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Basic Numbers

Monika Bansal
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Type of Numbers:

1. Natural Numbers

2. Whole numbers
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

3. Integers
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

4. Prime Numbers:
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Facts about prime Numbers:

1. From 1 to 100, there are 25 prime
2. Every prime > 3 can be written in 6k+1
or 6k-1 form.
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q1. Let N = 100! + x; where 31 < x < 68. For how

many values of x, N will be a prime number?
(a)100 (b)99 (c)36 (d)0
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

5. Even/odd Numbers:
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

6. Rational Numbers:
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:2. Convert 0.7777777…….. in q form.
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:3. Convert 0.71717171…. in q form.
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:4. Convert 2.753753753…….. in q form.
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:5. Convert 12.75353535…….. in q form.
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

So, we have solved:

1. 0.7777…. = 7/9
2. 0.71717…. = 71/99
3. 1.753753753…. = (1753-1)/999
4. 1.7535353… = (1753-17)/990

So, basically to convert the number in p/q form,

we can write the following rule:
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

In the Numerator write the given number

formed by repeating and non repeating
parts and subtracts from it the part of the
decimal that is not repeating.
In the denominator, write as many
9’s as the cycle and then put as
many 0’s as there are non repeating
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

So, we can make a shortcut:

Number =

complete number
(9' s correspond ing to repeated alphabets )
(0' s correspond ing to non repeated alphabets )
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:6. Let N =0. ab , For which smallest integer N

should be multiplied so that result becomes an
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:7. Let N =0. ab , For which smallest natural

number N should be multiplied so that result
becomes an integer?
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

7. Irrational Numbers
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

8. Real Numbers
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

9. Unreal/Imaginary Numbers
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:8. Find the greatest 3 digit number which is

divisible by 4?
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:9. Find the greatest 4 digit number which

when divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 5?
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:10. A certain no. is divided by 552 & 28 is

obtained as a remainder, what would be the
remainder if same no. is divided by 23? (CAT
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q:11. If a, a + 2, and a + 4 are prime numbers,

then the number of possible solutions for a is
(CAT 2003):
(a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d) >3
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q: 12. If n = the product of four consecutive

integers, then which of the following cannot be
I. n is odd
II. n is prime
III. n equals one of the integers
1. Ill alone 2. I, II and III
3. II alone 4. I & II alone
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Q: 13. If N = 123456789101112.......9989991000,
Find number of 2’s in N?
Basic Numbers Monika Bansal

Thank you.

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