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Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease.

2009; 21: 127


Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3

 an antimicrobial and antioxidative


Department of Microbiology and Department of Biochemistry, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia

The paper lays out the short scientific history and characteristics of the new probiotic Lactobacillus fermentum strain
ME-3 DSM-14241, elaborated according to the regulations of WHO/FAO (2002). L. fermentum ME-3 is a unique strain
of Lactobacillus species, having at the same time the antimicrobial and physiologically effective antioxidative properties and
expressing health-promoting characteristics if consumed. Tartu University has patented this strain in Estonia (priority
June 2001, patent in 2006), Russia (patent in 2006) and the USA (patent in 2007). The paper describes the process of
the identification and molecular typing of this probiotic strain of human origin, its deposition in an international culture
collection, and its safety assessment by laboratory tests and testing on experimental animals and volunteers. It has been
established that L. fermentum strain ME-3 has double functional properties: antimicrobial activity against intestinal
pathogens and high total antioxidative activity (TAA) and total antioxidative status (TAS) of intact cells and lysates, and it
is characterized by a complete glutathione system: synthesis, uptake and redox turnover. The functional efficacy of the
antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic has been proven by the eradication of salmonellas and the reduction of liver and
spleen granulomas in Salmonella Typhimurium-infected mice treated with the combination of ofloxacin and L. fermentum
strain ME-3. Using capsules or foodstuffs enriched with L. fermentum ME-3, different clinical study designs (including
double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover studies) and different subjects (healthy volunteers, allergic patients and those
recovering from a stroke), it has been shown that this probiotic increased the antioxidative activity of sera and improved
the composition of the low-density lipid particles (LDL) and post-prandial lipids as well as oxidative stress status, thus
demonstrating a remarkable anti-atherogenic effect. The elaboration of the probiotic L. fermentum strain ME-3 has drawn
on wide international cooperative research and has taken more than 12 years altogether. The new ME-3 probiotic-
containing products have been successfully marketed and sold in Baltic countries and Finland.

Key words: animal experiments, antimicrobial activity, antioxidative activity, atherosclerosis, atopic dermatitis, blood lipids,
cerebral stroke, enteric infections, food supplements, functional food, glutathione, human clinical trials, intestinal microbiota,
inflammation, isoprostanes, lactobacilli, Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, oxidative stress, oxidized LDL, post-prandial
lipidaemia, probiotics, probiotic patents, typhoid nodules

Introduction Diversity and functions of intestinal

The host and its microbiota together form a com-
plex ecological system. Despite temporary or some- The gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota of human
times even long-lasting imbalance due to various beings is a dynamic and complex mixture of microbes
exogenous and endogenous influences, its individual consisting of bacteria, archaea, protists (ciliates),
stability is still achieved by different mechanisms. anaerobic fungi and different bacteriophages and
However, the impaired composition of the micro- viruses (1). It has several diverse functions including
biota has been associated with several health con- the decomposition of different nutrients, the matura-
sequences, which could be avoided by regulation of tion of intestinal cells, morphology and gut physiol-
the microbe and host interrelations. Probiotics ogy, stimulation of the immune system, systemic
aimed at stabilizing the microbial communities and effects on blood lipids and inhibition of harmful
the health-promoting effects have an important bacteria (2). The number of microbes harboured in
position in the medical health care of different age the human body is nearly 10 times more than the
groups and diseased persons. number of somatic cells: on the skin there are 1012, in

Correspondence: Marika Mikelsaar, Ravila str.19, Tartu 50411, Estonia. Fax: 372 7374 172. E-mail:

(Received 14 October 2008; accepted 12 February 2009)

ISSN 0891-060X print/ISSN 1651-2235 online # 2009 Informa UK Ltd.
DOI: 10.1080/08910600902815561
2 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

the mouth 1010 and in the intestinal tract 1014 Particular environmental microbes serve as an
microbial cells. The interrelation between the host assumption for the individually specific composition
and its microbiotaboth commensals and pathogens of the indigenous microbiota of a newborn. It clearly
is the subject of the microbial ecology of the human depends on the spectrum of the mother’s microbes,
organism in health and disease. with which the newborn gets in close contact, on the
The microbial biotope produces an environment one hand, and the individual receptor specificity/
for microorganisms with similar conditions and activity of its own cells, on the other hand (14,22,23).
volume. New microorganisms are constantly arriving There is the possibility that the special genes of the
into the open system, yet they do not stay. During the host are involved in the determination of the parti-
years 19601970, research by R. Dubos, R.W. Schae- cularly different characteristics of microbiocenosis.
dler and D. Savage introduced an understanding of Some 20 years ago Dutch scientists showed that in
indigenous microbial flora, which was composed the case of Crohn’s disease in monozygotic twins, the
from autochthonous (endogenous, specific for the quantitative composition of normal faecal microflora
host species) and allochthonous (exogenous, occa- was genetically determined (24). Importantly, the
sional) microbes (35). In addition, they recognized data showed that the pattern of antibodies directed to
that two types of microbiota can be differentiated in the faecal bacteria of different morphotypes was
the cavities of particular organs: the luminal and unique for each individual, thus confirming the
mucosal microbiota. In different microbial biotopes genetic influences of the host on their indigenous
the mucosal microbiota is composed of the auto- microbiota (25,26).
chthonous microbes that have become resident due to Using bacteriological methods, we have postulated
their adhesion to eukaryotic cells via receptors or by that the quantitative composition of the faecal
harbouring in the mucin layer of mucosal mem- microflora of adult monozygotic twins has the same
branes. The species composition of mucosal micro- degree of similarity as the paired samples of a single
biota is individually specific and stable. In contrast, young healthy person (8,14). The comparison of
the luminal microbiota consists of some resident DGGE profiles in the faecal samples of monozygotic
unattached microbes, autochthonous microbes re- twins and unrelated persons confirmed our earlier
leased from different vertical biotopes of the GI tract findings on the higher similarity of the twins (22).
and the transient allochthonous microbes from diet, Monozygotic twins reveal the identity of many
water and the environment. The latter stay in the genetic markers that are important for the selective
given biotope for a short time, then are killed or out- colonization of the indigenous microflora. It is well
competed by the resident flora. The interrelations known that both the antigenic structure of somatic
between luminal and mucosal microflora and its cells and their secretions, as well as the immune
stability in experimental animals and humans, de- reactivity, are determined by the genotype.
tected by earlier studies (69), have been confirmed The composition of the intestinal microbiota
by modern molecular methods. By using denaturing (IMB) has been determined by several endogenous
gradient gel electrophoretic analysis (DGGE), the mucosal and luminal factors in the GI tract (Table I)
mucosa-associated bacterial community was found to (1,2,2730).
be uniformly distributed along the complete colon The colonization resistance (CR), defined in the
(1012). However, there are also quite different early 1970s (31), is the most important first-line
understandings available: applying the fluorescent defence against invasive pathogenic organisms such
situ hybridization method (FISH) using 16S rRNA- as Clostridium difficile, Salmonella, Shigella, Candida
targeted oligonucleotide probes, some authors sug- albicans, etc. and indigenous opportunistic microbes
gest that colonic microbes are not in close contact
Table I. Main endogenous factors determining the composition
with the mucosa and no significant differences exist
of the intestinal microbiota (IMB) (1,2,2730).
between the colonic biopsies and faecal samples (13).
The individual specificity (14,15) on one hand and 1. Mucosal 2. Luminal
the temporal modulation of the intestinal microbiota
by different types of diet (vegetarian, western type, Specific pH, gases
etc.) and stress on the other hand complicate the IgA Secretion of digestive enzymes
Specificity of epithelial receptors Peristalsis
evaluation of different research results at the GI
Non-specific Antagonism of microbiota
ecosystem level (1618). The application of novel Complement Lysozyme
experimental sets (19) and sequence-based methods Lysozyme
for the determination of microbial diversity and their Interferon
functions, aptly called ‘the second Human Genome Mucin
Dendritic cells/Toll-like receptors
Project’, will clearly advance our knowledge of human
Colonization resistance
microbial ecology (2022).
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 3

