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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Original article

Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to

improve pump efficiency
Tajul A. Norizan, Eslam Reda, Zambri Harun ⇑
Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The effort to reduce swirls and vortices in pump intake which originated from high vorticity regions in
Received 27 October 2016 the pumped fluid has been a major task in pump station design because it affects the pump performance
Revised 5 June 2017 and ultimately the energy consumption. In this paper, a numerical study on the influence of cross sec-
Accepted 5 June 2017
tional shape of floor splitter on the effectiveness of vorticity reduction in pump intake was carried out
Available online xxxx
with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. A simulation model setup consisting of a
rectangular channel and a column pipe positioned at the downstream of the channel was developed with
the incorporation of Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) k   turbulence model. The model was
Anti-vortex device
Vortex reduction
tested with the installation of floor splitter at the bottom of the channel directly beneath the column pipe.
Pump sump Four floor splitters with different cross sectional shapes were examined in the simulation. The results
showed that the use of floor splitter is effective in reducing flow vorticity. Two of the floor splitter types,
which have square and trapezoidal cross sections, produced results similar to the findings in the exper-
iment by Kang et al. (2014) and thus gives some certainties to simulation. Triangular cross section, which
was derived from the trapezoidal cross section, exhibited the best overall performance in vortex reduc-
tion. On the other hand, another shape derived from the trapezoid, which was a trapezoidal cross section
with rounded edges, displayed superior vortex suppression than triangular cross section near pipe
entrance but limited to areas without interference from counter flows such as the flow near the back wall.
Triangular cross section displayed better performance in the region with counter flows thanks to its sharp
apex. These results are helpful to determine our ongoing experimental study as well as actual site
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and output in the orange production in Mazandaran province, Iran

could as well be a marked effort in addressing energy efficiency
The world’s energy utilization must be driven on a sustainable issue in related industries [5].
pathway in which the global annual energy intensity is set to pro- Pumping system is one of the machine types which consumes a
gress a declination by 2.6 percent per year between 2016 and 2030 significant amount of electrical energy especially large capacity
to achieve our climate change objectives [2]. Therefore, increasing pumps. Based on a report by European Commission, nearly 22 per-
number of studies on optimization of energy usage can be cent of energy supplied by electric motors in the world is utilized
observed especially in the publications of journals related to sus- to power up pumping systems [6]. One of the main causes of
tainable energy and green technology. For example, the initiative reduction in pump efficiency is swirling flow problem at the intake.
to reduce energy wastage through utilization of electric motors This is because swirls in the intake flow could cause load fluctua-
and other electrical appliances was taken by several food and bev- tion to the pump impeller and consequently energy consumption
erage factories in Nigeria [3]. Warm House program conducted by will increase to cater the excessive loads while the impeller is
the city of Changchun in northeast China could be considered as a rotated. Reduction in effectiveness of pump intake and increase
unique approach in improving energy efficiency where nearly half in operating cost may occur if the swirling flow problems are not
a million houses underwent retrofitting of thermal insulation in resolved [7].
the building [4]. A study on the balance between energy input In recent years, pumping station designers and pump manufac-
turers are continuously exploring ways to increase efficiency in
⇑ Corresponding author. pump operation, from modification of electric motor drive to sump
E-mail address: (Z. Harun). design optimization. Extensive studies on hydraulics of pump
2213-1388/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
2 T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

