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Welcoming Remarks

A very good morning to our Dear Principal, School Administrators, teachers and all
my dear friends. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate the occasion of
Teacher’s Day. I am really thankful to all my colleagues for granting me an
opportunity to share a few words on the role of teachers and their influence in
our lives.

Whatsoever I have learned in my life, I have learned it from our teachers.

Our teachers are more like friends and mentors who provided us with life-
changing advice which helps us grow a bit every day. They guide us to follow the
right paths which are ultimately going to lead us towards success. I have learned a
lot from all of our teachers. Today, I want to offer gratitude to all of them for
educating us and awakening intelligence within ourselves. It is our teachers who
have guided us, helped us, and imbedded strong values in to our lives to make us
what we are today. They have not only helped in increasing our knowledge but
have groomed us as a whole.

Thank you for patiently teaching us everything.

Thank you for providing a pair of wings to fly.

Again thank you my dear teachers.

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