such as the urinary tract infection-causing Escher- As regards the other groups of bacteria, the
ichia coli, Proteus sp., Pseudomonas sp. CR is a main differences can be found in the susceptibility
dynamic phenomenon influenced by the host, diet to environmental factors. For example, Bifidobacter-
and medical interventions. Antibiotic therapy can ium adolescentis is mainly detected by molecular
decrease the CR some 1000-fold (2). There are methods due to its high susceptibility to oxygen
several limitations in the protection by lactobacilli (44) and thus can be frequently omitted in bacter-
against the development of antibiotic-associated iological studies.
diarrhoea, although some association between the
counts of intestinal lactobacilli and CR against
Impact of IMB on host metabolism
Clostridium difficile has been found. Mainly, these
depend on the species-specific antibiotic suscept- It is well known that the microbial community of
ibility of the individually different Lactobacillus the GI tract helps the host with the processing of
spp. composition and whether or not the gut nutrients, also producing vitamins and butyrate.
environment supports the survival of the adminis- The specific hostmicrobe interactions have been
tered probiotic lactic acid bacteria (32). successfully studied by the estimation of different
The predominant microbial species of different metabolites of the host, derived by microbiota. The
GI tract niches (oral cavity, stomach, jejunum, concept of expression of the microflora-associated
ileum and colon) are not similar, depending on characteristics (MACs) in a macroorganism (45)
the individual conditions of the biotope. However, has been further elaborated for a microbialhost
over the GI tract the same groups of bacteria crosstalk (46) having considerable value, especially
predominate, e.g. firmicutes, bacteroidetes, actino- when comparing the MACs with GACs, i.e. germ-
bacteria, proteobacteria, fusobacteria and the free animal characteristics (34). Nowadays it has
uncultured groups (33). In the gastric cavity at been shown that the Toll-like receptors on the
physiological acidity, the number of bacteria reaches different cells of the host recognize the microbiota
103 cfu/g, with gram-positive microbes predominat- and form the basis for the crosstalk, which can
ing (lactobacilli and streptococci). It is well known shape even the maturation and immunity of the GI
that the number of microbes (cfu/g) increases down cells (29,47).
the intestinal tract, with anaerobic bacteria out- Nearly 20 years ago, we found a close correlation
numbering the aerobic ones by nearly a thousand between the counts of different groups in the IBM
times. In the colon at different ages (101011 cfu/g), and some secreted metabolic compounds (volatile
anaerobes such as Bacteroides, eubacteria, bifidobac- phenols of urine) in monocygotic twins (8,48).
teria, peptostreptococci and fusobacteria predomi- To date, the microbial activity can be measured
nate over the Lactobacillus/Enterococcus spp., using culture, labelled biomarkers, RNAs, proteins
coliforms and staphylococci assessed by cultivation and different metabolites. The new possibilities for
on selective and non-selective media (2). The linking the microbial and host metabolic activities
cultivable anaerobic clostridia are exceptions, in- evolved with the development of new molecular/
cluding Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium diffi- biochemical technologies (49). The genomes of
cile, whose counts do not exceed 1056 cfu/g in several bacteria have been sequenced, elucidating
adults (2,8). New possibilities for discovering the the ecological success of different bacterial groups
entity of the microbiota were achieved by the in the different parts of the GI tract. For example,
development of experimental animal studies, as Lactobacillus plantarum has been characterized by
well as studies on germ-free animals (34). a very large number of phosphotransferase systems
A 1001000-fold difference has been found when granting their success in energy accumulation, but
using bacteriological and molecular methods for both bacteroidetes and some bifidobacteria had an
IMB studies; however, the crude understanding of enormous number of genes involved in the utiliza-
the predominant bacteria (bacteroids, anaerobic tion of complex carbohydrates (50). The human
cocci, eubacteria, bifidobacteria) according to the metagenome is a composite of the individual host
bacteriological studies of our laboratory remains genes and the genes present in the genomes of the
quite similar to those obtained by molecular meth- trillions of microbes colonizing human bodies. Our
ods (3540). The main difference is in some microbial genomes, i.e. microbiome, encode meta-
unculturable genera like Atopobium, Clostridium bolic capacities that we have not had to evolve on
coccoides and Clostridium leptum groups, whose our own (51). Several new methodical approaches
relative abundance in total count is 3.111.9%, are in development. Transcriptional profiling (tran-
2328% and 2125%, respectively, estimated by scriptomics) can be used in experimental models to
the application of 16S rDNA techiques and mole- find groups of bacteria that have switched to the
cular genetic probes (4143). expression genes involved in the utilization of
4 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

different exposed substances (52). Specific activity inflammatory, ulcerative, degenerative and neoplas-
can also be analysed using a metabolomic approach tic responses. Despite the wide use of antibiotics,
to study the influence of drugs and diet on the infectious diseases remain the major cause of death
interactions between humans and the GI tract from gastroenteritis in children, hospital infections
microbiota. due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria and recurrent
Members of the 70 well-known divisions of infections such as urinary tract infections (E. coli),
Bacteria (53), such as the Bacteroidetes and Firmi- antibiotic-associated colitis (C. difficile), persistent
cutes, consist of more than 90% of all phylogenetic peptic ulcer disease (Helicobacter pylori), etc.
types in humans. Their role has remained largely In wealthy societies the increased stress of life,
unexplored; however, their balance was recently the increasing number of elderly people and re-
associated with the pathophysiology of obesity in duced physical activity are considered the reasons
animals and humans (54). It was shown that if for the large spread of civilization-associated chronic
fasting-induced adipocyte factor (FiaF) expression diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertonia, tu-
was repressed by microbes, the adipocytes increased mours, diabetes, peptic ulcers, neurodegenerative
triglyceride production. Thus, the GI microbiota diseases and different syndromes such as adipositas,
also affects the energy harvest and storage (55). fatigue and depression. The crucial role of the
Recently, we have found in elderly persons over impaired host functions is attributed to a wide
65 years that the intestinal Lactobacillus sp. is closely consumption of processed foods that are very rich
bound to human inflammatory and metabolic in sucrose, saturated fat and sodium. At the same
markers of blood. The count of live lactobacilli time, a lot of foods are characterized by a deficiency
showed a close negative correlation with an im- of a number of human nutrients such as omega-3
portant lipid metabolism markerthe oxidized LDL fatty acids, arginine, glutamine, taurine, vitamins
(oxLDL) of blood. Moreover, colonization with L. and antioxidants (56).
Artificially created environments free of bacteria
fermentum was negatively associated with blood
contribute to the development of allergies. The
glucose level, seemingly showing its high potential
important role of the IMB, particularly lactic acid
for carbohydrate metabolism (both hexoses and
bacteria, has been demonstrated in communities
pentoses) in the gut, thus limiting its absorbance
with different degrees of industrialization. At the
into the blood (M. Mikelsaar et al., unpublished
beginning of the 1990s Strachan et al. (57) presented
observations). The application of particular species
the ‘hygiene hypothesis’ to explain the differences in
of probiotic lactobacilli seemingly could be a
the industrialized and non-industrialized world. In
challenge for health care to control the metabolic
families with more siblings and living in rural areas,
and systemic defence reactions of the elderly,
there were fewer allergies than in families with just
including oxidative stress-related ones. This all one child and living in highly hygienic conditions;
suggests the possibility to influence the host meta- this was explained in terms of the increased priming
bolism by modulating the intestinal microbiota by of the immune system with different infections
administering useful beneficial bacteria. prevalent in bigger families. However, in Australia,
Patrick Holt with co-authors (58) linked the problem
Why do we need functional food and probiotics? with an imbalance of IMB, which is the richest
potential immunomodulator in an infant’s organism.
The disruption of the CR-granting indigenous IMB differences were found in young children living
microbiota, thus allowing potentially pathogenic in countries with different degrees of industrializa-
microorganisms to multiply, can be attributed to a tion (5961), mostly differing in hygienic conditions.
variety of illnesses. The high load of disinfectants In Estonia, infants were more often colonized with
lactobacilli during the first year of life than their
For health promotion: to compete with the Swedish counterparts (Figure 1). However, 5 years
depletion of microbial variety, granting de- after Estonia regained its independence from the
fence against infection and allergies; to Soviet system, the increased income of the people
compete with oxidative stress prone and the improvement of the food hygiene reduced
changes. the differences in the prevalence of lactobacilli
between the Estonian and Swedish infants (62).
Moreover, prospective studies of an infant’s
and antibiotics is a global problem clearly associated colonization by indigenous microbiota in children
with a more expressed imbalance of IMB among developing or not developing allergies showed clear
large groups of populations. This leads to an differences, expressed in the lowered colonization
increased susceptibility to infections, and increased resistance of allergic children (39,40,63). The
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 5
70 % 65

40 35
p=0.004 33
30 28 28
30 27
p=0.01 18
11 10
10 5
1 week (n=17/20) 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
(n=17/20) (n=15/11) (n=14/11) (n=33/32)
Estonian 1995 Estonian 2002 Swedish 1995

Figure 1. Prevalence (%) of lactobacilli among Estonian and Swedish children.

hygiene hypothesis is now revisited concerning the in different microbial ecosystems and action sites
reduction of microbial variety in the environment have not been well explored. The application of
resulting in fewer signals to immune system. The different clinical trials was the suggested clue.
possibility to prevent or treat an allergy by increas- The ILSI symposium (68) drafted three different
ing the richness of microbial communities using levels of probiotic action: 1) direct interactions with
probiotics has attracted wide attention from gut microbiota, including pathogens, relying on
researchers and practitioners (6365). colonization resistance mechanisms; 2) fortification
of the gut barrier function by influencing the quality
Probiotics  evidence-based impact on health
of tight junctions; 3) modulation of the mucosal
immune cells amount and activity and the systemic
A probiotic is defined as a live microorganism immune system. Thus, probiotics normalize the
which when administered in adequate amounts composition of the intestinal microbiota and mod-
confers a health benefit on the host (66). Widely ulate the immune functions of the host. Emerging
accepted probiotics contain different lactic acid- evidence has revealed that the prevention of GI tract
producing bacteria of human origin: bifidobacteria, colonization by a variety of pathogens is a primary
lactobacilli or enterococci. The area of commensal, mechanism of the beneficial effects mediated by
non-harmful bacteria of human origin serving as probiotics (6972). Besides infection control, sev-
probiotics is rapidly expanding and in 2007 more eral gut microbes have been elaborated for use as
than 3100 scientific publications were cited in the probiotics in functional food, which aims to prevent
PubMed database. and treat various other health problems such as
Widespread agreement in understanding the allergy, neoplastic growth and inflammatory bowel
probiotics area includes that the probiotic strains diseases. There are also a few sound data about the
should be safe, effective and stable in the final impact of probiotics on wide metabolic functions of
product. Internationally accepted criteria have been the host. The newer areas include the influence of
proposed to consider the selected microbes as probiotics on the metabolism of dietary compo-
probiotics (66). nents, like lactose digestion, lipid metabolism,
Yet, more importantly, up to now neither sufficient proteins and indigestible dietary compounds. To
nor indicative criteria for ‘probiotic status’ have been explore the impact of different probiotics on the
defined. There are different in vitro and in vivo assays cardiovascular system and lipid metabolism, impor-
for testing the functional properties and the putative tant biomarkers to blood cholesterols and triglycer-
effectiveness of candidate probiotic strains for general ides, conducted only in a few well-designed clinical
health benefits or against specified diseases, recently studies. The important area of human physiology
revised by a project group Joint IDF/ISO Action that is relevant to functional food science according
Team on Probiotics (67). The search for new to the ILSI and FUFOSE (the European Commis-
effective strains is an expanding process. Still, the sion Concerted Action on Functional Food Science
main problem is not due to the limited discovery of in Europe) is, among others, the modulation of
new strains with new functional properties but in defence against high-grade oxidative stress (56).
proving their action in vivo. The mechanisms grant- Nowadays the concept of functional foods, in-
ing the survival and competitiveness of the probiotics cluding probiotic food and dietary supplements,
6 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

