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The Modified Flood fill Simulator

Prerequisites 
This article requires the reader to have some basic knowledge and understanding about
the following topics
1. Basic logical constructs of C like if-then-else, while, for etc.
2. Understanding of bitwise operators in C.
3. Implementation of Stack using arrays.
4. Simple 1D array manipulations.
5. Writing subroutines in C and macros.

It is advised that before putting up any question on the forum regarding doubts about the
software implementation of the Modified Flood fill algorithm, the reader goes through
some C-language tutorial like the one given here,

Abstract 
This article will first discuss the Flood Fill algorithm, modified flood fill will be built on
that. After the boring theory session, the actual C implementation of the algorithm will be
discussed and a sample simulator program is provided in the end of this article.
It should be noted that the algorithm and some of the pictures used in this article have
been taken from ‘micromouseinfo’ website,

The Flood Fill Algorithm 

The best way to understand the flood fill algorithm is the water-in-the-maze analogy. This
is how it goes,
Suppose you start pouring water in the center square of the maze (I would love to know
who actually tried it first). The water will ‘flood’ the center of the maze and then will
start flowing in all the adjacent squares which are ‘not separated by a wall’. If I mark the
first square, that is the center, as 0 and mark the next square(s) where the water goes as 1
and keep on increasing the number as the water ‘floods’ the maze, I’ll get something like
The water is now flooding the maze, and I am numbering the squares in ascending order.
That is, water reached the square numbered 4 before reaching the square numbered 5 or 6
or 7.

Done flooding, with water! (You got a dryer or something?)

Now taking the bottom left square as the starting point, if I follow the numbers in
descending order, you can see that I will reach the center through the shortest path!
Amazing….yes….hard to digest….YES!
This was my reaction when I first got the hang of flood fill.
Flood Fill can be understood in another manner, something that I call the ‘potential
difference’ analogy. Water is still used here !
Suppose there are two squares A and B. I put A at a higher potential than B and pour a
glass of water in A. It is obvious that the water will reach the square B taking the shortest
path, given there exists a path (i.e. no wall present) between A and B.
Above point is shown at a larger scale in the following picture and this should clear any
doubts in your mind regarding this algorithm (hopefully).

It should be noted here that this illustration has no connection with the ones shown
before. Here also, it is easy to see if squares are chosen in ascending order of their
potential from the starting square, the center can be reached by the shortest path.

This algorithm has a relatively simple implementation in the software. Two arrays should
be maintained in the memory, one for keeping the flood fill numbers and the other for
keeping the wall information of the maze. Every time the mouse enters a new square, it
stops and checks for the walls, runs the flood fill algorithm, decides where to go
depending upon the information given by the flood fill and moves on till it finds the
center. Needless to say, this is not a great approach, firstly because your mouse is
stopping at every square and secondly, you are flooding the maze from the center every
time. This is where the modified flood fill kicks in.

The Modified Flood Fill Algorithm 

The modified form of flood fill is nothing different from the original one, just that we
don’t flood the whole maze every time. It changes only those flood values which need to
be changed. Have a look at the link given below,
This is a very good demonstration of modified flood fill for maze solving.
Algorithm Formulation 
Before I start describing the various parts of my modified flood fill simulator, we need to
formulate the various parts of our algorithm in simple English language.
This part has been taken from

Whenever we enter a cell, we check for the walls and update the wall map accordingly.

Update the wall map:

Is the cell to the North separated by a wall?

Yes -> Turn on the "North" bit for the cell we are standing on and
No -> Do nothing

Is the cell to the East separated by a wall?

Yes -> Turn on the "East" bit for the cell we are standing on and
No -> Do nothing

Is the cell to the South separated by a wall?

Yes -> Turn on the "South" bit for the cell we are standing on and
No -> Do nothing

Is the cell to the West separated by a wall?

Yes -> Turn on the "West" bit for the cell we are standing on and
No -> Do nothing

Now we need to call the modified flood fill to flood only that part of the maze which is
required. The cell values are updated according to the following rule,

If a cell is not the destination cell, its value should be

one plus the minimum value of its open neighbors.

