo., September 26, 27, 28
ave? nefghbors need the Light you
by not so live it that they
and 29, 1905. may see your ood works and seek it
for themselves “A city set on a hill
(Journal: in aympathg with the movement
quested to copy the 1 on notice.)
are re»
cannot be hid.” The Federation is
that city. Your Light there will draw
I am pleased with the selection of city others to Truth.
for next Convention. The Meeting is
for the mutual benefit of the members In accordance withthe request of the
and a central city is most just to all. Board of Directors of the Federation,
Nevada is easy of access either from will eachreader of NOWeach day take
Kansas City or St. Louis and once Thought in Silence for the Success of
there a welcome is assured and we the Federation? It will not onlyhelp
shall not only all become acquainted theUniversal work, but also stimulate
but also inspired for our greaterwork. in you the Love of Truth that makes
As workers, we do not need to be lect- you free from all limitations of sense.
ured to, so much as we need to come Become thusone withall New Thought
into pleasant relations and consult peo le by uniting in daily thought
with each other. This central location wit them. In this thought of Unity,
gives an opportunity for a large at- I can do no better than to quote a
tendance. I will have more to say stanza from a favorite hymn by John
each month till Convention, when I White Chadwick:—-
shall meet you all. One in love of all things fair,
One withthejo that breakethinto song,
Forget it not; i. e., the re nest made One with the grie that trembles into prayer;
One in the ower that makes thychildren free
through the Secretary 0 the New To follow ruth, and so be one withthee}
Thought Federation thateach center I am glad to realize by letters that
make a contribution at its first meet-
NOW readers are joining the Federa-
ing in March and that each individual tion. I would have not onl all NOW
also be invited to contribute on the
first of March to the treasury of the readers, but the readers of 1 our New
Federation. Let us be generous and Thought journalsjoin. Your thought,
the Federation will have enough to your influence, your efforts and your
work with. If you pass thatseason, dollars will help the Federation to do
makethe contributionat the first sub- the work it wishes to do. With this
sequent meeting or at any convenient help it will ca out the prophecies of
time. The Federation needs these success made or it. In the hearts of
funds to carry out its plans. many, it is now SUCCESS.
Notice the offer of New Thought jour-
Our “New Thought Primer” was writ- nals to new members as given by the
ten in
Segtember, 1908. On page 42
I made t e followin prophecy which
secretary on page 235.
is fulfilledin the Fe eration:—-
New Thought will never organize. Its genius
A New ThoughtMetaphysicalLibrary
is Freedom. There will come unity of action. and Free Readin Room has been
Under it all, will come a Realization of Truth, opened by Mrs. in in Room 201
and societies of expression will naturally c s- Grant building,corner arketand 7th
tallize, not to thinkalike, but to work toget er streets. It is a most convenient loca-
for the good of all.
tion. Here all New Thought journals
The FEDERATION is is not an organi-
not an will he found on table and here sub-
zation in the usual sense
zation the word.
of the
sense of scri tions will betaken. New Thought
It is voluntary union for work with-
union for boo s loaned and sold. “NOW” Pub-
out creed, formula, or or rule, but in lications will always be on sale.
Obstruction‘ is but VIrtuo’o foil.
The Stream impeded has a song.-~
Option 01'
Ol'l'IClil NOW
or NOW and February number,but it is No. 10
105 Steiner
105 Steiner street, San Francisco, California.
San Francisco, California. of the volume. Each subscriber will
receive 12 numbers for 9. ears sub-
scription. We are delaye from un-
avoidable reasons. 12 numbers make
NOW, a volume at $1 per volume. DoDo not
HENRY HARRISON BB.O"WN. BROWN, get anxious, for NOW is always on on
A monthlyJournal ofPolliUve
of Positive AfIIrmlllUolU.
Devoted to the Science
Science and
and Art
Art of80tll
of Son! Culture. Changes in the plans of our business,
It is the utterance oftheBditor oul,..
not credited 1;0
to other: is his.
onI I All thought
th0 ugh t
. rendered necessary by the election of
Ita bule AlIIrmllldou 11Il: r1lm..jg IIpbtt ha“ Mr. Brown to the Presidency of the
‘pk-gt bere
and DOW.
IIIIId with all
now. with all the
the po..IbIUties
possibilities01 D!- New Thought Federation, delay onr
of DI.
vlnlty wltbln blm IIIIId be am
within him and he consciously proposed
can C:OIUlClloully
tour. Before we start, all
business matters must be so ar-
manifest thOH
malilifeit those poolbilltle:ll
possibilities It 13 RI3 and our
N ow.
NOW. ranged that our assistants can ca
it on. Due notice will be ’venthroug
svucnnvrnou Rrru "$1.00 per ye“ NOW and other journ s of date of
starting and our proposed route. Sev-