implies their ability to beneficially influence body Elaboration of probiotic L. fermentum ME-3 at
functions to improve the state of well-being and the University of Tartu
health and reduce the risk of disease (73). The
Short history of the scientific discovery of L. fermentum
provisional regulations of the ILSI and EU Research
Commission (FUFOSE and PASSCLAIM:
DOI.10.1007/s00394-005-1104-3) require sound L. fermentum ME-3 as an antimicrobial and anti-
evidence of ability to either balance and enhance oxidative probiotic has been aimed at improving the
the particular human functions or to reduce the risk oxidative stress (OxS) status of a consumer’s organ-
of certain diseases through the use of probiotic ism and reducing the risk of enteral infections. The
microbes. Today, to define the health claims of a history of the discovery of L. fermentum ME-3 began
new probiotic, primarily two independent double- in 1994, when joint research with Sweden started.
blinded, placebo-controlled studies are recom- The University of Linköping (Prof. Bengt Björk-
mended. At the same time, the application of stén) initiated a scientific cooperative agreement
genomics, proteomics and metabolomics has begun between the Department of Pediatrics (Dr Kaja
to be involved in the elucidation of the mechanisms Julge, Dr Maire Vasar) and the Department of
behind the interventions with useful bacteria (49).
Microbiology of the University of Tartu (Prof. M.
Several supporting and confounding intrinsic,
Mikelsaar) aimed at finding associations between
ecological and technological factors may be of
allergies and intestinal microbiota. The University of
importance in the selection of suitable candidates
Tartu had long-lasting experience in research into
for probiotics: properties of the strain; the metabolic
capacity of the strain during passage through the microbial ecology and the lactobacilli of the human
GI tract; acid, bile and heat tolerance; and the ability organism (Prof. Akivo Lenzner). The faecal samples
to grow in milk and to metabolize different sub- of Russian astronauts were investigated in Tartu for
strates, including prebiotics (32, 7477). more than 20 years for detection of the composition
The data depicted in Table II (68, 69, 78102) of lactobacilli (103,104). Prof. B. Björksten has
show clearly that the probiotic action, including served as a visiting professor at the University of
various health promotions, is strain specific, as Tartu since 1994, teaching clinical science and
among the probiotic preparations there are repre- advanced research principles to PhD students. For
sentatives of all the prevalent species of lactobacilli the allergy research he chose two comparative
and their health effects are largely variable. populations: Estonians with a low prevalence and

Table II. Evidence-based probiotic lactobacilli according to randomized double-blind placebo-controlled studies (adapted from 68,69).

Strain affiliation Licensing enterprise Published clinical evidence (reference no.)

Lactobacillus acidophilus Chr. Hansen, Denmark Suppression of Helicobacter pylori infection (78)
L. acidophilus L1 Campina Melkunie, Holland Blood cholesterol-lowering effect (79)
Lactobacillus johnsonii LA1 Nestle, Switzerland Suppression of Helicobacter pylori colonization in children (80)
Lactobacillus gasseri OLI Meij Milk Products, Tokyo, Japan Suppression of Helicobacter pylori infection (81)
Lactobacillus casei Shirota Yakult, Japan Reduction of constipation, reduced proteolytic activity of IMB (82,83)
L. casei DN114001 Danone, France Reduction of winter infections in elderly (84), diarrhea and respiratory
infections in adults (85,86).
Lactobacillus paracasei Un-President Enterprise Corp., Reduction of allergic rhinitis (87)
LP-33 Tainan, Taiwan
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Valio, Finland Reduction of diarrhoeal infections and allergy (8892); increased
ATCC 53103 expression of immune response genes (93)
L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. Chr. Hansen, Denmark Reduction of diarrhoeal infections in children (94)
reuteri RC-14
L. rhamnosus HN001 Danisco, Denmark Enhanced immunity of consumers (95)
Lactobacillus plantarum Probi, Sweden Reduction of infectious complications in transplantation patients;
299V decrease of intestinal permeability (96)
Lactobacillus brevis CD2 VSL Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Fort Reduction of Helicobacter pylori infection, reduction of levels of
Lauderdale, FL, USA polyamines in gastric mucosa (97)
Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC BioGaia, Sweden Reduction of diarrhoeal infections, enhancement of consumers’ im-
55730 munity (98,99)
Lactobacillus fermentum AS Tere, Estonia Anti-atherogenic effect due to increase of antioxidative activity indices,
ME-3 DSM 14241 decrease of GSSG/GSH ratio and oxLDL of sera (100102)

IMB, intestinal microbiota; GSSG/GSH ratio, glutathione redox ratio; oxLDL, oxidized low-density lipoprotein.
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 7

Swedes with a high prevalence of allergy. Glaxo 822-1-1 and 822-1-4, used in the laboratory under
Wellcome Trust supported the study. the acronyms E-3 and E-18).
In this period more than 200 Lactobacillus strains Now there was a growing hope for invention!
of different species were collected (38,105). These The protocols for new research projects were
strains have formed the basis of the culture collec- developed with the participation of several other
tion of the Department of Microbiology, which is microbiologists (Heidi Annuk, Reet Mändar, Jelena
financed according to a national programme of Štšepetova and Epp Songisepp) and biochemists
collections in Estonia. On 2 March 1995, five L. (Kersti Zilmer, Tiiu Vihalemm, Ceslava Kairane
fermentum isolates were obtained from a 1-year-old and Ann Kilk).
Estonian child (A.M., nr. 822). Paediatricians had Then, suddenly, we made a substantial mistake:
previously confirmed the good health of the child, an abstract on the two promising antioxidative
and it continues to be excellent at the age of 12 lactobacilli strains was presented in Kiel to the
years. The microbiological work was performed by congress of the International Dairy Federation.
researchers Epp Sepp (MD, PhD), Paul Naaber The materials of this congress were published and
(MD, PhD), Krista Lõivukene (MD, PhD), Mall this paper excluded the novelty of the strains for our
Türi (Pharm. cand. med.), and senior research patent application (110). Thus, the priority was
technician Eha-Mai Laanes. However, in this arena shifted for the use of the antioxidative properties in
there could be no invention registered, as the strains the probiotic preparations of the strains. We had to
of the L. fermentum species were also found from go further with only one strain to develop an
some other Estonian children, yet not from Swedes! innovative probiotic with tested functional proper-
In 1996 the Dutch company MONA offered the ties, that was safe for consumption and effective in
University of Tartu an opportunity to test their animal and human trials. This work has been
collection of L. acidophilus strains for antioxidativite performed in close association with clinicians of
properties. The Dutch people relied on the research the University of Tartu and research partners from
of Japanese authors (106) who had found, with Finland and Italy. The European Research Council
non-standardized methods, some single antioxida- 5th FW offered the possibility of a joint volunteer
tive lactobacilli strains among hundreds tested. We study by the application of the synbiotic preparation
were introduced to MONA by docent Seppo Salmi- (including our antioxidative strain of L. fermentum)
nen of the University of Helsinki, our research with scientists of Reading University, UK (Prof.
partner in the first stages of the introduction of the Glen Gibson); Wageningen University, The Nether-
probiotic Lactobacillus GG in Finland. In turn, we lands (Prof. Willem de Vos); Lund University,
invited into the research the scientists from the Sweden (Prof. Göran Molin) and Turku University,
Department of Biochemistry (Prof. Mihkel Zilmer) Finland (Prof. Seppo Salminen). The results are
who had published the first interesting papers on presented below.
the markers of cellular oxidative stress (107109).
Great efforts were made to get the antioxidative
Development of the probiotic L. fermentum ME-3
markers run with bacterial cultures, as the disruption
of microbial cells without any enzymatic influence The development of the probiotic started according
was complicated and quite different from the pre- to provisional rules (73), later to some extent
vious work of biochemists studying the antioxidativ- comprising the regulations of the FAO/WHO (66).
ity by methods originally developed in blood and According to WHO/FAO experts, it is necessary to
blood cells. It was quite hard to achieve the cell- properly check the strain’s systematic, i.e. its identi-
free extracts with no growth, as some intact cells fication by phenotypic and genotypic methods,
of lactobacilli were always found after disruption. and deposit it in an international culture collection.
Then we switched to the supernatant of the dis- At this stage the suitable acronym ME-3 was also
rupted lactobacilli cells, comparing this with the developed and the strain was deposited in an
response of intact cells. international culture collection (Deutsche Samm-
The cooperative work between the microbiolo- lung für Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen,
gists and biochemists succeeded in obtaining DSMZ 14241).
adequate samples; however, to great disappoint- The origin, habitat and species of the Lactobacillus
ment, no strains with good antioxidative properties strains have a great impact on their value as
were found from the Dutch MONA collection. In probiotics. L. fermentum is a normal inhabitant of
contrast, among the included lactobacilli of the the human intestinal tract in the UK (111) and Italy
Estonian and Swedish children from our own (112). Some L. fermentum strains are able to
culture collection, the biochemist Tiiu Kullisaar metabolize cholesterol (113). There seems to be
found two promising L. fermentum strains (strains an age-dependent colonization by L. fermentum. In
8 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