sump have been carried out to accomplish the latter, either by tion of small eddies on AVD surface which helps reduce vorticity in
experimental or theoretical approach. For example, Rudolf and Klas suction intake [14]. Kim et al. [15] concluded that the effect of vor-
[8] performed a numerical simulation using commercial Computa- tex suppression mechanism by AVD is greater with increasing flow
tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software to identify the cause for the rate. There are various AVD designs implemented in several studies
problem which involves decrease in pump head and efficiency which differs from the conceptual design proposed in ANSI HI
curves of the pumps in a chemical plant. It was found that the flow 9.8/1998 but have successfully eliminated excessive swirls and
in the pump sump created vortices, identified to be the main cause vortices, such as cross-shaped rectangular bar with 99 degrees
of the problem and therefore correction devices, namely floating taped end [16], trident [15,17] and conical sill [18].
sieves, vertical plate and cone with baffles were proposed as reme- In this paper, a numerical simulation of flow in pump intake
dial measures. Another study which used experimental and with the installation of floor splitter type AVD with different cross
numerical methods was conducted by Chuang et al. [9] using pump sectional shapes was carried out to investigate the influence of
sump model with sluice gate aimed to investigate the effect of flow cross sectional shape of floor splitter on the effectiveness of its vor-
discharge and gate submergence on the flow in pump sump. The tex suppression ability. Four types of cross-sections are tested
result indicated that the pump become less efficient with increas- where two of them are similar to the ones employed in the exper-
ing discharge and gate submergence. In the experiment carried out iment by Kang et al. [1]. The other two variants are derived from
by Dimas and Vouros [10] to study the effect of cross flow velocity the trapezoidal cross section used in the study. An open source
at fore bay on swirl in pump suction pipe, it was concluded that for CFD software OpenFOAM was used to perform the simulation with
a sump with geometries similar to the model in their study, there the implementation of distinctive governing equations, turbulence
exists a critical cross flow velocity in which the swirl angle in the models and solver methods in order to produce valid numerical
suction pipe could not be further reduced and the only way to min- results.
imize the excessive swirl is by using appropriate flow-correction
devices. 2. Modelling of sump
There are standards and guidelines for pump sump design pub-
lished by standards bodies such as the American National Stan- Fig. 1 shows the setup of the pump sump model used in this
dards Institution (ANSI) [11], the British Standards Institution study. The sump is a regular single intake sump with a suction col-
(BSI) [12] or the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) umn on the upstream side. In order to induce vortices at the intake,
[13]. According the American National Standard for Pump Intake the suction column is positioned asymmetrically, a method similar
Design [11], one of the options to reduce flow vorticity is by instal- to the one used in the experiment of Rajendran et al. [19]. All the
ling anti-vortex device (AVD). Floor splitter is a type of AVD which dimensions are expressed in terms of the diameter of suction pipe,
has been used widely due to its fabrication-friendly feature beside D, taken as 88 mm (outer diameter 100 mm). The water flows
its effectiveness in suppressing vortices. However, the guideline along a rectangular channel and through the suction pipe which
does not describe detailed dimensions of the floor splitter and is situated at the end of the channel and placed asymmetrically
therefore many floor splitters used vary greatly from one another with respect to the channel width (W1 = 2.15D and W2 = 1.35D).
in terms of shape and dimension. Kang et al. [1] suggested floor The pipe submergence S was set to 4.5D to generate vortex on
splitter with trapezoidal cross section as an effective shape of floor the floor, from experimental observations, and the pipe was
splitter to reduce vorticity in pump intake based on the results of extended for a total distance of 12D. Values for the backwall clear-
swirl angle measurement in the suction column. Serrated profile ance X and floor clearance C were nominated as 0.9D and 0.8D,
on floor cone type AVD is proven to be the contributor of elimina- respectively. Flow rate at the suction pipe was 0.003 m3/s while





Fig. 1. Intake configuration.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

the Reynolds number, based on the pipe diameter and average flow 2
 qu0i u0j ¼ 2lt Sij  qkdij ð3Þ
velocity in the pipe, was 45,000. With these configurations, vortex  3
formation was induced at the floor of the channel and floor splitter 1 @U i @U j 1 @U k
Sij ¼ þ  dij ð4Þ
was installed in the system to suppress the vortices. The origin is 2 @xj @xi 3 @xk
taken at the ground level below the center of the pipe inlet as
The turbulent viscosity, lt is calculated from turbulent kinetic
shown in Fig. 1 where x is the opposite of the incoming flow into
energy, k, and dissipation rate, , as following.
the sump, y is the spanwise direction and z is the vertical direction.
Water flow was considered incompressible and isothermal with 2
constant density (q ¼ 1000 kg=m3 ) and viscosity ðl ¼ 1 CPÞ. lt ¼ qC l ð5Þ
Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) k   turbulence model @ @ @ lt @k
was implemented to close the turbulent flow problem. The govern- ðqkÞ þ ðqkU i Þ ¼ lþ þ P k  q ð6Þ
@t @xi @xj rk @xj
ing continuity and momentum equations are listed below.   
@ @ @ l @  2
@U i ðqÞ þ ðqU i Þ ¼ lþ t þ C 1 P k  C 2 q ð7Þ
¼0 ð1Þ @t @xi @xj r @xj k k
@U @ h i
@U j
qU j i ¼ Pdij þ 2lSij  qu0i u0j ð2Þ Pk ¼ qu0i u0j ð8Þ
@xj @xj @xi
where, U i is the time-mean velocity in the xi direction, P is the time- The standard model constants were used here:
mean pressure and qu0i u0j is the turbulent shear stress defined C 1 ¼ 1:44; C 2 ¼ 1:92; C l ¼ 0:09; rk ¼ 1:0; r ¼ 1:3
according to Boussinesq’s turbulent viscosity hypothesis.