Single Copies, 10 cents.

Anvnnrtsmo Rrru .............. "$2.00 per incl: eral places have already announced

their desire for Mr. Brown’s Courses.

to “Now" lgojlflnnsnn ’Frnndocofn§xypreuer£:r§e‘r’::b1!g:
Sendmo e 1 bill P.O.M
. on!
silver or bank drafts. Postage stamps (1c and 2c We are still open for proposals.
only). for parts ofthc dollar when more conven-
ient for sender.
Henry Harrison Brown has just closed
“NOW” Parlors his course of 13
co,mug? (‘odd
Fore! bacribe
26¢ t:>"t§e“ordlc:1firy('::t?l:3c:l;::i‘¢!>nh;‘>:itc3e at
add {
to cover postage. Do not send foreign P. 0. stamp;

Lessons in Suggestion, and also a

of 13 Lessons in “The Laws of
Entered Jan. 6. 1908. at San Francisco. Ca), 3; 2;:
class mnttetgnndcr Act ofcongress of March 3, 1879 Spiritual
Unfoldmen .” This latter
course is the most advanced he ever
CONVENTION, Snzvramnnn 26, 27, 2S
gave. It is the seventh course in his
series of Spiritual Instruction. The
other six are:-—
12 Lessons in Suggestion.
105 12 Lessons in the Use of Thought for
B.—-NOW has
N. removed to the above 12Success.
has retltlolredtothe LeSlSOIIS
address. It It is Success.
is opposite Herman St. 12 Lessons in Thought as Power, in-
Hai ht street street carscars run within two
12 Lessons
bloc s and Fillmorecarsjust one block. 12cluding
.u.iU.l!i.,ul. several lessons on Telepathy.
Lessons in the Art of Living.
Our office and Home is now under one 12 Lessons in Psychometry.
roof, making it more convenient and 12 Lessons in the Outlines of New
enabling us ater to make our lecture Thou ht. New
tour. We were never so pleasantly During is tour, he will take
situated. Our rooms overlook Duboce sonalworkin connectionwithFedera- up per-
Park. They are sunny, quiet, and full tion work and can be engaged for
of inspiration. Having done good of these courses. any
He can also be en-
work in more noisy and in much less
convenient quarters, we are sure of eetures. For
still better work here.
for one or more independent
terms and dates, address
Henry Harrison Brown, 105 Steiner
3‘ Exchanges will please note the street, San Francisco, Cal.
change of
cha.nge address and change their
of address
At 3:00 p. m., Sunda. , February 12,
papers to to 105105 Steiner street.
a Union New Thong t meeting was
In norder
In to bring
...rli..... t'n b!rin,g our Jma.gazine with held in Memorial Hall, Odd Fellows
magazineup Vlritb
the almanac—it is always up-to-date buildin
SlnJStllaC--it It was called by the Presi-

in Thought-we call this the January dent o the New Thought Federation
in Tb,ough·t-we
Whenever I meet my 8 DOOPS,
“’8 VVBL-L” I to their hall reply.-~
· Edith

