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Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur

Post Graduate Program in Management

Business to Business (B2B/Industrial) Marketing

Term IV


Course Duration: 30 hours

Contact Info: +91-9711010087/+65-96462855/
Office Hours:

Course Description
When people say “marketing”, names like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and Marlboro come to
mind. Yet most of the GNP comes from the marketing of industrial products. Likewise, the
majority of investments, consulting projects and business challenges focus on industrial goods
and services. Consequently, it is important to become familiar with industrial marketing and the
unique and unusual issues which one encounters when marketing to organizations rather than to
households or individual consumers.

This course allows you to experience, first hand, the practicalapplication and value of concepts &
techniques in a complex industrial marketing environment. Through this experience, you will
learn (1) The strengths and weaknesses of the marketing tools with which you are already
familiar with, specific to Business to Business dealings (2) New tools actually practiced
successfully in an international environment as well.

Course Objectives
To give the students a very practical insight into the actual world of B2B Marketing & prepare
them for industrial practical scenario.
This course will:

 Familiarize you with both theory (through lectures and readings) and practice (through
presentations, case analysis & role playing exercises) involving key issues in business to
business market management.
 Prepare you to be able to critically evaluate and interpret complex cases depicting real
life business situations such that you can make better decisions in your own
organizational context.
 Present you with an opportunity through the term project, to make an independent
strategic thrust and value delivery of a firm's market offering.
 Provide you with a forum, of engaging in team effort by working in a group.
 Further develop your management communication skills, both written and oral, by
presenting and defending analysis of marketing situations.

Required Textbook: To be notified

Pedagogy and Course Requirements

The course will be primarily taught though a combination of class discussions, term-long project,
case analysis and presentations.

Class Discussions

The class discussion will involve the readings assigned for the class, which may include book
chapters, articles, and cases. You are expected to have done all the assigned reading and to
actively participate in these discussions.


Each project team will make a presentation of their work in the class. Each member must present
an equitable share of the overall team presentation. Instructor will let you know beforehand the
time allowed for your presentation

Case Analysis

Each student will analyze the case individually assigned for that class. The analysis will involve
completing Case Preparation Chart and answering questions assigned for the case. The student
will make two copies of the Case Preparation Chart and will hand in one copy to the instructor at
the beginning of the class when the case is to be discussed.

During the case discussion, the student must be prepared to share his/her analysis when called
Your case analysis grade will reflect evaluation of your written case analysis and participation
during case discussion in the class.

Preparation of Strategic Business Plan for a company in B2B space.

For this final term project, you along with your team, will develop and present a Marketing
Business plan for your company.

Class Attendance 10%
Presentation- 10%
Module 1
Presentation- 15%
Module 2
Case Analysis 15%
Term Project: Role 25%
Play presentation
End-Term Exam 25%

Tentative Class Schedule

 Each class will have at least 5 minutes of Q&A.
 During his stay at IIM-Kashipur campus, students can contact instructor
even after class hours to clarify any queries.
 Readings, cases, and articles may be assigned as they become available.


Module 1

Session 1 Breaking ice; Courseobjective To make the best use of the course
&methodology; Participant
Session II How to utilize differently the
B2B Marketing; Difference Marketing tools& Channels of
with B2C Distribution
Session III Understanding Decision makers &
Organization buying behavior Influencers; Opinion Leaders
Session III Customer value proposition; Pre-meeting research; “What’s in it
Key account management for me?”; A/B/C classification
Session IV Scheduling & follow-up of the Time management/dresscode; People
meeting to visit; Recording MOM
Session V Presentations followed by Evaluation, resulting in revision of
Q&A on:Preparation & Visits all concepts discussed in Module 1
to various Industries
Module 2

Session VI B2B branding; Segmentation Targeting the right audience

and Positioning
Session VII How to decide pricing; Distributors-
Pricing; Distribution when & why
Session VIII Product: Customizationof Lowest cost of Ownership; Features
offering & Benefits
Session IX How to make best use of A&P in
Advertising & Promotion B2B scenario
Session X Presentations followed by Evaluation, resulting in revision of
Q&A on:Critical analysis of all concepts discussed in Module 2
ongoing Media advertisements
Module 3

Session XI & To prepare “basis of introduction”,

XII launch and monitor
New Product Launch
Session XIII Sales Force: Design, Control; How to effectively utilize –own sales
Compensation, Training team & Distributor Sales Rep (DSR)
SessionIV Relationship Building with Trust; Gift policy/Code of Conduct;
Customer & Distributor; Team work
Marketing & Sales personnel
Session XV Case Studies: analysis, Evaluation, resulting in revision of
discussion & submission concepts of Module 3
Module 4