When the cell values violate the above rule, they need to be updated.

Update the distance values (if necessary)

Make sure the stack is empty

Push the current cell (the one the robot is standing on) onto the stack

Repeat the following set of instructions until the stack is empty:

Pull a cell from the stack
Is the distance value of this cell = 1 + the minimum value of its open neighbors?
No -> Change the cell to 1 + the minimum value of its open neighbors and
push all of the cell's open neighbors onto the stack to be checked
Yes -> Do nothing

The stack empty check is not required in the program presented in this article.
The wall map is updated, required part of the maze is also flooded now what? Guess we
need to make the right move.

Decide which neighboring cell has the lowest distance value:

Is the cell to the North separated by a wall?

Yes -> Ignore the North cell
No -> Push the North cell onto the stack to be examined

Is the cell to the East separated by a wall?

Yes -> Ignore the East cell
No -> Push the East cell onto the stack to be examined

Is the cell to the South separated by a wall?

Yes -> Ignore the South cell
No -> Push the South cell onto the stack to be examined

Is the cell to the West separated by a wall?

Yes -> Ignore the West cell
No -> Push the West cell onto the stack to be examined

Pull all of the cells from the stack (The stack is now empty)
Sort the cells to determine which has the lowest distance value

Move to the neighboring cell with the lowest distance value.

After making the move, the above process is repeated again and again till the mouse
reaches the center/runs out of gas/stops to say ‘Hi!’ to you/stops for a photograph/bangs
into the wall!

The Modified Flood Fill Simulator 

I know you were waiting for this, the ‘real thing’!

The simulator is divided into two parts, the ‘.cpp’ file which implements the algorithm
and the header ‘.h’ file which provides the graphics and basic front, left and right
movements. At this point you might think that the main program is the most important
thing, but you must understand that the header file is a general purpose file which can be
used to implement any higher level maze solving algorithms.

The main program file, ‘Modified Floodfill_TRI.cpp’ has three routines,

1. The ‘main’ routine
2. The ‘step’ routine
3. The ‘floodfill’ routine

1. The ‘main’ routine

This is where the action takes place. ‘main’ is responsible for maze mapping, calling
the floodfill routine to flood the maze and then calling the step routine to make a
The maze is mapped according to the algorithm given above.

2. The ‘step’ routine

This function is the implementation of the above ‘Decide which neighboring cell has
the lowest distance value’ algorithm.

3. The ‘floodfill’ routine

This is where modified flood fill takes place. It takes the maze’s cell number as an
argument and floods the maze assuming that the given cell number is the destination.

The ‘MAZE.h’ header file deals only with the graphics and I must clearly state here that it
has not been written by me. It has the following functions that you are supposed to know,
1. void movestraight(int)
This function makes the mouse on screen go straight the number of
squares mentioned in the argument when calling.
2. void turnleft()
This makes the mouse point to its left direction. If you call the
movestraight(1) function after calling turnleft(), the mouse will move into
the square in its left.
3. void turnright()
This makes the mouse point to its right direction. If you call the
movestraight(1) function after calling turnright(), the mouse will move
into the square in its right.
You should note that the left and right directions are relative to mouse and not yours’ left
and right, don’t get confused.
4. void show_maze()
Calling this function would display the maze on the screen. This should be
done in the start of the main().
5. int sense(int)
This function has three arguments, FRONT, LEFT and RIGHT. It returns a
high(i.e. ‘1’) if there is a wall in the given direction. Basically this is the
sensor of your virtual mouse on screen.
6. int hori_walls[sizemaze+1][sizemaze] and int vert_walls[sizemaze][sizemaze+1]
These two variables contain the maze’s wall information. Putting a ‘1’
builds a wall, ‘0’ removes it. I have provided two actual competition
mazes for you. One was used in a competition in the USA in 1982 and the
other was used in Japan in 1991 (yes, we are far behind them). The design
has been taken from Peter Harrison’s micromouse site,
Watch out for that Japanese maze, it is the best I have ever seen. Also, you
can build your own test maze.