Bdith M. Thomu
in the interest of a unity of action is not only scientific,but is more fasci-
among the various centers in the city. nating than fiction: it appeals‘ to the
It was well attended. Representatives imagination in its possibilitiesin such
from various centers gave short ad- a way that they who read become al-
dresses. Others who were kept from ready strong to demonstrate the
coming gave excuses. Mrs. Anna Rix theme of the book:—’l‘HOUGHT
be the
Militzfrom Home of Truthwas pres- POWER!
ent and said her lastwords before em-
barking for the Orient. From the in- Leroy Berrier, author, ublisher, and
terest manifested it was thought best “Instructor 01 Human ulture.” Dav-
to hold another meetin on March 5. enport, Iowa, well known for his work
Mr. Sam Exton Fou ds will serve on the “The Cultivation of Personal
as chairman and it is hoped thatsome Ma etism,” and author of a new
definite arrangements canbe made for boo reviewed in this issue, writes of
a regular monthly meeting. That NOW under date of Feb. 16:—
such a meeting is needed is evidenced We have had NOW for a year and are much in-
by the fact that most of the represen- terested in it. If I was never to open it a sin,
but simply held it in my hand and allow the
tatives of different centers were not feelin it arouses to possess me, I am sure I
acquainted witheach other. A social woul be benefitted to the extent of many times
center is desired thatwe may not only its subscription rice, if such feelings could be
know each other personally,but learn measured in do ars and cents.
of each other’swork. Points of UNITY “NOW” Folk feel that even ass. heal-
are to be emphasized. We shall all
find that we are much nearer one in
in power to lie table,
va uable than a 0% IEIOW E11013
possi e ma eri
expression than we thought. We are
one in spirit. Rememberdate. Sun-
prescriptions. It comes Evith healingf
in its pages. Many are t e reports 0
day, March 5, atMarket
3 p.m.,0dd Fellows subscribers
healed; holding carrty;
by it,

building,corner and 7th Sts. ing it in theirpoc ets ors eeping wi

it. Thought IS power,
and it goes
Sunday evening, January 29, Mr. with every healthfuljournal.
Brown delivered an address upon
“Thomas Paine; Four Times the Sav- The students of the “Delivered Life”
ior of Libertyin the Struggle for Inde- invited me to theirAnnual Convention
ndence.” His hall was full and the and Banquet at the Palmer House in
ecture received withenthusiasm.
was Chica 0. And since I could not
February 12th, he gave an address with t em, I sent a letter and will in
entitled “A Lesson from the Life of Thought drink“theLoving Cup of un-
Lincoln,” showin the power of fermented wine” with them. “NOW”
thou ht, through t e Ideal, to mould Folk greet all who in any way seek to
the l’ e of a man and determine the keep sacred the Thought of Universal
civilizationof a nation. Love and to live in the Spirit of
Truththrough such seasons of com-
We have notheen able tofill orders for memoration.
“Man’s Greatest Discovery” for the
last few weeks. A new edition is in
the hands of the printers and we shall
NOW has received an
tend the exercises
exercises OD the Eighth
on the
invitationto at-
an im'itBLticlD at-
Eighth Anni-
soon fill orders. The sale of this little versary of theWeltmerSchool of Heal-
book has been a pleasing surprise to ing at Nevada, Mo. Were we near
us, for so advanced are its teachings enough, it would be our pleasure to
that we thought but few in a thous- do so. As it is, we are there mil in
and would desire it. Especially grat- spirit and withthanks to Prof. elt-
are our large English orders and
e reception it has met withfrom our
nier for his noble stand for thepersonal
right of all to be treated for health by
Hindu correspondents. Its thought any system he or she may elect.
To a good man nothing is evil, neither when living
nor when daad.-~
Socrates .

