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Full Test One-One Review

Learner: Chị Nga Nguyễn

Despite the growth of social media, traditional bullying remains considerably more common than
cyberbullying, and concerns have been raised that cyberbullying has the potential to cause more
harm than traditional bullying due to the relative anonymity of perpetrators in many cases and
larger audiences, however, the experience of only cyberbullying was found to have a very small
association with well-being and life satisfaction and when compared with traditional bullying

B. Essay
In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. What are the advantages and disadvantages
of this phenomenon?
These days, whether consumers should beneficially use more credit cards rather than cash
has sparked a heated debate. Although such issue is contested by many, it is regarded thoroughly
both constructive and possitive by a substantial number of individuals. As such, there are both
merits and demerits to this trend, but I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter.
There is a myriad of arguments in favour of my stance, but the conspicuous one is that credit
cards could help the buyers reduce the need of carrying cash when going for shopping or buying
grocery, such as carrots, potatoes and clothes, in shopping malls or retail stores. One standout
example is originated from the fact that by using credit cards to make payments, customers are
more likely to keep the electronic records and track the spending easily to avoid fraud. In
addition, it is indisputable that customers can buy extra products, including foods, smartphones,
and TVS in an emergency when running out of money. Needless to say, these upsides stand
_______ in good stead when it come to see using credit cards instead of cash is as a simple
solution to unexpected cicumtances.
When it comes to Noun/V_ing
Another pivotal aspect of this issue is that using credit cards is more likely to make consumers
to be overspending to overspend. The primary one stems from the fact that such overspending
issue/habit can lead to unexpected debts. Last but not least, this can be exemplified that credit
cards can be easily stolen and the identity information of buyers can be stolen. Hence, it is
apparent why many are in favour of huge commercial centers [Topic/Noun/V_ing].
In view of the arguments outlined above, one canconclude that the benefits of spending
money via credit cards are too great to ignore.
C. SST84
The lecture talked about Voynich Manuscript. There are many different theories proposed for it.
Firstly, there are some people who think that Voynich Manuscript is an invention to make money
and fool of people. Also, it can be considered as secret codes that people have tried to encode
and decode them to become a genuine script. However, it can become a natural human language,
occasionally, with/in Asian aspects rather than European.

D. SST107
The leture talked about the shortage of talent war and changes in the nature of economy these
days. There is a increasing demand in more intellectual and creative thinking from students who
graduated from universities and slowing down supply for those candidates who can possess such
skills. He concluded that there is a mismatch between the knowledge students obtained from
universities and what the current economy places a premium on.

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