(a) Front view (b) Side view

(c) Plan view (d) Isometric view

Fig. 2. Cell sizes in the mesh.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
4 T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

A ready fully developed velocity profile was assigned at the more similar to this standard case the cells are, the more accurate
channel inlet whereas the outlet was set to zero gradient velocity the solution is. For this reason, tetrahedral cells, specially if highly
and zero value pressure. The free surface was treated as symmetry skewed, introduce a numerical error source to the solution. On the
plane with zero gradient for all the parameters. Standard wall other hand, hexahedral cells, besides their zero skewness, they can
functions were used to solve the near-wall region at both pipe’s be aligned with the flow direction so they will produce zero trun-
internal and external surfaces and channel walls. cation error in the normal direction. Cell grading, although cost
Originally, the governing equations are derived for an ideal case effective, harms the results since the distance between the cell cen-
assuming cubic fluid elements. In the numerical simulation, the ters and faces are not equal. The equality in size, although compu-

(a) Along pipe axis (b) Along pipe axis

(c) At pipe entrance along x-direction (d) At pipe entrance along y-direction
Fig. 3. The grid-dependence analysis. Comparing the four meshes 0.55 (left blank), 1.1 (referred to as F) and 1.65 (FF) and 2.2 (FFF) million cells.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

tationally expensive, is well known to produce more accurate solu- selected such that the maximum Courant number was less than
tions. Brief reviews for the effect of cell shape on the solution accu- unity to ensure the stability and convergence of the numerical
racy can be found in [20–22]. solution. The simulation ia carried out until the steady state is
Equal size hexahedral cells were selected (Fig. 2) to assure the reached (a total of 100 s of simulation time). OpenFOAM, an open
quality of the results. Four mesh densities were examined; 0.55, source CFD package was used to solve the problem. The pres-
1.1, 1.65 and 2.2 million cells. The grid independence (based on sure–velocity coupling was maintained by the PISO algorithm.
both pressure and velocity components) was achieved at 1.65 mil-
lion cells. The grid-dependence analysis is shown in Fig. 3. The 1.65 3. Modelling of AVD
million cell mesh fits to the 2.2 million cell mesh even at the crit-
ical pipe entrance and wall vicinity areas with negligible discrep- Four splitters with different cross sectional shapes are
ancies of 2% and 5% at each. The time step (0.00125 s) was employed in the simulation to study the influence of shape of

Suction pipe
of flow

Floor splitter



0.12D 0.06D


76° 76°

0.24D 0.24D 0.24D 0.24D

Fig. 4. Floor splitter designs.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
6 T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

AVD cross section on the effectiveness of AVD in suppressing vor-

tices. Two of the cross sections are similar to the ones used in the
experiment by Kang et al. [1] which are in the form of square and
trapezoid. The selection of these two shapes was based on the
intention of the researcher to test the validity of the simulation
with corresponding outcome from the experiment in a different
pump sump configuration. Besides validity checking, this study
was also intended for investigation of the effects of predetermined
modifications of the trapezoidal shaped cross section, the better
shape proposed from the experiment, on vortex suppression effec-
tiveness. For this purpose, two new cross sectional shapes were
derived from the trapezoidal cross section. Type C AVD has a trian-
gular cross section derived by setting the apex size of the trapezoid
to zero while Type D AVD maintained the shape of a trapezoid but
with rounded edges. Detailed dimensions of the splitters are illus-
trated in Fig. 4.