The New Year Song. 4! J‘ healer, of whatever name, uses hiswill
New with the new endeavors, when he heals as much as when he la-
Now withthe past all told, bors with his hands. It is the ques-
Take of its gist of lessons, tion of how to use the will. It takes
Take of its Wisdom gold. asmuchwilltosit in a chair as to
Use for the days before thee,
Use for thine highest good; walk, and as much will to send or to
Ever to those who question receive a telepathic message as to
Can the past be understood. write or talk. All ex lanation of the
Life in its radiant beauty. transmissionof thong tlies in the soul
Life in its bud and bloom, itself, and in the direction given it by
Surges and blesses round us,
T e glad New Year has come.
the conscious thought,which thought
is held bythewil1.Thisis concentration.
Live as you travel onward;
Let others to idols bow! When Prof. Barrett can send and re-
Grasp the New Year’s scepter! ceive, in his own person, telepathic
Live in the glorious now. messages, he will understand. Till
-Assn: Waxes Goon). then, the results of the Psychic Re-
Molina, 31., Jarlulllry
January (., 1905.’
4-, 1905. search Socicties will lay in their collec-
tion of facts,but as faras understand-
Scientific Methods and Telepathy. ing those facts, thcy will as deeply
By what process can one mind afiect another muddle the public mind as the theo-
st 5. distance? Physical science teaches that logians have in tryin to understand
there is no such thingas “action at 9. distance.” the facts in the life of esus. Only the
Beer at a distance reaches us either by the
trans ation of matter through space or by the
immediate action of some medium. We run
poet can understand the oet, and on-
y the psychic can un erstand the
talkof brain-waves, but that is only unscicnti c psychic. Confine yourselves, gentle-
talk; we know nothing of the kind. We must men, to facts and to self-development,
patiently wait for more light on the mode of would you KNOW.
transmission of thoughtthrough space. May Off
not the uncertainty of our experiments in II II II

thought-transfcrence partly arise from the fact New Thought Federation.

that we are not going to work the right way?
Ought we not rather to seek for evidence oi Osman on THE Sscusrsuv,
thought-transferencein the region of the sub- 3414.» Bell Ave., St. Louis, Mo.,
conscious life? I believe in the can of boththe
agent and thepercipient the consciouswill plays February 1, 1905.
only a secondary part. This is true also in all
Friends oftbe New Thought:
cases of Suggestion and of thetherapeutic effect
The quarterly mcctin of the Board of
of Sug estxon. It is notably seen in the cures
Directors of the New hought Federa-
wrong t in what is known as Christianscience.
So, in telepathy, we need to hand the whole
tion was held in Kansas City, Mo.,
matter to the subliminal activities.--Froman
January 26, and was well attended.
address before the Societ ibr Psychics! Re-
One of the matters of general interest
search, London, by Prof. .F. Barrett (Quoted
in Literary Digest). determined at this meeting was that
As long as scientists rsist in trying of locating the Annual meeting and
to unravel psychics phenomena by Convention of this year. Many points
the same methods they have studied were considered and various cities pre-
physical hcuomena, and as long as sented their claims and inducements,
they on 32' study the phenomena in but the Board felt that the question
others, and not in themselves, they should be decided from the standpoint
will never understand them. Prof. of the best good of the Federation,
Barrett, in renderingbothtransmitter and its final decision was in harmony
and receiver negative, is far from the with this feeling and thought. The
truth as when he places the explan- desire was to designate the point that
ation in the subconscious; he is ri ht would permit the greatest number
only so faras he places the cause 0 all from all sections to attend, for a truly
human phenomena there. I am under successful convention should be repre-
my will power all the time, and the sentative of the entire country and not
The True incentive to a useful and happy labor must
be pleasure in the work itself.-~
William Morris
William Morris
confined to any particular locality; The New Thought Federation was a failure. It
hence the most central oint proposed will go into what Grover Cleveland calls “in-
nocuous desuctude.” The Bartons, theFilinores
was the one selected. trange to say, and the Brownies caii’t keep it going»-T.].
also, this most central point resented Shelton, in Christian.
the strongest claims and o cred the The New Thought Federation has not
most inducements which the Board
felt it should not fail to recognize.
The Annual meeting and Convention
yet had time to prove itself either a
ailure or success. It was born at the
Convention in St. Louis. It lives.
willbe held at Nevada, Mo., on Sep- Shall it be Success? It has done a no-
tember 26, 27, 28 and 29, 1905. The ble work already in findin who are
work of preparation will be taken
at once. Ninety per cent of the peop e up its friends. Some from w om I ex-
pected at least ood wishes,
of Nevada are more than friendly to throw wet blankets. by? Brother
the New Thought movement, and the Shelton, do you thus say, “I told you
spirit and letter of theirinvitation and so?” Are the Principles and Purposes
agreement insures a most hospitable of the Federation wron ? Are its
entertainment of all delegates. methods wrong? If so, w y not hel
Another matter of eneral interest us by tellingus where we can improve
was thatseveral of t e publishers of Are our Principles and purposes right?
New Thought magazines offered as a Then why not help us? I can see no
contribution to the movement to give reason why any one who loves
a three months subscription free to all Truth and who desires it to more
alpplicants for membershipin the
New hon ht Federation; this covers
abound should not work with us.
Universal Love should unite us all. In
all renews. s.
Eaclévalpplicant for mem-
bership, therefore, receive tor three
this Love, all these individual idiosyn-
cracies should, fora few moments each
months from five to ten magazines
day, and a few days in the year, be
FREE. forgotten. I will not bark is ainst
The work of the Federation is a co-
operative one and demands are being alniything,
even if it is bad, s 1 less

