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Suci Millati Qurrota A’yuni/I72216076



Reconciliation is a form of conflict transformation by turning conflict into peace. there is

an awareness of both parties that protracted conflict will cost more and be in vain. The past
factor is vital to knowing the roots of conflict that are used to eliminate potential conflicts and
establish more harmonious relations in the future. Meanwhile in a conflict resolution effort, a
resolution is made that benefits all parties in conflict.

In this review, the author will explain about post conflict agenda that relate with
reconciliation. As internasional relation we must understand about reconciliation, we must know
what the definition of justice. Then, we must understand and know about trauma healing that
have three steps.


Reconciliation is a process that includes the search for justice, truth, forgiveness, healing
and so on1. This can be interpreted as a way to coexist with previous enemies but there is no need
to love them, forgive them, or forget the past in any way, but to coexist with them by developing
the level of cooperation needed to share our society. with them, so that we all have a better life
together than we have separately.

Politics is a process of dealing with problems that have separated us in the past.
Reconciliation is a parallel process that redesigns relationships. This is a very big challenge, and
no one should think that this is fast or easy. If we can build new relationships between us that are
built on respect and real understanding of our needs, fears, and aspirations, the habits and
patterns of cooperation that we later develop are the best protection against the return of the
division of violence. So we reach the basic definition of reconciliation is the process by which
society moves from the past which is divided into a shared future.


Justice has many faces. As for they are retributive and based on prosecution, can be
restorative and based on mediation, truth commissions produce historical justice2. Repair policies
aim at justice compensation. The tendency to think about justice, especially in the West, is to

David Bloomfield, et. al. 2003. Reconciliation after Violent Conflict. Stockholm: Bulls Tryckeri AB Halmstad.Page

Cyanne and Benjamin. 2016. Conflict Recurrence and Post-Conflict Justice: Addressing Motivations and
Opportunities for Sustainable Peace. S.l. Page 21.
focus on retributive dimensions. The point of this view is the idea that perpetrators should not be
left alone - that they have to pay prices. Skeptics have put forward four general objections to
court use and criminal prosecution in dealing with a violent past. Political conditions can mean
that retributive justice is totally impossible as a post-conflict strategy.

Retributive justice tends to ignore or override the victim's real feelings and needs. Material
barriers can seriously hinder the delivery of adequate justice. The trial has the potential to disrupt
the reconciliation process.Some say retributive justice is a clear instrument for realizing these
two conditions. Proponents of retributive justice have identified a list of possible benefits, which
can help policymakers assess their potential contribution to reconciliation. Avoid uncontrolled
personal revenge. If there is no criminal prosecution at all, victims may be tempted to take justice
into their own hands. The risk is justice, vigilante, execution, spiral revenge, and so on.

Trauma Healing

Trauma healing is closely related to peace efforts. Trauma healing implies a decrease in
loneliness, an improvement in mood, a feeling of inner peace, a decrease in isolation, anger and
bitterness, and a decrease in feelings of hostility and hatred towards others3. This can only
happen in the context of relationships. Healing cannot occur in isolation because it is necessary
to cure psychological faculties damaged by trauma, and this healing can only occur in connection
with other people. Healing social trauma involves the development of support groups that
employ a facilitated process to heal individuals in a group context.

Judith Herman discusses three stages through which patients move because they recover
from traumatic experiences. This stage is safety, recognition, and reconnection. Herman states
that, while it is not necessary or even expected that patients will move from one stage to another
linearly, healing from trauma is based on the patient's psychological state of movement in three
ways. From feeling an unexpected danger to one of reliable safety and security; from a sense of
trauma separated into recognized memory; and from feelings of isolation and stigma to restore
meaningful social relations.

Conclusion and opinion

Reconciliation related to this can be understood to be understood as a perspective that was
deliberately built on how to schedule it all. Apart from that as a focus, reconciliation can also be
understood as a paradox that tries to bring together existing contradictions, such as how to bring
together the negative sides of the effects of conflict. With the positive aspects of a future
expectations of all lessons received from a conflict that occurs. As a locus, we can call
reconciliation a social phenomenon, in which it represents a space, space or place for the meeting
of the conflicting parties.
Reconciliation must be proactive in creating creative and innovative opportunities, where
the conflicting parties can focus on how to build their relational relationships to be better and
sustainable. And of course how can you share your views, feelings, and experiences between

Paula Gutlove and Gordon Thompson. 2003. Psychosocial Healing. Cambridge: Institute for Resource and
Security Studies.Page 13-14.
them, with the aim of creating a new thought on the interpretation of their relationship that is full
of violence and negativity into a more constructive relationship.

Bloomfield, et. al. 2003. Reconciliation after Violent Conflict. Stockholm: Bulls Tryckeri AB Halmstad.

Cyanne and Benjamin. 2016. Conflict Recurrence and Post-Conflict Justice: Addressing Motivations and
Opportunities for Sustainable Peace. S.l.

Gutlove Paula and Thompson Gordon . 2003. Psychosocial Healing. Cambridge: Institute for Resource
and Security Studies.

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