Before going through the simulator program, you need to understand a few things about
this implementation,
1. I have tried to things as simple as possible(with few exceptions of course!),
thus the implementation is not very efficient in terms of memory consumption
and execution speed, mainly because of my 2.4Ghz machine with 1Gb RAM.
You are probably going to implement this on a 16MHz 2Kb thingy
(ATMega32), so take this program as a reference only.
2. The maze has been mapped as a 1-dimensional array to maintain simplicity
and has been visualized as shown below
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
In the implementation, cell number 119 has been taken as the destination cell.
This happens to be the bottom left cell of the maze’s center.

3. The directions have been taken like this




It is pretty evident that if the mouse is facing north in the cell number ‘x’ and it moves
straight one cell, it will find itself in the cell number ‘x+16’.
If the mouse is facing west in the cell number ‘x’ and it moves one cell to its left, it will
find itself in the cell number ‘x-16’. You can work out for other directions and
movements in a similar way.

4. The maze’s wall information is stored in the variable ‘wallmap[256]’. The

maze’s dimensions is 16x16, representing it by a one dimensional array would
require 256 memory locations.
5. A single wall is represented in the following manner
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (These are the bit numbers)
|V| |0| |0| |0| |W| |S| |E| |N|
Here, V stands for visited. ‘1’, cell is visited, unvisited otherwise. W
stands for the wall in cell’s west direction. Here, the west is the maze’s west
not the mouse’s west. S, E and N have similar meanings.
6. The current direction of the mouse is represented as follows
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
|0| |W| |0| |S| |0| |E| |0| |N|
These directions refer to the absolute maze’s directions. For example, if the mouse is
facing east, i.e. the 2nd bit current direction is ‘1’, then the mouse’s left is maze’s north
and its right is maze’s south.
You need to go through this direction part again and again until you get the hang of it
otherwise you won’t be able to understand a major part of the program.
In this format when I change the direction of my mouse, I simply rotate the direction bit
left or right. This is done every time after I make a move in the maze. See the program to
get what I am trying to say.

7. The unsigned char wallflood[256] variable holds the flood fill numbers (or the
potential values) of the squares. This variable is initialized with values assuming that
there are no walls in the maze.

8. There is a variable in the program called cell_count, this variable was declared
solely for debugging purposes and has no use in the current program. You can surely put
it to some good use.

9. Rest of the code is very heavily commented (that’s my habit, a good one) and is
pretty much self explanatory given you have gone through the theory part and you have a
good command in C.

10. Please go through ‘Read Me.txt’ before running the simulator on your PC.

Final Remarks 
First things first, flood fill algorithm of any kind is pretty inefficient. Your mouse will
take a long time to reach the center and come back for a speed run. But yes, you will
reach the center and complete the problem statement which might be enough for you to
be the champion!

There is a reason why I like that Japan competition maze, the shortest path in it is not the
fastest one! Yup, this is possible! Here, you will see, flood fill’s performance is horrible.
Here, something you need to know about the pedigree of flood fill. Flood Fill Algorithm
has been derived from Kruskal’s Algorithm which happens to be a kind of greedy
algorithm. Kruskal’s Algorithm finds a minimum spanning tree (i.e. the shortest path in
the maze) for a connected weighted graph (which is The Maze). I know I am speaking too
much! It does not assigns costs to the paths, that is, a turn takes more time than a straight
and hence, ‘costs’ more. Kruskal’s Algorithm doesn’t cares about this.

A simple idea to work around this problem could be like this,

1. After coming back to the start for a speed run, the mouse stops and calculates the
fastest path.
2. Check all the cells that the mouse has visited.
3. Out of those cells, figure out how many paths lead to the center.
4. The path involving minimum turns will be the fastest path.
Here I have a made the important assumption that your mouse does not makes diagonal
runs. If it does, then the problem is much more complex than you think and you better opt
for A* (pronounce A star) or Dijkstra’s Algortihm (pronounce diaofoasdfsdfet ).

All the Best for the Techfest 20xx…….and Happy microMousing!

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