l I put obstaclesin the way of any

made upon it for practical purposes whom I recognize as working honest-
which requires an increased sup ly of ly. Such criticism seems to me to be
a financial nature. In view o this, working in the lesser and personal
the Board felt justified in instructing love. I would rather fail, attemptin
the Secretary to invite all centers, so under the Universal Love to draw
disposed, to set aside the collection or men unto Truth,than to win under
income of the first regular meetin in the personal love from which “I told
March as a contribution to the ed- you so” must have sprung. “Come
eration. Individuals not associated up higher,” my brother.
with any center, but who are in sym- o it as
gathy with the purposes of the
ederation, are asked to make such Dr. Alexander J. Mclvor-Tyndall, the
voluntary contribution as they feel noted mind-reader and at resent the
head of the Mclvor-Tynda l Institute
disposed to.
All should bear in mind that this is a of Psychic Science in Los Angcles,
contribution to a cause. The Federa- writes us under date of Feb. 15:-
tion is so inclusive and cooperative It seems to me that December NOW is better
that it stands for the movement, the than ever. I don’t know that I have written
since reading “Self-I-Iealiu thro h Sug-
cause, and not for any one individual you estion.” It is by far the best t iug in t at line
or set of individuals. All who read have ever read. We were much interested in
this notice will please consider it an the accounts of Mr. Foulds’ work in Thought
invitation to co-operate. Transference. It in strain that peo le miss
the truth that it is the bought, an notthe
In Life, Love and Truth, Sn tiou, that heals. I wonder what they
Joan D. Pnsaix, Sec’y. there is insuggestion othertlia.nThought.
In the pure soul, whether it sing or pray,
anew from day to day.--
The Ghrist is born anew
Elizabetb Stuart
Stuart Pl".-be
A Reception to the President of the Why Critich: the Federation?
New Thought Federation. NOW’S report of the New Thought Convention
On the afternoon of January 27, the is certainly a hummer. It is good reading, in a
but it must not be taken too seriously.
“0rillaSisterhood," a society of ladies way,
Mr. Brown calls attention to the deep power.
who have been organized fifteen years Shoot! There wasn’t enough power in the
for spiritual development, gave a re- Convention to prime a shot gun. Talkabout
a crowd like that healing the sick and raising
ception to Henry Harrison Brown, as the dead. One individual, clothedwith author-
President of the New Thought Federa- ity and wer, could have caused more stir in
tion, in which their sympathy is en- St. Louis in ten minutes than this convention
in its four days session. The Federation
listed. Their beautifulhall, at corner didwas a mighty sick child when in St. Louis, but
of Dolores and 20th streets, was filled if any one can bring it out of its infancy, I be-
with representatives of fifteen diiferent lieve Ca tain Brown is the man.--Dr. 6‘. A.
Centers in the city, and after a lunch West, in aster Christian.
which was served promptly at noon, Dr. West was in the Convention with
of these representatives made
power. We feel only that power which
short addresses upon their own lines is in harmon with our own vibra-
of thou ht and in recognition of the tions. But w bark at the Federa-
Unity 0 Truth. All expressed good- tion? It did al it roposed to do in
will for the Federation and congratu- St. Louis. It OR ANIZED. Now it
lated both the President and the Fed- is ready to work as the world wants
eration that they had found each it. The field is open ior“theindividual
other. The afternoon was passed in clothed with power and authority.”
speech, song and social converse. It Wh not take the lace, doctor? The
was the first reco ition of his posi- F eration will we come and the mem-
tion Mr. Brown ad had in the city. bers of the Federation will share their
It was particularly gratifying, com- homes with whoever comes so clothed.
ing from this society of ladies, for NOW is ready to accept any GOOD
they have often encouraged him in his thin now,not waitin for thatwhich
work here. They inspired him may The Power t t is wasted in
when his work was new and rec- criticism would. if used to unite, be

