Assignments Policy

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New Theological College

Internal Assessments Policy Document for Faculty Approval

The following is the proposed policy for internal assessment works to be assigned for students at the
level of B.Th., B.D., and M.Div. classes subject to the approval of the Faculty of NTC. This policy
recommendation has been made on the basis of students’ feedback as well as the
expectation/requirements of the Senate of Serampore and Asia Theological Association academic
regulations. It is important that teachers take into account the nature of assignments and the class
level/year while assigning works to students. Accordingly, junior classes may be given lighter works such
as class Tests (based on class lectures and/or assigned readings) and reading reports [weekly reading
report and weekly summation of class lecture notes (re-written one) submitted on a weekly basis. This
will help them to read along with class teaching, and also listen carefully and then articulate lecture notes
in their own words]; the senior classes may be assigned presentations, research papers, and book
reviews. This proposed policy takes into consideration the class level/year, credit hours, and the nature of
assignments. Following word limit recommended is for assignment for each course and accordingly the
total number of assignments given in each subject should not exceed the word limit. For example: a
teacher is at liberty to assign two assignments for M.Div. class, but the two assignments together should
not exceed 2500 words for a Three Credit Course.

Two Credit Course:

Not more than one Assignment of 1000-1250 words (approximately 4-5 pages double spaced, excluding
footnotes and bibliography)

Three Credit Course: B.Th.

Not more than two Assignments of 1250-1500 words (approximately 5-6 pages double spaced, excluding
footnotes and bibliography)

Three Credit Course: M.Div.

Not more than two Assignments of 2000-2500 words (approximately 8-10 pages double spaced,
excluding footnotes and bibliography)

Four Credit Course: B.D. Orientation and B.D. 1

Not more than two Assignments of 1250-1500 words (approximately 5-6 pages double spaced, excluding
footnotes and bibliography).

Four Credit Course: B.D. 2-4

Not more than two Assignments of 2000-2500 words (approximately 8-10 pages double spaced,
excluding footnotes and bibliography).

Types of Assignments:
Presentation should be assigned only to the advanced classes, B.D. 3-4, M.Div. 2-3, B.Th. 4
Class Test or Mid-term Examination and Reading Report may be given to B.Th. 1-3, M.Div. 1-
2, B.D. Orientation and B.D. 1-2 classes.
Book Reports/Book Review may be assigned to B.Th. 4, M.Div. 2-3, B.D. 2-4 classes.
Research Paper may be given to B.Th. 4, M.Div. 2-3, B.D. 3-4 classes.

Recommendations made by Dr. Biju Chacko and Dr. Palolil V. Joseph as per the advice and on behalf of
the Academic Committee, New Theological College.

October 03, 2019 (Revised as of October 10, 2019 with inputs and suggestions from Several Members)
NTC, Dehradun

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