Session XVI Effective utilization of E Marketing

Social media marketing; E
Bids, Quotations
Session XVII & Understanding steps & preparation
Session XVIII Marketing Strategic Business of plan for effective sales&
Plan profitability
Session XIX & Term Project: Marketing Evaluation, resulting in revision of
XX Business Plan - Role Play all the concepts learnt in the course
Course Policies:

1. Responsibility for Course Materials:You are responsible for all material covered in
class. If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining the information you missed.
2. Classroom Behavior: We expect you to participate in class activities in a mature and
appropriate manner. Disruptive or otherwise unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated.
3. Mobile and Laptop Use: Mobiles and laptops are not permitted in the classroom.
Instructor will let you know beforehand if laptop is required for a class. In the class, you
must keep your laptop down unless asked by the instructor.
4. Academic Conduct:All members of the academic community at IIM Kashipur are
expected to practice and uphold standards of academic integrity and honesty. Academic
integrity means representing oneself and one’s work honestly. Misrepresentation is
cheating since it means students are claiming credit for ideas or work not actually theirs
and are thereby seeking a grade that is not actually earned. Following are some examples
of academic dishonesty:
i. Cheating in examinations. This includes using materials such as books and/or
notes when not authorized by the instructor, copying from someone else’s paper,
helping someone else copy work, substituting another’s work as one’s own, theft
of exam copies, or other forms of misconduct on exams.
ii. Plagiarizing the work of others. Plagiarism is using someone else’s work or
ideas without giving that person credit; by doing this students are, in effect,
claiming credit for someone else’s thinking. Whether students have read or heard
the information used, they must document the source of information. When
dealing with written sources, a clear distinction should be made between
quotations (which reproduce information from the source word-for-word within
quotation marks) and paraphrases (which digest the source of information and
produce it in the student’s own words). Both direct quotations and paraphrases
must be documented. Even if students rephrase, condense or select from another
person’s work, the ideas are still the other person’s, and failure to give credit
constitutes misrepresentation of the student’s actual work and plagiarism of
another’s ideas. Buying a paper or using information from the World Wide Web
or Internet without attribution and handing it in as one’s own work is plagiarism.
iii. Falsifying records or providing misinformation regarding one’s credentials.
iv. Unauthorized collaboration on computer assignments and unauthorized
access to and use of computer programs, including modifying computer files
created by others and representing that work as one’s own.
v. Unless they specifically indicate otherwise, instructors expect individual, unaided
work on assignments, exams, and documentation of sources when used. If
instructors assign a special project other than or in addition to exams, such as a
research paper, or original essay or a book review, they intend that work to be
completed for that course only. Students must not submit work completed for a
course taken in the past or for a concurrent course unless they have explicit
permission to do so from both faculty members.
Any academic misconduct will automatically result in a failing grade for the class and the
student will be reported to the committee on academic misconduct for further disciplinary action.
4. Attendance:As far as instructor is concerned, you are an adult and it is your decision
whether or not you attend class. However, your decision not to attend a class may have
negative consequences for your class grade. (Please consult grading criterion &PGP
Participants’ Handbook for this purpose).
If you decide to attend a class, you must come to the class and take your seat sufficiently
before the beginning of the class time. Under no circumstances you would be allowed in
once the class has started. You are expected to sit through the class unless you have a
prior permission from the instructor to leave the classroom before the end of the class.
5. Late submission: Any late submission beyond the deadline will result in 0 point. Except
in case of emergencies, with a doctor's note, any questions about late submission will not
be entertained.
6. Missed exam: There is no make-up for the missed exams, case analysis& presentations,
unless the student has discussed and made an arrangement with the instructor for a valid
reason beforehand. In all other instances, the student must produce a valid doctor's note
for the day the student missed the exam. Such doctor's note must be produced in the same
week the student missed the exam.
7. Grade Discussion:It is the student’s responsibility to monitor his or her own grades and
raise any questions she/he may have within one weekof the grades assigned.

Learning Accommodations
To provide equal access to the educational programs and opportunities, IIM Kashipur is
dedicated to providing appropriate accommodations to students with documented disabilities
such as attention deficit-hyperactivity disorders, physical disabilities, sensory impairments,
and psychiatric disorders in order to help them achieve their academic and personal
potential. These academic accommodations are provided to students at no cost.

Inclusivity Statement
IIM Kashipur believes that diversity and inclusiveness are essential to excellence in
education and innovation. Our community represents a rich variety of backgrounds,
experiences, demographics, and perspectives. IIM Kashipur is committed to fostering a
learning environment where every individual is respected and engaged. To facilitate a
dynamic and inclusive educational experience, we ask all members of our community to:
• be open to the perspectives of others
• appreciate the uniqueness of their colleagues
• take advantage of the opportunities to learn from each other
• exchange experiences, values, and beliefs
• communicate in a respectful manner
• be aware of the individuals who are marginalized and involve them
• keep confidential discussions private

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