Unit 8 - Test

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Name: ___________________

Date: _____________

Grivas – CPE Use of English – Unit 8

I. Fill in the blanks with ONE word only (in some cases the first letter is given):
1. We went along silently on tiptoe as not to disturb anyone.
2. I arrived o to find that the others had already left.
3. not confess? You’ll feel better afterwards.
4. I can't h feeling that there has been a mistake.
5. They did but argue for the whole journey.
6. It's no telling him - he won't listen.
7. It wasn't before everyone was laughing and having a good time.
8. Where negotiation fails, they must fall the law.
9. I washed it in hot water - it never o to me to check the label.
10. Local residents r strong objections to the building application.
11. everyone's astonishment, more than 100 people volunteered to help that day.
12. They employ 90 people, t as many as last year.
13. He had l everyone to believe that his family was very wealthy.
14. Many blame Britain's decline on too much red t .
15. Inspiration hit me like a b from the blue on the way home.
16. Any big city should preserve its green b .
17. It's only a s measure, not a long-term solution.
18. You can tell by the l of him that he’s a big eater.
19. It s me as odd that the man didn't introduce himself before he spoke.
20. On b of everyone here, may I wish you a very happy retirement.
21. I am writing to you in reference the job opening in your department.
22. Some of this work isn't up to s .(= not good enough for a particular standard)
23. No one was surprised when they got a divorce. It had been on the c for years.
24. Mary recalls how they were broke and almost living from hand to mouth.
25. It seems that people are too idle to take unwanted items to the refuse collection points.
26. Outside it was -dark and pouring with rain.
27. Such of you wish to leave may do so now.
28. They believe that the government does not spend enough money on health, education, and such .
29. She was i on pursuing a career in business.(=determined)
30. Working well as a team is the key success.
31. She seems to be entirely lacking intelligence.
32. Look, I don't need lectures how to use my own camera.
33. Scott was pretty hard , so I lent him $20.
34. Kathleen thinks she's the hill, but she's only 32.
35. the eleventh hour the government decided that something had to be done.
36. I’m sorry I can’t help you, but I’ve already got too much work my hands.
37. Diane has her hands f with housekeeping chores and a new baby.
38. She acknowledged her remark had been bad taste.
39. Don’t worry, we'll have that fixed in no at all.
40. Two months later the company folded .
41. He'll probably go out with her just to get me.(=take revenge)
42. He e a reputation as a practical joker, yet at the same time could be quite morose.
43. It's demoralizing to work for someone who constantly finds fault you.
44. I’d rather you v your anger on someone else.
45. Sam and I go a long way. We sat next to each other in first grade.
46. Residents had m feelings about marking the anniversary of the bombing of the federal building
47. David seems to have a with children.(=good at dealing with them)
48. Playing does much more than just help kids let steam.
49. As a child I was scared s of going down to the cellar.
50. The songwriter is other than Sir Elton John.

II. Use the word given in capitals on the right to form words that fit in the gaps:
1. He had registered at the hotel under a name. FICTION
2. The country is facing a(n) of refugees. FLOW
3. She said you were a bit with her this afternoon. HAND
4. It's important to between fact and opinion. DIFFER
5. They asked for strict of the law. OBSERVE
6. Merchants will give refunds on any damaged or merchandise. DEFECT
7. Surrender was seen as . HONOUR
8. He needs to be playing regularly because he's a lad. HEAVY
9. I felt myself sinking deeper into and the worst depression I'd ever felt. HOPE
10. A soup for a cold fall or winter supper always seems like the right ticket. HEART
11. We have substituted ideas of comfort for and well-being. HEALTH
12. Even the most criminal would be shocked by the brutality of the crime. HARD
13. His lawyer argued that he was and asked for acquittal. GUILT
14. The book is a account of a young man's travels in South America. HUMOUR
15. These decisions now seem , if not downright wrong. GUIDE
16. They seemed about leaving, as if uncertain of which direction to take. HESITATE
17. I think these people who said those things about him owe him an apology. HATE
18. To your license, contact the Department of Motor Vehicles. NEW
19. They announced their engagement at a family in Vermont. GATHER
20. The for the weekend is unsettled, with periods of heavy rain. LOOK

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