ognizing his present success, theyhave

demonstrated themselves true to the wisely spent. But I am not “clothed
with power and authority”to even
Principle that made woman last at nurse this youn child. I will put into
the cross and first at the resurrection, it, as I invite al who LOVE truth to
—the first to welcome the labor, and do, good-will, love and best eflorts
the first to crown it with palms, after for its success. What will be the ver-
the victory. From no other source dict in a I care not. The efibrt
could such inspiration come as from at Unity year, has already paid each of us.
this; a ood augury of the successboth It is a step in the fulfillment of the
of the ederation and “NOW” Folk. angels’ prophecy: “Good-will amon
It It It
men.” Is it not POWER to meet wit
others in this wish and in this desire?
Henry Harrison
.... .......... H .. addressed the
Brown adldre'ssed
New Thought Center in
day, Fedruary 19, at at 3
in Oakla,nd,
3 p. m"
Sun- • • •

m., upon
“One Life and ONE Law.” Love is
For Love is but the heart's
but the immortal thirst,
hes.rt’s immortal
" Audience For be completely known
To be
To known and and all forgiven,
all forgi1'en,
fine, and they gave him a warm recep- Even as sinful soulll
Even as souls that
that come to heaven.
come to
tion. He open for engagements for So
is So take and understand
Love and
take me, Love undentand my worst.
a few weeks in the vicinity of San And pardon it, tor
And because confessed,
love, because
tor love, Cotltes:sed,
Francisco tor classes, and for Sunday And let
And let me find in
me find in thee love, the
thee my love, best.
the best.
and week-day meetings. —-Enron’ Va Drxn.
source of strength, the
Within Ono's self must. be the 80UrG8
basis of consolation.-—~
Marcus Aurelius
Not long ago my work shut down
and so short was my supply that I
could scarcely pay ostage on a letter.
“NOW”HOME ECHOES. But all the time I)
knew that within
in selfwas the source of
aérmed, supply
“I have abundance.” and
an aid out what money I had gladly. I
If we each spoke the desire of our ‘gig morfi would
comehin ilts placle.
en t e opposite t on t woud
heart, it would be to find the SELF. sweep over me, I would rm: “I am
We begin the search for the Infinite as ALL that is, and I have all I need!”
soon as we are born. Sooner or later In this positive attitude I would soon
we learn thatwe can find nothing but come out victorious. I realize now
thatwhich is withinourselves. Search- that it requires time to materialize
ing the ends of the earth for posses- our thoughts and that we must keep
sions, what we may find, we soon at it till they do. MRS R.
learn we had always possessed. A
Norse legend tells of a man who was We should he like a rubber ball in all
pursued by misfortune. His cm s the circumstances of life. The harder
were destroyed, his children died, e it is hit, the more it bounds. The
was attacked b enemies, he became harder we fall, the higher we should
ill. One day, thinking,
he saw the
troll thatdid it, he caught him and
rise. , , ,, WILL.
they wrestled, and when he mastered lldonopoliesafi
it and saw its face, it was his own. Truth goes marching on. There is
He had been seeking cause outside of never a moment’s rest in the Evolu-
himself instead of within. Each must tion oi God into Human Conscious-
sometime stand face to face with his ness. As He comes in, ignorance, self-
own Being. ishness, tyranny, greed, disease, and
lust for power, goes out. And as in
the evolution of Life from monad to
This great New Thought work begins man a more complex or anism is crys-
with the individual. He is the begin- tallized when a new un oldment of the
ning of a race. Would I work for the Indwelling God requires it, so in the
betterment of the race, I must begin unfoldment of the Human Soul when
with myself. As I grow wise and a needed man is required, he comes;
strong, I may reach out and help when needed action by society is need-
others. I am to let my light shine. ed, it comes. Nothing can stay the
RAYMOND. Progress of Ideas. This is examplified
in the present activit of individuals
is necess!1ry
It is
It necessary that we have power to and states a ainst t e Standard Oil
endure. Thin come to us as we need. Monopoly. t Truthalone. Better
Once in Alas a I had an ex rience were it for one to be cast into the sea
that taxed my endurance. e were with a millstone about his neck than
capsized and in darkness floated till for him to seek to win by any method
morning. We then found land, made not in harmony withTruthand Love.
fire enough to thaw but not to dry United the read:—JUSTICE. Let us
our clothin We had nothingto eat
till we gotgack.