Greece, L. fermentum was not detected in children According to the API 50 CHL kit (BioMerieux,
below the age of 3 years and the number of positive France) analysed by API Lab Plus softwear, very
samples only increased with aging, reaching 72% good identification rates were obtained (ID 99.6%,
in the elderly (114). T 0.87, only one test against). The strain is able to
In 1995, the prevalence of L. fermentum in ferment ribose, galactose, D-glucose, D-fructose,
the Estonian group of investigated 1-year-old D-mannose, aesculin, maltose, lactose, melibiose,
children (105) was also low (11%), whereas in saccharose, D-raffinose, D-tagatose and gluconate
adults and the elderly it reached 5570% (14). (118, 120).
The low prevalence of L. fermentum as a species in The internal transcribed spacer polymerase chain
young children was indirectly confirmed with an reaction (ITS-PCR) followed by enzymatic restric-
immunoblot study of 25 healthy children (A-L. tion was used to confirm the species identification of
Prangli et al., unpublished observations). The differ- the strain as Lactobacillus fermentum (105, 118).
ent protein domains of the three tested species of
According to the changes in the previous taxonomy,
indigenous lactobacilli (L. acidophilus, L. fermentum
the II biotype of L. fermentum has now been given
and L. plantarum) induced the production of IgG
distinct species status  L. reuteri with type strain
antibodies with differing prevalence in the sera of
DSM 20016, isolated from humans showing
control children. IgG antibodies directed to
the close relationship of these two species (69,99).
L. fermentum ME-3 showed a lower number of
immunoreactive protein MW regions (kDa) than to Further, in the patenting process in the US, it was
L. plantarum, whose species has been more frequently necessary to prove the difference between ME-3 and
detected (33% vs 11%) than the former among the the L. reuteri strain RC-5 (previously assessed as L.
microflora in children (105). This finding correlates fermentum RC-5 (69)). We used ITS-PCR followed
well with the results of previous studies showing that by restriction by the Taq I enzyme and compared
different Lactobacillus spp. could possess different the restriction banding pattern with the reference
immune system activating properties (26,115,116)
that may also be related to their colonization ability in
different people.
It is well known that the main microbes of the
normal microbiota of a child are obtained during
labour from the mother’s vagina and perineum, and
from skin, breast milk and the maternity hospital
environment. L. fermentum is a frequent inhabitant
of the vagina (14). The successive colonization with
a mainly gram-positive microbiota is speeded up
if the child is breast-fed and in close contact with its
mother (36). Afterwards, with the introduction of
solid food the microbiota becomes more diverse.
However, up to the second year of life an infant’s
microbiota is still different from an adult’s as
regards some groups of bacteria and their metabolic
activities; yet it starts to more closely resemble the
adult’s microbiota (117). Seemingly, the maturation
of the host immune and receptor systems and
differences in consumed food are responsible for
the usual discovery of L. fermentum in adults and
not in young children. Thus, a child originally
harbouring the ME-3 strain could be considered
an exceptional one.

Proper identification
The probiotic strain ME-3 was identified according
to its morphological (Figure 2) (41, 118, 119) and
Figure 2. Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 (DSM 14241) (118,
cultural properties, negative catalase test, produces 119). (a) Light microscopy, Gram stain, magnification1000.
lysozyme, gas from glucose and NH3 from arginine, (b) Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Probe: Lab 158,
and the acidity in milk is relatively low (1.07%). Lactobacillienterococci according to Franks et al. (41).
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 9

strains of L. fermentum ATCC 14931 and L. reuteri the NO can functionally activate the cellular anti-
DSM20016) (Štšepetova, laboratory protocol). oxidant defence systems (124).
Further, the fingerprints of strain ME-3 (by In the decarboxylation medium (125) containing
arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) with two primers amino acids such as arginine, ornithine, lysine and
ERIC1 and ERIC2, DNA Technology A/S, Aarhus, histidine, it was possible to assess the production of
Denmark) were compared with some other L. the polyamine putrescine and minimal amounts of
fermentum strains (Figure 3), important in recogniz- biogenic amine cadaverine (B1 ml/ml) by ME-3.
ing the strain in different materials such as faeces This amount is really minimal compared with
and functional food (119121). E. coli, which produced significantly larger amounts
In the Dutch laboratory of Wageningen Univer- of cadaverine (240 ml/ml) in the lysine media.
sity (Professor Willem de Vos), the EU Marie Curie The metabolism of the putrescine is closely
stipend Jelena Štšepetova succeeded in showing the connected with organic acids metabolism, as in
position of strain ME-3 in the phylogenetic tree of gut putrescine may be converted into the acetylated
Lactobacillus spp. (Figure 4) by sequencing the 16S and oxidated succinate. Besides, it is known that
rRNA of strain ME-3, cloning it into the Escherichia some polyamines can serve as antioxidants (126).
coli strain, sequencing using the Sanger method and When strain ME-3 was grown in milk media for
constructing the phylogenetic tree (J. Štšepetova, 4, 10, 20, 30 and 40 days, no biogenic amines were
unpublished observations). detected, confirming the safety of strain ME-3 for
the production of functional food (123).

Metabolic activity
Acid and bile tolerance
According to the systematics developed by Kandler
and Weiss (122), the strain ME-3 belongs to the The definition of probiotic implies that the bacteria
obligately heterofermentative lactobacilli with a char- should be viable at the time of ingestion and after
acteristic type of metabolism. We have determined passage through the GI tract. This should be
the metabolites of Lactobacillus sp. by the gas achieved by the ability of a particular probiotic strain
chromatographic method using the Hewlett-Packard to tolerate the highly acidic conditions present in the
model 6890 of gas chromatography (Figure 5) (123). stomach and the concentrations of intestinal juices
The metabolism (Table III) was dependent on the and bile salts found in the small intestine. Several in
environment, whereas in an anaerobic environment vitro assays, including tolerance to the harsh condi-
as compared to a microaerobic one, much more tions of the digestive tract and adhesion to the host’s
ethanol and succinic acids were produced (121). gut epithelial cells, have been used to demonstrate
Recently we have discovered that strain ME-3 is the survival of the probiotic strain inside the gut
able to produce nitric oxide (NO) in MRS medium (127). Usually after oral administration the expected
(Table III). NO production was assessed by the results include faecal recovery of the strain and
Apollo free radical analyzer 400 in MRS fluid correction of the imbalance of intestinal microflora
media (Oxoid, UK) after incubation for 48 h. The by the probiotic (128, 129). However, it has not been
NO is able to induce among others the protection assessed if the improvement of the microbial balance
against inflammation, while in an ischaemic heart in the upper part of the digestive tract should always

ME-3 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 ME-3 M100bp

Figure 3. AP-PCR fingerprints for different L. fermentum strains. The two lanes of strain ME-3 have been generated using two DNA
samples that were extracted with a time interval of 6 months. Lanes 2 and 3 contain DNA of L. fermentum strains isolated from the same
person. Lane M contains a 100 bp DNA ladder.
10 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA sequencing showing the relationship of L. fermentum ME-3 to the closest related
lactobacilli. Analysis was performed with the ARB software package.

be expressed in the abundant microbial communities mucosal flora of the upper parts of the gastrointest-
of the large intestine and faecal samples. In experi- inal tract and the fecal microflora (23, 35). Pereira
mental animal studies, it has been shown that there and Gibson (113) have thoroughly studied the degree
was quite a few association (B30%) between the of acid and bile tolerance of the human isolate

FID1 A, (20020310.D)




3.267 - putrescine




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 min

Figure 5. Gas chromatography of polyamines of L. fermentum ME-3 in the decarboxylation medium with ornithine (123).
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 11
Table III. Production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs),
cells fell rapidly (118). Strain ME-3 tolerated all the
ethanol, polyamines, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and
nitric oxide (NO) by L. fermentum ME-3 DSM 14241 in tested bile concentrations (0.32.0%) similarly well
comparison with Lactobacillus plantarum DSM 21380. during 24 h without any remarkable loss in viable
counts. By the co-action of pH and pepsin followed
Indices* ME-3 DSM by bile and pancreatin, a decrease of 0.5 log to 1.5
213801 log of viable count was noticed. Also, the producer
of strain ME-3 freeze-dried culture (Probiotical OY,
Short chain fatty acids
(mg/ml) 2448 h Novara, Italy) has confirmed the tolerance of strain
incubation ME-3 to harsh environmental conditions. Besides,
Lactic acid 10.611.1 10.111.6 the high stress tolerance of strain ME-3 in harsh GI
Acetic acid 0.80.9 0.080.1 tract conditions after a 3-week consumption of goat
Succinic acid 1.81.9 0.070.07
milk fermented by the addition of strain ME-3 was
Ethanol 9.87.5 0
Polyamines (mg/ml) shown (Figure 6) by confirmation of strain ME-3 in
96 h incubation faecal samples of 100% of volunteers by molecular
Decarboxylation of methods (101).
Putrescine 0 0
Cadaverine 0.6 0 Lectin typing
Decarboxylation of
glutamine The carbohydrate pattern of ME-3 cell surfaces
Putrescine 0.8 0 was tested with different lectins in the laboratory
Cadaverine 0.5 0
Decarboxylation of
of Professor Torkel Wadström (University of
ornithine Lund, Sweden). Lectins are oligomeric and multi-
Putrescine 1.3 0.5 meric plant or animal proteins or glycoproteins
Cadaverine 0 0.6 with binding specificities toward a particular carbo-
Conjugated linoleic acid 12.4 39.9 hydrate structure. Multimeric structure gives
NO production (mM) 1.290.2 2.690.8
lectins the ability to agglutinate cells or form
H2O2 production (mM) 4849200 1969129 precipitates with glycoconjugates (130). The mono-
saccharides such as N-acetylglucosamine, N-
*Microaerobic environment. acetylgalactosamine and mannose are present in
the glycocalyx of lactobacilli in significant amounts
L. fermentum KC and have shown its ability to in the typical gram-positive envelope (131). These
maintain viability for 2 h at pH 2 and to grow in a sugars have been linked to adhesive properties of
medium with 4 mg of bile acids per litre. lactobacilli. L. fermentum ME-3 whole cells, similar
L. fermentum ME-3 was found to tolerate the to other tested lactobacilli strains of the same
drop of pH values from 4.0 to 2.5 without a loss in species, showed specificity to D-Gal, D-GalNAc
viable cell count. Even at pH 2.0 the strain survived carbohydrates by lectin Bandeirarea simplifolica I
for 6 h and only after that the numbers of viable (132). Harbouring this profile seemingly helps

