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Unit 3 (11). Hi! How are you?

Watch these videos first:
- Hi! - How ARE you? - (I’m) fine/good, thank you! -
- Hello! - How are YOU, today? - (I’m doing) fine/good! - How about_YOU? =
- Good morning! - How are you DOING?! (cum tu - (I’m) just fine, thanks! = What about_YOU? (si
- Good morning, sir! faci?; Как дела?); - (I’m doing) just fine, thank cum e la tine?; и как у тебя?)
- Morning! - How are you DOING, today? you! - (And) How are YOU?
- Good_afternoon, - I’m (very) well, thank you! - And how are YOU
madam! /ma’am! (sunt foarte bine; я очень хорошо) doing?
- Good_evening, sir! - (I’m) bad! - You?
– Hello, Mr. Smith! - (I’m doing) bad! (eu fac rau; у меня - And_you?
плохо); - What’s happened?
Nice tie! (frumoasa
cravata; красивый галстук)
- I’m doing well, thanks for (ce s-a intimplat?; что
- Greetings (salutari; asking! (fac bine, multumesc pentru случилось?)
intrebare) - What’s wrong? (ce s-a-
- Good! ntimplat?; что случилось?)
- Greetings - What’s wrong with
- Wonderful! (minunat; прекрасно!)
everyone! you? (ce s-a intimplat cu
- Never better! (niciodata mai bine)
tine?; что не так с тобой)
(informal greetings) - How’s it going? (cum merge?; как - It’s not bad!
- Hey, man! идёт?) - It’s ok.
- Hey, buddy! - How’s life? - It’s going great!
- Hey!! - How’s everythîng? (cum este totul?; - Perfect!
- What’s up, Rachel! Как всё?) - Fabulous! (Fabulos!; Потрясающе!)
- Hi! Good to see - What are you doing these - Awesome! (minunat; прекрасно)
/Fancy to see you! days? - It’s going awesome!
- Hi! Fancy meeting - How’s life treating you these - It’s all good!
you here! (bucuros sa days? - It’s going pretty/quite good!
te intilnesc pe tine aici; (merge destul de bine; идет достаточно
рад встретить тебя хорошо)
- It’s going not too bad!
- Don’t (even) ask! (nici nu ma
intreba; даже не спрашивай)
(informal) Yo! - What’s up (bro/dude/pal/ - Not too bad! (nu prea rau; не очень - Yourself?
fellas)? (cum merge, bratella?; как дела плохо)
- What’s up with
братан?) - Not much! (nimic deosebit; ничего YOU? (cum la tine?; как у
- What are you up to? (cum la tine?; такого) (informal)
как ты?) - Nothing, just chilling! (nimic, - What are YOU up
- What up, doe! stau; просто сижу)
- Everything’s fine! (totul e excelent; to?
- What’s happening?
всё отлично)
- What’s new?
- Ah, not bad, not bad, you
- How’s it hanging? (slang, vulgar)
know, nothing special, just, you
know, a typical day on the beat
(o zi tipica in ritm; типичный день в
ритме), you know.
(informal) - Hey, what are you doing? (ce faci - Working!
acum; что делаешь) = What_you - Nein, sitting, watching TV.
doîng? - Nothing! I’m just hanging out.
- What are YOU doing in this neck (stau/ma plimb afara; просто гуляю)
of the woods? (ce faci in aceasta
regiune?; Что делаешь в этих краях?)
- What are YOU doing in this
neighborhood (vecinatate; район,
соседство) /area (teritoriu; участок)
- What’s going on? (ce se intimpla; что - It’s all good.
(greeting a person - How’ [ǝ]ve you been? (cum mai - – I’ve been busy! (am fost ocupat; How’ [ǝ]ve YOU been?
you have not seen for traiesti?; как поживаешь?) Long time -
no был занят)
a long time [upward see! (demult nu ne-am vazut!; Давно не - - I’ve been ok/good/not bad.
intonation (intonatie виделись!) - - I went on a trip. (am fost in
ascendenta; поднимающся - I haven’t seen YOU in ages! (Nu -- calatorie; был в поездке)
интонация)]) te-am vazut de un car de ani; я не видел тебя
годы) - - I’ve been gone! (eu am fost
- I haven’t talked to you in a - plecat; я уезжал)
while! (n-am vorbit cu tine demult; не - - I haven't been better!
разговаривал с тобой давно!) - Things haven’t been too good
- What’ [ǝ]ve you been UP to (for me) lately.
lately? (la ce ai ajuns pina recent?; Чем
занимался в последнее время?) -
- Hey, Tony! What’[ǝ]ve you been
up to? Where’[ǝ]ve you been
HIDING yourself? (unde te ascundeai?;
где прятался?)
(formal) - Mr. Soprano, it’s been a
long time, nice to see you!
(formal) - Mr. Snape, hello, I’m
Priscilla, from your class. It’s nice
/good to see you!
- Hi, John! How’ [ǝ]ve you been!? I
haven’t heard from you in a while!
[seeing the same -
- Hey, we keep running/bumping
person again and into each other! (noi tot ne intilnim pe
again the same day] nesteptate; мы не перестаём встречаться не
ожиданно) Are you following me?
– No!
– Good, ‘cause I’m following YOU!
(- Ma urmaresti? – Nu! – Bine, deoarce eu te
urmaresc; - Ты следишь за мной? – Нет! –
Хорошо, потому что я слежу за тобой!)

Some confusing expressions:

1. How ARE you? = How are you DOING?;
2. What_ARE you? = What do you do? = What do you do for work? = What do you do for a living? = What’s
your job? = What’s your_occupation? = How do you earn your lîvîng? (cum iti cistigi viata?; Как зарабатываешь);
3. What are you DOING? vs. What do you do?
4. How are you DOING? vs. What are you DOING?
5. How do you do! vs. How are you DOING? vs. What do you do?
6. How do you do! = (I’m) Glad to meet_you! = (It’s) Nice to meet_you! = It’s a pleasure meeting you! = (I’m)
Pleased to meet you!
7. Pleased to meet you! vs. Please, meet me at the airport!
8. Nice to meet you! vs. Nice meeting you here!

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