to camp. But we en-

use this A rmation:-
Truthshall conquer at the last,
dured it. The conditions drew out of As round and round we run;
me that latent power I had. I would And ever the right comes uppermost,
never had known I possessed it. So I And ever is justice done.
have learned to welcome these seasons -i 5 4:»

Everythin is ropertobe expressed if

as times of revelation of my power.
Jens. you only a§m high

To “NOW” Subscribers and Readers-

Owing to unavoidable delays in the removal of our ofiice printing plant
and in re-organizing and consolidating our work, this magazine has’ been
delayed. We have made entirely new arrangements for the printing of -

the magazine and we do not now see that any necessity will hereafter
arise for another delay in the issue of the magazine.
“ NOW” Folk commenced with no experience in the publishing business
and with no realization of the immensity of the work that would open
for them. Our success has been too great for our ability and finances
and we have because of the many new fields and demands been com-
pelled to enlarge our corps of workers and find more convenient and
commodious quarters.
Though there has been a seeming lull, “NOW” Folk were never so
active, and were never so conscious of the Unity with the Over-Soul
than during the last four months. We were never so able financially
and otherwise to carry on our work, and never so determined and
trustful as now.
We have our Office and “ NOW” Home under one roof, and have thus,
not only largely increased our working capacity, but have doubled our
local work. -

Because we wish the volumes and the Courses of Lessons complete and '

also inconformity with postal regulations we shall keep the same series
of numbers. It will be noticed that since the December number was the
9 this is 10 in Volume V. Though this issue goes to press the first of
June it is the January number. Each subscriber will receive 12 numbers.
The magazine for this, and the next two months will be only sixteen

pages. But in the New volume we shall return to 32 pages with cover.
We also contemplate additional and important improvements in the next
volume. It has been the aim of the publishers to give “NOW” the
appearance and size that would make it no unworthy competitor withjthe
leading magazines. We have done this at an expense beyond what its
income warranted, but it has proved a profitable investment. It has
given the magazine a first place among New Thought and liberaljournals
and made it an indespensible companion in thousands of homes where it
is relied upon for instruction, counsel, and as a health bringer.
We rely upon our readers now to make efforts commensurate with our
own, and thus not only increase our circulation but also the sale of our
books, thereby enabling us to carry out not only our plans for the maga~
zine, but some other important propositions we have for increasing
among the masses the spread of the Truth for which we stand.
Remember this and not only renew your own subscription but send also
your friend's for the next volume.‘:_A
, _

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