Figure 6. Recovery of L. fermentum ME-3 in faecal samples of all volunteers after consumption of ME-3 fermented goat’s milk.
12 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

strain ME-3 to compete with E. coli for adhesion to tion, Heidi Annuk was able to construct a diagram
gal-gal receptors in the intestinal tract, where E. coli showing that the in vitro antagonistic activity, see-
some virulent strains can be reservoir for recurrent mingly due to a pH drop and organic acids produc-
urinary tract infection. tion, was quite characteristic of particular
We have seen some effect in a clinical trial for fermentative groups of lactobacilli (homo-, faculta-
preventing this recurrent infection in children. The tively heterofermentative and obligately heterofer-
data in the literature showed that re-infection with a mentative) further identified by ITS-PCR (137).
new uropathogenic E. coli residing in the intestinal Recently, we have found by the ROS analyser
tract occurred in nearly 75% of adult women (133). (APOLLO 4000) that the ratio of signals H2O2:NO
We wondered if colonization with strain ME-3 could was 13.7, produced by strain ME-3 in MRS
suppress the potentially pathogenic E. coli and de- medium, achieving the first rank among about 30
crease the recurrent episodes. In vitro experiments tested strains of Lactobacillus species. This shows
were promising, as the E. coli ATCC strains and that strain ME-3 is able to manage with both
several clinical isolates were suppressed on culture compounds to suppress antagonists and/or initiate
media for 23 log cfu/g. We hoped that this could signalling using several pathways (Table III).
decrease the load of uropathogenic E. coli in the Remarkably, the modest antimicrobial activity
intestinal tract to prevent new recurrent episodes of of L. fermentum ME-3 (138) expressing some
urinary tract infections. Children who had experi- antimicrobial cationic peptides against the Helico-
enced a first attack of acute pyelonephritis consumed bacter pylori reference strain NCTC 11637 was
either strain ME-3 or a placebo for 3 months: in the changed for high activity against clinical H. pylori
placebo group, the recurrence rate was 50% while in isolates (139). So far, the most effective manage-
the strain ME-3 group it was a somewhat lower 32% ment of H. pylori infection causing gastritis and
(Vainumäe, dissertation in preparation). peptic ulcer disease is combined antimicrobial
therapy. Some authors have applied the antagonistic
effect of lactic acid bacteria against H. pylori
Antimicrobial activity in the prevention of and therapy for H. pylori
The prevention of GI tract colonization by a infection (140), although some failures are also
variety of pathogens is a primary mechanism of described.
beneficial effects mediated by probiotics (70,71). Seemingly, a different tropism of the pathogen
It has been shown that the large spectrum of and probiotic, besides the inadequacy of the dosage
different metabolites is responsible for the suppres- and intervention, survival of the probiotic in
sion of the growth of pathogens in vitro and for their the gut and Lactobacillus spp. differences in antag-
competitive exclusion in animal models. Many of the onistic activity and immunomodulating properties,
metabolites produced by lactic acid bacteria have a could emerge among putative reasons for the low
broad antimicrobial activity against some other efficacy of probiotic therapy in GI infections (141).
species, especially gram-negative ones, in contrast Moreover, the main mechanisms of probiotic
to particular bacteriocins that usually inhibit only actionsuch as competing for nutrients, producing
closely related species among other gram-positive antimicrobial substances, blocking the adhesion and
bacteria (134). toxin receptor sites, removing it by co-aggregation,
L. fermentum ME-3 has the ability to suppress stimulating the immunity, increasing the barrier
mainly gram-negative bacteria but to some extent function and the attenuation of virulencehave to
also enterococci and Staphylococcus aureus. Its antag- be differentially expressed in extra- and intracellular
onistic properties against enteral pathogens (Salmo- infections, and in fact, they are rarely all present
nella Typhimurium and Shigella sonnei), and urinary in a particular probiotic.
tract infections caused by E. coli, were assessed Thus, strain ME-3 possesses several antimicrobial
by a streak line procedure on plates containing characteristics such as acetic, lactic and succinic
modified (pH 7.2) MRS medium (135137). In acids, putrescine, NO, CO2 and H2O2, produces
different environmental conditions (microaerobic some cationic peptides, has a suitable lectin profile
and anaerobic milieus) the production of lactic for competitive adhesion to the epithelium and
acid by strain ME-3 correlated well with its antag- some immunogenic properties, as assessed in animal
onistic activity. experiments and human studies.
Beside lactic acid, the acetic and succinic acids
and ethanol produced in substantial amounts by
strain ME-3 in microaerobic conditions, the produc-
tion of NO and H2O2 could be responsible for the First, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria are histori-
antimicrobial effect (Table III). In her PhD disserta- cally considered safe for their close association
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 13

with food. Second, they are inhabitants of the species (including free radicals) occurs in vivo and
normal indigenous microbiota and their pathogenic can lead to the damage of lipids, proteins, nucleic
potential is low. However, some Lactobacillus spp. acids and carbohydrates of cells and tissues (144).
strains have been associated with systemic and In the human body reactive oxygen species (ROS)
local infections (142). They can cause a problem and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are the main
in a world with an increased immunocompromised players. Both terms involve appropriate free radicals
population. Laboratory investigations, experimental and non-radical species A free radical is defined as
animal studies and volunteer trials were conducted an atom or molecule having at least one unpaired
to test the safety of the ME-3 strain. The in vitro electron in its outer orbital; examples include
experiments confirmed the absence of haemolysins oxygen-centred radicals (superoxide radical, hydrox-
and the suppression of indigenous lactobacilli and yl radical), nitrogen-centred radicals (nitric oxide,
bifidobacteria, tested in co-cultivation experiments nitric dioxide radical), sulphur-centred (RS- thiyl),
with particular strains. and some others. Principal ROS are superoxide
The most important feature for safety assurance radical, hydroxyl radical, lipid peroxyl radical and
suggested by a large EU study was the absence non-radical hydrogen peroxide (the latter is pro-
of transmissible antibiotic resistance genes/plasmids duced from superoxide by superoxide dismutase).
and the natural resistance to trimethoprim plus Principal RNS are nitric oxide and non-radical
sulfamethoxazole, metronidazole, fluoroquinolones peroxynitrite. The pathological efficiency of the
and cefoxitin that corresponded to the wild strains hydroxyl radical is the most potent and it is rapidly
of the L. fermentum species (143). generated via the Fenton cycle where free iron (a
The safety of ME-3 has been tested repeatedly in very potent prooxidant) reacts with hydrogen perox-
a mouse model (NIH line conventional male mice, ide (144).
Kuopio Finland) administered commercial diet ROS and RNS are generated within the body
R-70 (Lactamin, Sweden). The experiments were from different external reactions (radiation, pollu-
performed according to European Convention tants, toxins, chemicals and drugs) and internal
regulations for animal experiments no. 123 from univalent biochemical redox reactions. Several dis-
1986. Freeze-dried L. fermentum ME-3 was added eases are associated with the toxic effect of the
to the tap water in a daily dose of 9.7 log cfu for transition metals (iron, copper and cadmium).
30 days. The mice were monitored and the faeces An excessive production of reactive species leads to
were collected individually for the detection of an imbalance in the prooxidantsantioxidants sys-
strain ME-3 daily. All strain ME-3-challenged tem. Any imbalance in favour of the prooxidants
animals remained in a good state during the feeding potentially leading to damage was termed ‘oxidative
trial. Furthermore, safety was also confirmed stress’ (145).
by feeding mice during several months with a There is a large body of evidence that high
probiotic ME-3 cheese in different doses (136). grade oxidative stress (OxS) has one of the crucial
The mice were killed by cervical dislocation roles in the pathogenesis of several disorders/dis-
and autopsies were performed under sterile condi- eases of the GI tract (inflammatory bowel disease,
tions using a Class II microbiological safety cabinet coeliac disease, etc.), the vascular system (athero-
(Jouan, France). To estimate the content of lactic sclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke, vascular
acid bacteria in the terminal ileum and colon, dysfunctionality), the nervous system (Alzheimer’s
bacteriological investigations were carried out im- disease, Parkinson’s disease), the liver (ethanol
mediately. No translocation of the probiotic strain damage, cirrhosis), the skin (several dermatoses),
into any organs (ileum, liver and spleen) was the pancreas (diabetes mellitus) and the eyes
detected. The increase (from 8.690.3 before to (age-related macular degeneration, retinopathy)
9.190.2 log cfu/g after the trial, p 0.003) in total (144152). Metabolic syndrome, obesity, premature
faecal lactic acid bacterial counts was observed only ageing and the development of several tumours also
at the end of the 30-day experiment (Truusalu, have an OxS-related background (153).
dissertation in preparation). Atherosclerosis is characterized by many potential
risk markers such as increased values of
low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and ele-
Antioxidative effects vated blood pressure, while HDL-cholesterol, fasting
triacylglycerol and plasma homocysteine are sug-
Survey of oxidative stress and antioxidative effects
gested as the diet-related markers (154). Moreover,
Oxidation is essential to living organisms for the increased inflammatory markers (white blood
energy production. However, it is now well estab- cells (WBCs), highly sensitive C-reactive protein
lished that abnormal formation of the reactive (hsCRP)) and the oxidative stress indices (oxidized
14 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

LDL, urine 8-isoprostanes, etc.) have been shown to antioxidativity (TAS and TAA test) to overcome
be characteristic of patients with atherosclerotic the exogenous and endogeneous OxS of the
lesions of the vascular system, having developed host (156). The antioxidative properties of L.
cardiovascular disease (CVD) (146). fermentum ME-3 and demonstrated effects are sum-
For the systemic multi-level control of OxS, the marized in Table IV (100102, 136, 156164, 167).
human body has evolved an integrated antioxidant Researcher Ann Kilk of the Department
defence system (Figure 7). It includes both the non- of Biochemistry performed PCR for the detection
enzymatic antioxidants like reduced glutathione of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) in
(GSH) and vitamins E, C and Q10, blood albumin, ME-3 cells. Mn-SOD is very important in the
uric acid, bilirubin and enzymatic antioxidants like control of lipid peroxidation. Manganese and
superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn-SOD, Mn-SOD), Mn-SOD activity of lactobacilli (not having a usual
glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx), catalase (CAT) catalase) is important for their survival in the
and haem oxygenase (144).
Several antioxidative components that are inte-
grated into the human antioxidant defence system a.
Oxidative stressors Antioxidative defence
are derived from foodstuffs and/or provided (Pro-oxidants) system
by GI microbiota. However, up to the mid-
1990s a few studies (106) had been carried out to Inflammation
Vitamin E, C, Q etc.
screen for the antioxidative properties of indi- Smoking
Enzymatic antioxidants
genous microbiota, including bifidobacteria and PUFA megadoses
Other antioxidants
lactobacilli. Furthermore, it became apparent that Iron and copper excess
(GSH, plasma albumin,
Radiation, Exhaustive
the integrated antioxidant defence system and GI exercise, Prolonged
uric acid, bilirubin,
carotenoids, etc.)
microbiota of the human body are very tightly severe emotional stress
linked, whereas specific strains with physiologically
effective antioxidative properties may have a great
impact on the management of the OxS level in the
gut lumen, inside mucosa cells and in the blood, to
support the functionality of the integrated antiox-
idant defence system of the human body. b.
Some new trends for medical bioremedia-
tion target the application of microbial catabolic
diversity against aging and several major age-related LDL
diseases such as atherosclerosis. This follows
the historical hypothesis of Metschnikof sugges-
ting the intensive consumption of lactic acid bacteria
in order to postpone aging (cited in Vaughan Oxidative stress
et al. (155)). However, it was not assessed whether
the increased content of lactobacilli and temporal Inflammation
CVD, etc.
colonization with their particular strains could influ-
ence the inflammatory and OxS-derived blood
indices. We have tried to explore this gap in our
probiotic studies.

