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Development of Management

Alvin Joseph S. Pio

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• is a set of principles relating to the functions of

planning, organizing, directing, and controlling,
and the applications of these principles in
harnessing physical, financial, human and
informational resources efficiently and effectively
to achieve organizational goals.

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Five Primary Functions of Management

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling

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Is future oriented and determines an organization’s

direction. It is a rational and systematic way of making
decisions today that will affect the future of the

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the function of organizing involves the determination

of activities that need to be done in order to reach the
company goals, assigning these activities to the proper
personnel, and delegating the necessary authority to
carry out these activities in a co-ordinated and cohesive

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The function of hiring and retaining a suitable work-

force for the enterprise both at managerial as well as
non-managerial levels. It involves the process of
recruiting, training, developing, compensating and
evaluating employees, and maintaining this workforce
with proper incentives and motivations.

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The function is concerned

with leadership, communication, motivation and
supervision so that the employees perform their
activities in the most efficient manner possible, in
order to achieve the desired goals.

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The function of control consists of those activities that

are undertaken to ensure that the events do not deviate
from the per-arranged plans. The activities consist of
establishing standards for work performance,
measuring performance and comparing it to these set
standards and taking corrective actions as and when
needed, to correct any deviations

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A manager is an expert in his or her field and is a

support system for employees. Managers work within a
business and work together as a team to achieve
company goals.

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Task of a Manager

1. Providing a certain goal to the firm

2. Managing internal and external growth
3. Maintaining the organisation’s efficiency
4. Building assets for the organization
5. Being innovative
6. Always look-out for competitors
7. Interaction with employees and customers
8. Deliver social responsibility
9. Be a factor of change

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The Skills of a Manager

1. Technical skills
2. Conceptual skills
3. Interpersonal skills
4. Decision Making

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Classifying Managers

• First-line Managers
• Individuals who manage the work of non-managerial

• Middle Managers
• Individuals who manage the work of first-line

• Top Managers
• Individuals who are responsible for making
organization-wide decisions and establishing plans
and goals that affect the entire organization.

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Different Types of Manager

➢ The Problem-Solving Manager – focuses on

providing solution to
• every problem of the company.

➢ The Pitchfork Manager – threatens the employees

to work
• towards a goal.

➢ The Pontificating Manager – neither follows any

strategy nor
• prepares for any situation or task and usually
ends up with
• inconsistent results.

➢ The Presumptuous Manager – thinks only

himself or herself.

➢ The Perfect Manager – is open to change and

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Responsibilities of Managers

• Interpersonal Roles
• Informational Roles
• Decisional Roles

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Interpersonal Roles

● The manager performs social, inspirational,
legal, and ceremonial duties.

● The leader role is at the heart of the manager-
subordinate relationship and managerial power.

● Builds and maintains relationships within and
outside the company.

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Informational Roles

● The monitor gathers information from various
● As a monitor, they gather information to detect
changes, problems, opportunities, and threats.

● As a disseminator, the manager communicates the
external information to the organization and
facilitate the information exchange between

● The manager relays information to other groups
and entities outside the company.
● Key influencers and stakeholders should be kept

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Decisional Roles

● The entrepreneurial role of a manager focuses on
exploiting opportunities for the advantage of the
company. This role of manager often involves
selecting and implementing new projects with
minimum risks.

● This role of manager arises when certain actions
of the staff, unexpected changes in resources,
external threats, employee mistakes, and other
consequences affecting company performance.


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Business Managers and Entrepreneurs

• Who is an Entrepreneur?
• Who is a Manager?

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