4. Results and discussion

(a) Without AVD (b) AVD-A
Fig. 5(a) shows vorticity regions in the suction pipe for the case
without AVD installation and the cases with the installation of each
AVD type shown in Fig. 5(b)–(e). The vorticity is a measure of the
angular velocity (spinning speed) of fluid elements. It was used to
reveal the vortices and swirling motions formed in the pump
intake system. The vorticity around an axis i is defined by:

@uj @uk
fi ¼  ð9Þ
@xk @xj
Generally, it can be noticed that high vorticity spots in the
observed region are weakened in every case with AVD installation
(Fig. 5b to (e)) compared to the case without AVD (Fig. 5(a)). The
pump intake with AVD-D (Fig. 5(e)) creates smaller high vorticity
regions compared to all other configurations, especially at the pipe
entrance (z = 0 until z  0.10 mm i.e. near z = C). The results were
further evaluated based on the vorticity distribution at the pipe
entrance and the location 4D above the pipe entrance where this
location is represented with z = 4D + C. As the z coordinate starts
at the floor, the term was added with C to represent the clearance
under the pipe entrance. The reason for the selection of this loca- (c) AVD-B (d) AVD-C
tion is to reflect the measurement of swirl angle in experiment
according to ANSI HI 1998/9.8 standards. The vorticity distribution
at the pipe entrance along x-direction (streamwise) were larger in
magnitude between x = 0 and x =-0.5D which represents the side of
the pipe near the backwall. This may be caused by the interference
of complex flows originated from the backwall. Higher vorticity
region may also exist in the clearance between the backwall and
the outer diameter of the pipe. Smaller clearance will lead to
higher local velocities and thus higher chances of vortex occur-
rence [23]. Nevertheless, the vorticity reduction of AVD Type C
was less affected by this hindrance along the x- and y-direction
compared to other types of AVD indicated by its smallest ampli-
tude of the quasi sinusoidal form of vorticity distribution as shown
in Fig. 6(a) which benefited from its sharp apex. For the vorticity
distribution in y-direction (spanwise), the results showed that
the reduction of vorticity was not as evident as it was in x-
direction mainly due to the orientation of AVD which was parallel
to the direction of flow. The vorticity distribution near the perime-
ter of the pipe exhibited high values due to the cylindrical shape of
the pipe which contributed to high amount of flow separation. This (e) AVD-D
is the reason why bell shaped pipe entrance is more favourable
Fig. 5. Comparison between the high vorticity (magnitude) regions in the four
than straight cylindrical pipe.
cases, shown are y-z plane views with x-axis directed inwards the page. Units
Based on the graphs in Fig. 6, the results from the cases with shown in (a) are in mm.
installation of AVD Type A and B showed conformity with the find-

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

(a) Vorticity along x-direction at pipe en- (b) Vorticity along y-direction at pipe en-
trance trance

(c) Vorticity along x-direction at z = (d) Vorticity along y-direction at z =

4D+C 4D+C
Fig. 6. Vorticity distribution across the intake pipe at pipe entrance and 4D above the entrance.

ings in the study by Kang et al. [1] where the trapezoidal cross sec- x = 0.5D to x = 0 at z = C (pipe entrance) but amplified the vorticity
tion displayed better vortex suppression than the square cross sec- towards negative x- and y-direction. These results indicated that
tion. Compared to the results with AVD Type B, the vortex the vorticity reduction ability of AVD Type D is limited to the loca-
reduction for AVD Type C was slightly more effective at every eval- tions with little interference of counter flows such as the region
uation point based on the amount of vorticity reduced from the near the backwall. At z = 4D + C, the results for all AVD types are
case without AVD installation. This improvement may be caused relatively similar except AVD Type D which displayed a slightly
by the reduction of apex size in which the initially trapezoidal bigger vorticity along x-direction between x = 0.5D to x = 0. The
shaped cross section was changed to a triangle by setting the apex magnitude of velocity components inside the pipe at z = 4D + C
size to zero. As for the case with the installation of AVD Type A, the for the case without the installation of AVD was weakened after
vorticity in the pipe was amplified instead of weakened at some AVD was installed as depicted in Fig. 7. AVD Type B, C and D pro-
point where it may originate from the shape of cross section which duced similar velocity field due to the same base shape which was
was a square. Some shapes of AVD might amplify the velocity com- a trapezoid but the velocity components in the direction perpen-
ponents in the intake flow instead of reducing them and thus cre- dicular to the flow with AVD Type D installed exhibited bigger
ate new vortices [24]. AVD Type D exhibited a unique vorticity amount which contributed to slightly larger vorticity distribution
reduction properties in which it conveyed the best results between as the results in Fig. 6(c).

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
8 T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Fig. 7. x-y velocity vectors at the exit section of the intake pipe, colored according to the vorticity component about z-axis.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),
T.A. Norizan et al. / Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 9

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grant DIP-2015-006.

Please cite this article in press as: Norizan TA et al. Enhancement of vorticity reduction by floor splitter in pump sump to improve pump efficiency. Sus-
tainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (2017),

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