Studies on the antioxidative effect of

L. fermentum ME-3
In vitro studies Figure 7. A net of prooxidants and the potency of antioxidant
defence system normally balanced in the human body. (a) A
In 1996 we started to check the antioxidative summary effect of oxidative stressors and potency of antioxidant
characteristics of a large number of Lactobacillus defence system of the human body are normally balanced. An
spp. strains. Applying a number of different tests imbalance leads to oxidative stress. PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty
we found that two strains of L. fermentum may acids; SOD, superoxide dismutase; GSHPx, glutathione perox-
have an impact as new probiotics with functional idase; CAT, catalase; HO1, haem oxygenase; GSH, reduced
glutathione. (b) Oxidative stress causes the production of oxidized
properties towards antimicrobial and antioxidative LDL (oxLDL), which is a potent atherogenic and inflammatory
action. Both strains (E-3 and E-18) and their agent. Strain ME-3 lowers the level of oxLDL. LDL, low-density
lysates had physiologically relevant multivalent lipoprotein; CVD, cardiovascular diseases.
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 15

oxidative milieu (milk, host) created by the produc- hydrogen peroxide content and superoxide anions
tion of H2O2 (165, 166). quite similarly to a highly ROS-resistant Salmonella
Furthermore, researcher Tiiu Kullisaar designed Typhimurium, although lactobacilli did not have a
an original set of experiments showing that strain catalase as compared with salmonellas (156). The
ME-3 (its previous in-laboratory acronym was E-3) survival in the presence of different ROS was
had a good hydroxyl radical scavenging efficiency possible due to GSH that is a major non-enzymatic
and was able to survive in high concentrations of intracellular antioxidant and protector-molecule
(144). Recently it was established that ME-3 cells
Table IV. Antioxidativity-related properties and effects of strain possess a complete glutathione system for its synth-
esis, uptake and redox turnover (158).
An independent laboratory confirmed that the in
Property/effect Experimental (ES), animal (AS),
human (HS) study (reference nos)
vitro superoxide anion scavenging efficiency of strain
ME-3 was more than 80100 times stronger as
Expression of Mn-SOD, ES (156) compared with trolox or ascorbic acid (Ahotupa,
prolonged survival time in
personal communication). That the antioxidant
presence of high H2O2,
scavenging of superoxide properties of strain ME-3 prevented the oxidative
and hydroxyl radicals spoilage of soft cheese products has also recently
been confirmed by experiments in Finland (159).
Characterized by high TAA ES (156,157)
and TAS values
Containing of GSH and ES (157,158) Experimental animal infections
related antioxidative
enzymes Next, an animal model of typhoid fever was
Working as natural antioxi- ES (159)
developed by the inoculation of mice with Salmo-
dant in soft cheese spreads nella Typhimurium (161). S. Typhimurium induces
with different fats generalized infection in mice with typhoid nodules
Maintaining its high TAA ES (136) (granulomas) in the liver and spleen.
during production of In the prophylactic and treatment model with an
probiotic cheese S. Typhimurium challenging of mice, the applica-
Removal effect of metals ES (160) tion of L. fermentum ME-3 was not able to eradicate
(prooxidants) from salmonellas from organs, yet strain ME-3 sup-
environment pressed the excessive OxS-related reactions caused
Elevation of blood TAS or HS, AS (100,102,157,161,162) by the infectious agent and the inflammation. The
TAA and TAA in the gut enhanced lipid peroxidation and the abnormal
mucosa glutathione redox ratio were corrected and thus
Elevation of oxyresistance of HS (100,157,162) the gut mucosal antioxidative status was improved
LDL (161).
Lowering level of oxLDL HS (100,102,162) The still wide prevalence of typhoid fever in
southern countries and the treatment problems
Lowering level of HS (100,162,163)
have got our attention. Therefore, we have applied
the same experimental typhoid fever model for
Lowering the glutathione HS, AS (100,102,157,161,164)
the elaboration of the treatment principles of S.
redox ratio in blood, in the
gut mucosa, in skin Typhimurium infection with an antimicrobial
quinolone (ofloxacin) combined with the probiotic
Lowering lipid peroxidation AS (161,164)
in the gut mucosa
ME-3. The combinations of antimicrobial prepara-
tions with probiotics have been used with good
Lowering level of BCD-LDL HS (100,162,167) success for the treatment of H. pylori infections, yet
Positive effects on post- HS (162,163) mainly to cope with adverse effects (140). We
prandial status of OxS, succeeded in showing the priority of the combination
blood lipoprotein status
for the eradication of salmonellas from the intestinal
and urine isoprostanes
tract and liver (Figure 8) and also the reduction
BCD-LDL, baseline diene conjugates in low-density lipoprotein; of typhoid nodules (granulomas) in the liver
GSH, reduced glutathione; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; LDL, (Figure 9).
low-density lipoprotein; Mn-SOD, manganese superoxide dis-
mutase; oxLDL, oxidized low-density lipoprotein; OxS, oxida-
Meanwhile, the indices of lipid peroxidation
tive stress; TAA, total antioxidative activity; TAS, total were reduced (Table V) and the glutathione redox
antioxidative status. ratio (GSSG/GSH) was significantly lower in
16 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer
1;2 3


6 blood

2 3
Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4

Figure 8. The number of mice with viable Salmonella Typhimurium in ileum, blood and liver. Gr1, Salmonella Typhimurium (ST)-
challenged mice; Gr2, ST treated with ofloxacin (OFX); Gr3, ST treated with strain ME-3; Gr4, ST treated with OFX  strain ME-3. 1p
0.032 Gr1 vs Gr2 ST in ileum; 2p0.002 Gr1 vs Gr3 and Gr4 ST in ileum; 3p0.002 Gr1 vs Gr3 and Gr4 ST in liver.

mice treated with the combination of strain Table V. Indices of oxidative stress (with standard deviations) in
ME-3 and ofloxacin (164). the ileum mucosa in mice challenged with S. Typhimurium and
Our last in vivo experiments on the NIH treated with ofloxacin and/or the probiotic L. fermentum ME-3.
mouse model showed that the administration
of strain ME-3 induces high levels of anti-inflamma- Experimental groups LPO (pmol/mg GSSG/GSH
tory cytokine interleukin (IL)-10 in both the gut
and liver tissue. This could be the reason for the Salmonella Typhimurium chal- 3389461;4 0.2690.413;5
reduced number of typhoid nodules in the liver in lenged mice (Gr1)
mice treated with a combination of ofloxacin and ST treated with ofloxacin 2289412 0.2690.11
strain ME-3 (164). (OFX) (Gr2)
ST treated with strain ME-3 1699111;2 0.1690.203
Thus, strain ME-3 helps to alleviate OxS- (Gr3)
and inflammation-related disorders in the intestinal ST treated with OFX  strain 1619271;2 0.1790.113
cells in different ways (cf. discussion about ME-3 ME-3 (Gr4)
action mechanisms). Control (PBS) 1579244 0.1190.2 5

GSSG/GSH, glutathione redox ratio; LPO, lipid peroxides; OFX,

ofloxacin; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; ST, Salmonella
Volunteers and clinical trials Typhimurium. 1p B0.001 Gr1 vs Gr3 and Gr4; 2p 0.002
Gr2 vs Gr3 and Gr 4; 3p0.006 Gr1 vs Gr3 and Gr4;
Strain ME-3 colonization and safety, as well as its 4
pB0.001 Gr1 vs control; 5p B0.003 Gr1 vs control.
antioxidative effects, have been tested in several open
placebo-controlled and randomized double-blind synbiotics enriched with ME-3. A large spectrum of
placebo-controlled clinical trials (100102,162,167) indices measured in healthy adult volunteers showed
using capsules with ME-3, goat milk fermented with that the use of strain ME-3 was safe regarding the
ME-3, commercial foodstuffs (kefir, cheese) and physiological values of blood cytokines (including




10 liver
6 spleen

4 4 8
7;8 8
Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4

Figure 9. The number of mice with typhoid nodules in liver and spleen. 4p0.027 Gr1 vs Gr3; 5pB0.001 Gr1 vs Gr4; 6p0.023 Gr2 vs
Gr4; 7p0.002 Gr1 vs Gr2 and Gr4; 8p0.048 Gr2 vs Gr3 and Gr3 vs Gr4.
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 17

IL-6), inflammatory markers (WBCs, hsCRP), prin- Synbiotic trial. L. fermentum ME-3 was also applied
cipal markers of carbohydrates and lipids or lipid- in the EU Research Commission-funded project
like compounds (glycose, triglycerides, cholesterol, ‘EU and MicrofunctionFunctional assessment of
LDL, HDL), several metabolites (homocysteine, interactions between human microbiota and host’
creatinine, bilirubin) and several other biochemical (QLRT-2001-00135; ISRCTN43435738) using a
indices such as blood calcium and iron, and en- randomized, double-blind crossover synbiotic inter-
dothelial functionality and arterial stiffness. vention study with 53 healthy volunteers (167,170).
The consumption of strain ME-3 had a positive The composition of the synbiotic was as follows:
influence on the gut microbiota. The faecal counts of probiotics L. fermentum ME-3, L. paracasei 8700:2,
beneficial lactobacilli were increased in several Bifidobacterium longum 46 (both Probi, Sweden) and
studies (Figure 10) offering protection against colo- 5 g of prebiotic Raftilose P95 (Orafti, Belgium).
nization by potential pathogens if the volunteers Several shifts in the microbiota composition were
consumed goat milk fermented by strain ME-3 assessed by research partners at Reading University
(daily dose 3 1011 cfu) or used freeze-dried capsu- (UK), such as an increase in bifidobacteria and
lated ME-3 (109 cfu per capsule twice a day) as well clostridia counts, associated with appropriate shifts
for 3 weeks. In contrast, in the group of volunteers in profiles of faecal metabolites (short chain fatty
consuming non-fermented goat milk, a decrease in acids, SCFAs). An increase in the total antioxidative
total lactobacilli counts was seen during the 3-week activity was also registered (Table VI) accompanied
trial. However, a significant difference was found by an improved bioquality of LDL particles
concerning the applied formulations. In the goat (oxLDL and BDC-LDL) of sera of volunteers after
milk trial strain ME-3 was molecularly (ITS-PCR) consumption of the symbiotic for 3 weeks.
assessed in all volunteer consumers, yet strain ME-3 However, half of the healthy asymptomatic
was not detectable among ME-3 isolates by bacter- volunteers in this trial were colonized with H. pylori.
iological methods or by AP-PCR in the probiotic All applied probiotic strains expressed a high
capsule trial, although there was a positive shift in antagonistic activity against the H. pylori reference
blood indices. In capsulate forms higher quantities of strain in vitro (138). Despite the consumption of the
bacteria (up to 1010 cfu/g) have been suggested to re- symbiotic for 3 weeks, this composition could not
isolate the probiotic bacteria from faecal samples eradicate the H. pylori infection (167). Seemingly
(168,169). the application of the entero-coated probiotic cap-
At the same time, the consumption of ME-3 sules prevented the direct effect of lactobacilli on H.
bacteria-containing substances showed positive pylori on gastric mucosa. Thus, the antagonistic
effects on several OxS-related indices such as post- bacteria, including strain ME-3, were not able to
prandial lipid, lipoprotein and OxS profile of blood exert any systemic antimicrobial influence on H.
and urine (162). Consumption of kefir containing pylori colonization, although the same consumed
strain ME-3 significantly decreased the post- composition improved the antioxidative indices of
prandial content of fats, oxLDL and BDC-LDL, blood in persons colonized with H. pylori.
enhanced the level of HDL and improved the
bioquality of HDL particles.
Special clinical trials on patients. On the basis of the
Study group Control group Study group Placebo group information about safety and the positive effects
* * * of strain ME-3 in healthy volunteers, we also
‡ conducted some preliminary clinical pilot trials.

Table VI. Improvement of OxS-related indices of blood sera in
CFU log10

the synbiotic DBRP crossover study in healthy volunteers (167).


4 Blood indices Baseline Final Paired t test

TAA% 4192 4292 B0.001
oxLDL (ApoB- 132.5950.5 122.8945.6 0.047
Goat milk trial Probiotic capsule trial modified)
BDC-LDL (diene 15.296.1 12.794.1 B0.001
Figure 10. Increase of total faecal counts of lactobacilli in healthy conjugates)
volunteers consuming strain ME-3 in fermented goat milk and in
the DBRP probiotic capsule efficacy trial (118). BCD-LDL, baseline diene conjugates in low-density lipoprotein;
*pB0.005 difference from pretreatment values; %pB0.01 differ- oxLDL, oxidized low-density lipoprotein; TAA, total antiox-
ence between ME-3 and control treatments. idant activity.
18 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

In the first randomized blinded pilot study, activities of self-care, mobility, locomotion, commu-
patients with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis nication and social cognition on a 7-point scale
consumed goat milk fermented with strain ME-3 from fully independent to fully dependent. The
for 3 months (102). The clinical SCORAD index Scandinavian Stroke Scale, SSS, is more specific
decreased from 4.893.9 to 1.991.8 (p B0.05) in to stroke patients and measures nine items: level of
the probiotic group and from 4.892.8 to 2.390.9 consciousness, mobility of eye, upper and lower
in the control group. A significant amount of limb, orientation, speech, facial tone and gait. The
oxidized iron (prooxidant) was found in the skin biochemical indices of sera were evaluated twice:
of patients before consumption and the values of before and after treatment (162). The baseline
iron were decreased. Also, the diene conjugate values of the ME-3 and control group were not
values (indicating lipid peroxidation) were reduced statistically different. After rehabilitation and the
(Figure 11). In the same group, the antioxidativity course and consumption of the antioxidative pro-
markers of blood also showed an improvement. biotic, only the ME-3 group showed improved
The levels of oxLDL decreased, and GSH biochemical indices (GSSG, oxLDL, diene conju-
(a protective form of glutathione) levels increased gates (DC), TAA) and the correlation between
with a concomitant reduction in the GSSG/GSH improved OxS-related indices and the functional
ratio both in the skin and in the blood level. The ability scales (between SSS and oxLDL, r 0.55,
results of our study demonstrated that the regular pB0.05) and FIM (between FIM and GSSG/GSH,
use of probiotics with antioxidative properties r 0.63, p B0.03). However, in the placebo
decreased inflammation and concomitant OxS group the FIM values got even better than in the
in adult patients with mild to moderate atopic ME-3 group, seemingly due to the lower starting
dermatitis (102,162). level of the patients in the ME-3 group. In addition,
The second DBRP pilot trial (162) was aimed at the application of ME-3 capsules caused a signifi-
evaluation of the antioxidative effect of strain ME-3 cant decline in the values of inflammatory markers
on a seriously ill group of patients who had survived (hsCRP) not assessed in the control group.
a stroke. The 21 patients (80.499.9 years), who Figure 12 illustrates the effects of strain ME-3 for
had survived a brain stroke 1296.6 days earlier, increasing the oxiresistance of LDL particles and
were randomly distributed into two groups. In lowering the level of oxLDL.
addition to regular rehabilitation therapy that in- Thus, this pilot trial shows the potential of strain
cluded ACE inhibitors, aspirin, diuretics and beta- ME-3 to be applied as an adjunct preparation to the
blockers, the patients were assigned to consume for ordinary rehabilitation therapy of patients in the
3 weeks, twice a day, either capsules (3 per course of recovering from a brain stroke.
capsule 109 cfu) of freeze-dried ME-3 (ME-3
group, 10 subjects) or placebo capsules (3250
Possible mechanisms of effects of
mg saccharose and microcellulose, control group,
L. fermentum ME-3
11 subjects), respectively. The functional ability of
the stroke patients was assessed before In different experiments and volunteer and clinical
and after the 3-week treatment period using two trials, the administration of strain ME-3 has led to
clinical evaluation scales (Table VII). The Func- the improvement of the GI microbial ecology. More
tional Independence Measure, FIM, assesses 18 than a 10-fold increase of total lactobacilli counts in

Figure 11. Content of iron and diene conjugates in the skin in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD), regularly (3 months) consuming
probiotic strain ME-3. *p B0.05 comparing the values before and after consumption.
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 19
Table VII. Clinical and biochemical evaluations of stroke patients: parameters at the baseline (before) and after an application period (after)
by means of SSS and FIM scale and biochemical indices (mean9SED) (162).

Parameter ME-3 group Placebo group

Clinical parameter Before After Before After

SSS 33913 42912 37912 45991
FIM 21919 409233 32916 50916, 1,4

Biochemical indices
LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.992.2 3.891.9 3.290.8 3.291.14
oxLDL (U/L) 121935 1099351 130923 1289224
DC (mmol/L) 5099 45983 45916 45914
GSSG (mmol/L) 64916 529182 73928 719184
GSSG/GSH 0.0790.01 0.0590.011 0.0790.02 0.0690.01
TAA (%) 3491 46932 3791 359414

DC, diene conjugates; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; GSSG/GSH, glutathione redox ratio;
LDL, low-density lipoprotein; oxLDL, oxidized low-density lipoprotein; SSS, Scandinavian Stroke Scale; TAA, total antioxidant activity.
p B0.05, 2p B0.01 and 3p B0.001 as compared to baseline value; 4p B0.05 as compared to the ‘After’ values in the ME-3 and placebo

comparison with the individually different initial production of NO by strain ME-3 were seemingly
count was registered in the collected faecal samples, the main antimicrobial operators. The method for
regardless of the probiotic formulation or daily dose the simultaneous suppression of pathogens and the
applied. It was supposed that the metabolites enhancement of the antioxidative activity of food
secreted by strain ME-3 into the GI tract could be was filed in a US patent application (171). Thus,
used as a substrate by other lactobacilli. The the double functional properties of the probiotic
tolerance to different environmental factors and strain L. fermentum ME-3 may protect the host
the successful passage of strain ME-3 through the against food-derived infections on one hand and
GI tract has also been confirmed by culture and help in the prevention of oxidative damage of food
PCR-based methods (100,101). on the other hand. The intact cells and cell-free
At the same time, by adding L. fermentum extract of strain ME-3 showed different potent
strain ME-3 as a probiotic ingredient into a dairy antioxidative effects due to the expression of the
product (yoghurt, cheese, milk), it was able to antioxidant enzymes such as Mn-SOD and the
suppress the putative contaminants of food such components of the complete glutathione system
as pathogenic Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., urinary
(GSH, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione re-
tract infections caused by E. coli, Staphylococcus spp.
ductase). The antioxidative protection offered by
The amounts of secreted SCFAs, the substantial
strain ME-3 for the prevention of oxidative spoilage
amount of hydrogen peroxide (120,138,156) and
of semi-soft cheeses was assessed in an independent
study in Finland (159).
Furthermore, we have looked for the implemen-
tation of the functional properties of strain ME-3 to
improve antimicrobial defence and some metabolic
functions in different hosts.
Experimental animal studies (161,164) have
confirmed that the increase in total lactobacilli
counts as much as the specific strain ME-3
antioxidative action in the gut eradicated live
salmonellas and prevented the formation of typhoid
nodules in experimental Salmonella Typhimurium
infections, resembling typhoid fever in humans. For
the first time it was shown that the antibiotic
therapy of an invasive infection like enteric fever
was more effective if administered together with
a probiotic. However, it cannot be excluded that
Figure 12. Increase of oxiresistance of low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) particles (minutes) and lowering oxidized-LDL level
beside the antimicrobial and antioxidative effect
(absorbance units) after using strain ME-3. Oxidation of LDL is of strain ME-3, immune enhancement by the
measured on the basis of conjugated dienes at 234 nm. probiotic also played a significant role.
20 M. Mikelsaar & M. Zilmer

Concerning the implementation of the antioxida- acted the depletion of colonic glutathione content
tive properties of strain ME-3 in humans, we have induced by some inflammatory processes (175) also
developed a method for enhancing the antioxidative supported our understanding. In addition, there
activity of sera, i.e. administering strain ME-3 in a exists a correlation between glutathione redox ratio
food product to humans comprising increases in and DNA oxidative damages (176).
TAA, TAS, and the lag phase of LDL and decreases Further, our research has shown that the
in oxidized glutathione, oxLDL and BCD-LDL of improvement of the intestinal extra- and intracellu-
sera (171). Different trials have shown that the lar environment yielded beneficial changes of some
application of strain ME-3 alleviates inflammation- general/systemic biochemical indices of the host.
and OxS-related shifts in gut, skin and blood (100 This was proven by the administration of strain
102,162). This is based on complicated cross-talk ME-3 to healthy volunteers and atopic adults
between strain ME-3 and host cells with the leading to a reduction of lipid peroxidation and a
integrated influence of several factors such as the counterbalance of the glutathione system both in
ability of strain ME-3 to apply a complete glu- blood and in skin. Moreover, in several conducted
tathione system, the expression of antioxidative trials we have seen the positive effect of strain ME-3
enzymes in strain ME-3, the production of CLA on the blood LDL fraction: the prolongation of its
and NO by strain ME-3, etc. resistance to oxidation, the lowering of the content
The question was raised as to how it was possible of oxLDL (potent inflammatory and atherogenic
to exert a positive effect such as the reduction of factor) and BDC-LDL and the enhancement of the
OxS just by consuming a food product? Strain total antioxidative capacity of sera (100,101,167).
ME-3 of human origin was successful in surviving In our recent investigation of elderly persons over
different fermentation processes of milk due to its 65 years, the lower content of oxLDL was signifi-
good tolerance to low temperature, acid and salt cantly predicted by the higher count of live lacto-
(118,136), and was capable of the temporal coloni- bacilli in the GI tract (M. Mikelsaar et al.,
zation of the intestinal tract of the consumer.
unpublished observations). Seemingly, both the
The intestinal surface is an important host
particular antioxidative characteristics of strain
organismenvironment boundary and the interac-
ME-3 and the increase in lactobacilli counts in-
tions of gut microbes inside the intestinal lumen and
duced by its administration could be responsible for
mucosal cells are important for the host, as was
the registered impact on the host lipid metabolism.
shown in the characterization of the composition and
The status of OxS and blood lipoprotein are both
metabolic acitivities of intestinal microbiota in the
related to the development of different diseases,
first sections of the review. An impaired environment
including inflammation-related diseases and CVD
such as the imbalance of GI microbiota, but also the
(see above). Recently in Circulation (177) the
increase of lipid peroxidation and decrease of the
pathophysiological continuum that traditional cardi-
reduced GSH both at the intestinal surface and in
the intestinal cells, are the mighty modulators ovascular risk factors all promote OxS and endothe-
causing different unhealthy outcomes in the host. lial dysfunction  the first steps in a cascade of
That these modulators of the intestinal mucosal pathological events  was highlighted. OxS leads to
status can be repaired by the administration of strain the overproduction of oxLDL and the latter has a
ME-3 was directly confirmed in a mouse model of great impact on the development of atherosclerosis.
experimental S. Typhimurium infection (161,164). For example, the higher levels of circulating oxLDL
In this process the involvement of the glutathione are strongly (much more than LDL-cholesterol)
system is crucial as GSH, besides its role as a crucial associated with an increased incidence of metabolic
antioxidant, is the principal redox controller for a syndrome already in people who are currently young
number of processes in cells. Glutathione-related and healthy according to a large population-based
information has impact for strain ME-3 regarding at study (178). It was previously shown that oxLDL
least two aspects: a) a recent adapted conception of is an important determinant of structural changes
OxS is advanced as ‘a disruption of redox signalling of the arteries already in asymptomatic persons (147,
and control’ (145,172) that emphasizes an impact of 179). Recent data gathered from the literature
GSH and its redox ratio as good tools for the suggest that the increased production of atherogenic
quantification of OxS and the signalling role of and inflammatory oxLDL within the vessel wall
GSH, described also by us (173,174); and b) there suppresses several immunity-related cells, including
exists the possibility for the effective participation of regulatory T cells (180) exerting antiatherogenic and
strain ME-3 in both enzymatic and non-enzymatic antiallergic effects. In addition, it is widely accepted
glutathione-driven protection. Besides, the data that that post-prandial abnormal events are crucial as
just L. fermentum as a species significantly counter- regards the development of CVD (181).
Antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic 21

The systemic influence of strain ME-3 on host have attempted to compile the available information
OxS indices has also been assessed by the decline of concerning the ability of L. fermentum ME-3 to
the values of isoprostanes and 8-OHdG in urine protect the host from different diseases induced by
(100,101,162). Both indices are accepted as very pathogenic bacteria (Salmonella spp., Shigella spp.
informative markers for human systemic OxS and urinary tract infections cause by E. coli),
burden (144,145). Evidently the systemic antiox- inflammation and oxidative stress.
idative effect of strain ME-3 starts from the Safety and health-promoting studies of the
alleviation of the OxS- and inflammation-related probiotic strain cited in this report were carried
abnormalities in the intestinal cells that lead to the out by assessing a large number of microbiological,
assembling of particles of chylomicrons, LDL and biochemical and clinical indices. This strain is still
HDL with a higher bioquality with lower levels of unique among Lactobacillus species, having both
harmful oxidation products and higher concentra- antimicrobial and physiologically effective antioxi-
tions of antioxidant enzymes in their particles. dative properties. Tartu University has patented this
Furthermore, the increased bioquality of assembled probiotic strain in Estonia (priority June 2001,
lipoprotein particles is bound to aid the improve- patent in 2006), Europe (pending), Russia (patent
ment of their metabolism/circulation in the host in 2006) and USA (patent in 2007).
body. This is one of the possible explanations why The functional efficacy of this multipotential
strain ME-3 exerted the prolonged resistance of probiotic has been proven by the eradication of
the blood lipoprotein fraction to oxidation, lowered pathogenic microbes and the reduction of liver and
the level of oxLDL and enhanced the total anti- spleen granulomas in Salmonella Typhimurium-
oxidative capacity of sera in both healthy and infected mice treated by the combination of oflox-
diseased strain ME-3 consumers (100,101,162, acin and L. fermentum strain ME-3. When used in
163). Our recent data have shown that administra- capsules or foodstuffs (yoghurt, kefir, cheese) L.
tion of strain ME-3 alleviates the post-prandial fermentum ME-3 expresses several health-promoting
elevation of triglyceride levels in the blood, and effects. It has been shown in different subjects
improves HDL bioquality (elevation of antioxidative (healthy volunteers, patients) with different clinical
enzyme level in HDL particles) (162,163). This study designs (including double-blind, placebo-
new HDL-related antioxidative information is sup- controlled, crossover studies) that this probiotic
ported both by our findings of anti-inflammatory increased the counts of lactobacilli in the intestinal
effects of strain ME-3 on the liver (164) and by tract, lowered the 8-isoprostanes content in urine,
a hepato-protective role for paraoxonase against increased the antioxidative activity, lowered the
inflammation, fibrosis and liver disease mediated content of atherogenic oxLDL, and improved
by OxS (182). post-prandial lipid as well as oxidative stress status
The necessity for new approaches in global in sera, thus demonstrating an anti-atherogenic
cardiovascular risk reduction has become widely effect.
accepted (183). In the prevention of cardiovascular The elaboration of the probiotic L. fermentum
risk the anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants strain ME-3 has drawn on wide international
are considered as a possible ‘third great wave’ cooperative research and has taken more than
(184). The prevention complexes of several diseases 12 years altogether. The new probiotic products
could become more successful by also including containing strain ME-3 have been successfully
probiotics with multivalent biopotency. Hopefully marketed and sold in Baltic countries and Finland.
the antimicrobial and antioxidative probiotic
L. fermentum ME-3 has earned its place in this
putative list of health promoters. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express their sincerest apprecia-
tion to the many organizations such as the University
Summary and conclusions
of Tartu, the Estonian Technology Agency, Enter-
The probiotics aimed at stabilizing the microbial prise Estonia, the Ministry of Science and Education
communities and the health-promoting effects have of Estonia, TERE AS, FoodWest OY, Maitokolmio
an important position in the medical health OY, Probiotical OY and inviduals S. Salminen,
care of different age groups and diseased persons. B. Björkstén, T. Wadström, W. de Vos, G. Gibson,
This paper describes the process of the discovery, M. Ahotupa, E. Songisepp, H. Annuk, E. Sepp, M.
identification and molecular typing of the strain of Laanes, M. Türi, K. Lõivukene, J. Stsepetova,
human origin, Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 (DSM- I. Smidt, I. Roots, K. Julge, T. Voor, K. Truusalu,
14241), elaborated according to the regulations P. Hütt, R. Mändar, P. Naaber, S. Kõljalg, H. Kolk,
of WHO/FAO (2002). In this review the authors H. Andreson, A-L. Prangli, M. Utt, R. Uibo,
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